157 research outputs found

    Effect of mechanical activation on the composition if mineral components in humic acids isolated from carbons

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    It is shown that the mechanical activation of oxidized and brown coals is accompanied by an increase in the yield of humic acids and in their content of functional groups. It was demonstrated by atomic-emission spectroscopy that, under a high-intensity mechanical treatment, mineral elements are redistributed in the coal substance and incorporated into the structure of humic acids

    Іван Петрович Павлов - творець вчення про фізіологію травлення

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    Стаття присвячена науковим досягненням великого ученого-фізіолога Івана Петровича Павлова. Висвітлено основні досягнення науковця. Зроблено висновок стосовно значущості досліджень для подальшого розвитку фізіологічної науки. Завдяки І.П. Павлову та його чисельним учням і вчителям фізіологія травлення по праву визнана вітчизняним розділом фізіології. Протягом всього свого життя він плідно і наполегливо працював у найскладніших і найменш досліджених напрямах фізіології та був новатором і революціонером в науці. Наукові досягнення І.П. Павлова мали величезний вплив на вивчення фізіології травлення тварин. Його праці з накладання тваринам постійної фістули підшлункової залози, вивчення секреції соку шлунком за допомогою так званої «уявної годівлі» та створення «ізольованого шлуночку» вчинили справжній переворот в фізіології того часу і залишаються актуальними й зараз. Вчений є автором складної хірургічної методики, яка забезпечує можливість проводити тривалий час на тварині, що одужала після оперативного втручання, спостереження у природних або мало змінених умовах. Його дослідження мали не тільки теоретичне значення, а і практичне. Вони дали змогу вдосконалити раціон сільськогосподарських тварин для отримання значного приросту маси тіла, вдосконалити умови утримання та годівлі тварин

    Social aspects of industrial safety: current challenge

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    The paper discusses the importance of social aspects in industrial safety. Specifics of the Russian society, manifested in culture and set of population’s values cause underestimation of social constituents when breaking labor safety rules. At the same time, industrial infrastructure differs significantly from the environment, so safety in these conditions tends to change its essential characteristics. Governmental measures aimed at the improvement of industrial safety are insufficient. According to the study it is important to consider a technological environment as a field of human activity

    Іван Петрович Павлов - творець вчення про фізіологію травлення

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    The article is sanctified to scientific achievements of large scientist-physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Basic achievements of research worker are reflected. Drawn conclusion in relation to meaningfulness of researches for further development of physiology science. Due to I.P. Pavlov and his numeral students and teachers physiology of digestion is legally acknowledged by the domestic division of physiology. During all life he fruitfully and insistingly worked in the most difficult and the least investigational directions of physiology and was an innovator and revolutionary in science. Scientific achievements of I.P.Pavlov had an enormous influence on the study of physiology of digestion of animals. His labours from imposition by the animal of permanent fistula of pancreas, studies of secretion of juice a stomach by means of the so-called "imaginary feeding" and creation of the "isolated ventricle" was accomplish the real revolution in physiology of that time and remain actual and now. A scientist is the author of difficult surgical methods, which provides possibility to conduct long time on an animal, which got better after operative intervention, supervision in natural or small changed terms. His researches had not only a theoretical value but also practical. They enabled to perfect the ration of agricultural animals for the receipt of considerable increase of mass of body, to perfect the terms of maintenance and feeding of animals.Статья посвящена научным достижениям большого ученого-физиолога Ивана Петровича Павлова. Отражены основные достижения научного работника. Сделан вывод относительно значимости исследований для дальнейшего развития физиологичной науки. Благодаря І.П. Павлову и его численным ученикам и учителям физиология пищеварения по праву признана отечественным разделом физиологии. В течение всей своей жизни он плодотворно и настойчиво работал в самых сложных и наименее исследованных направлениях физиологии и был новатором и революционером в науке. Научные достижения І.П. Павлова имели огромное влияние на изучение физиологии пищеварения животных. Его труды из наложения животным постоянной фистулы поджелудочной железы, изучения секреции сока желудком с помощью так называемого "мнимого кормления" и создания "изолированного желудочка" совершили настоящий переворот в физиологии того времени и остаются актуальными и сейчас. Ученый является автором сложной хирургической методики, которая обеспечивает возможность проводить длительное время на животном, которое выздоровело после оперативного вмешательства, наблюдения в естественных или мало измененных условиях. Его исследования имели не только теоретическое значение, но и практическое. Они дали возможность усовершенствовать рацион сельскохозяйственных животных для получения значительного прироста массы тела, усовершенствовать условия содержания и кормления животных.Стаття присвячена науковим досягненням великого ученого-фізіолога Івана Петровича Павлова. Висвітлено основні досягнення науковця. Зроблено висновок стосовно значущості досліджень для подальшого розвитку фізіологічної науки. Завдяки І.П. Павлову та його чисельним учням і вчителям фізіологія травлення по праву визнана вітчизняним розділом фізіології. Протягом всього свого життя він плідно і наполегливо працював у найскладніших і найменш досліджених напрямах фізіології та був новатором і революціонером в науці. Наукові досягнення І.П. Павлова мали величезний вплив на вивчення фізіології травлення тварин. Його праці з накладання тваринам постійної фістули підшлункової залози, вивчення секреції соку шлунком за допомогою так званої «уявної годівлі» та створення «ізольованого шлуночку» вчинили справжній переворот в фізіології того часу і залишаються актуальними й зараз. Вчений є автором складної хірургічної методики, яка забезпечує можливість проводити тривалий час на тварині, що одужала після оперативного втручання, спостереження у природних або мало змінених умовах.Його дослідження мали не тільки теоретичне значення, а і практичне. Вони дали змогу вдосконалити раціон сільськогосподарських тварин для отримання значного приросту маси тіла, вдосконалити умови утримання та годівлі тварин

    Cybernetic welness of the youth: Psychological aspect

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    The ever more growing relevance of the issue under evaluation is explained by the wide expansion of digital technology that leads to the necessity to ensure cybernetic wellness of the population, especially the young. The goal of this article is to detect the psychological peculiarities of the Internet dependence of the youth. The leading approach to this issue is the empirical one (psychological evaluation); it allows detection of differences in socialization levels depending on severity of the Internet dependence among the students and the connection between the level of the Internet dependence and socialization for the young. The article analyzes the severity of the modern youth’s Internet dependence, describes the main criteria of the Internet addictions, forms of appearance and motives for development of addictive behavior among the young, stages of Internet addictions. This article may be used by the psychologists that perform psychological follow-up within the framework of psychocorrective, training and consulting jobs with students and the youth suffering of or damaged by Internet dependence, or fighting the consequences of Internet-addiction-based behavior. The article may also interest other specialists working with the young (teachers, social workers). © 2016 Zinnatova et al

    Development of digital marketing technologies for promoting educational services of Russian universities in the context of global transformations

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    The article substantiates the need to use digital marketing tools to promote Russian educational services to the international educational market. The concept of a marketing information campaign to promote educational services in foreign countries is proposed, which provides for the use of channels and means of interaction with target groups to form an attractive image of the higher education system and encourage foreign applicants to enroll in Russian universities. Conclusions are formulated about the inclusion in the list of works on the development of the information component of the brand promotion of Russian universities of measures for search SEO optimization of university sites, more active use of SMM tools, the use of targeted, contextual advertising, positioning and placement of information on foreign Internet portals

    Improving Health Industries by the Supply-Chain Policy

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    Abstract— the article deals with issues of the policy in the sphere of protection of a Supply-Chain management’s rights and legitimate interests in the health centres. The issues of protection of the rights of Supply-Chain management in the field of health care revealed. In today's global and national economy, businesses are increasingly relying on outsourcing some of their activities and processes. Therefore, more and more companies at the Supply-Chain level, in specific networks, operate and compete with their suppliers and service providers. This process of outsourcing and the growing importance of supply chains has its consequences in the working conditions and health and safety of workers of supply companies and contractors. There are two main networks of Supply-Chain or relationships between companies and members of their supply chain: the main network (a company and suppliers of its specific goods and materials) and the secondary network (a company and its contractors and subcontractors special services such as activities Maintenance, construction, cleaning or catering This report provides an overview, analysis, conclusions and recommendations on how to upgrade health centers through the above Supply-Chain networks

    Infrastructure of Cultural Leisure in Consumer Society in Student View: Prospects and Problems of Promotion

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    The formation of the cultural leisure infrastructure structures the modern space in a special way and contributes to the formation of a new leisure sphere of modern society. The cultural leisure industry today is not only and not so much a training field, but a huge segment of the country's leisure market. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the cultural leisure infrastructure and its role in the representation of students. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to students' ideas about the ways and problems associated with spending free time. Research results: the article considers the role of leisure in the consumer society. The features of the development of leisure infrastructure are revealed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the field of leisure is considered in the representation of students. It is revealed that leisure time for students is a criterion for identifying the status of a person, acts, as a social marker of a certain lifestyle, is a sphere of manifestation of different capabilities of an individual. It is determined that leisure is often aimed not so much at enjoying free time, as at filling the consumption of non-working time. For the first time, the reasons for the visiting of students in leisure studios are shown. It is revealed that there is a randomness of choice; the desire to find new meanings; a way of searching for oneself. It is shown that students note the leisure industry as a sector where, for a certain fee, the client buys not only the opportunity to spend time, but also new goals and ways of self-expression. It is determined that today leisure studios are not just a place where classes are held twice a week, but also a well-organized recreational space. Leisure studios are organized in such a way that a person who is engaged in, who is interested in it, feels that he belongs to a certain clan. It is revealed that the leisure industry sells not just services, but mood, and it is the leisure studios organized on this principle that are the most successful in the market of leisure services. From the point of view of students, an important role in the leisure industry is played by the teacher, as a guide to the world of hobbies. It is determined that it is the presence of a teacher that structures training in a special way. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Infrastructure of Cultural Leisure in Consumer Society in Student View: Prospects and Problems of Promotion

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    The formation of the cultural leisure infrastructure structures the modern space in a special way and contributes to the formation of a new leisure sphere of modern society. The cultural leisure industry today is not only and not so much a training field, but a huge segment of the country's leisure market. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the cultural leisure infrastructure and its role in the representation of students. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to students' ideas about the ways and problems associated with spending free time. Research results: the article considers the role of leisure in the consumer society. The features of the development of leisure infrastructure are revealed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the field of leisure is considered in the representation of students. It is revealed that leisure time for students is a criterion for identifying the status of a person, acts, as a social marker of a certain lifestyle, is a sphere of manifestation of different capabilities of an individual. It is determined that leisure is often aimed not so much at enjoying free time, as at filling the consumption of non-working time. For the first time, the reasons for the visiting of students in leisure studios are shown. It is revealed that there is a randomness of choice; the desire to find new meanings; a way of searching for oneself. It is shown that students note the leisure industry as a sector where, for a certain fee, the client buys not only the opportunity to spend time, but also new goals and ways of self-expression. It is determined that today leisure studios are not just a place where classes are held twice a week, but also a well-organized recreational space. Leisure studios are organized in such a way that a person who is engaged in, who is interested in it, feels that he belongs to a certain clan. It is revealed that the leisure industry sells not just services, but mood, and it is the leisure studios organized on this principle that are the most successful in the market of leisure services. From the point of view of students, an important role in the leisure industry is played by the teacher, as a guide to the world of hobbies. It is determined that it is the presence of a teacher that structures training in a special way. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue