1,677 research outputs found

    mycosis fungoides in childhood description and study of two siblings

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    Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas are exceedingly rare in children and adolescents. However, mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most frequent primary cutaneous lymphoma diagnosed in childhood. Two cases of MF in siblings (a 14-year-old boy and his 10-year-old sister) are reported. On the basis of clinical features (histopathological and immunophenotypical findings) a diagnosis of MF patch lesions was made in both siblings. Since recent data in the literature have underlined a high frequency of the HLA-DQB1*03 allele in patients with familial MF (including child patients), the HLA profile of the patients was analysed, indicating the presence of a haplotype (HLA-DQB1*03,*03 in the girl, HLA-DQB1*02,*03 in the boy) corresponding with that described in recent literature. Two rare and exceptional cases of MF in siblings are reported, highlighting the presence of a peculiar haplotype

    Cognitive reserve in granulin-related frontotemporal dementia: from preclinical to clinical stages

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    OBJECTIVE Consistent with the cognitive reserve hypothesis, higher education and occupation attainments may help persons with neurodegenerative dementias to better withstand neuropathology before developing cognitive impairment. We tested here the cognitive reserve hypothesis in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), with or without pathogenetic granulin mutations (GRN+ and GRN-), and in presymptomatic GRN mutation carriers (aGRN+). METHODS Education and occupation attainments were assessed and combined to define Reserve Index (RI) in 32 FTD patients, i.e. 12 GRN+ and 20 GRN-, and in 17 aGRN+. Changes in functional connectivity were estimated by resting state fMRI, focusing on the salience network (SN), executive network (EN) and bilateral frontoparietal networks (FPNs). Cognitive status was measured by FTD-modified Clinical Dementia Rating Scale. RESULTS In FTD patients higher level of premorbid cognitive reserve was associated with reduced connectivity within the SN and the EN. EN was more involved in FTD patients without GRN mutations, while SN was more affected in GRN pathology. In aGRN+, cognitive reserve was associated with reduced SN. CONCLUSIONS This study suggests that cognitive reserve modulates functional connectivity in patients with FTD, even in monogenic disease. In GRN inherited FTD, cognitive reserve mechanisms operate even in presymptomatic to clinical stages

    Coherent generation of symmetry-forbidden phonons by light-induced electron-phonon interactions in magnetite

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    Symmetry breaking across phase transitions often causes changes in selection rules and emergence of optical modes which can be detected via spectroscopic techniques or generated coherently in pump-probe experiments. In second-order or weakly first-order transitions, fluctuations of the order parameter are present above the ordering temperature, giving rise to intriguing precursor phenomena, such as critical opalescence. Here, we demonstrate that in magnetite (Fe3_3O4_4) light excitation couples to the critical fluctuations of the charge order and coherently generates structural modes of the ordered phase above the critical temperature of the Verwey transition. Our findings are obtained by detecting coherent oscillations of the optical constants through ultrafast broadband spectroscopy and analyzing their dependence on temperature. To unveil the coupling between the structural modes and the electronic excitations, at the origin of the Verwey transition, we combine our results from pump-probe experiments with spontaneous Raman scattering data and theoretical calculations of both the phonon dispersion curves and the optical constants. Our methodology represents an effective tool to study the real-time dynamics of critical fluctuations across phase transitions

    Solar retinopathy: a new setting of red, green, and blue channels

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    PURPOSE: To introduce a new color imaging technique using improved settings of red, green, and blue channels for improved delineation of retinal damage in patients with solar retinopathy. METHODS: A retrospective case series of patients with poor vision secondary to solar retinopathy were analyzed. All patients underwent visual acuity, refraction, and dilated fundus examination. A spectral domain–optical coherence tomography of the macula and color fundus imaging using optimized red, green, and blue color setting was performed. Patients were reviewed over a 6-month period. The data were analyzed for statistical significance using an independent t test and a receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: In total, 20 eyes of 10 patients were included between 2009 and 2017. The mean age was 24.9 ± 18.1 years. Best corrected visual acuity at first consultation was 0.78 ± 0.11 and after 6 months was 0.83 ± 0.09. Spectral domain–optical coherence tomography demonstrated retinal abnormalities at the myoid zone, ellipsoid zone, and the outer segment of photoreceptors. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed an improving effect (area under the curve = 0.62; 95% confidence interval = 0.42–0.79). The color channels parameters, which improve visualization of the lesions were found to be 67-0.98-255 for the R-guided setting, 19-0.63-121 for the B-guided setting, and 7-1.00-129 for the G-guided setting. The ideal red, green, and blue setting was in 24-0.82-229. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a new setting of red, green, and blue channels could improve the diagnosis and monitoring of solar retinopathy, hence improving patient care

    Proteomic profile of maternal-aged blastocoel fluid suggests a novel role for ubiquitin system in blastocyst quality

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    Purpose: The etiology of maternal aging, a common cause of female factor infertility and a rate-limiting step in vitro fertilization (IVF) success, remains still unclear. Proteomic changes responsible for the impaired successful pregnancy outcome after IVF with aged blastocysts have not been yet evaluated. The objective of this prospective study was to employ proteomic techniques and bioinformatic tools to enlight differences at the protein level in blastocoel fluid of aged and younger woman. Methods: Protein composition of human blastocoel fluid isolated by micromanipulation from 46 blastocysts of women aged <37 years (group A) and 29 of women aged 6537 years (group B) have been identified by a shotgun proteomic approach based on high-resolution nano-liquid chromatography electrospray-ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-ESI-MS/MS) using label free for the relative quantification of their expression levels. Results: The proteomic analysis leads to the identification and quantification of 148 proteins; 132 and 116 proteins were identified in groups A and B, respectively. Interestingly, the identified proteins are mainly involved in processes aimed at fine tuning embryo implantation and development. Among the 100 proteins commonly expressed in both groups, 17 proteins are upregulated and 44 downregulated in group B compared to group A. Overall, the analysis identified 33 proteins, which were increased or present only in B while 76 were decreased in B or present only in A. Conclusions: Data revealed that maternal aging mainly affects blastocyst survival and implantation through unbalancing the equilibrium of the ubiquitin system known to play a crucial role in fine-tuning several aspects required to ensure successful pregnancy outcome

    Carcinoma basocellulare nel genere femminile: indagine clinico-epidemiologica di una neoplasia sorprendentemente prevalente al femminile nelle decadi basse e medie della vita

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    Da ormai diversi anni, un crescente numero di studi sul carcinoma basocellulare ha messo in luce un costante aumento dell’incidenza di questo tumore nella popolazione generale [1-5]. Questo lavoro si prefissa di delineare gli aspetti clinico-epidemiologici del carcinoma basocellulare mediante un’analisi retrospettiva della popolazione afferente presso la Clinica Dermatologica della Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia, proponendo quindi un’indagine sull’arco degli ultimi 10 anni, incentrata sulla frequenza di questa neoplasia nel sesso femminile. Da tale indagine emerge in modo chiaro come in quest’ultimo decennio le donne giovani-adulte trattate per carcinoma basocellulare nella nostra Clinica siano aumentate in modo considerevole e come, contrariamente alle età più avanzate, nelle decadi basse il genere femminile sia maggiormente rappresentato

    Enhanced dynamic functional connectivity (whole-brain chronnectome) in chess experts

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    Multidisciplinary approaches have demonstrated that the brain is potentially modulated by the long-term acquisition and practice of specific skills. Chess playing can be considered a paradigm for shaping brain function, with complex interactions among brain networks possibly enhancing cognitive processing. Dynamic network analysis based on resting-state magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) can be useful to explore the effect of chess playing on whole-brain fluidity/dynamism (the chronnectome). Dynamic connectivity parameters of 18 professional chess players and 20 beginner chess players were evaluated applying spatial independent component analysis (sICA), sliding-time window correlation, and meta-state approaches to rs-fMRI data. Four indexes of meta-state dynamic fluidity were studied: i) the number of distinct meta-states a subject pass through, ii) the number of switches from one meta-state to another, iii) the span of the realized meta-states (the largest distance between two meta-states that subjects occupied), and iv) the total distance travelled in the state space. Professional chess players exhibited an increased dynamic fluidity, expressed as a higher number of occupied meta-states (meta-state numbers, 75.8 ± 7.9 vs 68.8 ± 12.0, p = 0.043 FDR-corrected) and changes from one meta-state to another (meta-state changes, 77.1 ± 7.3 vs 71.2 ± 11.0, p = 0.043 FDR-corrected) than beginner chess players. Furthermore, professional chess players exhibited an increased dynamic range, with increased traveling between successive meta-states (meta-state total distance, 131.7 ± 17.8 vs 108.7 ± 19.7, p = 0.0004 FDR-corrected). Chess playing may induce changes in brain activity through the modulation of the chronnectome. Future studies are warranted to evaluate if these potential effects lead to enhanced cognitive processing and if "gaming" might be used as a treatment in clinical practice

    Porocheratosi in corso di GVHD cutanea cronica

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    La porocheratosi è un raro disordine della cheratinizzazione di cui esistono forme ereditarie ed acquisite. Clini-camente è caratterizzata da lesioni anulari ad estensione centrifuga con margini ipercheratosici o, più raramente, da placche ipercheratosiche lineari. L’insorgenza della porocheratosi nel contesto dell’immunosopressione iatrogena è stata descritta in letteratura, soprattutto in pazienti che hanno ricevuto un trapianto d’organo solido. Meno comune è la porocheratosi in pazienti sottoposti a terapia immunosoppressiva dopo trapianto di cellule staminali ematopoietiche. Descriviamo un paziente di 16 anni affetto da leucemia mieloide acuta sottoposto a trapianto di midollo osseo che ha sviluppato porocheratosi due anni dopo il trapianto, in remissione ematologica e nel contesto di un quadro di malattia del trapianto contro l’ospite (Graft Versus Host Disease, GVHD) cronica sclerodermiforme. Le lesioni sono state trattate inizialmente con crioterapia ed escissione chirurgica; tuttavia considerate le numerose recidive è stata introdotta terapia con acitretina, con buoni risultati clinici dopo 8 settimane di terapia. Attualmente il paziente è in buone condizioni generali, con remissione completa della GVHD cronica e buon controllo delle lesioni cutanee di porocheratosi

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Plasma 7-Ketocholesterol and Cholestan-3β,5α,6β-Triol in an Italian Cohort of Patients Affected by Niemann-Pick Disease due to NPC1 and SMPD1 Mutations

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    : Niemann-Pick C disease (NPCD) is a rare autosomal recessive neurovisceral disorder with a heterogeneous clinical presentation. Cholestan-3β,5α,6β-triol and 7-ketocholesterol have been proposed as biomarkers for the screening of NPCD. In this work, we assessed oxysterols levels in a cohort of Italian patients affected by NPCD and analyzed the obtained results in the context of the clinical, biochemical and molecular data. In addition, a group of patients affected by Niemann-Pick B disease (NPBD) were also analyzed. NPC patients presented levels of both oxysterols way above the cut off value, except for 5 siblings presenting the variant biochemical phenotype who displayed levels of 3β,5α,6β-triol below or just above the cut-off value; 2 of them presented also normal levels of 7-KC. Both oxysterols were extremely high in a patient presenting the neonatal systemic lethal phenotype. All NPB patients showed increased oxysterols levels. In conclusion, the reported LC-MS/MS assay provides a robust non-invasive screening tool for NPCD. However, false negative results can be obtained in patients expressing the variant biochemical phenotype. These data strengthen the concept that the results should always be interpreted in the context of the patients' clinical picture and filipin staining and/or genetic studies might still be undertaken in patients with normal levels of oxysterols if symptoms are highly suggestive of NPCD. Both oxysterols are significantly elevated in NPB patients; thus a differential diagnosis should always be performed in patients presenting isolated hepatosplenomegaly, a common clinical sign of both NPCD and NPBD
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