101 research outputs found

    Extraction of rare earth elements from hydrate-phosphate precipitates of apatite processing

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    The features of extraction of rare earth elements (REE) were considered from hydrate-phosphate precipitates of REE of apatite processing by nitric acid technology. The preliminary purification of nitrate solution of REE from impurities of titanium, aluminum, iron, uranium and thorium was suggested to obtain stable solutions not forming precipitates. Washing the extract was recommended with the evaporated reextract that allows to obtain directly on the cascade of REE extraction the concentrated solutions suitable for the separation into groups by the extraction method. Technical decisions were suggested for the separation of REE in groups without the use of salting-out agent

    The ural scientists – health care managers – the followers of the scientific school of professor Vivelichkin

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    The article presents the history of the development of the Ural scientific school of health care managers, biographies and scientific achievements of leading scientists of the Middle Urals.В статье представлена история развития уральской научной школы организаторов здравоохранения, биографии и научные достижения ведущих ученых Среднего Урала

    Комплексная переработка торфа месторождения Есмоновский Мох с получением наукоемкой продукции

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    The possible directions of the complex use of the identified peat funds of the Esmonovskiy Mokh deposit are grounded with the account of research on the distribution of the categories of peat raw material, the determination of its qualitative characteristics and the estimation of suitability for the release of recommended production. Activated carbon, oil sorbent and concentrate microfertilizer are suggested as the main types of the products of the deep complex proceeding of the peat studied.Обоснованы возможные направления комплексного использования выявленных запасов торфа месторождения Есмоновский Мох с учетом исследований по распределению запасов категорий торфяного сырья, определению их качественных характеристик и оценке пригодности для выпуска рекомендованной продукции. В качестве основных видов продукции комплексной переработки исследованного торфа предложены: активированный уголь, нефтесорбент и концентрированное микроудобрени


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    The prospects of the energy and technology use of biomass in the world and in the Republic of Belarus are considered, the comparative analysis of ways of its thermochemical degradation is performed, the experimental studies of the pyrolysis of mixed compositions with peat are presented.Рассмотрены перспективы энерготехнологического использования биомассы в мире и Республике Беларусь, проведен сравнительный анализ способов ее термохимической деструкции, представлены экспериментальные исследования пиролиза их смесевых композиций с торфом

    Well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems

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    [EN] In this paper, we study well-posedness for the following third-order in time equation with delay <disp-formula idoperators defined on a Banach space X with domains D(A) and D(B) such that t)is the state function taking values in X and u(t): (-, 0] X defined as u(t)() = u(t+) for < 0 belongs to an appropriate phase space where F and G are bounded linear operators. Using operator-valued Fourier multiplier techniques we provide optimal conditions for well-posedness of equation (0.1) in periodic Lebesgue-Bochner spaces Lp(T,X), periodic Besov spaces Bp,qs(T,X) and periodic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,qs(T,X). A novel application to an inverse problem is given.The first, second and third authors have been supported by MEC, grant MTM2016-75963-P. The second author has been supported by AICO/2016/30. The fourth author has been supported by MEC, grant MTM2015-65825-P.Conejero, JA.; Lizama, C.; Murillo-Arcila, M.; Seoane Sepúlveda, JB. (2019). Well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 229(1):219-254. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11856-018-1796-8S2192542291K. Abbaoui and Y. Cherruault, New ideas for solving identification and optimal control problems related to biomedical systems, International Journal of Biomedical Computing 36 (1994), 181–186.M. Al Horani and A. Favini, Perturbation method for first- and complete second-order differential equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 166 (2015), 949–967.H. Amann, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers, vector-valued Besov spaces, and applications, Mathematische Nachrichten 186 (1997), 5–56.U. A. Anufrieva, A degenerate Cauchy problem for a second-order equation. A wellposedness criterion, Differentsial’nye Uravneniya 34 (1998), 1131–1133; English translation: Differential Equations 34 (1999), 1135–1137.W. Arendt and S. Bu, The operator-valued Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem and maximal regularity, Mathematische Zeitschrift 240 (2002), 311–343.W. Arendt and S. Bu, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on periodic Besov spaces and applications, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 47 (2004), 15–33.W. Arendt, C. Batty and S. Bu, Fourier multipliers for Holder continuous functions and maximal regularity, Studia Mathematica 160 (2004), 23–51.V. Barbu and A. Favini, Periodic problems for degenerate differential equations, Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 28 (1996), 29–57.A. Bátkai and S. Piazzera, Semigroups for Delay Equations, Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 10, A K Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2005.S. Bu, Well-posedness of second order degenerate differential equations in vector-valued function spaces, Studia Mathematica 214 (2013), 1–16.S. Bu and G. Cai, Periodic solutions of third-order degenerate differential equations in vector-valued functional spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics 212 (2016), 163–188.S. Bu and G. Cai, Well-posedness of second-order degenerate differential equations with finite delay in vector-valued function spaces, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 288 (2017), 27–46.S. Bu and Y. Fang, Periodic solutions of delay equations in Besov spaces and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 13 (2009), 1063–1076.S. Bu and J. Kim, Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on periodic Triebel spaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica 21 (2005), 1049–1056.G. Cai and S. Bu, Well-posedness of second order degenerate integro-differential equations with infinite delay in vector-valued function spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten 289 (2016), 436–451.R. Chill and S. Srivastava, Lp-maximal regularity for second order Cauchy problems, Mathematische Zeitschrift 251 (2005), 751–781.R. Denk, M. Hieber and J. Prüss, R-boundedness, Fourier multipliers and problems of elliptic and parabolic type, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 166 (2003).O. Diekmann, S. A. van Giles, S. M. Verduyn Lunel and H.-O. Walther, Delay Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 110, Springer, New York, 1995.K. J. Engel and R. Nagel, One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 194, Springer, New York, 2000.M. Fabrizio, A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, An optimal control problem for a singular system of solid liquid phase-transition, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 31 (2010), 989–1022.A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, Periodic behavior for a degenerate fast diffusion equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 351 (2009), 509–521.A. Favini and G. Marinoschi, Identification of the time derivative coefficients in a fast diffusion degenerate equation, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 145 (2010), 249–269.A. Favini and A. Yagi, Degenerate differential equations in Banach spaces, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 215, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999.X. L. Fu and M. Li, Maximal regularity of second-order evolution equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 224 (2014), 199–219.G. C. Gorain, Boundary stabilization of nonlinear vibrations of a flexible structure in a bounded domain in Rn, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 319 (2006), 635–650.P. Grisvard, Équations différentielles abstraites, Annales Scientifiques de l’école Normale Superieure 2 (1969), 311–395.J. K. Hale and W. Huang, Global geometry of the stable regions for two delay differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 178 (1993), 344–362.Y. Hino, S. Murakami and T. Naito, Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1473, Springer, Berlin, 1991.B. Kaltenbacher, I. Lasiecka and M. Pospieszalska, Well-posedness and exponential decay of the energy in the nonlinear Moore-Gibson-Thomson equation arising in high intensity ultrasound, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 22 (2012), 1250035.V. Keyantuo and C. Lizama, Fourier multipliers and integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 69 (2004), 737–750.V. Keyantuo and C. Lizama, Maximal regularity for a class of integro-differential equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 168 (2005), 25–50.V. Keyantuo, C. Lizama and V. Poblete, Periodic solutions of integro-differential euations in vector-valued function spaces, Journal of Differential Equations 246 (2009), 1007–1037.C. Lizama, Fourier multipliers and periodic solutions of delay equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 324 (2006), 921–933.C. Lizama and V. Poblete, Maximal regularity of delay equations in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica 175 (2006), 91–102.C. Lizama and R. Ponce, Periodic solutions of degenerate differential equations in vector valued function spaces, Studia Mathematica 202 (2011), 49–63.C. Lizama and R. Ponce, Maximal regularity for degenerate differential equations with infinite delay in periodic vector-valued function spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 56 (2013), 853–871.R. Marchand, T. Mcdevitt and R. Triggiani, An abstract semigroup approach to the third-order Moore–Gibson–Thompson partial differential equation arising in highintensity ultrasound: structural decomposition, spectral analysis, exponential stability, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (2012), 1896–1929.V. Poblete, Solutions of second-order integro-differential equations on periodic Besov spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 50 (2007), 477–492.V. Poblete and J. C. Pozo, Periodic solutions of an abstract third-order differential equation, Studia Mathematica 215 (2013), 195–219.J. Prüss, Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications, Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 87, Birkhäuser, Heidelberg, 1993.G. A. Sviridyuk and V. E. Fedorov, Linear Sobolev type Equations and Degenerate Semigroups of Operators, Inverse and Ill-posed Problems Series, VSP, Utrecht, 2003.L. Weis, Operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorems and maximal Lp-regularity, Mathematische Annalen 319 (2001), 735–758

    Development of the scientific school of public health and healthcare at the Ural state medical university

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    The article presents the main historical stages and actual research trends of the scientific school of public health and healthcare organization at the Ural state medical universityВ статье представлены основные исторические этапы и современные направления исследований научной школы общественного здоровья и организации здравоохранения в Уральском государственном медицинском университет

    The role of educational institutions in promotion of the health and healthy lifestyles to pupils of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The purpose of the study was to explore the opinions of pupils, parents and teachers about health and lifestyle and to identify key areas of preventing work with pupils. The respondents group was 5738 students of the 4-11 classes, 7703 parents and 497 teachers. A large part of the students (40 - 70% at various ages) have symptoms of deviations in health and behavioral risk factors. Children copy their parents’ lifestyles. As the students grow older their medical activity increases (doctor visits, vaccination), but preventive activity decreases (physical activity, routine daily schedule, balanced diet). More than 90% of pupils and parents are interested in improving the quality of medical care and strengthening the preventive work at school. Teachers point out the absence of the systematical approach to the work at schools and their own lack of knowledge in the prevention. Results of the research have been used to develop preventive maintenance school programs.Проведено исследование с целью изучить мнение школьников, родителей и учителей о здоровье и образе жизни и определить основные направления профилактической работы с учащимися. Исследуемая группа - 5738 школьников 4-11 классов, 7703 родителя и 497 педагогов. Значительная часть учащихся (от 40 до 70% в различных возрастах) имеют симптомы отклонений в состоянии здоровья, поведенческие факторы риска. Дети воспроизводят модели образа жизни своих родителей. С возрастом среди школьников медицинская активность возрастает (обращение к врачу, профилактическая иммунизация), но профилактическая активность снижается (занятие физкультурой, режим дня, рациональное питание). Более 90% учащихся и родителей заинтересованы в улучшении качества медицинской помощи и усилении профилактической работы в школе. Преподаватели отмечают отсутствие системного подхода к работе школ и недостаточные профилактические знания. Результаты исследования использованы при разработке школьных программ профилактики

    Lipoprotein Signatures of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: CETP inhibition reduces vascular event rates but confusion surrounds its low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol effects. We sought to clarify associations of genetic inhibition of CETP on detailed lipoproteins. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used variants associated with CETP (rs247617) and HMGCR (rs12916) expression in 62,400 Europeans with detailed lipoprotein profiling from nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Genetic associations were scaled to 10% lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Associations of lipoprotein measures with risk of incident CHD in three population-based cohorts (770 cases) were examined. CETP and HMGCR had near-identical associations with LDL-cholesterol concentration estimated by Friedewald-equation. HMGCR had a relatively consistent effect on cholesterol concentrations across all apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. CETP had stronger effects on remnant and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol but no effect on cholesterol concentrations in LDL defined by particle size (diameter 18-26 nm) (-0.02SD 95%CI: -0.10, 0.05 for CETP versus -0.24SD, 95%CI -0.30, -0.18 for HMGCR). CETP had profound effects on lipid compositions of lipoproteins, with strong reductions in the triglyceride content of all high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. These alterations in triglyceride composition within HDL subclasses were observationally associated with risk of CHD, independently of total cholesterol and triglycerides (strongest HR per 1-SD higher triglyceride composition in very-large HDL 1.35; 95%CI: 1.18, 1.54). CONCLUSION: CETP inhibition does not affect size-specific LDL cholesterol but may lower CHD risk by lowering cholesterol in other apolipoprotein-B containing lipoproteins and lowering triglyceride content of HDL particles. Conventional composite lipid assays may mask heterogeneous effects of lipid-altering therapies

    Lipoprotein signatures of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and HMG-CoA reductase inhibition

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    Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibition reduces vascular event risk, but confusion surrounds its effects on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Here, we clarify associations of genetic inhibition of CETP on detailed lipoprotein measures and compare those to genetic inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR). We used an allele associated with lower CETP expression (rs247617) to mimic CETP inhibition and an allele associated with lower HMGCR expression (rs12916) to mimic the well-known effects of statins for comparison. The study consists of 65,427 participants of European ancestries with detailed lipoprotein subclass profiling from nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Genetic associations were scaled to 10% reduction in relative risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). We also examined observational associations of the lipoprotein subclass measures with risk of incident CHD in 3 population-based cohorts totalling 616 incident cases and 13,564 controls during 8-year follow-up. Genetic inhibition of CETP and HMGCR resulted in near-identical associations with LDL cholesterol concentration estimated by the Friedewald equation. Inhibition of HMGCR had relatively consistent associations on lower cholesterol concentrations across all apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. In contrast, the associations of the inhibition of CETP were stronger on lower remnant and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol, but there were no associations on cholesterol concentrations in LDL defined by particle size (diameter 18-26 nm) (-0.02 SD LDL defined by particle size; 95% CI: -0.10 to 0.05 for CETP versus -0.24 SD, 95% CI -0.30 to -0.18 for HMGCR). Inhibition of CETP was strongly associated with lower proportion of triglycerides in all high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. In observational analyses, a higher triglyceride composition within HDL subclasses was associated with higher risk of CHD, independently of total cholesterol and triglycerides (strongest hazard ratio per 1 SD higher triglyceride composition in very large HDL 1.35; 95% CI: 1.18-1.54). In conclusion, CETP inhibition does not appear to affect size-specific LDL cholesterol but is likely to lower CHD risk by lowering concentrations of other atherogenic, apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins (such as remnant and VLDLs). Inhibition of CETP also lowers triglyceride composition in HDL particles, a phenomenon reflecting combined effects of circulating HDL, triglycerides, and apolipoprotein B-containing particles and is associated with a lower CHD risk in observational analyses. Our results reveal that conventional composite lipid assays may mask heterogeneous effects of emerging lipid-altering therapies.</p

    Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

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    Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6. Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural and urban place of residence in 200 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020. In 1990, children and adolescents residing in cities were taller than their rural counterparts in all but a few high-income&nbsp;countries. By 2020, the urban height advantage became smaller in most countries, and in many high-income western countries it reversed into a small urban-based disadvantage. The exception was for boys in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in some countries in Oceania, south Asia and the region of central Asia, Middle East and north Africa. In these countries, successive cohorts of boys from rural places either did not gain height or possibly became shorter, and hence fell further behind their urban peers. The difference between the age-standardized mean BMI of children in urban and rural areas was &lt;1.1 kg m–2 in the vast majority of&nbsp;countries. Within this small range, BMI increased slightly more in cities than in rural areas, except in south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and some countries in central and eastern Europe. Our results show that in much of the world, the growth and developmental advantages of living in cities have diminished in the twenty-first century, whereas in much of sub-Saharan Africa they have amplified