198 research outputs found

    Bifurcations in unsteady aerodynamics

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    Nonlinear algebraic functional expansions are used to create a form for the unsteady aerodynamic response that is consistent with solutions of the time dependent Navier-Stokes equations. An enumeration of means of invalidating Frechet differentiability of the aerodynamic response, one of which is aerodynamic bifurcation, is proposed as a way of classifying steady and unsteady aerodynamic phenomena that are important in flight dynamics applications. Accomodating bifurcation phenomena involving time dependent equilibrium states within a mathematical model of the aerodynamic response raises an issue of memory effects that becomes more important with each successive bifurcation

    On the formulation of the aerodynamic characteristics in aircraft dynamics

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    The theory of functionals is used to reformulate the notions of aerodynamic indicial functions and superposition. Integral forms for the aerodynamic response to arbitrary motions are derived that are free of dependence on a linearity assumption. Simplifications of the integral forms lead to practicable nonlinear generalizations of the linear superpositions and stability derivative formulations. Applied to arbitrary nonplanar motions, the generalization yields a form for the aerodynamic response that can be compounded of the contributions from a limited number of well-defined characteristic motions, in principle reproducible in the wind tunnel. Further generalizations that would enable the consideration of random fluctuations and multivalued aerodynamic responses are indicated

    An algebraic criterion for the onset of chaos in nonlinear dynamic systems

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    The correspondence between iterated integrals and a noncommutative algebra is used to recast the given dynamical system from the time domain to the Laplace-Borel transform domain. It is then shown that the following algebraic criterion has to be satisfied for the outset of chaos: the limit (as tau approaches infinity and x sub 0 approaches infinity) of ((sigma(k=0) (tau sup k) / (k* x sub 0 sup k)) G II G = 0, where G is the generating power series of the trajectories, the symbol II is the shuffle product (le melange) of the noncommutative algebra, x sub 0 is a noncommutative variable, and tau is the correlation parameter. In the given equation, symbolic forms for both G and II can be obtained by use of one of the currently available symbolic languages such as PLI, REDUCE, and MACSYMA. Hence, the criterion is a computer-algebraic one

    Unsteady Newton-Busemann flow theory. Part 2: Bodies of revolution

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    Newtonian flow theory for unsteady flow past oscillating bodies of revolution at very high Mach numbers is completed by adding a centrifugal force correction to the impact pressures. Exact formulas for the unsteady pressure and the stability derivatives are obtained in closed form and are applicable to bodies of revolution that have arbitrary shapes, arbitrary thicknesses, and either sharp or blunt noses. The centrifugal force correction arising from the curved trajectories followed by the fluid particles in unsteady flow cannot be neglected even for the case of a circular cone. With this correction, the present theory is in excellent agreement with experimental results for sharp cones and for cones with small nose bluntness; gives poor agreement with the results of experiments in air for bodies with moderate or large nose bluntness. The pitching motions of slender power-law bodies of revulution are shown to be always dynamically stable according to Newton-Busemann theory

    Nonlinear problems in flight dynamics

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    A comprehensive framework is proposed for the description and analysis of nonlinear problems in flight dynamics. Emphasis is placed on the aerodynamic component as the major source of nonlinearities in the flight dynamic system. Four aerodynamic flows are examined to illustrate the richness and regularity of the flow structures and the nature of the flow structures and the nature of the resulting nonlinear aerodynamic forces and moments. A framework to facilitate the study of the aerodynamic system is proposed having parallel observational and mathematical components. The observational component, structure is described in the language of topology. Changes in flow structure are described via bifurcation theory. Chaos or turbulence is related to the analogous chaotic behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems characterized by the existence of strange attractors having fractal dimensionality. Scales of the flow are considered in the light of ideas from group theory. Several one and two degree of freedom dynamical systems with various mathematical models of the nonlinear aerodynamic forces and moments are examined to illustrate the resulting types of dynamical behavior. The mathematical ideas that proved useful in the description of fluid flows are shown to be similarly useful in the description of flight dynamic behavior

    Bifurcation analysis of aircraft pitching motions near the stability boundary

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    Bifuraction theory is used to analyze the nonlinear dynamic stability characteristics of an aircraft subject to single degree of freedom pitching-motion perturbations about a large mean angle of attack. The requisite aerodynamic information in the equations of motion is represented in a form equivalent to the response to finite-amplitude pitching oscillations about the mean angle of attack. This information is deduced from the case of infinitesimal-amplitude oscillations. The bifurcation theory analysis reveals that when the mean angle of attack is increased beyond a critical value at which the aerodynamic damping vanishes, new solutions representing finite-amplitude periodic motions bifurcate from the previously stable steady motion. The sign of a simple criterion, cast in terms of aerodynamic properties, determines whether the bifurcating solutions are stable (supercritical) or unstable (subcritical). For flat-plate airfoils flying at supersonic/hypersonic speed, the bifurcation is subcritical, implying either that exchanges of stability between steady and periodic motion are accompanied by hysteresis phenomena, or that potentially large aperiodic departures from steady motion may develop

    The role of time-history effects in the formulation of the aerodynamics of aircraft dynamics

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    The scope of any aerodynamic formulation proposing to embrace a range of possible maneuvers is shown to be determined principally by the extent to which the aerodynamic indicial response is allowed to depend on the past motion. Starting from the linearized formulation, in which the indicial response is independent of the past motion, two successively more comprehensive statements about the dependence on the past motion are assigned to the indicial response: (1) dependence only on the recent past and (2) dependence additionally on a characteristic feature of the distant past. The first enables the rational introduction of nonlinear effects and accommodates a description of the rate dependent aerodynamic phenomena characteristic of airfoils in low speed dynamic stall; the second permits a description of the double valued aerodynamic behavior characteristic of certain kinds of aircraft stall. An aerodynamic formulation based on the second statement, automatically embracing the first, may be sufficiently comprehensive to include a large part of the aircraft's possible maneuvers. The results suggest a favorable conclusion regarding the role of dynamic stability experiments in flight dynamics studies

    On issues concerning flow separation and vortical flows in 3 dimensions

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    This review provides an illustrated introduction laying the knowledge base for vortical flows about three dimensional configurations that are of typical interest to aerodynamicists and researchers in fluid mechanics. The paper then compiles a list of ten issues, again in illustrative format, that the authors deem important to the understanding of complex vortical flows. These issues and our responses to them provide, it is hoped, a skeletal framework on which to hang the ensuing conference proceedings

    Nonlinear problems in flight dynamics involving aerodynamic bifurcations

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    Aerodynamic bifurcation is defined as the replacement of an unstable equilibrium flow by a new stable equilibrium flow at a critical value of a parameter. A mathematical model of the aerodynamic contribution to the aircraft's equations of motion is amended to accommodate aerodynamic bifurcations. Important bifurcations such as, the onset of large-scale vortex-shedding are defined. The amended mathematical model is capable of incorporating various forms of aerodynamic responses, including those associated with dynamic stall of airfoils

    Three-dimensional flows about simple components at angle of attack

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    The structures of three dimensional separated flow about some chosen aerodynamic components at angle of attack are synthesized, holding strictly to the notion that streamlines in the external flow (viscous plus inviscid) and skin friction lines on the body surface may be considered as trajectories having properties consistent with those of continuous vector fields. Singular points in the fields are of limited number and are classified as simple nodes and saddles. Analogous flow structures at high angles of attack about blunt and pointed bodies, straight and swept wings, etc., are discussed, highlighting the formation of spiral nodes (foci) in the pattern of the skin friction lines. How local and global three dimensional separation lines originate and form is addressed, and the characteristics of both symmetric and asymmetric leeward wakes are described