17 research outputs found

    Stable Field Emission from Layered MoS2 Nanosheets in High Vacuum and Observation of 1/f Noise

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    Field emission and current noise of hydrothermally synthesized MoS2 nanosheets are investigated in ultra-high-vacuum and industrially suited high-vacuum conditions. The study reveals that the emission turn-on field is pressure dependent. Moreover, the MoS2 nano‐sheets exhibit more stable field-electron emission in high- vacuum than in ultra-high-vacuum conditions. The investigations on field-emission current fluctuations show features of 1/f-type noise in ultra-high-vacuum and high-vacuum conditions, attributed to adsorption and desorption processes. The post-field-emission results indicate the MoS2 nanosheets are a robust field emitter in high-vacuum conditions

    Temperature Dependent Phonon Shifts in Single-Layer WS<sub>2</sub>

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    Atomically thin two-dimensional tungsten disulfide (WS<sub>2</sub>) sheets have attracted much attention due to their potential for future nanoelectronic device applications. We report first experimental investigation on temperature dependent Raman spectra of single-layer WS<sub>2</sub> prepared using micromechanical exfoliation. Our temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy results shows that the E<sup>1</sup><sub>2g</sub> and A<sub>1g</sub> modes of single-layer WS<sub>2</sub> soften as temperature increases from 77 to 623 K. The calculated temperature coefficients of the frequencies of 2LA­(M), E<sup>1</sup><sub>2g</sub>, A<sub>1g</sub>, and A<sub>1g</sub>(M) + LA­(M) modes of single-layer WS<sub>2</sub> were observed to be −0.008, −0.006, −0.006, and −0.01 cm<sup>–1</sup> K<sup>–1</sup>, respectively. The results were explained in terms of a double resonance process which is active in atomically thin nanosheet. This process can also be largely applicable in other emerging single-layer materials