297 research outputs found

    Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Pembatalan Dan Pencabutan Sertipikat Hak Pengelolaan Yang Didalamnya Terdapat Alas Hak Kepemilikan Atas Tanah Orang Lain (Studi Putusan Nomor 37 Pk/tun/2013)

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    The problems of the research were what were the Judge' considerations in settling the case in the Verdict of the PK (Judicial Review) No. 37 PK/TUN/2013, how the legal efforts of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I, and how the execution of the Verdict of the PK No.37 PK/TUN/2013 was. In order to find the answers to the problems, this research was descriptive analytical. The Judge's considerations in the Verdict of the PK No.37 PK/TUN/2013 regarding the annulment and revocation of the certificate was in line with the procedure. The legal efforts that could be made by PT. Pelindo I (Persero) was applying for the establishment that the invalidation was nonexecutable, making remeasurement of the land and making resistance. The Verdict of PK No. 37 PK/TUN/2013 regarding the annulment and revocation of the certificate of Management Rights No.1/1993 belonging to PT.Pelindo I (Persero) could not be executed (non-executable)

    Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Studi Kasus: Cinema Xxi Imax Gandaria City, Jakarta)

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    The objective of this study is to examine the effect of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction, taking the case study of Cinema XXI IMAX Gandaria City, Jakarta. The concepts of experiential marketing (i.e. strategic experiential modules and experience providers) and customer satisfaction were taken from various resources. Both primary and secondary data were employed. Secondary data were taken from journals, books, and articles. Primary data were collected using self-administered questionnaire which were distributed to the respondents through online and offline method. Respondents were those who had watched at Cinema XXI IMAX Gandaria City, Jakarta for at least two times in the last six months. Using purposive sampling technique, a total sample of 100 respondents was obtained. Validity and reliability tests were employed to examine the research instruments. The statistical data were analyzed by SPSS software version 17.0. The multiple linier regression analysis was employed to verify the hypotheses. The result shows that strategic experiential modules and experience providers partially and simultaneously, had significant influence on customer satisfaction

    Identification of a novelABCD1 mutation in a family with Adrenoleukodistrophy

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    X-linked adrenoleukodistrophy (X-ALD) is the most common peroxisomal disorder. The disease is caused by muta>ons in the ABCD1 gene that encodes the peroxisomal membrane protein ALDP which is involved in the transmembrane transport of very long-chain faGy acids (VLCFA; >22). A defect in ALDP results in elevated levels of VLCFA in plasma and >ssues. The clinical spectrum in males with X-ALD ranges from isolated adrenocor>cal insufficiency and slowly progressive myelopathy to devasta>ng cerebral demyelina>on. The majority of heterozygous females will develop symptoms by the age of 60 years. We describe a family with six members carrying a novel heterozygous muta>on IVS4+2T>A (c.1393+2T>A) of the ABCD1 gene highligh>ng the wide range of phenotypic manifesta>ons of ALD

    Detection of enteric viral and bacterial pathogens associated with paediatric diarrhoea in Goroka, Papua New Guinea

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the viral and bacterial causes of acute watery diarrhoea in hospitalized children in Papua New Guinea. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on stool samples collected from 199 children (age < 5 years) admitted to the paediatric ward of Goroka General Hospital from August 2009 through November 2010. A large range of viral and bacterial enteric pathogens were targeted using real-time PCR/RT-PCR assays. Results: Young children were much more likely to be admitted with acute gastroenteritis, with 62.8% of patients aged <1 year and 88.4% aged <2 years. An enteric pathogen was detected in 69.8% (n = 138) of patients. The most commonly detected pathogens were Shigella spp (26.6%), rotavirus (25.6%), adenovirus types 40/41 (11.6%), enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (11.1%), enteropathogenic E. coli (8.5%), norovirus G2 (6.0%), and Campylobacter spp (4.0%). Norovirus G1, sapovirus, and Salmonella spp were also detected, but below our statistical limit of detection. Vibrio cholerae and astrovirus were not detected in any patients. Mixed infections were detected in 22.1% of patients, with Shigella and rotavirus most commonly detected in co-infections with other pathogens. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that Shigella and rotavirus are the major pathogens associated with acute paediatric gastroenteritis in this setting

    Enabling high reliability power modules : a multidisciplinary task

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    Reliability of power electronic systems is a major concern for application engineers in the automotive and power system sectors. Power electronic modules are one of the main sources of failure in wind energy conversion systems. Power electronic converters used in wind turbine electric drive trains, railway traction, more-electric-aircrafts, marine propulsion and grid connected systems like FACTS/HVDC require reliable power devices and modules. Wide bandgap semiconductors like SiC have demonstrated enlarged electrothermal Safe-Operating-Areas compared with silicon devices. However, the reliability of SiC power modules and packages has been identified as an area of potential weakness. Traditional packaging systems have been developed for Si hence the different thermomechanical properties of SiC cause different stresses in the packaging thereby potentially causing reduced reliability. This paper identifies some of the key areas for the development of reliable power electronic systems using SiC. The focus is on condition monitoring, packaging system innovation and thermomechanical stress analysis as a function of the mechanical properties of Si and SiC. Power cycling experiments and finite element models have been used to support the analysis

    Recurrent NF1 gene variants and their genotype/phenotype correlations in patients with Neurofibromatosis type I

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    Neurofibromatosis type I, a genetic condition due to pathogenic variants in the NF1 gene, is burdened by a high rate of complications, including neoplasms, which increase morbidity and mortality for the disease. We retrospectively re-evaluated the NF1 gene variants found in the period 2000\u20132019 and we studied for genotype/phenotype correlations of disease complications and neoplasms 34 variants, which were shared by at least two unrelated families (range 2\u201311) for a total 141 of probands and 21 relatives affected by Neurofibromatosis type I. Recurrent variants could be ascribed to the most common mutational mechanisms (C to T transition, microsatellite slippage, non-homologous recombination). In genotype/phenotype correlations, the variants p.Arg440*, p.Tyr489Cys, and p.Arg1947*, together with the gross gene deletions, displayed the highest rates of complications. When considering neoplasms, carriers of variants falling in the extradomain region at the 5\u2032 end of NF1 had a lower age-related cancer frequency than the rest of the gene sequence, showing a borderline significance (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.045), which was not conserved after correction with covariates. We conclude that (1) hotspots in NF1 occur via different mutational mechanisms, (2) several variants are associated with high rates of complications and cancers, and (3) there is an initial evidence toward a lower cancer risk for carriers of variants in the 5\u2032 end of the NF1 gene although not significant at the multivariate analysis

    The time course of auditory and language-specific mechanisms in compensation for sibilant assimilation

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    Models of spoken-word recognition differ on whether compensation for assimilation is language-specific or depends on general auditory processing. English and French participants were taught words that began or ended with the sibilants /s/ and /∫/. Both languages exhibit some assimilation in sibilant sequences (e.g., /s/ becomes like [∫] in dress shop and classe chargée), but they differ in the strength and predominance of anticipatory versus carryover assimilation. After training, participants were presented with novel words embedded in sentences, some of which contained an assimilatory context either preceding or following. A continuum of target sounds ranging from [s] to [∫] was spliced into the novel words, representing a range of possible assimilation strengths. Listeners' perceptions were examined using a visual-world eyetracking paradigm in which the listener clicked on pictures matching the novel words. We found two distinct language-general context effects: a contrastive effect when the assimilating context preceded the target, and flattening of the sibilant categorization function (increased ambiguity) when the assimilating context followed. Furthermore, we found that English but not French listeners were able to resolve the ambiguity created by the following assimilatory context, consistent with their greater experience with assimilation in this context. The combination of these mechanisms allows listeners to deal flexibly with variability in speech forms

    The AGILE Mission

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    AGILE is an Italian Space Agency mission dedicated to observing the gamma-ray Universe. The AGILE's very innovative instrumentation for the first time combines a gamma-ray imager (sensitive in the energy range 30 MeV-50 GeV), a hard X-ray imager (sensitive in the range 18-60 keV), a calorimeter (sensitive in the range 350 keV-100 MeV), and an anticoincidence system. AGILE was successfully launched on 2007 April 23 from the Indian base of Sriharikota and was inserted in an equatorial orbit with very low particle background. Aims. AGILE provides crucial data for the study of active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, unidentified gamma-ray sources, galactic compact objects, supernova remnants, TeV sources, and fundamental physics by microsecond timing. Methods. An optimal sky angular positioning (reaching 0.1 degrees in gamma- rays and 1-2 arcmin in hard X-rays) and very large fields of view (2.5 sr and 1 sr, respectively) are obtained by the use of Silicon detectors integrated in a very compact instrument. Results. AGILE surveyed the gamma- ray sky and detected many Galactic and extragalactic sources during the first months of observations. Particular emphasis is given to multifrequency observation programs of extragalactic and galactic objects. Conclusions. AGILE is a successful high-energy gamma-ray mission that reached its nominal scientific performance. The AGILE Cycle-1 pointing program started on 2007 December 1, and is open to the international community through a Guest Observer Program

    De Novo Unbalanced Translocations in Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndrome Might Be the Reciprocal Product of inv dup(15)s

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    The 15q11-q13 region is characterized by high instability, caused by the presence of several paralogous segmental duplications. Although most mechanisms dealing with cryptic deletions and amplifications have been at least partly characterized, little is known about the rare translocations involving this region. We characterized at the molecular level five unbalanced translocations, including a jumping one, having most of 15q transposed to the end of another chromosome, whereas the der(15)(pter->q11-q13) was missing. Imbalances were associated either with Prader-Willi or Angelman syndrome. Array-CGH demonstrated the absence of any copy number changes in the recipient chromosome in three cases, while one carried a cryptic terminal deletion and another a large terminal deletion, already diagnosed by classical cytogenetics. We cloned the breakpoint junctions in two cases, whereas cloning was impaired by complex regional genomic architecture and mosaicism in the others. Our results strongly indicate that some of our translocations originated through a prezygotic/postzygotic two-hit mechanism starting with the formation of an acentric 15qter->q1::q1->qter representing the reciprocal product of the inv dup(15) supernumerary marker chromosome. An embryo with such an acentric chromosome plus a normal chromosome 15 inherited from the other parent could survive only if partial trisomy 15 rescue would occur through elimination of part of the acentric chromosome, stabilization of the remaining portion with telomere capture, and formation of a derivative chromosome. All these events likely do not happen concurrently in a single cell but are rather the result of successive stabilization attempts occurring in different cells of which only the fittest will finally survive. Accordingly, jumping translocations might represent successful rescue attempts in different cells rather than transfer of the same 15q portion to different chromosomes. We also hypothesize that neocentromerization of the original acentric chromosome during early embryogenesis may be required to avoid its loss before cell survival is finally assured
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