766 research outputs found

    Angle dependence of Andreev scattering at semiconductor-superconductor interfaces

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    We study the angle dependence of the Andreev scattering at a semiconductor-superconductor interface, generalizing the one-dimensional theory of Blonder, Tinkham and Klapwijk. An increase of the momentum parallel to the interface leads to suppression of the probability of Andreev reflection and increase of the probability of normal reflection. We show that in the presence of a Fermi velocity mismatch between the semiconductor and the superconductor the angles of incidence and transmission are related according to the well-known Snell's law in optics. As a consequence there is a critical angle of incidence above which only normal reflection exists. For two and three-dimensional interfaces a lower excess current compared to ballistic transport with perpendicular incidence is found. Thus, the one-dimensional BTK model overestimates the barrier strength for two and three-dimensional interfaces.Comment: 8 pages including 3 figures (revised, 6 references added

    Ispitivanja statičke kompresije i rezonantne vibracije celularnih materijala dobivenih gravitacijskim sinterovanjem šupljih brončanih kugli

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    The cylindrical and rod-shaped specimens were prepared by gravity sintering from Cu-Sn hollow spheres. On these samples, both static compression tests and measurements of resonance frequencies were performed. The compressive stress-strain curves revealed the features characteristic for a closed-cell ductile cellular solid. The removal of in general open porosity among loosely packed closed metallic hollow spheres was recognized as the principal mode of plastic deformation. The approximative effective moduli of elasticity were determined for cellular materials under consideration by means of the measurements of resonance frequencies on rod-shaped specimens.Cilindrični i šipkasti uzorci su pripremljeni gravitacionim sinterovanjem šupljih Cu-Sn kugli. Na tim uzorcima su provedena ispitivanja statičke kompresije i mjerenja rezonantnih frekvencija. Krivulja naprezanje-rastezanje nam pokazuje svojstva karakteristična za plastične celularne krute materijale sa zatvorenim ćelijama. Uklanjanje uglavnom otvorene povezanosti među labavo povezanim šupljim metalnim kuglama prepoznajemo kao glavni način plastične deformacije. Za celularne materijale koji se razmatraju određeni su približno učinkoviti moduli elastičnosti mjerenjem frekvencija rezonancije na šipkasto oblikovanim uzorcima

    Near-infrared spectroscopy can detect brain activity during a color-word matching Stroop task in an event-related design

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    Brai nactivit ycanbemonitore dnon-invasivel ybynear-infrare dspectroscop y(NIRS) ,whic hhas severa ladvantage sincompariso nwit hothe rimagin gmethods ,suc hasflexibility ,portability ,low cost an dbiochemica lspecificity .Moreover ,patient san dchildre ncanberepetitivel yexamined .Therefore ,the objectiv eofthestud ywa stotes tthefeasibilit yofNIR Sfortheevent-relate dapproac hinfunctiona lbrain activatio nstudie swit hcognitiv eparadigms .Thus ,change sintheconcentratio nofoxy- ,deoxy- ,an dtotal hemoglobi nwer emeasure d byNIR Sin14health ysubject swhil eperformin ga color–wor d matching Stroo p tas k in an event-relate d design .Th ehemodynami crespons e(increas ein theconcentratio n of oxy-/tota lhemoglobi n an d decreas ein theconcentratio n ofdeoxy-hemoglobin )wa sstronge rduring incongruen tcompare dtocongruen tan dneutra ltrial softheStroo ptas kinthelatera lprefronta lcortex bilaterally .Thi sstronge rhemodynami crespons ewa sinterprete dasa stronge rbrai nactivatio nduring incongruen ttrial softheStroo ptask ,du etointerference .A ne w metho dforNIR Sdat aevaluatio nthat enable stheanalysi softhehemodynami crespons etoeac hsingl etria lisintroduced .Eac hhemodynamic respons ewa scharacterize dbytheparameter sgain ,lagan ddispersio nofa Gaussia nfunctio nfitte dby nonlinea rregression .Specifi cdifference sbetwee ntheincongruen tan dneutra lconditio nwer efoun dfor gai nan dlag .Further ,thes eparameter swer ecorrelate dwit hthebehaviora lperformance .Inconclusion, brai nactivit yma ybestudie d byNIR Susin gcognitiv estimul iinanevent-relate d design

    Turbulent convection: comparing the moment equations to numerical simulations

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    The non-local hydrodynamic moment equations for compressible convection are compared to numerical simulations. Convective and radiative flux typically deviate less than 20% from the 3D simulations, while mean thermodynamic quantities are accurate to at least 2% for the cases we have investigated. The moment equations are solved in minutes rather than days on standard workstations. We conclude that this convection model has the potential to considerably improve the modelling of convection zones in stellar envelopes and cores, in particular of A and F stars.Comment: 10 pages (6 pages of text including figure captions + 4 figures), Latex 2e with AAS Latex 5.0 macros, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Critical evaluation of magnetic field detections reported for pulsating B-type stars in the light of ESPaDOnS, Narval and reanalyzed FORS1/2 observations

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    Recent spectropolarimetric studies of 7 SPB and β\beta Cep stars have suggested that photospheric magnetic fields are more common in B-type pulsators than in the general population of B stars, suggesting a significant connection between magnetic and pulsational phenomena. We present an analysis of new and previously published spectropolarimetric observations of these stars. New Stokes VV observations obtained with the high-resolution ESPaDOnS and Narval instruments confirm the presence of a magnetic field in one of the stars (ϵ\epsilon Lup), but find no evidence of magnetism in 5 others. A re-analysis of the published longitudinal field measurements obtained with the low-resolution FORS1/2 spectropolarimeters finds that the measurements of all stars show more scatter from zero than can be attributed to Gaussian noise, suggesting the presence of a signal and/or systematic under-estimation of error bars. Re-reduction and re-measurement of the FORS1/2 spectra from the ESO archive demonstrates that small changes in reduction procedure lead to substantial changes in the inferred longitudinal field, and substantially reduces the number of field detections at the 3σ\sigma level. Furthermore, we find that the published periods are not unique solutions to the time series of either the original or the revised FORS1/2 data. We conclude that the reported field detections, proposed periods and field geometry models for α\alpha Pyx, 15 CMa, 33 Eri and V1449 Aql are artefacts of the data analysis and reduction procedures, and that magnetic fields at the reported strength are no more common in SPB/β\beta Cep stars than in the general population of B stars.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, 2012, typo correcte

    Asteroseismology of exoplanets host stars: the special case of ι\iota Horologii (HD17051)

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    {This paper presents detailed analysis and modelisation of the star HD17051 (alias ι\iota Hor), which appears as a specially interesting case among exoplanet host stars. As most of these stars, ι\iota Hor presents a metallicity excess which has been measured by various observers who give different results, ranging from [Fe/H] = 0.11 to 0.26, associated with different atmospheric parameters. Meanwhile the luminosity of the star may be determined owing to Hipparcos parallax. Although in the southern hemisphere, this star belongs to the Hyades stream and its external parameters show that it could even be one of the Hyades stars ejected during cluster formation. The aim of this work was to gather and analyse our present knowledge on this star and to prepare seismic tests for future observations with the HARPS spectrometer (planned for November 2006).} {We have computed evolutionary tracks with various metallicities, in the two frameworks of primordial overmetallicity and accretion. We have concentrated on models inside the error boxes given by the various observers in the log g - log Teff_{eff} diagram. We then computed the adiabatic oscillation frequencies of these models to prepare future observations.} {The detailed analysis of ι\iota Hor presented in this paper already allowed to constrain its external parameters, mass and age. Some values given in the literature could be rejected as inconsistent with the overall analysis. We found that a model computed with the Hyades parameters (age, metallicity) was clearly acceptable, but other ones were possible too. We are confident that observations with HARPS will allow for a clear conclusion about this star and that it will bring important new light on the physics of exoplanet host stars.}Comment: to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    HE 0557-4840 - Ultra-Metal-Poor and Carbon-Rich

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    We report the discovery and high-resolution, high S/N, spectroscopic analysis of the ultra-metal-poor red giant HE 0557-4840, which is the third most heavy-element deficient star currently known. Its atmospheric parameters are T_eff = 4900 K, log g = 2.2, and [Fe/H]= -4.75. This brings the number of stars with [Fe/H] < -4.0 to three, and the discovery of HE 0557-4840 suggests that the metallicity distribution function of the Galactic halo does not have a "gap" between [Fe/H] = -4.0, where several stars are known, and the two most metal-poor stars, at [Fe/H] ~ -5.3. HE 0557-4840 is carbon rich - [C/Fe] = +1.6 - a property shared by all three objects with [Fe/H] < -4.0, suggesting that the well-known increase of carbon relative to iron with decreasing [Fe/H] reaches its logical conclusion - ubiquitous carbon richness - at lowest abundance. We also present abundances (nine) and limits (nine) for a further 18 elements. For species having well-measured abundances or strong upper limits, HE 0557-4840 is "normal" in comparison with the bulk of the stellar population at [Fe/H] ~ -4.0 - with the possible exception of Co. We discuss the implications of these results for chemical enrichment at the earliest times, in the context of single ("mixing and fallback") and two-component enrichment models. While neither offers a clear solution, the latter appears closer to the mark. Further data are required to determine the oxygen abundance and improve that of Co, and hence more strongly constrain the origin of this object.Comment: Submitted to Astrophysical Journal. 52 pages (41 text, 11 figures

    On the influence of Stark broadening on Si I lines in stellar atmospheres

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    We study the influence of Stark broadening and stratification effects on Si\i lines in the rapidly oscillating (roAp) star 10 Aql, where the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines are asymmetrical and shifted. First we have calculated Stark broadening parameters using the semiclassical perturbation method for three Si\i lines: 5950.2 \AA, 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA. We revised the synthetic sp$ calculation code taking into account both Stark width and shift for these lines. From the comparison of our calculations with the observations we found that Stark broadening + the stratification effect can explain asymmetry of the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines in the atmospere of roAp star 10 Aql.Comment: Accepted to A&