280 research outputs found

    The influence of brood chickens by-products processing with probiotic culture starter on change of their functional and technological parameters.

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    By-products are the potential source of animal protein obtained from brood chickens and egg-laying hens. Certain by-products like gizzards and combs are quite tough and possess low nutritional and biological value due to their high content of connective tissue. Biotechnological processing improves the quality parameters of collagen-containing by-products. In this article a probiotic starter culture of propionic acid bacteria, which have high proteolytic activity, was used to treat the gizzards and combs of brood chickens. Before processing of by-products with starter culture, physical and chemical parameters and the yield of by-products in relation to poultry live weight were analyzed and recorded. 5%, 10% and 15% starter culture were added to the tested samples of chopped by-products, the samples were kept at a temperature of 30 °C, and every 4 hours the following functional and technological parameters were monitored: moisture binding capacity, water holding capacity (MBC and WHC) and yield of the product after heat treatment. The results proved that increase of starter culture amount and longer exposure of by-products to hydrolysis led to decrease of functional and technological parameters values, but for the combs those parameters remained at a sufficiently high level compared to the gizzards, as the gizzards were exposed to more intense hydrolysis than combs. The decrease in the pH value correlated with the dynamics of MBC and WHC changes; and dynamics of the product yield after the heat treatment. Also the stained histological preparations were studied in order to assess the influence of biotechnological processing on by-products microstructure, where significant differences were found in the morphological structure of muscle and collagen fibers of hydrolysates of combs and gizzards exposed to action of bacterial concentrate. The results of rheological studies showed that hydrolyzed chicken combs differed from gizzards; the combs were denser and featured more elastic structure due to a lower degree of hydrolysis by bacterial enzymes. In general, the properties of collagen-containing by-products (muscular gizzards and combs) change significantly after being exposed to enzymes of propionic acid bacteria

    Cross-cutting technologies in education

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    Purpose of the article: analysis of the experience of implementing end-to-end technologies in vocational education. Methodology: the article presents a study aimed at identifying the role of end-to-end technologies in the professional training of students. For this, a survey was conducted among students on the use of end-to-end technologies in the educational process in three age categories (junior, middle, senior). Students had to assess the importance of end-to-end technologies for the implementation of the educational process on a scale from 1 to 4. Results: Students note the significant role of end-to-end technologies in professional activities. This is a promising direction for the development of vocational education

    Experimental study of the influence of pulse electrophoresis of blood plasma 0 (I) on healing of wounds and formation of normotrophic scars in laboratory animals

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    In experimental study confirmed the acceleration of wound healing and forming normotrophic scars tissue in laboratory animals using the transdermal administration of blood plasma 0 (I) by pulsed electrophoresis under the influence of an external magnetic field. It was established that the method proposed by the authors prevents the development of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and also stimulates tissue regeneration in the surgical area due to the activation of local regeneration processes

    Development of "e-learning" in OmSTU

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    In article talking about development of e-learning technologies, telecommunications infrastructure and use of information technology in the educational process OmSTU.В статье идет речь о развитии электронных образовательных технологий, телекоммуникационной инфраструктуре и использовании информационных технологий в образовательном процессе ОмГТУ

    Портал «Единое окно» как платформа для репозитория учебно-методических материалов, размещаемых со свободными лицензиями

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    The paper provides information on a pilot project aimed at setting up a Russian-language repository of Open Educational Resources (OER) developed for higher education institutions. The resources will be available under open licenses (Creative Commons family or other free licenses). This is a joint project of the State Institute of Information Technology and Telecommunications INFORMIKA and the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE).В докладе рассматривается проект создания хранилища учебно-методических материалов, создаваемых в вузах и размещаемых в открытом доступе со свободными лицензиями. Данный проект реализуется как совместная инициатива Государственного научно-исследовательского института информационных технологий и телекоммуникаций "Информика" и Института ЮНЕСКО по информационным технологиям в образовании

    Nitrothiacalixarenes with alkyl groups at the lower rim: design, synthesis and aggregation behaviour at the air–water interface and in solution

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    © 2017 Di-n-octylated tetranitrothiacalix[4]arene, a new multidipolar D-π-A chromophore has been synthesized and the dependence of its aggregation in solution and at the air–water interface on the concentration of solution and spreading solvent has been evaluated

    Thermodynamic properties of myo-inositol

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd In the present work, the temperature dependence of heat capacity of vitamin B8 (myo-inositol) has been measured for the first time over the range from 8 K to 340 K by precision adiabatic vacuum calorimetry. Based on the experimental data, the thermodynamic functions of the vitamin B8, namely, the heat capacity, enthalpy H°(T)–H°(0), entropy S°(T)–S°(0) and Gibbs function G°(T)–H°(0) have been determined for the range from T → 0 K to 340 K. The value of the fractal dimension D in the function of multifractal generalization of Debye's theory of the heat capacity of solids was estimated and the character of heterodynamics of structure was detected. The enthalpy of combustion (−2747.0 ± 2.1) kJ·mol−1 of the vitamin B8 was measured for the first time using high-precision combustion calorimeter. The standard molar enthalpy of formation in the crystalline state (−1329.3 ± 2.3) kJ·mol−1 of B8 at 298.15 K was derived from the combustion experiments. Using combination of the adiabatic and combustion calorimetry results the thermodynamic functions of formation of the myo-inositol at T = 298.15 K and p = 0.1 MPa have been calculated. The low-temperature X-ray diffraction was used for the determination of coefficients of thermal expansion

    Effect of taxanes on the miR-106 and miR-200c expression in prostate cancer cells in vivo and in vitro

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    Introduction. A combination of antiandrogen and cytostatic drugs was justified in the neoadjuvant therapy of patients with high-risk prostate cancer (HiRPCa) in some clinical trials. The effectiveness of such therapy in each individual case depends on the sensitivity of cancer cells to the applied drugs. It makes possible the development of the new technologies to personalize therapeutic approach. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of regulatory molecules whose expression is altered in PCa cells and can be associated with the sensitivity/resistance of cancer cells to specific cytostatics, for instance, taxanes.Objective. To identify the potential-marker miRNAs of PCa cells sensitivity to taxanes.Materials and methods. Samples of PCa tissue (n. 56) obtained from patients underwent neo-adjuvant therapy (antiandrogen and taxanes) and radical prostatectomy; PCa cell lines (PC-3, DU-145, LNCap). Total RNAs isolation was carried out using miRNeasy FFPE Kit, LRU-100-50; miRCURY LNA miRNA Focus PCR Panel, All-MIR kits were used for semi-quantitative analysis of potentially marker microRNA molecules using sequential reverse transcription and PCR.Results. The effect of taxanes on PCa cells is associated with up-regulation of miR-106b expression and down-regulation of miR-200c expression in both in vivo and in vitro conditions.Conclusion. MiR-106b and miR-200c miRNAs are involved in the response of PCa cells to taxanes, and therapeutic modification of these molecules in PCa cells may present a potential strategy to increase their sensitivity to taxane-containing therapy. Appropriate innovative technology may be in demand in the treatment of HiRPCa-patients

    Organ-specific LPS-induced inflammatory gene expression in adult Zebrafish

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    Systemic inflammation is known to be a key component of infection and non-infection diseases progression and may lead to multiorgan failure, persistent inflammation, immunosuppression, catabolism syndrome or even indolent death. This importance dictates the need for relevant in vivo models of inflammation to investigate the pathogenesis of numerous diseases and to perform drug screening. Danio rerio (zebrafish) became one of the most important models to explore biological processes in vivo. The aim of the study was to generate a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) model of systemic inflammation in vivo using zebrafish and to identify organspecific proinflammatory genes activity after intraperitoneal LPS infusion. We performed organ specific analysis of main proinflammatory genes expression in zebrafish after LPS stimulation. Comparing 18s, eef1a1l1, gapdh, and actb as potential housekeeping genes, we came to conclusion that eef1a1l1 with 99% effectiveness is the most promising for further normalization in this model. The genes activity was the most pronounced in the heart where the expression of IL6, CXCL8a, and CXCL18β was increased up to 100-fold. Moreover, the kidneys were the most involved in the inflammatory process since the highest number of analysed genes were up-regulated there: expression levels of CXCL18β, CXCL8a, IL1β, IL6, Mpeg1.2, and TNFa were significantly increased. This was probably related to the kidney activity as an immune and hematopoietic organ. The lowest reactivity was detected in the muscles. Immune reactions could be dose-dependent, for instance the infusion of 20 µg LPS led to decrease of expression of IFNy, Mpeg 1.2, and Mpeg 1.1 in the liver and to increase of Mpeg 1.2 expression in the kidney comparing with 10 µg dosage. Thus, due to the high degree of the similarity and other unique properties, Danio rerio has the advantage of being relevant model of inflammation. Our model demonstrated that the investigation of isolated zebrafish organs could be useful and informative for the investigation of inflammatory processes