20 research outputs found

    Correction of the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide on hemopoiesis in animals with lewis lung carcinoma using low-molecular-weight sodium alginate

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    The influence of low-molecular-weight sodium alginate, which is administered as an isolated agent and in combination with cyclophosphamide, on the parameters of peripheral blood and bone marrow was studied in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. It was shown that administration of sodium alginate with a molecular weight of 1–10 and 20–30 kDa to tumor-bearing animals prevents bone marrow failure by activating the process of regeneration of granulocytic hemopoietic stem cells that are damaged by a single injection or repetitive injections of a cytostatic agent, due to stimulation of the clonal activity of granulocytopoiesis precursors. As a result, this treatment prevents the progression of leukopenia


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    α(1,2)-L-ramno-α(1,4)-D-galaktopiranoziluronan from rhizomes Acorus calamus L. administered intravenously enhances the antitumor and antimetastatic efficacy of cyclophosphamide in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma, lung cancer – 67 and melanoma B-16.Показано, что разработанная для инъекционного применения лекарственная форма α(1,2)-L-рамно-α(1,4)-D галактопиранозилуронана из корневищ аира болотного (Acorus calamus L.) при внутривенном введении повышает противоопухо левую и антиметастатическую эффективность циклофосфана у мышей с карциномой легких Льюис, раком легкого-67 и меланомой В-16

    Клинико-морфологическое наблюдение ребенка с врожденным пневмоцистозом

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    The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven and confirmed by various methods of laboratory diagnostics, including morphological with a special color. In addition, parents were surveyed, which were the source of infection. Congenital pneumonia, especially in preterm infants, are a direct threat to life. In this regard, the timely examination of the mother and child, as well as the appointment of etiotropic antibacterial drugs is an important task to prevent the fatal outcome of the disease.В статье представлен случай врожденной пневмоцистной инфекции, убедительно доказанной и подтвержденной различными методами лабораторной диагностики, в т.ч. морфологическими со специальной окраской. Помимо этого, были обследованы родители, которые явились источниками инфицирования. Врожденные пневмонии, особенно у недоношенных новорожденных, представляют собой непосредственную угрозу жизни. В связи с этим своевременное обследование матери и ребенка, а также назначение этиотропных антибактериальных препаратов являются важной задачей по предотвращению фатальных исходов данного заболевания


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    The aim of this study was to analyze drug therapy of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Russia. Methods. Findings of the Russian National Register of CF patients, 2014, were used in this study. The 2014 Register included data for 2,131 patients (2,092 alive and 39 died) from 74 regions of Russia. The median age was 10.2 (15.2) years, 29.2% of patients were aged 18 years and older. We analyzed administration of bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), systemic steroids, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution, macrolides, systemic and inhaled antibiotics, pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins. Results. Drug administration rates were as follows: bronchodilators, 65.9%; ICS, 21.7%; systemic steroids, 5.5%; macrolides, 32.4%; dornase-alfa, 92.8%; hypertonic saline solution, 45.9%; intravenous antibiotics, 62.3%; oral antibiotics, 73.3%; inhaled antibiotics, 41.3%; pancreatic enzymes, 93.3%; ursodeoxycholic acid, 91.4%; and fat-soluble vitamins, 88.3%. Conclusion. Compared to treatment of CF patients in the Western Europe, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution and intravenous antibiotics in Russia. Compared to treatment strategy in USA, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes and lower rate of administration of bronchodilators, hypertonic saline solution and inhaled antibiotics in Russia. Муковисцидоз (МВ) – тяжелое мультисистемное заболевание, требующее комплексного медикаментозного и немедикаментозного лечения. Особенностям лекарственной терапии разнородных по числу и возрасту групп больных МВ, проживающих в разных регионах России, посвящено ограниченное число работ, однако общий анализ данных большой группы пациентов в рамках единого регистра ранее не проводился. Цель. Выявление особенностей медикаментозной терапии больных МВ в России по данным национального Регистра (2014). Материалы и методы. Использованы сведения о пациентах (n = 2 131; 2 092 живых и 39 умерших) из 74 регионов России, состоящих в национальном Регистре больных муковисцидозом (2014). Медиана возраста пациентов составила 10,2 (15,2) года, доля взрослых (не моложе 18 лет) – 29,2 %. Проанализирована частота назначения лекарственной терапии бронходилататорами, ингаляционными (иГКС) и системными (сГКС) глюкокортикостероидами (ГКС), дорназой альфа, гипертоническим раствором натрия хлорида, макролидами, системными и ингаляционными антибактериальными препаратами (АБП), панкреатическими ферментами, урсодезоксихолевой кислотой (УДХК), жирорастворимыми витаминами. Результаты. Частота применения медикаментозной терапии по России распределена следующим образом: бронходилататоры – 65,9 %; иГКС – 21,7 %; сГКС – 5,5 %; макролиды – 32,4 %; дорназа альфа – 92,8 %; гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида – 45,9 %; внутривенные АБП – 62,3 %; пероральные АБП – 73,3 %; ингаляционные АБП – 41,3 %; панкреатические ферменты – 93,3 %; УДХК – 91,4 %; жирорастворимые витамины – 88,3 %. Отмечено, что взрослым больным наиболее часто назначаются бронхолитические препараты, АБП и ГКС; реже применяются панкреатические ферменты и УДХК. Заключение. Среди особенностей терапии российских больных по сравнению со странами Западной Европы можно выделить высокую долю назначения панкреатических ферментов, УДХК, дорназы альфа, гипертонического раствора и внутривенных АБП. По сравнению с США чаще назначаются панкреатические ферменты, реже – бронходилататоры, гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида и ингаляционные АБП

    Correction of the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide on hemopoiesis in animals with lewis lung carcinoma using low-molecular-weight sodium alginate

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    The influence of low-molecular-weight sodium alginate, which is administered as an isolated agent and in combination with cyclophosphamide, on the parameters of peripheral blood and bone marrow was studied in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. It was shown that administration of sodium alginate with a molecular weight of 1–10 and 20–30 kDa to tumor-bearing animals prevents bone marrow failure by activating the process of regeneration of granulocytic hemopoietic stem cells that are damaged by a single injection or repetitive injections of a cytostatic agent, due to stimulation of the clonal activity of granulocytopoiesis precursors. As a result, this treatment prevents the progression of leukopenia


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    α(1,2)-L-ramno-α(1,4)-D-galaktopiranoziluronan from rhizomes Acorus calamus L. administered intravenously enhances the antitumor and antimetastatic efficacy of cyclophosphamide in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma, lung cancer – 67 and melanoma B-16

    Clinical and Morphological Observation of a Child with Congenital Pneumocystis Infection

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    The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven and confirmed by various methods of laboratory diagnostics, including morphological with a special color. In addition, parents were surveyed, which were the source of infection. Congenital pneumonia, especially in preterm infants, are a direct threat to life. In this regard, the timely examination of the mother and child, as well as the appointment of etiotropic antibacterial drugs is an important task to prevent the fatal outcome of the disease

    The role of stem and progenitor cells in the regeneration of the pancreas and testes in metabolic disorders

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the regenerative potential of stem and progenitor cells derived from the pancreas and testes in metabolic disorders.Materials and methods. The experiments were performing on C57Bl/6 mice. Metabolic disorders (MD) were modeling by streptozotocin and fat diet. Morphological methods were used to assess morphopathological changes in the pancreas and testicular tissue and fertility. We investigated the insulin expression in the islets of Langerhans, CD16 in testes by immunohistochemical methods. We evaluated the blood lipids, level of glucose, inflammatory mediators, testosterone and a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide levels in biological samples by biochemical methods and ELISA. We used cytometric methods to study the surface markers of stem and progenitor cells, culture methods and transplantation test to investigate the regenerative potential of stem and progenitor cells.Results. After streptozotocin injection and fatty diet we observed the metabolic imbalance of lipids, testosterone, glucose and insulin resistance in C57BL/6 male mice. The inflammation, type 2 diabetes, asthenoand oligozoospermia were developed and the fertility index was decreased after the metabolic disorders. We observed the increase of oligopotent β-cell precursors (CD45- TER119- CD133+CD49flow) and precursors of hemangiogenesis (CD45- TER119- cKit-1+Flk-1+) count in the pancreas, spermatogonial stem cells (CD117- CD90+ and CD117+CD90+) and precursors of hemangiogenesis (CD45- TER119- cKit-1+Flk-1+) in the testes in MD. Stem and progenitor cells had a high clonal activity and self-renewal capacity, the ability to differentiate into mature cells in vitro, the effective engrafment in injured tissue.Conclusions. In experiments in vitro and in vivo we detected a high regenerative potential of precursors of hemangiogenesis and insulin-producing β-cells, spermatogonial stem cells of C57BL/6 male mice with metabolic disorders. Low rates of regeneration of the microvasculature, insulin-producing β-cells and germ cells in metabolic disorders are associated with the inhibitory effect of diabetic factors and inflammation on stem and progenitor cells