513 research outputs found

    Editorial, special issue on “Advances in Robust Statistics”

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    Starting with 2020 volume, the journal Metron has decided to celebrate the centenary since its foundation with three special issues. This volume is dedicated to robust statistics. A striking feature of most applied statistical analyses is the use of methods that are well known to be sensitive to outliers or to other departures from the postulated model. Robust statistical methods provide useful tools for reducing this sensitivity, through the detection of the outliers by first fitting the majority of the data and then by flagging deviant data points. The six papers in this issue cover a wide orientation in all fields of robustness. This editorial first provides some facts about the history and current state of robust statistics and then summarizes the contents of each paper.status: publishe


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    This study aimed to review zinc's effectiveness as an antivirus in treating herpes simplex virus infection. The authors use international journals published from 2000-2022, and use search engines such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct with the keywords "zinc and herpes simplex virus". The herpes simplex virus that often causes symptoms in humans are HSV type 1 and type 2. The lesions appear as vesicles which then rupture into ulcers. Zinc is one of the most abundant nutrients or metals in the human body besides iron. Studies about the effects of zinc on HSV have shown that it has the function of inhibiting the viral life cycle. HSV attaches to the host cells to replicate and synthesize new viral proteins. Zinc can inhibit this process by depositing on the surface of the virion and inactivating the enzymatic function which is required for the attachment to the host cell, disrupting the surface glycoprotein of the viral membrane so it could not adhere and carry out the next life cycle, it can also inhibit the function of DNA polymerase that works for viral replication in the host cell. This article showed that zinc has effectiveness as an antivirus against the herpes simplex virus, therefore, patients infected with HSV can be treated with zinc as an alternative to an antivirus drug

    Perancangan Simulasi Antena Mikrostrip dengan Slot Butterfly untuk Aplikasi WiFi pada Frekuensi Kerja 5,8 GHz Menggunakan CST Microwave Studio

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    Wi-Fi is a technology that is very poluler today. WiFi is an abbreviation of Wireless Fidelity, is a set of standards used for Wireless Local Network (LAN Local Area Networks) whose function is to connect local area networks in a wireless manner. Along with the evolution of telecommunications technology based on wireless technology, then we need for a communication system that can perform high-speed data transmission with good quality. One of the devices supporting wireless communication devices is the antenna. The use and selection of antennas is one of the important factors that affect the performance of the antenna as well as good design and proper installation will ensure the performance of the telecommunications system. Microstrip antenna has the advantages of low profile form, which is easy and inexpensive to produce in mass but has a small gain and bandwidth. This paper discusses the design of the Microstrip antennas patch for WiFi applications that operate at a frequency of 5.8 GHz . In this design uses FR4 epoxy material = 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6 mm, is suitable for application of high-frequency antenna. For the simulation in this paper using the software CST Microwave Studio. From the results of the design using CST studio microvawe is obtained in accordance with the specification antenna, with VSWR ≤ 1.5, gain ≥ 2 dB and return loss ≥ 20 dB

    Semiautomatic robust regression clustering of international trade data

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    The purpose of this paper is to show in regression clustering how to choose the most relevant solutions, analyze their stability, and provide information about best combinations of optimal number of groups, restriction factor among the error variance across groups and level of trimming. The procedure is based on two steps. First we generalize the information criteria of constrained robust multivariate clustering to the case of clustering weighted models. Differently from the traditional approaches which are based on the choice of the best solution found minimizing an information criterion (i.e. BIC), we concentrate our attention on the so called optimal stable solutions. In the second step, using the monitoring approach, we select the best value of the trimming factor. Finally, we validate the solution using a confirmatory forward search approach. A motivating example based on a novel dataset concerning the European Union trade of face masks shows the limitations of the current existing procedures. The suggested approach is initially applied to a set of well known datasets in the literature of robust regression clustering. Then, we focus our attention on a set of international trade datasets and we provide a novel informative way of updating the subset in the random start approach. The Supplementary material, in the spirit of the Special Issue, deepens the analysis of trade data and compares the suggested approach with the existing ones available in the literature

    Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supplay Chain) Pada CV Biojanna Nusantara Karanganyar

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    The aims of this study are; 1. To obtain forecasting demand according to customer needs, 2. To get the lowest production costs in the design of the CV Biojanna Nusantara, 3. To get the lowest inventory cost on CV Biojanna Nusantara, 4. To get the right transport models in CV Biojanna Nusantara, 5. To generate the application of supply chain management in CV Biojanna Nusantara.This study uses quantitative methods to the modeling system. data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documents. The data analysis technique used is demand forecasting, aggregate planning, EOQ, transportation, and supply chain management. The results showed demand forecast for the period of 2015 as many as 444 685 bottles, raw materials inventory management requires a fee of Rp 12,371,327,650, the results of Rp 96,784,275 aggregate planning, the management of inventories of finished products amounted to USD 69 140, and the results of the calculation of the transport of Rp 1,017. 053 450. The total cost to run the flow of supply chain management of Rp 13,485,234,515. After compared with the previously applicable calculation will result in a fee of Rp 13,803,224,736 be obtained savings of Rp 317 990 221. The results of this study demonstrate the application of supply chain management can provide cost and time efficien cy, and to improve services to the consumers better, so companies gain higher profits

    The Risk Mitigation of Water Resources of Jatiluhur Reservoir with Green Business Continuity Management Approach

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    Jatiluhur Reservoir is the multipurpose reservoir functioning as water resources for irrigation,  hydroelectric power plant, home and industry usages for the area of DKI Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia with the status of most densly populated city in the nation) and its surrounding regencies.  Its existence bears other benefits to many communities such as inland fishing, tourism and water sport recreation.  Last but not least important purpose, the reservoir  flood has a significant role for flood control management in the area of Karawang District and its adjacent areas.  Despite the many social welfares the reservoir can produce, the quality and quantity of water resources from Citarum River to the Jatiluhur reservoir bear some  problems that affect some challenges in the water management.  This research attempts to identify the real critical pulse of the problems by analyzing its business process in the water resources management along with their risk and impact that may affect the vitality of the business outcomes.  The analysis approach for this study is using the standard of green business continuity management (GBCM) where all the of environmentally polluted/harming items are considered.  Respondents are experts in the reservoir along with its business process and environmentalists.  As for the technique of analyses itself, it employs descriptive analysis, decomposition trend analysis and business impact analysis (BIA).  The outcome of this qualitative and quantitative research indicates that the strategic positioning of Jatiluhur as the national function to serve all the precedings turns out to be at critical stage.  There are some discouraging signs that are found to be significant in this study such as 1) secondary disruption in the irrigation channel, 2) poor water quality,3) conflict of water use, 4) sedimentation, 5) damaged floodgates 6) absence of pipeline at the open channel, causing an alarming deterrent to the normal flow of water discharge.  Hence, the status of the reservoir can be concluded as clear and present danger.  The GBCM recommendation offered to counter measure the degradation of water quality and quantity is by having the participation of community stakeholders involved in reaching a uninamous future maintenance standard that meets enviromentally sound ordinance. Keywords: Jatiluhur Reservoir, GBCM, Risk Management, Water resource

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Sains Teknologi Masyarakat (Stm) Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Bermuatan Karakter Terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran STM dalam pembelajaran biologi bermuatan karakter dan model pembelajaran DI. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Banjarangkan tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 82 siswa. Penelitian ini tergolong eksperimen semu dengan rancangan pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan MANOVA satu jalur dan dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan MP.STM dalam pembelajaran biologi bermuatan karakter dan MP.DI (F= 76,528;

    Determinasi Sumber Kekuasaan Kepala Sekolah, Tingkat Kematangan Guru Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Negeri Di Kecamatan Kintamani

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Determinasi sumber kekuasaan kepala sekolah, (2) Determinasi tingkat kematangan guru, (3) Determinasi gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, dan (4) Determinasi sumber kekuasaan kepala sekolah, tingkat kematangan guru, gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru. Berdasarkan formula warwich dan Lininger,diambil sampel sebanyak 110 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan ex-post facto. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis dengan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Terdapat determinasi yang positif dan kontribusi yang signifikan antara sumber kekuasaan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru melalui persamaan garis regresi = 64.137+ 0.566X1 dengan kontribusi 37,0%. dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 21,31%, (2) terdapat determinasi yang positifdan kontribusi yang signifikan tingkat kematangan guru terhadap kinerja guru melalui persamaan garis regresi: = 75,031+ 0.472X2 dengan kontribusi sebesar 35,5% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 21,28%, (3) terdapatdeterminasi yang positifdan kontribusi yang signifikan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru melalui persamaan garis regresi = 71,039+ 0.473X3 dengan kontribusi sebesar 37,4% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 25,20%, dan (4) terdapat determinasi yang positif dan kontribusi yang signifikan secara bersama-sama sumber kekuasaan kepala sekolah, tingkat kematangan guru, dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru melalui persamaan garis regresi = 12,133 + 0,326X1 + 0.283X2 + 0.318X3 dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 67,8%. Kata Kunci : Sumber Kekuasaan Kepala Sekolah, Tingkat Kematangan Guru, Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Kinerja Guru This study was aimed at finding out (1) determination of source of principal's authority, (2) determination of level of teacher's maturity, (3) determination of principal's leadership style, and (4) determination of source of principal's authority, level of teacher's maturity, principal's leadership style, simultaneously, toward teacher's performance. Based on Warwich and Lininger formula, 110 teachers were used as the sample. This study used ex-post facto design. The data were collected with questionnaire and observation sheet. The data were analyzed using regression analysis. The results showed that (1) the tendency of source of principal's authority fell into category “Good,” the tendency of level of teacher's maturity fell into category “Good,” the tendency of principal's leadership style fell into category “ Good, and the tendency of teacher's performance fell into category “Good”. (2) There was a positive determination and significant contribution of source of principal's authority toward teacher's performance as shown by regression linear equation Ŷ= 64.137+ 0.566X1 with 37.0% contribution, and 21.31% effective contribution, (3) there was a positive determination and significant contribution of level of teacher's maturity toward teacher's performance as shown by regression linear equation Ŷ= 75.031 + 0.472X2 with 35.5% contribution and 21.28% effective contribution, (4) there was a positive determination and significant contribution of principal's leadership style toward teacher's performance as shown by regression linear equation Ŷ = 71.039 + 0.473X3 with 37.4% contribution and 25.20% effective contribution, and (5) there was a positive determination and significant contribution simultaneously of source of principal's authority, level of teacher's maturity, and principal's leadership style toward teacher's performance as shown by regression linear equation Ŷ = 12.133 + 0.326X1 + 0.283X2 + 0.318X3 with 67.8% effective contribution. keyword : Source of Principal's Authority, Level of Teacher's Maturity, Principal's Leadership Style, Teacher's Performanc

    Kontaminasi Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg) Dan Timbal (Pb) Pada Air, Sedimen Dan Ikan Selar Tetengkek (Megalaspis Cordyla L) Di Teluk Palu, Sulawesi Tengah

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    Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of Palu city, and such as agriculture, and traditional mining. The objective of this research was to determine the contamination of heavy metals mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in water, sediment, and torpedo scad fish (Megalaspis cordyla). Sampling was done purposively at 10 sampling points. Parameters of water quality measurements were done in the field for temperature, pH, brightness, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen (DO), and at laboratory analysis for salinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, and nitrates. Heavy metals were analized by following APHA, and Indonesian National Standard (SNI) methods. The results showed that Hg consentrations in water, sediment, gill, meat, liver, and spleen were 0.0008-0.0042 mg/l, 0.017-0.287 mg/kg, 0.007-0.145 mg/kg, 0.014-0.046 mg/kg, 0.052-0.106 mg/kg, and 0.043-0.414 mg/kg, respectively. Pb concentrations in water, sediments, gill, meat, liver, and spleen were 0.0130-0.0392 mg/l, 2.647-8.987 mg/kg, 0.132-0.775 mg/kg, 0.005-0.734 mg/kg, 0.295-1.871 mg/kg, and 1.654-12.92 mg/kg, respectively. The average of Hg and Pb concentrations in the water had exceeded the specified quality standards, while in the sediment were still below the quality standards. The average of Hg and Pb concentrations in all observed fish organs were below the quality standards, except for Pb concentrations in gill, liver, and spleen
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