The Risk Mitigation of Water Resources of Jatiluhur Reservoir with Green Business Continuity Management Approach


Jatiluhur Reservoir is the multipurpose reservoir functioning as water resources for irrigation,  hydroelectric power plant, home and industry usages for the area of DKI Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia with the status of most densly populated city in the nation) and its surrounding regencies.  Its existence bears other benefits to many communities such as inland fishing, tourism and water sport recreation.  Last but not least important purpose, the reservoir  flood has a significant role for flood control management in the area of Karawang District and its adjacent areas.  Despite the many social welfares the reservoir can produce, the quality and quantity of water resources from Citarum River to the Jatiluhur reservoir bear some  problems that affect some challenges in the water management.  This research attempts to identify the real critical pulse of the problems by analyzing its business process in the water resources management along with their risk and impact that may affect the vitality of the business outcomes.  The analysis approach for this study is using the standard of green business continuity management (GBCM) where all the of environmentally polluted/harming items are considered.  Respondents are experts in the reservoir along with its business process and environmentalists.  As for the technique of analyses itself, it employs descriptive analysis, decomposition trend analysis and business impact analysis (BIA).  The outcome of this qualitative and quantitative research indicates that the strategic positioning of Jatiluhur as the national function to serve all the precedings turns out to be at critical stage.  There are some discouraging signs that are found to be significant in this study such as 1) secondary disruption in the irrigation channel, 2) poor water quality,3) conflict of water use, 4) sedimentation, 5) damaged floodgates 6) absence of pipeline at the open channel, causing an alarming deterrent to the normal flow of water discharge.  Hence, the status of the reservoir can be concluded as clear and present danger.  The GBCM recommendation offered to counter measure the degradation of water quality and quantity is by having the participation of community stakeholders involved in reaching a uninamous future maintenance standard that meets enviromentally sound ordinance. Keywords: Jatiluhur Reservoir, GBCM, Risk Management, Water resource

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