310 research outputs found

    The Critics of Wuthering Heights

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    The study will deal with the history of criticism of the novel from 1847 to the present time with special emphasis on the contemporary attitudes which explain the unreasoned damnation under which it was smothered for so many years

    On the trophic fate of Phaeocystis pouchetii: VII. Sterols and fatty acids reveal sedimentation of Phaocystis-derived organic matter via krill fecal strings

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    As part of a joint project on the fate of phytoplankton in Balsfjorden in Northern Norway, we investigated the trophic fate and sedimentation potential of Phaeocystis pouchetii by tracing the transition of biomarker patterns from a phytoplankton bloom to sediment traps and during a gut passage experiment. The phytoplankton biomass during the spring bloom 1996 was dominated by colonial P. pouchetii (ca. 85 %) and four members of the diatom family Thalassiosiraceae (ca. 10%). Particulate organic carbon in sediment traps largely consisted of fecal material from the Arctic krill Thysanoessa sp.. Sterol and fatty acid biomarker patterns in the phytoplankton bloom could be reproduced by combining the individual biomarker patterns of the isolated phytoplankters P. pouchetii and Thalassiosira decipiens in a ratio of ca. 75:25. In a laboratory experiment, Arctic krill (Thysanoessa raschii) fed with similar efficiency on Phaeocystis colonies and the Thalassiosiraceae. During gut passage, the abundance of Thalassiosiraceae biomarkers in fecal strings increased relative to Phaeocystis biomarkers, while biomarkers from krill became dominant. This transition of biomarker patterns due to gut passage in T. raschii closely resembled the biomarker transition from the surface bloom to material in sediment traps at 40-170 m depth, which was mainly composed of krill fecal strings. We conclude that krill grazed efficiently on Phaeocystis colonies in Balsfjorden, and caused sedimentation of Phaeocystis-derived organic matter below the euphotic zone via fecal strings. Hence, both transfer to higher trophic levels and sedimentation of Phaeocystis-derived organic matter can be more effective than commonly believed

    Adopsjon til Guds barn "Hvordan er det Ă„ bli adoptert til Guds barn en kontrast til Ă„ vĂŠre under loven, ifĂžlge Galaterne 4,1-7?"

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    Denne avhandlingen svarer pĂ„ fĂžlgende forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„l: «Hvordan er det Ă„ bli adoptert til Guds barn en kontrast til Ă„ vĂŠre under loven, ifĂžlge Galaterne 4,1-7?» Dette blir gjort gjennom historisk eksegetiske metoder. FĂžrst blir den jĂždiske bakgrunnen for Paulus’ bruk av adopsjonsbegrepet Ï…áŒ±ÎżÎžÎ”ÏƒÎŻÎ± undersĂžkt. Deretter blir den romerske rettspraksisen for adopsjon undersĂžkt, fĂžr bakgrunnen for uttrykket αÎČÎČα i Gal 4,6 blir undersĂžkt. Eksegesen av Gal 4,1-7 viser at Paulus sammenligner det Ă„ vĂŠre under loven med Ă„ vĂŠre en umyndig arving som ikke pĂ„ noen mĂ„te er forskjellig fra en slave (vers 1-2). Det Ă„ vĂŠre under loven innebĂŠrer at en er slave under verdens grunnelementer (vers 3). Disse grunnelementene kan forstĂ„s som verdens elementĂŠre og styrende prinsipper. Vi var slaver under verdens styrende prinsipper inntil Gud sendte sin SĂžnn for Ă„ frigjĂžre oss fra loven og adoptere oss til sine sĂžnner. Det Ă„ bli adoptert til sĂžnner er slik en motsetning til slavekĂ„ret under loven og verdens grunnelementer. UndersĂžkelsen av den romerske rettspraksisen viser at den adopterte fĂ„r alle rettigheter som hĂžrer med Ă„ tilhĂžre den nye familien. Gal 4,1-7 uttrykker fĂžlgelig en statusendring fra slave til sĂžnn med alle tilhĂžrende rettigheter. Paulus’ argument om adopsjon kulminerer i pĂ„standen om at den troende er blitt arving (vers 7). Denne arveretten fĂ„r en ikke gjennom den mosaiske loven (Gal 3,18), men kun gjennom guddommelig adopsjon. Den troende er ikke lenger under den mosaiske lovens autoritet men under Faderens autoritet. Forestillingen om gudommelig adopsjon alluderer til adopsjonslĂžftet i 2 Sam 7,14 og tradisjonen etter dette lĂžftet. Den tidligjĂždiske tradisjonen anvendte lĂžftet om guddommelig adopsjon anvendt bĂ„de pĂ„ Messias og pĂ„ Israel, og den knytter adopsjonslĂžftet til den nye pakt. I lys av tradisjonen etter 2 Sam 7,14, sammen med Gal 3,26-27, kan en tolke adopsjonen i Gal 4,5 til Ă„ innebĂŠre at den troende deltar i lĂžftet om guddommelig adopsjon og fĂ„r del i Jesu sĂžnnekĂ„r. Videre roper Den Hellige Ånd «αÎČÎČα» fra den troendes hjerte (Gal 4,6). Dette er det samme begrepet Jesus brukte for Ă„ tiltale sin far (Mark 14,36). Sett i forhold til Ă„ vĂŠre under loven, innebĂŠrer det Ă„ bli adoptert til Guds sĂžnner fĂžlgelig en statusendring, et skifte i autoritet og et nytt paktforhold til Gud.publishedVersio

    Women in Public Relations (1982-2019)

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    Purpose This paper aims to analyse the current literature on women in public relations to establish trends and areas of inquiry in the literature and identify research gaps for future research. Design/methodology/approach A total of 223 articles have been empirically analysed using thematic analysis to identify trends in the existing literature. The data has been coded and analysed per decade (1982–1989, 1990–1999, 2000–2009, 2010–2019). The articles have been identified by searching major journals in the field of public relations and communications, as well as snowballing from identified articles. Findings The results show that the majority of academic articles have been produced by using lived experiences of women working in the public relations industry and thus reflect the professional situation of female public relations employees. The results show that the position of women has reached a full circle in four decades of research and returned to the discriminatory work environment. Finally, the results show that a liberal feminist perspective has an advantage in the literature since the majority of works have been produced in the United States; however, there is an increase in authors calling for the use of socialist and radical feminism. Originality/value The paper provides a comprehensive literature review of works published in the field. The paper takes an empirical approach to the analysis rather than the descriptive one, which helped in identifying major trends in the research and identified a research gap for future inquiries

    Seasonality of vertical flux and sinking particle characteristics in an ice-free high arctic fjord—Different from subarctic fjords?

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    Source: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.10.003 A manuscript version of this article is part of Ingrid Wiedmann's doctoral thesis, which is available in Munin at http://hdl.handle.net/10037/8293The arctic Adventfjorden (78°N, 15°E, Svalbard) used to be seasonally ice-covered but has mostly been ice-free since 2007. We used this ice-free arctic fjord as a model area to investigate (1) how the vertical fl ux of biomass (chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon, POC) follows the seasonality of suspended material, (2) how sink- ing particle characteristics change seasonally and affect the vertical fl ux, and (3) if the vertical fl ux in the ice-free arctic fjord with glacial runoff resembles the fl ux in subarctic ice-free fjords. During seven fi eld investigations (December 2011 – September 2012), suspended biomass was determined (5, 15, 25, and 60 m), and short-term sediment traps were deployed (20, 30, 40, and 60 m), partly modi fi ed with gel- fi lled jars to study the size and frequency distribution of sinking particles. During winter, resuspension from the sea fl oor resulted in large, detrital sinking particles. Intense sedimentation of fresh biomass occurred during the spring bloom. The highest POC fl ux was found during autumn (770 – 1530 mg POC m − 2 d − 1 ), associated with sediment-loaded glacial runoff and high pteropod abundances. The vertical biomass fl ux in the ice-free arctic Adventfjorden thus resem- bled that in subarctic fjords during winter and spring, but a higher POC sedimentation was observed during autumn

    The endocannabinoid system links gut microbiota to adipogenesis

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    We investigated several models of gut microbiota modulation: selective (prebiotics, probiotics, high-fat), drastic (antibiotics, germ-free mice) and mice bearing specific mutations of a key gene involved in the toll-like receptors (TLR) bacteria-host interaction (Myd88−/−). Here we report that gut microbiota modulates the intestinal endocannabinoid (eCB) system-tone, which in turn regulates gut permeability and plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels.The activation of the intestinal endocannabinoid system increases gut permeability which in turn enhances plasma LPS levels and inflammation in physiological and pathological conditions such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.The investigation of adipocyte differentiation and lipogenesis (both markers of adipogenesis) indicate that gut microbiota controls adipose tissue physiology through LPS-eCB system regulatory loops and may play a critical role in the adipose tissue plasticity during obesity.In vivo, ex vivo and in vitro studies indicate that LPS acts as a master switch on adipose tissue metabolism, by blocking the cannabinoid-driven adipogenesis

    Carbon export in the seasonal sea ice zone north of Svalbard from winter to late summer

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    Phytoplankton blooms in the Arctic Ocean's seasonal sea ice zone are expected to start earlier and occur further north with retreating and thinning sea ice cover. The current study is the first compilation of phytoplankton bloom development and fate in the seasonally variable sea ice zone north of Svalbard from winter to late summer, using short-term sediment trap deployments. Clear seasonal patterns were discovered, with low winter and pre-bloom phytoplankton standing stocks and export fluxes, a short and intense productive season in May and June, and low Chl a standing stocks but moderate carbon export fluxes in the autumn post-bloom conditions. We observed intense phytoplankton blooms with Chl a standing stocks of >350 mg m−2 below consolidated sea ice cover, dominated by the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii. The largest vertical organic carbon export fluxes to 100 m, of up to 513 mg C m−2 day−1, were recorded at stations dominated by diatoms, while those dominated by P. pouchetii recorded carbon export fluxes up to 310 mg C m−2 day−1. Fecal pellets from krill and copepods contributed a substantial fraction to carbon export in certain areas, especially where blooms of P. pouchetii dominated and Atlantic water advection was prominent. The interplay between the taxonomic composition of protist assemblages, large grazers, distance to open water, and Atlantic water advection was found to be crucial in determining the fate of the blooms and the magnitude of organic carbon exported out of the surface water column. Previously, the marginal ice zone was considered the most productive region in the area, but our study reveals intense blooms and high export events in ice-covered waters. This is the first comprehensive study on carbon export fluxes for under-ice phytoplankton blooms, a phenomenon suggested to have increased in importance under the new Arctic sea ice regime
