229 research outputs found

    Sernhac – Cadenet et Perriùres

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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 1998 (SD) ; 1995 (EX) Inventeur(s) : Buffat LoĂŻc (CollectivitĂ© territoriale) ; Petitot HervĂ© (AFAN) ; Guerre Josselyne (CollectivitĂ© territoriale) ; Gomez M. Au lieu-dit Cadenet et PerriĂšres, M. Gomez a dĂ©couvert dans les annĂ©es 1990 un important site gallo-romain. La prospection menĂ©e en 1992 par le groupe archĂ©ologique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’il s’agissait d’une villa gallo-romaine (superficie de la concentration de mobilier : 8 000 m2(Petitot, HervĂ© et al. 1993.), site SE02). Un ..

    Topological Aspects of Epistemology and Metaphysics

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    The aim of this paper is to show that (elementary) topology may be useful for dealing with problems of epistemology and metaphysics. More precisely, I want to show that the introduction of topological structures may elucidate the role of the spatial structures (in a broad sense) that underly logic and cognition. In some detail I’ll deal with “Cassirer’s problem” that may be characterized as an early forrunner of Goodman’s “grue-bleen” problem. On a larger scale, topology turns out to be useful in elaborating the approach of conceptual spaces that in the last twenty years or so has found quite a few applications in cognitive science, psychology, and linguistics. In particular, topology may help distinguish “natural” from “not-so-natural” concepts. This classical problem that up to now has withstood all efforts to solve (or dissolve) it by purely logical methods. Finally, in order to show that a topological perspective may also offer a fresh look on classical metaphysical problems, it is shown that Leibniz’s famous principle of the identity of indiscernibles is closely related to some well-known topological separation axioms. More precisely, the topological perspective gives rise in a natural way to some novel variations of Leibniz’s principle

    Hyperbolic planforms in relation to visual edges and textures perception

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    We propose to use bifurcation theory and pattern formation as theoretical probes for various hypotheses about the neural organization of the brain. This allows us to make predictions about the kinds of patterns that should be observed in the activity of real brains through, e.g. optical imaging, and opens the door to the design of experiments to test these hypotheses. We study the specific problem of visual edges and textures perception and suggest that these features may be represented at the population level in the visual cortex as a specific second-order tensor, the structure tensor, perhaps within a hypercolumn. We then extend the classical ring model to this case and show that its natural framework is the non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry. This brings in the beautiful structure of its group of isometries and certain of its subgroups which have a direct interpretation in terms of the organization of the neural populations that are assumed to encode the structure tensor. By studying the bifurcations of the solutions of the structure tensor equations, the analog of the classical Wilson and Cowan equations, under the assumption of invariance with respect to the action of these subgroups, we predict the appearance of characteristic patterns. These patterns can be described by what we call hyperbolic or H-planforms that are reminiscent of Euclidean planar waves and of the planforms that were used in [1, 2] to account for some visual hallucinations. If these patterns could be observed through brain imaging techniques they would reveal the built-in or acquired invariance of the neural organization to the action of the corresponding subgroups.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Low energy expansion of the four-particle genus-one amplitude in type II superstring theory

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    A diagrammatic expansion of coefficients in the low-momentum expansion of the genus-one four-particle amplitude in type II superstring theory is developed. This is applied to determine coefficients up to order s^6R^4 (where s is a Mandelstam invariant and R^4 the linearized super-curvature), and partial results are obtained beyond that order. This involves integrating powers of the scalar propagator on a toroidal world-sheet, as well as integrating over the modulus of the torus. At any given order in s the coefficients of these terms are given by rational numbers multiplying multiple zeta values (or Euler--Zagier sums) that, up to the order studied here, reduce to products of Riemann zeta values. We are careful to disentangle the analytic pieces from logarithmic threshold terms, which involves a discussion of the conditions imposed by unitarity. We further consider the compactification of the amplitude on a circle of radius r, which results in a plethora of terms that are power-behaved in r. These coefficients provide boundary `data' that must be matched by any non-perturbative expression for the low-energy expansion of the four-graviton amplitude. The paper includes an appendix by Don Zagier.Comment: JHEP style. 6 eps figures. 50 page

    Effect of genotypic, meteorological and agronomic factors on the gluten index of winter durum wheat

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    The determination of the gluten index is a widely used method for analysing the gluten strength of bread wheat and spring durum wheat genotypes. The present work was carried out to study the effect of the genotype, meteorological factors (temperature, precipitation and number of days with Tmax ≄ 30 °C) and agronomic treatments (N fertilisation and plant protection) on the gluten index of winter durum wheat varieties and breeding lines. The results indicated that the gluten index had little dependence on the environment, being determined to the greatest extent by the genotype. Compared with varieties having weak gluten, those with a strong gluten matrix responded less sensitively to changes in environmental conditions. Among the meteorological factors, high temperature at the end of the grain-filling period caused the greatest reduction in the mean gluten index of three varieties (R 2 = 0.462), while the fertiliser was found to be a significant factor affecting the gluten strength of winter durum wheat varieties. Using selection based on the gluten index, the gluten strength of winter durum wheat lines can be improved sufficiently to make them competitive with high quality spring varieties

    Psychoneural Isomorphism: From Metaphysics to Robustness

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    At the beginning of the 20th century, Gestalt psychologists put forward the concept of psychoneural isomorphism, which was meant to replace Fechner’s obscure notion of psychophysical parallelism and provide a heuristics that may facilitate the search for the neural correlates of the mind. However, the concept has generated much confusion in the debate, and today its role is still unclear. In this contribution, I will attempt a little conceptual spadework in clarifying the concept of psychoneural isomorphism, focusing exclusively on conscious visual perceptual experience and its neural correlates. Firstly, I will outline the history of our concept, and its alleged metaphysical and epistemic roles. Then, I will clarify the nature of isomorphism and rule out its metaphysical role. Finally, I will review some epistemic roles of our concept, zooming in on the work of Jean Petitot, and suggest that it does not play a relevant heuristic role. I conclude suggesting that psychoneural isomorphism might be an indicator of robustness for certain mathematical descriptions of perceptual content
