808 research outputs found

    Sacroiliac tuberculosis masquerading as mechanical lower back pain in a collegiate basketball athlete: a case presentation

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    Background: Sacroiliac tuberculosis is a rare condition for which early diagnosis and effective management frequently proves challenging. This report describes a case that was initially overlooked due to its presentation and unreported constitutional symptoms.Aim: To alert clinicians about skeletal tuberculosis, an often neglected diagnostic differential, which requires a high index of clinical suspicion, especially for patients from endemic areas.Findings: This patient’s presentation (sports injury) and unreported constitutional symptoms resulted in a delay in the diagnosis and initial institution of treatment.Implications: This report illustrates the importance of specifically asking about constitutional symptoms, even in sports injury settings and being mindful of infectious diseases or other chronic medical conditions, which may masquerade as common sports injuries.Keywords: skeletal tuberculosis, sacroiliitis, hip pai

    Healthy lifestyle interventions in general practice: Part 15: Lifestyle and lower back pain

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    Lower back pain (LBP) is one of the most common medical problems in the adult population. LBP can be defined as pain, muscle tension or stiffness that is localised below the costal margin (inferior rib cage) and above the inferior gluteal folds and that can present either with or without leg pain (sciatica), and it can be classified as “specific” or “non-specific”. LBP has a high lifetime prevalence and is associated with a substantial direct and indirect cost to the individual and society. In this review, the focus is on the identification of lifestyle risk factors and interventions that are associated with mainly non-specific chronic LBP. In addition to pharmacotherapy, the best treatment approach is exercise therapy (including physical reconditioning), psychosocial and behavioural intervention and therapeutic education. Other lifestyle changes include nutritional intervention and smoking cessation

    Healthy lifestyle interventions in general practice: Part16: Lifestyle and fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder, characterised by chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain, and the presence of multiple tender points as well as a host of associated symptomatology. Optimal management of patients with fibromyalgia requires a multidisciplinary approach, with a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions that are tailored to the patient's pain, dysfunction and associated features, including depression, sleep disorder and fatigue. Non-pharmacological lifestyle-based interventions to treat this disorder include exercise therapy, dietary modification, and psychosocial interventions. This review outlines these three forms of lifestyle intervention in patients with fibromyalgia

    International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement: Molecular Basis of Connective Tissue and Muscle Injuries in Sport

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    Tendon and ligament injures cause significant loss of performance in sport and decreased functional capacity in the workplace. Many of these injures remain difficult to treat, and many individuals have long-term pain and discomfort. Animal studies of growth factor and cell-based therapies have shown promising results, but these treatments also can be misused to enhance athletic performance. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) now has high-level scientific advisors who can advise the IOC as to the use and abuse of these technologies

    Healthy lifestyle interventions in general practice. Part 2: Lifestyle and cardiovascular disease

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    This article forms the second part of the series on the role of lifestyle modification in general practice with specific reference to chronic cardiovascular disease. Whilst the major risk factors which constitute an unhealthy lifestyle were discussed in part 1 of this series, the focus of part 2 will give specific practical guidelines which the general practitioner may incorporate into their practice when counselling patients with chronic cardiovascular disease

    Healthy lifestyle interventions in general practice Part 4: Lifestyle and diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus, in particular Type 2 diabetes, can be classified as a chronic disease of lifestyle. A lifestyle intervention programme is therefore an essential component of the primary and secondary prevention (management) of diabetes mellitus. The main indication for referral to a lifestyle intervention programme is any patient with either pre-diabetes or established diabetes mellitus. Following a comprehensive initial assessment, patients are recommended to attend either a group-based programme (medically supervised or medically directed, depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of any co-morbidities) or a home-based intervention programme. The main elements of the intervention programme are nutritional intervention, exercise training (minimum of 150 minutes at moderate intensity per week), psychosocial support and education. Regular monitoring should be conducted during training sessions, and a follow-up assessment is indicated after 2–3 months to assess progress and to re-set goals. Longer-term (5–6 months) intervention programmes are associated with better long-term outcomes

    Adiabaticity Conditions for Volatility Smile in Black-Scholes Pricing Model

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    Our derivation of the distribution function for future returns is based on the risk neutral approach which gives a functional dependence for the European call (put) option price, C(K), given the strike price, K, and the distribution function of the returns. We derive this distribution function using for C(K) a Black-Scholes (BS) expression with volatility in the form of a volatility smile. We show that this approach based on a volatility smile leads to relative minima for the distribution function ("bad" probabilities) never observed in real data and, in the worst cases, negative probabilities. We show that these undesirable effects can be eliminated by requiring "adiabatic" conditions on the volatility smile

    Узагальнення методу оптимального агрегування виробничих систем із довільними структурами

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    Поставлено й розв’язано задачу заміни елементів виробничих систем із довільними структурами оптимальним еквівалентним за входом-виходом агрегованим елементом. Побудовано обчислювально ефективні моделі оптимального агрегування