45 research outputs found

    Stability of ecosystems enhanced by species-interaction constraints

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    Ecosystem stability is a central question both in theoretical and applied biology. Dynamical systems theory can be used to analyze how growth rates, carrying capacities, and patterns of species interactions affect the stability of an ecosystem. The response to increasing complexity has been extensively studied and the general conclusion is that there is a limit. While there is a complexity limit to stability at which global destabilisation occurs, the collapse rarely happens suddenly if a system is fully viable (no species is extinct). In fact, when complexity is successively increased, we find that the generic response is to go through multiple single-species extinctions before a global collapse. In this paper we demonstrate this finding via both numerical simulations and elaborations of theoretical predictions. We explore more biological interaction patterns, and, perhaps most importantly, we show that constrained interaction structures-a constant row sum in the interaction matrix-prevent extinctions from occurring. This makes an ecosystem more robust in terms of allowed complexity, but it also means singles-species extinctions do not precede or signal collapse-a drastically different behavior compared to the generic and commonly assumed case. We further argue that this constrained interaction structure-limiting the total interactions for each species-is biologically plausible

    Using the uncertainty principle to design simple interactions for targeted self-assembly

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    We present a method that systematically simplifies isotropic interactions designed for targeted self-assembly. The uncertainty principle is used to show that an optimal simplification is achieved by a combination of heat kernel smoothing and Gaussian screening of the interaction potential in real and reciprocal space. We use this method to analytically design isotropic interactions for self-assembly of complex lattices and of materials with functional properties. The derived interactions are simple enough to narrow the gap between theory and experimental implementation of theory based designed self-assembling materials

    Chiral surfaces self-assembling in one-component systems with isotropic interactions

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    We show that chiral symmetry can be broken spontaneously in one-component systems with isotropic interactions, i.e. many-particle systems having maximal a priori symmetry. This is achieved by designing isotropic potentials that lead to self-assembly of chiral surfaces. We demonstrate the principle on a simple chiral lattice and on a more complex lattice with chiral super-cells. In addition we show that the complex lattice has interesting melting behavior with multiple morphologically distinct phases that we argue can be qualitatively predicted from the design of the interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Novel self-assembled morphologies from isotropic interactions

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    We present results from particle simulations with isotropic medium range interactions in two dimensions. At low temperature novel types of aggregated structures appear. We show that these structures can be explained by spontaneous symmetry breaking in analytic solutions to an adaptation of the spherical spin model. We predict the critical particle number where the symmetry breaking occurs and show that the resulting phase diagram agrees well with results from particle simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Designing isotropic interactions for self-assembly of complex lattices

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    We present a direct method for solving the inverse problem of designing isotropic potentials that cause self-assembly into target lattices. Each potential is constructed by matching its energy spectrum to the reciprocal representation of the lattice to guarantee that the desired structure is a ground state. We use the method to self-assemble complex lattices not previously achieved with isotropic potentials, such as a snub square tiling and the kagome lattice. The latter is especially interesting because it provides the crucial geometric frustration in several proposed spin liquids.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Renormalization of cellular automata and self-similarity

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    We study self-similarity in one-dimensional probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) using the renormalization technique. We introduce a general framework for algebraic construction of renormalization groups (RG) on cellular automata and apply it to exhaustively search the rule space for automata displaying dynamic criticality. Previous studies have shown that there exists several exactly renormalizable deterministic automata. We show that the RG fixed points for such self-similar CA are unstable in all directions under renormalization. This implies that the large scale structure of self-similar deterministic elementary cellular automata is destroyed by any finite error probability. As a second result we show that the only non-trivial critical PCA are the different versions of the well-studied phenomenon of directed percolation. We discuss how the second result supports a conjecture regarding the universality class for dynamic criticality defined by directed percolation.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Identification of metastable states in peptide's dynamics

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    A recently developed spectral method for identifying metastable states in Markov chains is used to analyse the conformational dynamics of a four residue peptide Valine-Proline-Alanine-Leucine. We compare our results to empirically defined conformational states and show that the found metastable states correctly reproduce the conformational dynamics of the system

    Universality of striped morphologies

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    We present a method for predicting the low-temperature behavior of spherical and Ising spin models with isotropic potentials. For the spherical model the characteristic length scales of the ground states are exactly determined but the morphology is shown to be degenerate with checkerboard patterns, stripes and more complex morphologies having identical energy. For the Ising models we show that the discretization breaks the degeneracy causing striped morphologies to be energetically favored and therefore they arise universally as ground states to potentials whose Hankel transforms have nontrivial minima.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A method for estimating the interactions in dissipative particle dynamics from particle trajectories

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    We introduce a method for determining the functional form of the stochastic and dissipative interactions in a dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) model from projected phase space trajectories. The DPD model is viewed as a coarse graining of a detailed dynamics that displays a clear time scale separation. Based on the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator method we derive a consistency equation for the stochastic interaction in DPD. The consistency equation can be solved by an iterative boot strapping procedure. Combined with standard techniques for estimating the conservative interaction, our method makes it possible to reconstruct all the forces in a coarse grained DPD model. We demonstrate how the method works by recreating the interactions in a DPD model from its phase space trajectory. Furthermore, we discuss how our method can be used in realistic systems with finite time scale separation

    On the microscopic foundation of dissipative particle dynamics

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    Mesoscopic particle based fluid models, such as dissipative particle dynamics, are usually assumed to be coarse-grained representations of an underlying microscopic fluid. A fundamental question is whether there exists a map from microscopic particles in these systems to the corresponding coarse-grained particles, such that the coarse-grained system has the same bulk and transport properties as the underlying system. In this letter, we investigate the coarse-graining of microscopic fluids using a Voronoi type projection that has been suggested in several studies. The simulations show that the projection fails in defining coarse-grained particles that have a physically meaningful connection to the microscopic fluid. In particular, the Voronoi projection produces identical coarse-grained equilibrium properties when applied to systems with different microscopic interactions and different bulk properties.Comment: First revisio