84 research outputs found

    Gold-Catalyzed cis-Hydroarylation of Ynamides with Indoles : Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of a Class of 2-Vinylindoles

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    A new gold-catalyzed reaction of ynamides with 3-substituted indoles as nucleophiles is reported. The reaction allows for the synthesis of a new class of 2-vinylindole derivatives in good yields via the intermediacy of a cyclopropyl gold-carbenoid species

    Synthesis of constrained analogues of tryptophan

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    A Lewis acid-catalysed diastereoselective [4 + 2] cycloaddition of vinylindoles and methyl 2-acetamidoacrylate, leading to methyl 3-acetamido-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazole-3-carboxylate derivatives, is described. Treatment of the obtained cycloadducts under hydrolytic conditions results in the preparation of a small library of compounds bearing the free amino acid function at C-3 and pertaining to the class of constrained tryptophan analogues

    Desenvolvimento e implementação de um modelo de gestão do risco num processo de ensino-aprendizagem no pré escolar–Estudo de Caso

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    A tomada de consciência para a inevitabilidade do risco tem de estar sempre presente quando se realiza qualquer projeto. Realizando uma abordagem processual à gestão de projeto, deverá sempre integrar-se nas várias fases desse processo, a gestão do risco. Assim, a gestão do risco constitui um processo próprio em que, entre outras etapas, uma avaliação precisa do risco se mostra muito importante para uma gestão eficaz. A gestão escolar é influenciada por diversos fatores constituídos no decorrer das relações estabelecidas, tornando-se um desafio aos gestores e também aos educadores. Desta forma, é possível entender os aspetos da formação plena e integrativa, nos ambientes escolares. O processo de gestão deve ser analisado desde a sua conceção, implementação do mesmo na escola até à sua repercussão no processo de ensino-aprendizagem (avaliação dos outputs/outcomes). Este trabalho teve como objetivo a integração da gestão do risco num projeto escolar de terapia da fala, no sentido de melhor apoiar a tomada de decisão, contribuindo para a identificação e levantamento de ações preventivas necessárias a implementar, no sentido de garantir o sucesso da aplicação do referido projeto escolar de terapia da fala.The awareness for the inevitability of the risk must always be present when carry out any project. When conducting a procedural approach to the project management, the risk management must always be integrated in the different stages of the process. Therefore, the risk management represents a unique process that, among other stages, an accurate evaluation of the risk is the key to an effective management. The educational management is influenced by various factors incorporated in the course of the established relationships, becoming a challenge to the managers and also to the educators. In this way, it is possible to understand the aspects of training full and integrated in school environment. The management process must be analyzed since its conception, its complementation in school until its impact in the teaching – learning process (evaluation of outputs/outcomes). The aim of this project was the inclusion of the risk management in the school project of speech therapy, with the purpose to support the awareness, adding to the identification and searching of preventing actions needed to assure the success of the mentioned school project of speech therapy.La conciencia de la inevitabilidad del riesgo siempre debe estar presente al llevar a cabo cualquier proyecto. Tomando un enfoque de procedimiento para la gestión de proyectos, la gestión de riesgos siempre debe integrarse en las diversas etapas de este proceso. Por lo tanto, la gestión de riesgos es un proceso propio en el que, entre otros pasos, la evaluación precisa de riesgos es muy importante para una gestión eficaz. La gestión escolar está influenciada por varios factores constituidos durante las relaciones establecidas, lo que lo convierte en un desafío para los gerentes y también para los educadores. De esta manera, es posible comprender los aspectos de la formación completa e integradora en los entornos escolares. El proceso de gestión debe analizarse desde su concepción, su implementformación en la escuela hasta su repercusión en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (evaluación de productos / resultados). Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo integrar la gestión de riesgos en un proyecto escolar de terapia del habla, con el fin de apoyar mejor la toma de decisiones, contribuyendo a la identificación y encuesta de acciones preventivas necesarias para implementar, con el fin de garantizar el éxito de la aplicación. del proyecto escolar de logopedia

    O coração do atleta

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    Em um ano de Olimpíadas e a dois anos de uma Copa do Mundo no Brasil, uma figura assume papel de destaque na sociedade, na mídia e em estudos, o atleta. Neste trabalho, são abordadas as inúmeras alterações fisiológicas e anatômicas apresentadas pelo coração do atleta, resultantes do treinamento físico intenso e sistemático para melhorar a função desse órgão como bomba. Há um aprimoramento do músculo cardíaco, com a hipertrofia deste, ocasionando aumento de massa e do volume do coração, permitindo um aumento do débito cardíaco e redução das pressões arterial sistólica e diastólica, e também, uma redução da frequência cardíaca, por diminuição do ritmo de acionamento intrínseco do tecido do marca-passo do nodo sinusal. Para a mesma carga de esforço, em relação a um coração sedentário, um coração treinado apresenta menor gasto energético, além de aumento da força de contração, com melhor reserva cardíaca e melhor aproveitamento de oxigênio

    Dysglycemias in pregnancy: from diagnosis to treatment. Brazilian consensus statement

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    There is an urgent need to find consensus on screening, diagnosing and treating all degrees of DYSGLYCEMIA that may occur during pregnancies in Brazil, considering that many cases of DYSGLYCEMIA in pregnant women are currently not diagnosed, leading to maternal and fetal complications. For this reason the Brazilian Diabetes Society (SBD) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Societies (FEBRASGO), got together to introduce this proposal. We present here a joint consensus regarding the standardization of clinical management for pregnant women with any degree of Dysglycemia, on the basis of current information, to improve medical assistance and to avoid related complications of Dysglycemia in pregnancy to the mother and the fetus. This consensus aims to standardize the diagnosis among general practitioners, endocrinologists and obstetricians allowing the dissemination of information in basic health units, public and private services, that are responsible for screening, diagnosing and treating disglycemic pregnant patients

    Association between different levels of dysglycemia and metabolic syndrome in pregnancy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we sought to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in a cohort of pregnant women with a wide range of glucose tolerance, prepregnancy risk factors for MS during pregnancy, and the effects of MS in the outcomes in the mother and in the newborn.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One hundred and thirty six women with positive screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) were classified by two diagnostic methods: glycemic profile and 100 g OGTT as normoglycemic, mild gestational hyperglycemic, GDM, and overt GDM. Markers of MS were measured between 2428<sup>th </sup>during the screening.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of MS was: 0%; 20.0%; 23.5% and 36.4% in normoglycemic, mild hyperglycemic, GDM, and overt GDM groups, respectively. Previous history of GDM with or without insulin use, BMI ≥ 25, hypertension, family history of diabetes in first degree relatives, non-Caucasian ethnicity, history of prematurity and polihydramnios were statistically significant prepregnancy predictors for MS in the index pregnancy, that by its turn increased the adverse outcomes in the mother and in the newborn.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of MS increases with the worsening of glucose tolerance; impaired glycemic profile identifies pregnancies with important metabolic abnormalities even in the presence of a normal OGTT, in patients that are not classified as having GDM.</p

    Buccal alterations in diabetes mellitus

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    Long standing hyperglycaemia besides damaging the kidneys, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, heart, can also impair the function of the salivary glands leading to a reduction in the salivary flow. When salivary flow decreases, as a consequence of an acute hyperglycaemia, many buccal or oral alterations can occur such as: a) increased concentration of mucin and glucose; b) impaired production and/or action of many antimicrobial factors; c) absence of a metalloprotein called gustin, that contains zinc and is responsible for the constant maturation of taste papillae; d) bad taste; e) oral candidiasis f) increased cells exfoliation after contact, because of poor lubrication; g) increased proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms; h) coated tongue; i) halitosis; and many others may occur as a consequence of chronic hyperglycaemia: a) tongue alterations, generally a burning mouth; b) periodontal disease; c) white spots due to demineralization in the teeth; d) caries; e) delayed healing of wounds; f) greater tendency to infections; g) lichen planus; h) mucosa ulcerations. Buccal alterations found in diabetic patients, although not specific of this disease, have its incidence and progression increased when an inadequate glycaemic control is present