1,043 research outputs found

    La biblioteca escolar vista por sus usuarios: el caso de la biblioteca del CEIP Isabel la Católica (Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the Library of the School Isabel La Católica through the vision provided by their users, including 5-12 year old students as well as teachers. Their views and perceptions have conducted a subjective evaluation based on the ServQUAL and LibQUAL+ models, that have been adapted to the characteristics of different types of users and to the objectives of the school libraries in the Region of Madrid.El objeto de este estudio es evaluar la biblioteca del Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria Isabel La Católica a través de la visión que aportan sus usuarios, desde alumnos de cinco a doce años hasta los profesores del centro. Para conocer su opinión y percepción se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación subjetiva basada en los modelos ServQUAL y en su derivado para bibliotecas LibQUAL+, que se han adaptado a las peculiaridades y características de los distintos tipos de usuarios, así como los objetivos de las bibliotecas escolares de la Comunidad de Madrid

    Competencia judicial civil internacional por daño ambiental: determinación del hecho dañoso y su extensión. El caso europeo

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    Nach der Regel/Gesetz der Ubiquität, welches der EuGH auf der Grundlage von Artikel 5.3 der Verordnung 44/2001 (Brüssel I) festsetzte, als er über den Fall bier/minas de Potasio de alsacia das Urteil erlies, ergibt sich, dass die Last dem Angeklagten zugewiesen wurde. Diese Auslegung steht im Einklang mit den internationalen Grundsätzen des Umweltschutzes. Der Beschluss im Fall bier/minas de Potasio de alsacia jedoch, nimmt einen Schaden von bi, internationalen und grenzüberschreitendem Schaden an, der eine einfache Identifizierung der Tat und Folgen ermöglichte. Aus diesem Grund sorgte das Zusammentreffen der Gerichte für einige Kritik, die im Wesentlichen auf zwei Aspekten basiert: a) die Unterscheidung zwischen Zivildelikten und Umweltdelikten und b) die Unterscheidung zwischen direkten und indirekten Schäden. Aus diesen Gründen legte der EuGH die Grenzen des Gesetzes der Ubiquität fest. Diese Grenzen können aus der Perspektive der Analyse des Zusammenhangs angegangen werden, der besteht zwischen der Tatsache, zwischen dem Schadensverursacher und dem Ergebnis des Schadens.After the rule of ubiquity that the ECJ ruled in order to Article 5.3 of the Regulation 44/2001 (Brussels I), in ruling on the case bier/Potash mines of alsace, the burden of internationality was assigned to the defendant. This interpretation was consistent with international principles of environmental protection. However, the resolution of the case bier/Potash mines of alsace, is a case of crossborder damage with easy identification of the unity of action and unity of the consequences. But, in more complex cases, the competent forums generate some problems in order to: a) the distinction between civil torts vs environmental torts, and b) distinction between direct and indirect damage. For these reasons, the ECJ established the limits of the rule of ubiquity. There are an approach from the analysis of the link between the fact that caused the damage and the fact of damage. Our work will interpret those limits and that link from the environmental perspective.Después de la regla de ubicuidad que el TJCE estableció en base al art. 5.3 del Reglamento 44/2001, Bruselas I, al pronunciarse sobre el caso bier/minas de Potasio de alsacia, resulta que la carga de la internacionalidad se asignó al demandado. Esta interpretación está conforme con los principios internacionales de protección ambiental. Sin embargo, la solución del caso bier/minas de Potasio de alsacia supone un caso de daño internacional de fácil identificación por la unidad de acción y por la unidad de consecuenicas. En casos más complejos, el foro competente genera algunos problemas en orden a: a) distinción entre daños civiles y daños ambientales, y b) distinción entre daños directos y daños indirectos. Por esta razón, el TJCE se dio a la tarea de establecer los límites de la regla de ubicuidad. Tales límites pueden ser abordados desde la perspectiva del análisis del vínculo que existe entre el hecho generador del daño y el resultado lesivo. Nuestro trabajo consiste en interpretar tales límites en perspectiva ambiental

    A constraint on the pair-density ratio (Z+) in an electron-positron pair wind

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    We derive a constraint on the pair density ratio, z(sub +) = n(sub +)/n(sub p), in an electron-positron pair wind flowing away from the central region of an accretion disk around a compact object under the assumption of a coupling between electrons, positrons, and protons. The minimum rate at which positrons are injected into the annihilation volume is given by the observed annihilation flux per unit volume. This rate is then used to determine a minimum mass loss rate per unit area, M(dot)(sub *) for a given pair density ratio at the base of the streamline. The requirement that M(dot)(sub *) less than M(dot)(sub *)(sub Edd) (the mean Eddington mass loss rate per unit area) then places a lower limit on the pair density ratio, z(sub +,)(sub min). A positron annihilation line was observed in Nova Muscae 1991 by GRANAT/SIGMA. The narrow width and redshift of the line suggest that the pair production and annihilation regions are physically distinct. We hypothesize that an electron-positron pair wind transports the pairs from the production to the annihilation region and calculate z(sub +),(sub min). We then determine constraints on the physical parameters on the pair production region by comparing z(sub +),(sub min) with previous studies of two-temperature and one-temperature accretion disks with electron-positron pairs

    Harmonized tuning of nucleic acid and lectin binding properties with multivalent cyclodextrins for macrophage-selective gene delivery

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    Polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrins (paCDs) have been shown to behave as efficient non-viral gene carriers paralleling the efficacy of commercial vectors towards a variety of cell lines. Their molecular framework and modular design allow the installation of saccharidic antennae to promote specific carbohydrate–protein interactions, thus potentially endowing them with selective targeting abilities. Yet, the presence of these additional functionalities onto the polycationic cluster may hamper paCD self-assembly and nucleic acid condensation. In this report we describe the influence of paCD mannosylation extent on paCD-pDNA nanocomplex stability as well as the consequences of varying glycotope density on mannose-specific lectin recognition and gene delivery capabilities. The work aims at exploring the potential of this approach to optimize both properties in order to modulate cell transfection selectivity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2013-44021-RJunta de Andalucía FQM-146

    Bifurcation behavior of a superlattice model

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    We present a complete description of the stationary and dynamical behavior of semiconductor superlattices in the framework of a discrete drift model by means of numerical continuation, singular perturbation analysis, and bifurcation techniques. The control parameters are the applied DC voltage (φ) and the doping (ν) in nondimensional units. We show that the organizing centers for the long time dynamics are Takens–Bogdanov bifurcation points in a broad range of parameters and we cast our results in a φ-ν phase diagram. For small values of the doping, the system has only one uniform solution where all the variables are almost equal. For high doping we find multistability corresponding to domain solutions and the stationary solutions may exhibit chaotic spatial behavior. In the intermediate regime of ν the solution can be time-periodic depending on the bias. The oscillatory regions are related to the appearance and disappearance of Hopf bifurcation tongues which can be sub- or supercritical. These results are in good agreement with most of the experimental observations and also predict new interesting dynamical behavior.Junta de Andalucía PB97-008

    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Five-Year Retrospective Cohort Study on Differences in Clinical Characteristics and Morbidities According to Severity Grading

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    Introduction: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication associated with extreme prematurity. Although several criteria defining severity were developed over time, there are a few studies describing the differences in BPD phenotype and neonatal morbidities and complications between severity groups. We aimed to describe these differences in BPD patients of a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Methods: We conducted an observational retrospective cohort study through a medical record review over a five-year period. Participants were newborns admitted to an NICU who were diagnosed with BPD. We performed a descriptive statistical analysis of gestational complications and the use of antenatal corticosteroid therapy, birth-related data, and complications throughout the NICU stay, as well as the respiratory support used. We also compared different severity groups across these variables. The patients were divided into severe and non-severe BPD using the severity criteria of the 2001 NICHD/NHLBI/ORD consensus workshop. Results: A total of 101 newborns with BPD participated in the study and 73 had data on BPD severity. The median gestational age was 27 weeks, ranging from 23 to 32 weeks. Of these 73 newborns, 36 had mild BPD (49.3%), 10 had moderate BPD (13.7%), and 27 had severe BPD (37.0%). When comparing severe and non-severe BPD, we found that extreme prematurity, extremely low birth weight, and small size for gestational age were more frequent in the severe BPD group (p-value=0.012, p-value<0.001, and p-value=0.012, respectively). Infants with severe BPD had a longer duration of invasive ventilation than those with mild or moderate BPD (p-value<0.001). Late sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, severe brain injury, and retinopathy of prematurity were more frequent in severe BPD (p-value=0.017, p-value=0.045, p-value=0.033, p-value=0.003, respectively). Discussion: Previously published evidence describing causal links between BPD development and comorbidities exists but data on their impact on BPD severity are scarce. In our study, severe BPD seemed to be associated with a higher frequency of comorbidities and complications. Further studies are needed to ascertain the impact of each morbidity on the severity of BPD and if measures to prevent them could lead to potentially milder BPD disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guayaquil recuerda a Manuel J. Calle

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