140 research outputs found

    Low polarized emission from the core of coronal mass ejections

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    In white-light coronagraph images, cool prominence material is sometimes observed as bright patches in the core of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). If, as generally assumed, this emission is caused by Thomson-scattered light from the solar surface, it should be strongly polarised tangentially to the solar limb. However, the observations of a CME made with the SECCHI/STEREO coronagraphs on 31 August 2007 show that the emission from these bright core patches is exceptionally low polarised. We used the polarisation ratio method of Moran and Davila (2004) to localise the barycentre of the CME cloud. By analysing the data from both STEREO spacecraft we could resolve the plane-of-the-sky ambiguity this method usually suffers from. Stereoscopic triangulation was used to independently localise the low-polarisation patch relative to the cloud. We demonstrated for the first time that the bright core material is located close to the centre of the CME cloud. We show that the major part of the CME core emission, more than 85% in our case, is Hα\alpha radiation and only a small fraction is Thomson-scattered light. Recent calculations also imply that the plasma density in the patch is 8 108^8 cm3^{-3} or more compared to 2.6 106^6 cm3^{-3} for the Thomson-scattering CME environment surrounding the core material.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Space Weather Monitor at the L5 Point: A Case Study of a CME Observed with STEREO B

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    An important location for future space weather monitoring is the Lagrange point 5 (L5) of the Sun-Earth system. We test the performance of L5 for space weather monitoring using STEREO B observations of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), seen as a partial halo by SOHO at L1. STEREO B (located close to L5) continuously tracked the CME. By using these data in combination with methods to calculate the CME arrival time at the Earth (extrapolation, drag-based model, and a magnetohydrodynamic model), we demonstrate that the estimation of the CME arrival time can be drastically improved by adding L5 data. Based on the L1 data alone, one could predict that the CME would arrive at the Earth. Using only the L5 data, one would not expect an arrival, as the estimations of the CME 3-D configuration is uncertain. The combination of L1 and L5 data leads to an ambiguous prediction of the CME arrival due to low CME brightness in L1 data. To obtain an unambiguous prediction, one needs its 3-D configuration, from observing the CME material close to the plane of the sky from at least two viewpoints (in this case L5 and, coincidentally, L4). This event demonstrates that L1 observations may be better to determine CME arrival, but L5 observations are superior for constraining arrival time. In this work, the advantages and caveats of using data from a space weather monitor at L5 for predicting interplanetary propagation of CMEs are discussed and demonstrated in a direct case study

    Observation-based modelling of magnetised coronal mass ejections with EUHFORIA

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    Context. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the primary source of strong space weather disturbances at Earth. Their geo-effectiveness is largely determined by their dynamic pressure and internal magnetic fields, for which reliable predictions at Earth are not possible with traditional cone CME models. Aims. We study two well-observed Earth-directed CMEs using the EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset (EUH-FORIA) model, testing for the first time the predictive capabilities of a linear force-free spheromak CME model initialised using parameters derived from remote-sensing observations. Methods. Using observation-based CME input parameters, we performed magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the events with EU-HFORIA, using the cone and spheromak CME models. Results. Simulations show that spheromak CMEs propagate faster than cone CMEs when initialised with the same kinematic parameters. We interpret these differences as the result of different Lorentz forces acting within cone and spheromak CMEs, which lead to different CME expansions in the heliosphere. Such discrepancies can be mitigated by initialising spheromak CMEs with a reduced speed corresponding to the radial speed only. Results at Earth provide evidence that the spheromak model improves the predictions of B (B-z) by up to 12-60 (22-40) percentage points compared to a cone model. Considering virtual spacecraft located within +/- 10 degrees around Earth, B (Bz) predictions reach 45-70% (58-78%) of the observed peak values. The spheromak model shows inaccurate predictions of the magnetic field parameters at Earth for CMEs propagating away from the Sun-Earth line. Conclusions. The spheromak model successfully predicts the CME properties and arrival time in the case of strictly Earth-directed events, while modelling CMEs propagating away from the Sun-Earth line requires extra care due to limitations related to the assumed spherical shape. The spatial variability of modelling results and the typical uncertainties in the reconstructed CME direction advocate the need to consider predictions at Earth and at virtual spacecraft located around it.Peer reviewe

    Numerical simulations of shear-induced consecutive coronal mass ejections

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    Methods: Stealth CMEs represent a particular class of solar eruptions that are clearly distinguished in coronagraph observations, but they don't have a clear source signature. A particular type of stealth CMEs occurs in the trailing current sheet of a previous ejection, therefore, we used the 2.5D MHD package of the code MPI-AMRVAC to numerically simulate consecutive CMEs by imposing shearing motions onto the inner boundary. The initial magnetic configuration consists of a triple arcade structure embedded into a bimodal solar wind, and the sheared polarity inversion line is found in the southern loop system. The mesh was continuously adapted through a refinement method that applies to current carrying structures. We then compared the obtained eruptions with the observed directions of propagation of an initial multiple coronal mass ejection (MCME) event that occurred in September 2009. We further analysed the simulated ejections by tracking the centre of their flux ropes in latitude and their total speed. Radial Poynting flux computation was employed as well to follow the evolution of electromagnetic energy introduced into the system. Results: Changes within 1\% in the shearing speed result in three different scenarios for the second CME, although the preceding eruption seems insusceptible to such small variations. Depending on the applied shearing speed, we thus obtain a failed eruption, a stealth, or a CME driven by the imposed shear, as the second ejection. The dynamics of all eruptions are compared with the observed directions of propagation of an MCME event and a good correlation is achieved. The Poynting flux analysis reveals the temporal variation of the important steps of eruptions. For the first time, a stealth CME is simulated in the aftermath of a first eruption, through changes in the applied shearing speed.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, to be published in "Astronomy & Astrophysics", and the associated movies will also be available on the journal's websit

    On the 3D Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections using Coronagraph Data

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    Coronal Mass ejections (CMEs) are enormous eruptions of magnetized plasma expelled from the Sun into the interplanetary space, over the course of hours to days. They can create major disturbances in the interplanetary medium and trigger severe magnetic storms when they col- lide with the Earth’s magnetosphere. It is important to know their real speed, propagation direction and 3D configura- tion in order to accurately predict their arrival time at the Earth. Using data from the SECCHI coronagraphs onboard the STEREO mission, which was launched in October 2006, we can infer the propagation direction and the 3D struc- ture of such events. In this review, we first describe differ- ent techniques that were used to model the 3D configuration of CMEs in the coronagraph field of view (up to 15 R⊙). Then, we apply these techniques to different CMEs observed by various coronagraphs. A comparison of results obtained from the application of different reconstruction algorithms is presented and discussed

    Large non-radial propagation of a coronal mass ejection on 2011 January 24

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    Understanding the deflection of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is of great interest to the space weather community because of their implications for improving the prediction of CME. This paper aims to shed light into the effects of the coronal magnetic field environment on CME trajectories. We analyze the influence of the magnetic environment on the early development of a particular CME event. On 2011 January 24 an eruptive filament was ejected in association with a CME that suffered a large deflection from its source region and expected trajectory. We characterize the 3D evolution of the prominence material using the tie-pointing/triangulation reconstruction technique on EUV and white-light images. To estimate the coordinates in 3D space of the apex of the CME we use a forward-modeling technique that reproduces the large-scale structure of the flux rope-like CME, the Graduated Cylindrical Shell model. We found that the deflection amounts to 42° in latitude and 20° in longitude and that most of it occurs at altitudes below 4R⊙. Moreover, we found a non-negligible deflection at higher altitudes. Combining images of different wavelengths with the extrapolated magnetic field obtained from a potential field source surface model we confirm the presence of two magnetic structures near the erupting event. The magnetic field environment suggests that field lines from the southern coronal hole act as a magnetic wall that produces the large latitudinal deflection; while a nearby pseudostreamer and a northward extension of the southern coronal hole may be responsible for the eastward deflection of the CME.Fil: Cécere, Mariana Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Sieyra, María Valeria. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cremades Fernandez, Maria Hebe. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mierla, M.. Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy; BélgicaFil: Sahade, Abril. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Stenborg, G.. Spece Sciences División. Naval Research Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Costa, A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: West, M. J.. Royal Observatory Of Belgium; BélgicaFil: D'Huys, E.. Royal Observatory Of Belgium; Bélgic

    Quantifying errors in 3D CME parameters derived from synthetic data using white-light reconstruction techniques

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    Current efforts in space weather forecasting of CMEs have been focused on predicting their arrival time and magnetic structure. To make these predictions, methods have been developed to derive the true CME speed, size, position, and mass, among others. Difficulties in determining the input parameters for CME forecasting models arise from the lack of direct measurements of the coronal magnetic fields and uncertainties in estimating the CME 3D geometric and kinematic parameters after eruption. White-light coronagraph images are usually employed by a variety of CME reconstruction techniques that assume more or less complex geometries. This is the first study from our International Space Science Institute (ISSI) team “Understanding Our Capabilities in Observing and Modeling Coronal Mass Ejections”, in which we explore how subjectivity affects the 3D CME parameters that are obtained from the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) reconstruction technique, which is widely used in CME research. To be able to quantify such uncertainties, the “true” values that are being fitted should be known, which are impossible to derive from observational data. We have designed two different synthetic scenarios where the “true” geometric parameters are known in order to quantify such uncertainties for the first time. We explore this by using two sets of synthetic data: 1) Using the ray-tracing option from the GCS model software itself, and 2) Using 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation data from the Magnetohydrodynamic Algorithm outside a Sphere code. Our experiment includes different viewing configurations using single and multiple viewpoints. CME reconstructions using a single viewpoint had the largest errors and error ranges overall for both synthetic GCS and simulated MHD white-light data. As the number of viewpoints increased from one to two, the errors decreased by approximately 4° in latitude, 22° in longitude, 14° in tilt, and 10° in half-angle. Our results quantitatively show the critical need for at least two viewpoints to be able to reduce the uncertainty in deriving CME parameters. We did not find a significant decrease in errors when going from two to three viewpoints for our specific hypothetical three spacecraft scenario using synthetic GCS white-light data. As we expected, considering all configurations and numbers of viewpoints, the mean absolute errors in the measured CME parameters are generally significantly higher in the case of the simulated MHD white-light data compared to those from the synthetic white-light images generated by the GCS model. We found the following CME parameter error bars as a starting point for quantifying the minimum error in CME parameters from white-light reconstructions: Δθ (latitude)=6°-3°+2°, Δϕ (longitude)=11°-6°+18°, Δγ (tilt)=25°-7°+8°, Δα(half-angle)=10°-6°+12°, Δh (height)=0.6-0.4+1.2 R⊙, and Δκ (ratio)=0.1-0.02+0.03.Fil: Verbeke, Christine. Royal Observatory Of Belgium (rob);Fil: Mays, M. Leila. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Heliophysics Science Division; Estados UnidosFil: Kay, Christina. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Heliophysics Science Division; Estados Unidos. The Catholic University of America; Estados UnidosFil: Riley, Pete. Predictive Science Inc.; Estados UnidosFil: Palmerio, Erika. Predictive Science Inc.; Estados UnidosFil: Dumbović, Mateja. University of Zagreb; CroaciaFil: Mierla, Marilena. Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy; Rumania. Royal Observatory of Belgium; BélgicaFil: Scolini, Camilla. University of New Hampshire; Estados Unidos. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Temmer, Manuela. University of Graz; AustriaFil: Paouris, Evangelos. George Mason University; Estados Unidos. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Balmaceda, Laura Antonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; Argentina. George Mason University; Estados Unidos. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados UnidosFil: Cremades Fernandez, Maria Hebe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Hinterreiter, Jürgen. University of Graz; Austri

    The Eruption of a Magnetic Flux Rope Observed by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe

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    Magnetic flux ropes are a key component of coronal mass ejections, forming the core of these eruptive phenomena. However, determining whether a flux rope is present prior to eruption onset and, if so, the rope's handedness and the number of turns that any helical field lines make is difficult without magnetic field modeling or in situ detection of the flux rope. We present two distinct observations of plasma flows along a filament channel on 2022 September 4 and 5 made using the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. Each plasma flow exhibited helical motions in a right-handed sense as the plasma moved from the source active region across the solar disk to the quiet Sun, suggesting that the magnetic configuration of the filament channel contains a flux rope with positive chirality and at least one turn. The length and velocity of the plasma flow increased from the first to the second observation, suggesting evolution of the flux rope, with the flux rope subsequently erupting within ∼5 hr of the second plasma flow. The erupting flux rope then passed over the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft during its encounter (13), enabling in situ diagnostics of the structure. Although complex and consistent with the flux rope erupting from underneath the heliospheric current sheet, the in situ measurements support the inference of a right-handed flux rope from remote-sensing observations. These observations provide a unique insight into the eruption and evolution of a magnetic flux rope near the Sun

    Coronal jet contribution to the slow Solar wind flux: preliminary results

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    The solar wind is a continuous flux of charged particles that are ejected from the Sun's atmosphere. The sources of this flux have not been clearly identiffed yet. Coronal jets are proposed as a possible candidate. They are small collimated ejections of plasma seen in white-light coronagraph images. Using an existing catalogue, a sample of events during the period 2007-2008 was analysed, and ejected particle flux has been estimated. First results are now presented. As future work, all the jets contained in the catalogue will be analysed in order to obtain the average particle flux. The results will be compared to in-situ measurements in order to assess the coronal jet contribution to the solar wind