245 research outputs found

    Rotated canonical correlation analysis for multilingual corpora

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    This paper aims at proposing the joint use of Canonical Correlation Analysis and Procrustes Rotations (RCA), when we deal with a text and its translation into another language. The basic idea is representing words in the two different natural languages on a common reference space. The main characteristic of this space is to be lan-guage independent, although Procrustes Rotation is performed transforming the lexical table derived from trans-lation by minimizing its distance from the lexical table belonging to the original corpus, while the subsequent Canonical Correlation Analysis treats symmetrically the two word sets. The most interesting RCA feature is building a unique reference space for representing the correlation structure in the data, inducing the two systems of canonical factors to lie on the same space. These graphical representations enables us to read distances be-tween corresponding points in terms of different way of translating the same word in relation with the general context defined by the canonical variates. Trying to understand the distances between matched points could rep-resent an useful tool for enriching lexical resources in a translation procedure. In this paper we propose the com-parison of the most frequent content bearing words in the two languages, analyzing one year (2003) of Le Monde Diplomatique and its Italian edition

    The Ideal Candidate. Analysis of Professional Competences through Text Mining of Job Offers

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    The aim of this paper is to propose analytical tools for identifying peculiar aspects of job market for graduates. We propose a strategy for dealing with daa tat have different source and nature

    Late complications of robot-assisted radical cystectomy with totally intracorporeal urinary diversion

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    Introduction and objectives: To evaluate late complications in a large cohort of patients undergoing robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with totally intracorporeal urinary diversion (ICUD). Materials and methods: We prospectively enrolled patients who underwent RARC and ICUD between August 2012 and June 2019. We excluded patients with Ejection fraction < 36%, retinal vasculopathy, ventriculoperitoneal shunts, and those treated without curative intent. All complications and their onset date have been recorded, defined, and graded according to Clavien classification adapted for radical cystectomy. Results: 210 patients were included, 76% of whom were men, with a mean age of 62 years. Urinary diversions used were Padua Ileal Bladder (PIB) in 80% of cases, and ileal conduit (IC) in 20% of patients (generally older and with more comorbidity). The mean follow-up was 30 ± 22 months. The stenosis rate of uretero-ileal anastomosis was 14%, while a reduction in eGFR (≥ 20%) was observed in about half of the cases. UTIs occurred in 37% of the patients, especially in the first 12 months. Only 2% of patients had bowel occlusion, whereas incisional hernia, lymphocele, and systemic events (metabolic acidosis and major cardiovascular events) occurred respectively in 20%, 10%, and 1% of cases. Conclusions: Our study evaluates first late complications in a cohort of patients who underwent RARC with ICUD. These data are encouraging and in line with findings from a historical series of open radical cystectomy (ORC). This study is a further step in supporting RARC as a safe and effective surgical option for the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) in tertiary referral centers

    A Chromosome-Length Reference Genome for the Endangered Pacific Pocket Mouse Reveals Recent Inbreeding in a Historically Large Population

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    High-quality reference genomes are fundamental tools for understanding population history, and can provide estimates of genetic and demographic parameters relevant to the conservation of biodiversity. The federally endangered Pacific pocket mouse (PPM), which persists in three small, isolated populations in southern California, is a promising model for studying how demographic history shapes genetic diversity, and how diversity in turn may influence extinction risk. To facilitate these studies in PPM, we combined PacBio HiFi long reads with Omni-C and Hi-C data to generate a de novo genome assembly, and annotated the genome using RNAseq. The assembly comprised 28 chromosome-length scaffolds (N50 = 72.6 MB) and the complete mitochondrial genome, and included a long heterochromatic region on chromosome 18 not represented in the previously available short-read assembly. Heterozygosity was highly variable across the genome of the reference individual, with 18% of windows falling in runs of homozygosity (ROH) >1 MB, and nearly 9% in tracts spanning >5 MB. Yet outside of ROH, heterozygosity was relatively high (0.0027), and historical Ne estimates were large. These patterns of genetic variation suggest recent inbreeding in a formerly large population. Currently the most contiguous assembly for a heteromyid rodent, this reference genome provides insight into the past and recent demographic history of the population, and will be a critical tool for management and future studies of outbreeding depression, inbreeding depression, and genetic load

    Enhanced Chelate Cooperativity in Polar Solvents

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    High-throughput UV-vis titrations in combination with chemical double-mutant cycles (DMCs) have been used to study the competition of a polar solvent for formation of intramolecular H-bonds. Twenty-four different zinc porphyrin-pyridine complexes were investigated in mixtures of toluene and phenol. DMCs were used to determine effective molarities (EM) for the formation of intramolecular phenol-amide H-bonds as a function of solvent composition. The values of EM increase by an order of magnitude with increasing concentrations of the more polar solvent, phenol. Phenol solvates the amide groups on the ligands strongly, increasing the steric bulk and destabilizing the complexes. These adverse steric interactions are removed when intramolecular H-bonds are formed and therefore provide an increased driving force for formation of cooperative interactions. The result is that the effects of competitive interactions with polar solvents that reduce binding affinity are attenuated to a significant extent by a corresponding increase in EM in multivalent complexes.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/K025627/2), German Research Foundation (DFG) (Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

    Prevalence of aneurysm of the interatrial septum in the general population and in patients with a recent episode of cryptogenetic ischemic stroke: a tissue harmonic imaging transthoracic ecocardiography study in 5.631 patients

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    Cerebral ischemia is among the principal causes of mortality and morbidity in industrialized countries being responsible of 10-12% of all deaths and of an elevated number of permanent disability. The cardioembolic forms may be responsible of the 30-35% of cerebrovascular acute syndrome, nevertheless in a significant percentage of cases, especially among young people, cerebral ischemic episodes are not induced by these cardiembolic forms: these cases are defined as cryptogenetic stroke/TIA. In these patients cardiac abnormalities represented by an aneurysm of the interatrial septum (ASA) and by a patent foramen ovale (PFO) have been frequently observed. The purpose of our prospective study was to evaluate, through transthoracic ecocardiography and tissue harmonic imaging (ETT-THI), the prevalence of ASA in the general population (group A) and the prevalence of ASA-FOP in a subgroup of patients with recent episode of cryptogenetic ischemic stroke/TIA (group B). We studied in a prospective manner from January 1 2003 to October 31t 2004 n. 5.631 patients. The presence of ASA was found in 3,2% of patients of group A, while in patients of group B we identifyed an ASA in 32% and a POF in 42% of the cases. Using a ETT-THI, our study shows in a wide range of a non selected population a prevalence of ASA greater than in previous studies. Such high prevalence in the general population of patients submitted to echocardiography and the higher frequency in subjects with recent cryptogenetic stroke, suggests to search carefully these abnormalities at the level of the interatrial septum using the harmonic imaging method

    Restricción alimenticia en ovinos: Respuesta endocrino metabólica dependiente de las reservas corporales

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    las respuestas metabólicas a los cambios en el estado corporal podrían depender de la historia metabólica reciente (nivel de alimentación, efecto dinámico) o más antigua (reservas corporales, efecto estático), concepto denominado "memoria metabólica". El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la respuesta endocrino-metabólica a una restricción alimenticia en ovejas con diferente condición corporal (CC) al inicio del experimento. Durante la estación reproductiva, 36 ovejas Rasa Aragonesa fueron separadas en 2 grupos con diferente CC: CC > 2,75 (moderadamente alta, A, 2,9 ± 0,04) y CC < 2,25 (moderadamente baja, B, 2,1 ± 0,04). Durante 20 días, ambos grupos recibieron una dieta para cubrir los requerimientos de mantenimiento de energía y proteína, tras lo cual se asignaron al azar a dos tratamientos nutricionales: 1,5 (control, C) o 0,5 (subnutrición, S) veces los requerimientos de mantenimiento diario, estableciéndose cuatro grupos: altas control (AC, n = 9), altas subnutridas (AS, n = 10), bajas control (BC, n = 9) y bajas subnutridas (BS, n = 8). Se determinó el peso vivo (PV) y los niveles plasmáticos de glucosa, ácidos grasos no esterificados (AGNE), 3-hidroxibutirato (BHB), insulina, leptina y factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina tipo 1 (IGF-I). Los grupos BS y AS perdieron peso, el grupo BC lo ganó y las ovejas AC lo mantuvieron. La concentración plasmática de glucosa fue mayor y los AGNE menor en las ovejas controles. Las ovejas de alta CC presentaron mayores concentraciones de insulina y de IGF-I, y la leptina tendió a ser mayor en estos animales. A su vez, la insulina fue mayor en los animales controles, mientras que las otras hormonas no fueron afectadas por el tratamiento. Los perfiles de glucosa, BHB, insulina e IGF-I estuvieron afectados por la CC inicial y el tratamiento nutricional, como así lo demuestra la interacción significativa entre estos factores y días. Se evidenció un aumento en el momento del celo de las concentraciones de los metabolitos (glucosa y BHB) y de las hormonas metabólicas (insulina e IGF-I). En conclusión, en este estudio se encontró que los perfiles de glucosa, BHB, insulina e IGF-I varían de forma diferente frente a una restricción alimenticia en función del grado de reservas corporales de las ovejas en el momento de iniciarse la restricción alimenticia.Fil: Fernandez Foren, A.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Abecia, José Alfonso. Universidad de Zaragoza; EspañaFil: Vazquez, Maria Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias.; ArgentinaFil: Forcada Miranda, Fernando. Universidad de Zaragoza; EspañaFil: Sartore, I.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Carriquiry, M.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Meikle, Ana. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Sosa Misuraca, Cecilia. Universidad de Zaragoza; Españ

    Restricción alimenticia en ovinos: Respuesta endocrino metabólica dependiente de las reservas corporales

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    las respuestas metabólicas a los cambios en el estado corporal podrían depender de la historia metabólica reciente (nivel de alimentación, efecto dinámico) o más antigua (reservas corporales, efecto estático), concepto denominado "memoria metabólica". El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la respuesta endocrino-metabólica a una restricción alimenticia en ovejas con diferente condición corporal (CC) al inicio del experimento. Durante la estación reproductiva, 36 ovejas Rasa Aragonesa fueron separadas en 2 grupos con diferente CC: CC > 2,75 (moderadamente alta, A, 2,9 ± 0,04) y CC < 2,25 (moderadamente baja, B, 2,1 ± 0,04). Durante 20 días, ambos grupos recibieron una dieta para cubrir los requerimientos de mantenimiento de energía y proteína, tras lo cual se asignaron al azar a dos tratamientos nutricionales: 1,5 (control, C) o 0,5 (subnutrición, S) veces los requerimientos de mantenimiento diario, estableciéndose cuatro grupos: altas control (AC, n = 9), altas subnutridas (AS, n = 10), bajas control (BC, n = 9) y bajas subnutridas (BS, n = 8). Se determinó el peso vivo (PV) y los niveles plasmáticos de glucosa, ácidos grasos no esterificados (AGNE), 3-hidroxibutirato (BHB), insulina, leptina y factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina tipo 1 (IGF-I). Los grupos BS y AS perdieron peso, el grupo BC lo ganó y las ovejas AC lo mantuvieron. La concentración plasmática de glucosa fue mayor y los AGNE menor en las ovejas controles. Las ovejas de alta CC presentaron mayores concentraciones de insulina y de IGF-I, y la leptina tendió a ser mayor en estos animales. A su vez, la insulina fue mayor en los animales controles, mientras que las otras hormonas no fueron afectadas por el tratamiento. Los perfiles de glucosa, BHB, insulina e IGF-I estuvieron afectados por la CC inicial y el tratamiento nutricional, como así lo demuestra la interacción significativa entre estos factores y días. Se evidenció un aumento en el momento del celo de las concentraciones de los metabolitos (glucosa y BHB) y de las hormonas metabólicas (insulina e IGF-I). En conclusión, en este estudio se encontró que los perfiles de glucosa, BHB, insulina e IGF-I varían de forma diferente frente a una restricción alimenticia en función del grado de reservas corporales de las ovejas en el momento de iniciarse la restricción alimenticia.Fil: Fernandez Foren, A.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Abecia, José Alfonso. Universidad de Zaragoza; EspañaFil: Vazquez, Maria Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias.; ArgentinaFil: Forcada Miranda, Fernando. Universidad de Zaragoza; EspañaFil: Sartore, I.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Carriquiry, M.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Meikle, Ana. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Sosa Misuraca, Cecilia. Universidad de Zaragoza; Españ

    Multiple thromboembolism with multiple causes in a 69-year-old woman: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Aggressive, recurrent embolisms require accurate etiologic diagnosis. We describe the case of a 69-year-old Italian Caucasian woman with recurrent arterial embolisms in whom several sources and triggers of thrombosis were detected.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>The patient, a 69-year-old Italian Caucasian woman, presented with a systemic embolism that was initially attributed to atrial fibrillation. The recurrence of embolisms despite anti-thrombotic therapy prompted a re-evaluation of the clinical presentation. New potential causes of thrombosis emerged in this patient, including thrombocytosis associated with the <it>JAK2 V617F </it>mutation and the very rare mural thrombosis of the descending aorta. A mural thrombus in the pulmonary artery was detected contiguous with the aortic mural thrombosis, raising the possibility of a clinically silent ductus Botalli as the initiating event. The patient was treated with warfarin, aspirin, hydroxyurea, and surgery.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The diagnosis was achieved via systematic use of imaging procedures and reconsideration of blood tests performed to explore the diagnosis of thrombosis. This allowed a deeper and more detailed analysis of the case beyond the conventional approach, which would have aimed to identify one cause for the condition at hand, in this case, atrial fibrillation. The broader approach that we used resulted in the diagnosis of multiple embolisms from multiple sites and multiple causes.</p

    Highly efficient catalysis of the Kemp elimination in the cavity of a cubic coordination cage.

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    The hollow cavities of coordination cages can provide an environment for enzyme-like catalytic reactions of small-molecule guests. Here, we report a new example (catalysis of the Kemp elimination reaction of benzisoxazole with hydroxide to form 2-cyanophenolate) in the cavity of a water-soluble M8L12 coordination cage, with two features of particular interest. First, the rate enhancement is among the largest observed to date: at pD 8.5, the value of kcat/kuncat is 2 × 10(5), due to the accumulation of a high concentration of partially desolvated hydroxide ions around the bound guest arising from ion-pairing with the 16+ cage. Second, the catalysis is based on two orthogonal interactions: (1) hydrophobic binding of benzisoxazole in the cavity and (2) polar binding of hydroxide ions to sites on the cage surface, both of which were established by competition experiments