435 research outputs found

    Modeling and numerical study of primary breakup under diesel conditions

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    A recently introduced stochastic model for reduced numerical simulation of primary jet breakup is evaluated by comparing model predictions to DNS results for primary jet breakup under diesel conditions. The model uses one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) to simulate liquid and gas time advancement along a lateral line of sight. This one-dimensional domain is interpreted as a Lagrangian object that is advected downstream at the jet bulk velocity, thus producing a flow state expressed as a function of streamwise and lateral location. Multiple realizations are run to gather ensemble statistics that are compared to DNS results. The model incorporates several empirical extensions of the original ODT model that represent the phenomenology governing the Weber number dependence of global jet structure. The model as previously formulated, including the assigned values of tunable parameters, is used here without modification in order to test its capability to predict various statistics of droplets generated by primary breakup. This test is enabled by the availability of DNS results that are suitable for model validation. Properties that are examined are the rate of bulk liquid mass conversion into droplets, the droplet size distribution, and the dependence of droplet velocities on droplet diameter. Quantities of greatest importance for engine modeling are found to be predicted with useful accuracy, thereby demonstrating a more detailed predictive capability by a highly reduced numerical model of primary jet breakup than has previously been achieved

    Capability and Technology Performance Goals for the Next Step in Affordable Human Exploration of Space

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    The capability for living off the land, commonly called in-situ resource utilization, is finally gaining traction in space exploration architectures. Production of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere is called an enabling technology for human return from Mars, and a flight demonstration to be flown on the Mars 2020 robotic lander is in development. However, many of the individual components still require technical improvements, and system-level trades will be required to identify the best combination of technology options. Based largely on work performed for two recent roadmap activities, this paper defines the capability and technology requirements that will need to be achieved before this game-changing capability can reach its full potential

    Modeling of Neuronal Growth In Vitro: Comparison of Simulation Tools NETMORPH and CX3D

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    We simulate the growth of neuronal networks using the two recently published tools, NETMORPH and CX3D. The goals of the work are (1) to examine and compare the simulation tools, (2) to construct a model of growth of neocortical cultures, and (3) to characterize the changes in network connectivity during growth, using standard graph theoretic methods. Parameters for the neocortical culture are chosen after consulting both the experimental and the computational work presented in the literature. The first (three) weeks in culture are known to be a time of development of extensive dendritic and axonal arbors and establishment of synaptic connections between the neurons. We simulate the growth of networks from day 1 to day 21. It is shown that for the properly selected parameters, the simulators can reproduce the experimentally obtained connectivity. The selected graph theoretic methods can capture the structural changes during growth.Peer reviewe

    Orientational order parameters of a de Vries–type ferroelectric liquid crystal obtained by polarized Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction

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    The orientational order parameters 〈P2âŒȘ and 〈P4âŒȘ of the ferroelectric, de Vries–type liquid crystal 9HL have been determined in the SmA* and SmC* phases by means of polarized Raman spectroscopy, and in the SmA* phase using x-ray diffraction. Quantum density functional theory predicts Raman spectra for 9HL that are in good agreement with the observations and indicates that the strong Raman band probed in the experiment corresponds to the uniaxial, coupled vibration of the three phenyl rings along the molecular long axis. The magnitudes of the orientational order parameters obtained in the Raman and x-ray experiments differ dramatically from each other, a discrepancy that is resolved by considering that the two techniques probe the orientational distributions of different molecular axes. We have developed a systematic procedure in which we calculate the angle between these axes and rescale the orientational order parameters obtained from x-ray scattering with results that are then in good agreement with the Raman data. At least in the case of 9HL, the results obtained by both techniques support a “sugar loaf” orientational distribution in the SmA* phase with no qualitative difference to conventional smectics A. The role of individual molecular fragments in promoting de Vries–type behavior is considered

    Die wirtschaftliche Lage Rußlands: Wachstumsperspektive fehlt weiterhin, Schuldenerlaß keine Lösung. FĂŒnfzehnter Bericht

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    Der Ausbruch der russischen Finanzkrise im Sommer 1998 brachte fĂŒr die Wirtschaft des Landes außerordentlich starke ProduktionsrĂŒckgĂ€nge mit sich. Der Rubel verlor etwa drei Viertel seines Wertes, die Reallöhne gingen um etwa ein Drittel zurĂŒck. Der Weltmarktpreis fĂŒr Rohöl hat sich gegenĂŒber seinem Tiefpunkt wieder mehr als verdoppelt. Diese Faktoren trugen dazu bei, daß die russische Wirtschaft, wie einige asiatische KrisenlĂ€nder auch, die ProduktionsrĂŒckgĂ€nge schneller als zunĂ€chst erwartet wieder wettmachen konnte. Die Meinungen ĂŒber die weiteren Aussichten der russischen Wirtschaft sind nun allerdings sehr geteilt. Die Gruppe der langjĂ€hrigen Optimisten, die sich von der Krise deutlich geschockt zeigte, knĂŒpft an die zuletzt krĂ€ftige Zunahme der Industrieproduktion positive Erwartungen. Die Skeptiker dagegen sehen weiterhin nur eine dĂŒstere Zukunft fĂŒr die russische Wirtschaft. FĂŒr beide Positionen lassen sich gewichtige Belege finden. Im folgenden soll auch geprĂŒft werden, ob die jĂŒngsten Entwicklungen geeignet sind, zusĂ€tzliches Licht auf die Frage der Zukunftsaussichten fĂŒr die russische Wirtschaft zu werfen. --
