289 research outputs found

    Direct Substrate Delivery into Mitochondrial-Fission Deficient Pancreatic Islets Rescues Insulin Secretion

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    In pancreatic beta cells, mitochondrial bioenergetics control glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). Mitochondrial dynamics are generally associated with quality control, maintaining the functionality of bioenergetics. By acute pharmacological inhibition of mitochondrial fission protein Drp1, we here demonstrate that mitochondrial fission is necessary for GSIS in mouse and human islets. We confirm that genetic silencing of Drp1 increases mitochondrial proton leak in MIN6 cells. However, our comprehensive analysis of pancreatic islet bioenergetics reveals that Drp1 does not control insulin secretion via its effect on proton leak but instead via modulation of glucose-fuelled respiration. Notably, pyruvate fully rescues the impaired insulin secretion of fission-deficient beta cells, demonstrating that defective mitochondrial dynamics solely impact substrate supply upstream of oxidative phosphorylation. The present findings provide novel insights in how mitochondrial dysfunction may cause pancreatic beta cell failure. In addition, the results will stimulate new thinking in the intersecting fields of mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetics, as treatment of defective dynamics in mitochondrial diseases appears to be possible by improving metabolism upstream of mitochondria

    Platelets drive fibronectin fibrillogenesis using integrin αIIbβ3

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    Platelets interact with multiple adhesion proteins during thrombogenesis, yet little is known about their ability to assemble fibronectin matrix. In vitro three-dimensional superresolution microscopy complemented by biophysical and biochemical methods revealed fundamental insights into how platelet contractility drives fibronectin fibrillogenesis. Platelets adhering to thrombus proteins (fibronectin and fibrin) versus basement membrane components (laminin and collagen IV) pull fibronectin fibrils along their apical membrane versus underneath their basal membrane, respectively. In contrast to other cell types, platelets assemble fibronectin nanofibrils using αIIbβ3 rather than α5β1 integrins. Apical fibrillogenesis correlated with a stronger activation of integrin-linked kinase, higher platelet traction forces, and a larger tension in fibrillar-like adhesions compared to basal fibrillogenesis. Our findings have potential implications for how mechanical thrombus integrity might be maintained during remodeling and vascular repair

    Sfrp Controls Apicobasal Polarity and Oriented Cell Division in Developing Gut Epithelium

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    Epithelial tubular morphogenesis leading to alteration of organ shape has important physiological consequences. However, little is known regarding the mechanisms that govern epithelial tube morphogenesis. Here, we show that inactivation of Sfrp1 and Sfrp2 leads to reduction in fore-stomach length in mouse embryos, which is enhanced in the presence of the Sfrp5 mutation. In the mono-cell layer of fore-stomach epithelium, cell division is normally oriented along the cephalocaudal axis; in contrast, orientation diverges in the Sfrps-deficient fore-stomach. Cell growth and apoptosis are not affected in the Sfrps-deficient fore-stomach epithelium. Similarly, cell division orientation in fore-stomach epithelium diverges as a result of inactivation of either Stbm/Vangl2, an Fz/PCP component, or Wnt5a. These observations indicate that the oriented cell division, which is controlled by the Fz/PCP pathway, is one of essential components in fore-stomach morphogenesis. Additionally, the small intestine epithelium of Sfrps compound mutants fails to maintain proper apicobasal polarity; the defect was also observed in Wnt5a-inactivated small intestine. In relation to these findings, Sfrp1 physically interacts with Wnt5a and inhibits Wnt5a signaling. We propose that Sfrp regulation of Wnt5a signaling controls oriented cell division and apicobasal polarity in the epithelium of developing gut

    Cross-Regulation between TDP-43 and Paraspeckles Promotes Pluripotency-Differentiation Transition

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are key regulators of gene expression, but their joint functions in coordinating cell fate decisions are poorly understood. Here we show that the expression and activity of the RBP TDP-43 and the long isoform of the lncRNA Neat1, the scaffold of the nuclear compartment "paraspeckles," are reciprocal in pluripotent and differentiated cells because of their cross-regulation. In pluripotent cells, TDP-43 represses the formation of paraspeckles by enhancing the polyadenylated short isoform of Neat1. TDP-43 also promotes pluripotency by regulating alternative polyadenylation of transcripts encoding pluripotency factors, including Sox2, which partially protects its 3' UTR from miR-21-mediated degradation. Conversely, paraspeckles sequester TDP-43 and other RBPs from mRNAs and promote exit from pluripotency and embryonic patterning in the mouse. We demonstrate that cross-regulation between TDP-43 and Neat1 is essential for their efficient regulation of a broad network of genes and, therefore, of pluripotency and differentiation

    Transcriptional Control in Cardiac Progenitors: Tbx1 Interacts with the BAF Chromatin Remodeling Complex and Regulates Wnt5a

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    Mutations of the Wnt5a gene, encoding a ligand of the non-canonical Wnt pathway, and the Ror2 gene, encoding its receptor, have been found in patients with cardiac outflow tract defects. We found that Wnt5a is expressed in the second heart field (SHF), a population of cardiac progenitor cells destined to populate the cardiac outflow tract and the right ventricle. Because of cardiac phenotype similarities between Wnt5a and Tbx1 mutant mice, we tested potential interactions between the two genes. We found a strong genetic interaction in vivo and determined that the loss of both genes caused severe hypoplasia of SHF–dependent segments of the heart. We demonstrated that Wnt5a is a transcriptional target of Tbx1 and explored the mechanisms of gene regulation. Tbx1 occupies T-box binding elements within the Wnt5a gene and interacts with the Baf60a/Smarcd1 subunit of a chromatin remodeling complex. It also interacts with the Setd7 histone H3K4 monomethyltransferase. Tbx1 enhances Baf60a occupation at the Wnt5a gene and enhances its H3K4 monomethylation status. Finally, we show that Baf60a is required for Tbx1–driven regulation of target genes. These data suggest a model in which Tbx1 interacts with, and probably recruits a specific subunit of, the BAF complex as well as histone methylases to activate or enhance transcription. We speculate that this may be a general mechanism of T-box function and that Baf60a is a key component of the transcriptional control in cardiac progenitors

    Canonical wnt signaling activity in early stages of chick lung development

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    Wnt signaling pathway is an essential player during vertebrate embryonic development which has been associated with several developmental processes such as gastrulation, body axis formation and morphogenesis of numerous organs, namely the lung. Wnt proteins act through specific transmembrane receptors, which activate intracellular pathways that regulate cellular processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation and death. Morphogenesis of the fetal lung depends on epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that are governed by several growth and transcription factors that regulate cell proliferation, fate, migration and differentiation. This process is controlled by different signaling pathways such as FGF, Shh and Wnt among others. Wnt signaling is recognized as a key molecular player in mammalian pulmonary development but little is known about its function in avian lung development. The present work characterizes, for the first time, the expression pattern of several Wnt signaling members, such as wnt-1, wnt-2b, wnt-3a, wnt-5a, wnt-7b, wnt-8b, wnt-9a, lrp5, lrp6, sfrp1, dkk1, β-catenin and axin2 at early stages of chick lung development. In general, their expression is similar to their mammalian counterparts. By assessing protein expression levels of active/total β-catenin and phospho-LRP6/LRP6 it is revealed that canonical Wnt signaling is active in this embryonic tissue. In vitro inhibition studies were performed in order to evaluate the function of Wnt signaling pathway in lung branching. Lung explants treated with canonical Wnt signaling inhibitors (FH535 and PK115-584) presented an impairment of secondary branch formation after 48 h of culture along with a decrease in axin2 expression levels. Branching analysis confirmed this inhibition. Wnt-FGF crosstalk assessment revealed that this interaction is preserved in the chick lung. This study demonstrates that Wnt signaling is crucial for precise chick lung branching and further supports the avian lung as a good model for branching studies since it recapitulates early mammalian pulmonary development.Rute S. Moura was supported by a grant of ON.2 SR&TD Integrated Program (N-01-01-0124-01-07), ref: UMINHO/BPD/31/2013. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis

    Wnt-reporter expression pattern in the mouse intestine during homeostasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is a known regulator of cell proliferation during development and maintenance of the intestinal epithelium. Perturbations in this pathway lead to aberrant epithelial proliferation and intestinal cancer. In the mature intestine, proliferation is confined to the relatively quiescent stem cells and the rapidly cycling transient-amplifying cells in the intestinal crypts. Although the Wnt signal is believed to regulate all proliferating intestinal cells, surprisingly, this has not been thoroughly demonstrated. This important determination has implications on intestinal function, especially during epithelial expansion and regeneration, and warrants an extensive characterization of Wnt-activated cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To identify intestinal epithelial cells that actively receive a Wnt signal, we analyzed intestinal Wnt-reporter expression patterns in two different mouse lines using immunohistochemistry, enzymatic activity, <it>in situ </it>hybridization and qRT-PCR, then corroborated results with reporter-independent analyses. Wnt-receiving cells were further characterized for co-expression of proliferation markers, putative stem cell markers and cellular differentiation markers using an immunohistochemical approach. Finally, to demonstrate that Wnt-reporter mice have utility in detecting perturbations in intestinal Wnt signaling, the reporter response to gamma-irradiation was examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Wnt-activated cells were primarily restricted to the base of the small intestinal and colonic crypts, and were highest in numbers in the proximal small intestine, decreasing in frequency in a gradient toward the large intestine. Interestingly, the majority of the Wnt-reporter-expressing cells did not overlap with the transient-amplifying cell population. Further, while Wnt-activated cells expressed the putative stem cell marker Musashi-1, they did not co-express DCAMKL-1 or cell differentiation markers. Finally, gamma-irradiation stimulated an increase in Wnt-activated intestinal crypt cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We show, for the first time, detailed characterization of the intestine from Wnt-reporter mice. Further, our data show that the majority of Wnt-receiving cells reside in the stem cell niche of the crypt base and do not extend into the proliferative transient-amplifying cell population. We also show that the Wnt-reporter mice can be used to detect changes in intestinal epithelial Wnt signaling upon physiologic injury. Our findings have an important impact on understanding the regulation of the intestinal stem cell hierarchy during homeostasis and in disease states.</p

    Chromatin remodelling complex dosage modulates transcription factor function in heart development

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    Dominant mutations in cardiac transcription factor genes cause human inherited congenital heart defects (CHDs); however, their molecular basis is not understood. Interactions between transcription factors and the Brg1/Brm-associated factor (BAF) chromatin remodelling complex suggest potential mechanisms; however, the role of BAF complexes in cardiogenesis is not known. In this study, we show that dosage of Brg1 is critical for mouse and zebrafish cardiogenesis. Disrupting the balance between Brg1 and disease-causing cardiac transcription factors, including Tbx5, Tbx20 and Nkx2–5, causes severe cardiac anomalies, revealing an essential allelic balance between Brg1 and these cardiac transcription factor genes. This suggests that the relative levels of transcription factors and BAF complexes are important for heart development, which is supported by reduced occupancy of Brg1 at cardiac gene promoters in Tbx5 haploinsufficient hearts. Our results reveal complex dosage-sensitive interdependence between transcription factors and BAF complexes, providing a potential mechanism underlying transcription factor haploinsufficiency, with implications for multigenic inheritance of CHDs