33,053 research outputs found

    Anisotropy study of multiferroicity in the pyroxene NaFeGe2_2O6_6

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    We present a study of the anisotropy of the dielectric, magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of the multiferroic clinopyroxene NaFeGe2_2O6_6. Pyroelectric currents, dielectric constants and magnetic susceptibilities as well as the thermal expansion and the magnetostriction were examined on large synthetic single crystals of NaFeGe2_2O6_6. The spontaneous electric polarization detected below TC11.6T_{\rm C}\simeq 11.6 K in an antiferromagnetically ordered state (TN13T_{\rm N}\simeq 13 K) is mainly lying within the acac plane with a small component along bb, indicating a triclinic symmetry of the multiferroic phase of NaFeGe2_2O6_6. The electric polarization can be strongly modified by applying magnetic fields along different directions. We derive detailed magnetic-field versus temperature phase diagrams and identify three multiferroic low-temperature phases, which are separated by a non-ferroelectric, antiferromagnetically ordered state from the paramagnetic high-temperature phase.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. (minor modifications and corrections of the text

    An integrated source of broadband quadrature squeezed light

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    An integrated silicon nitride resonator is proposed as an ultra-compact source of bright single-mode quadrature squeezed light at 850 nm. Optical properties of the device are investigated and tailored through numerical simulations, with particular attention paid to loss associated with interfacing the device. An asymmetric double layer stack waveguide geometry with inverse vertical tapers is proposed for efficient and robust fibre-chip coupling, yielding a simulated total loss of -0.75 dB/facet. We assess the feasibility of the device through a full quantum noise analysis and derive the output squeezing spectrum for intra-cavity pump self-phase modulation. Subject to standard material loss and detection efficiencies, we find that the device holds promises for generating substantial quantum noise squeezing over a bandwidth exceeding 1 GHz. In the low-propagation loss regime, approximately -7 dB squeezing is predicted for a pump power of only 50 mW.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Using superlattice potentials to probe long-range magnetic correlations in optical lattices

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    In Pedersen et al. (2011) we proposed a method to utilize a temporally dependent superlattice potential to mediate spin-selective transport, and thereby probe long and short range magnetic correlations in optical lattices. Specifically this can be used for detecting antiferromagnetic ordering in repulsive fermionic optical lattice systems, but more generally it can serve as a means of directly probing correlations among the atoms by measuring the mean value of an observable, the number of double occupied sites. Here, we provide a detailed investigation of the physical processes which limit the effectiveness of this "conveyer belt method". Furthermore we propose a simple ways to improve the procedure, resulting in an essentially perfect (error-free) probing of the magnetic correlations. These results shows that suitably constructed superlattices constitute a promising way of manipulating atoms of different spin species as well as probing their interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Comparative VME Performance Tests for MEN A20 Intel-L865 and RIO-3 PPC-LynxOS platforms

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    This benchmark note presents test results from reading values over VME using different methods and different sizes of data registers, running on two different platforms Intel-L865 and PPC-LynxOS. We find that the PowerPC is a factor 3 faster in accessing an array of contiguous VME memory locations. Block transfer and DMA read accesses are also tested and compared with conventional single access reads

    Threshold detachment of negative ions by electron impact

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    The description of threshold fragmentation under long range repulsive forces is presented. The dominant energy dependence near threshold is isolated by decomposing the cross section into a product of a back ground part and a barrier penetration probability resulting from the repulsive Coulomb interaction. This tunneling probability contains the dominant energy variation and it can be calculated analytically based on the same principles as Wannier's description for threshold ionization under attractive forces. Good agreement is found with the available experimental cross sections on detachment by electron impact from DD^{-}, OO^{-} and BB^{-}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (EPS), to appear in Phys.Rev.Lett, Feb. 22nd, 199

    Revivals of Coherence in Chaotic Atom-Optics Billiards

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    We investigate the coherence properties of thermal atoms confined in optical dipole traps where the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. A perturbative expression derived for the coherence of the echo scheme of [Andersen et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 023001 (2003)] shows it is a function of the survival probability or fidelity of eigenstates of the motion of the atoms in the trap. The echo coherence and the survival probability display "system specific" features, even when the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. In particular, partial revivals in the echo signal and the survival probability are found for a small shift of the potential. Next, a "semi-classical" expression for the averaged echo signal is presented and used to calculate the echo signal for atoms in a light sheet wedge billiard. Revivals in the echo coherence are found in this system, indicating they may be a generic feature of dipole traps

    Imprint of Gravitational Lensing by Population III Stars in Gamma Ray Burst Light Curves

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    We propose a novel method to extract the imprint of gravitational lensing by Pop III stars in the light curves of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Significant portions of GRBs can originate in hypernovae of Pop III stars and be gravitationally lensed by foreground Pop III stars or their remnants. If the lens mass is on the order of 102103M10^2-10^3M_\odot and the lens redshift is greater than 10, the time delay between two lensed images of a GRB is 1\approx 1s and the image separation is 10μ\approx 10 \muas. Although it is difficult to resolve the two lensed images spatially with current facilities, the light curves of two images are superimposed with a delay of 1\approx 1 s. GRB light curves usually exhibit noticeable variability, where each spike is less than 1s. If a GRB is lensed, all spikes are superimposed with the same time delay. Hence, if the autocorrelation of light curve with changing time interval is calculated, it should show the resonance at the time delay of lensed images. Applying this autocorrelation method to GRB light curves which are archived as the {\it BATSE} catalogue, we demonstrate that more than half light curves can show the recognizable resonance, if they are lensed. Furthermore, in 1821 GRBs we actually find one candidate of GRB lensed by a Pop III star, which may be located at redshift 20-200. The present method is quite straightforward and therefore provides an effective tool to search for Pop III stars at redshift greater than 10. Using this method, we may find more candidates of GRBs lensed by Pop III stars in the data by the {\it Swift} satellite.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Correlation Measurement of Squeezed Light

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    We study the implementation of a correlation measurement technique for the characterization of squeezed light which is nearly free of electronic noise. With two different sources of squeezed light, we show that the sign of the covariance coefficient, revealed from the time resolved correlation data, is witnessing the presence of squeezing in the system. Furthermore, we estimate the degree of squeezing using the correlation method and compare it to the standard homodyne measurement scheme. We show that the role of electronic detector noise is minimized using the correlation approach as opposed to homodyning where it often becomes a crucial issue

    Correction of distortion for optimal image stacking in Wide Field Adaptive Optics: Application to GeMS data

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    The advent of Wide Field Adaptive Optics (WFAO) systems marks the beginning of a new era in high spatial resolution imaging. The newly commissioned Gemini South Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) combined with the infrared camera Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI), delivers quasi diffraction-limited images over a field of 2 arc-minutes across. However, despite this excellent performance, some variable residues still limit the quality of the analyses. In particular, distortions severely affect GSAOI and become a critical issue for high-precision astrometry and photometry. In this paper, we investigate an optimal way to correct for the distortion following an inverse problem approach. Formalism as well as applications on GeMS data are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Inducing spin-dependent tunneling to probe magnetic correlations in optical lattices

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    We suggest a simple experimental method for probing antiferromagnetic spin correlations of two-component Fermi gases in optical lattices. The method relies on a spin selective Raman transition to excite atoms of one spin species to their first excited vibrational mode where the tunneling is large. The resulting difference in the tunneling dynamics of the two spin species can then be exploited, to reveal the spin correlations by measuring the number of doubly occupied lattice sites at a later time. We perform quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the spin system and solve the optical lattice dynamics numerically to show how the timed probe can be used to identify antiferromagnetic spin correlations in optical lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure