830 research outputs found

    Interaction of atomic systems with quantum vacuum beyond electric dipole approximation

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    The photonic environment can significantly influence emission properties and interactions among atomic systems. In such scenarios, frequently the electric dipole approximation is assumed that is justified as long as the spatial extent of the atomic system is negligible compared to the spatial variations of the field. While this holds true for many canonical systems, it ceases to be applicable for more contemporary nanophotonic structures. To go beyond the electric dipole approximation, we propose and develop in this article an analytical framework to describe the impact of the photonic environment on emission and interaction properties of atomic systems beyond the electric dipole approximation. Particularly, we retain explicitly magnetic dipolar and electric quadrupolar contributions to the light-matter interactions. We exploit a field quantization scheme based on electromagnetic Green’s tensors, suited for dispersive materials. We obtain expressions for spontaneous emission rate, Lamb shift, multipole-multipole shift and superradiance rate, all being modified with dispersive environment. The considered influence could be substantial for suitably tailored nanostructured photonic environments, as demonstrated exemplarily

    Energy-Based Plasmonicity Index to Characterize Optical Resonances in Nanostructures

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    Resonances sustained by plasmonic nanoparticles provide extreme electric field confinement and enhancement into the deep subwavelength domain for a plethora of applications. Recent progress in nanofabrication made it even possible to tailor the properties of nanoparticles consisting of only a few hundred atoms. These nanoparticles support both single-particle-like resonances and collective plasmonic charge density oscillations. Prototypical systems sustaining both features are graphene nanoantennas. In pushing the frontier of nanoscience, traditional identification, and classification of such resonances is at stake again. We show that in such nanostructures, the concerted electron cloud oscillation in real space does not necessarily come along with collective dynamics of conduction band electrons in energy space. This unveils an urgent need for a discussion of how a plasmon in nanostructures should be defined. Here, we propose to define it relying on energy space dynamics. The unambiguous identification of the plasmonic nature of a resonance is crucial to find out whether desirable plasmon-assisted features, such as frequency conversion processes, can be expected from a resonance. We elaborate an energy-based figure of merit that classifies the nature of resonances in nanostructures, motivated by tight binding simulations with a toy model consisting of a linear chain of atoms. We apply afterward the proposed figure of merit to a doped hexagonal graphene nanoantenna, which is known to support plasmons in the near infrared and single-particle-like transitions in the visible


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    The approaches to gender inequality estimation are generalized. The scale of gender inequality is evaluated at different levels of economic relations: in the labour market of the regional centre and in Ukraine. On the basis of the conducted sociological research it was determined that gender inequality (on the example of the labour market of Rivne) is one of the dominant forms of discrimination, yielding only to the age discrimination. The negative macroeconomic consequences of gender inequality are formed at the level of labour relations at the level of enterprises and in local labour markets: the violation of the principle of equality in competition for jobs reaches almost 17% according to the employed respondents (by results of own sociological research).The principles of estimation of economic losses caused by gender inequality are proposed. It is proved that the reduction of labour potential usage of women in the labour market leads to significant  economic losses both on the personal and at the macroeconomic level.Обобщены подходы к оценке гендерного неравенства. Оценены масштабы гендерного неравенства на различных уровнях экономических отношений: на рынке труда областного центра и в Украине. На основе проведенного социологического исследования определено, что гендерное неравенство (на примере рынка труда г. Ровно) является одной из доминирующих форм дискриминации, уступая лишь возрастной. Предложено основы оценки экономических потерь, возникающих вследствие гендерного неравенства.Доказано, что уменьшение использования трудового потенциала женщин на рынке труда приводит к существенным экономическим потерям как на личностном, так и на макроэкономическом уровнях.Узагальнено підходи до оцінки гендерної нерівності. Оцінено масштаби гендерної нерівності на різних рівнях економічних відносин: на ринку праці обласного центру та в Україні. На основі проведеного соціологічного дослідження визначено, що гендерна нерівність (на прикладі ринку праці м. Рівного) є однією з домінуючих форм дискримінації, поступаючись лише віковій. Запропоновано засади оцінки економічних втрат, що виникають внаслідок гендерної нерівності. Доведено, що зменшення використання трудового потенціалу жінок на ринку праці призводить до суттєвих економічних втрат як на особистісному, так і на макроекономічному рівнях

    Revising quantum optical phenomena in adatoms coupled to graphene nanoantennas

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    Graphene flakes acting as photonic nanoantennas may sustain strong electromagnetic field localization and enhancement. To exploit the field enhancement, quantum emitters such as atoms or molecules should be positioned in such close proximity to the flake that electron tunneling might influence the optical and electronic properties of the system. However, tunneling is usually not considered if the optical coupling mechanism between quantum emitters and nanoantennas is at focus. This work presents a framework for describing the electron dynamics in hybrid systems consisting of graphene nanoflakes coupled both electronically and optically to adatoms and subject to external illumination. Our framework combines the single-particle tight-binding approach with a nonlinear master equation formalism that captures both optical and electronic interactions. We apply the framework to demonstrate the impact of electron tunneling between the adatom and the flake on emblematic quantum optical phenomena: degradation of coherent Rabi oscillations and quenching of Purcell spontaneous emission enhancement in two-level adatoms in proximity of triangular graphene nanoflakes

    Comparison of the dietary fibre composition of old and modern durum wheat (Triticum turgidum spp. durum) genotypes

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    It has been suggested that intensive breeding has led to decreased contents of health-promoting components in modern wheats. We therefore compared the contents and compositions of the major dietary fibre components, arabinoxylan and β-glucan, in semolina and wholemeal flour of old and modern Italian durum wheats. No differences in total arabinoxylan content were observed but the modern varieties had higher proportions of soluble arabinoxylan in wholemeals and of β-glucan in semolina. The study therefore provides no evidence that intensive breeding has had negative effects on the contents of dietary fibre components in durum wheat. However, comparison of material grown over two years indicated that the content and composition of arabinoxylan and β-glucan were more stable in the older than in the modern genotypes. The identification of modern cultivars with high viscosity associated with a high content of β-glucan suggests that they are good sources of fibre for human health

    From single-particle-like to interaction-mediated plasmonic resonances in graphene nanoantennas

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    Plasmonic nanostructures attract tremendous attention as they confine electromagnetic fields well below the diffraction limit while simultaneously sustaining extreme local field enhancements. To fully exploit these properties, the identification and classification of resonances in such nanostructures is crucial. Recently, a novel figure of merit for resonance classification has been proposed 1 and its applicability was demonstrated mostly to toy model systems. This novel measure, the energy-based plasmonicity index (EPI), characterizes the nature of resonances in molecular nanostructures. The EPI distinguishes between either a single-particle-like or a plasmonic nature of resonances based on the energy space coherence dynamics of the excitation. To advance the further development of this newly established measure, we present here its exemplary application to characterize the resonances of graphene nanoantennas. In particular, we focus on resonances in a doped nanoantenna. The structure is of interest, as a consideration of the electron dynamics in real space might suggest a plasmonic nature of selected resonances in the low doping limit but our analysis reveals the opposite. We find that in the undoped and moderately doped nanoantenna, the EPI classifies all emerging resonances as predominantly single-particle-like and only after doping the structure heavily, the EPI observes plasmonic response.Comment: The following article has been submitted to the Journal of Applied Physic

    RNAi suppression of xylan synthase genes in wheat starchy endosperm

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    The xylan backbone of arabinoxylan (AX), the major cell wall polysaccharide in the wheat starchy endosperm, is synthesised by xylan synthase which is a complex of three subunits encoded by the GT43_1, GT43_2 and GT47_2 genes. RNAi knock-down of either GT43_1 or all three genes (triple lines) resulted in decreased AX measured by digestion with endoxylanase (to 33 and 34.9% of the controls) and by monosaccharide analysis (to 45.9% and 47.4% of the controls) with greater effects on the amount of water-extractable AX (to 20.6 and 19.9% of the controls). Both sets of RNAi lines also had greater decreases in the amounts of substituted oligosaccharides released by digestion of AX with endoxylanase than in fragments derived only from the xylan backbone. Although the GT43_1 and triple lines had similar effects on AX they did differ in their contents of soluble sugars (increased in triple only) and on grain size (decreased in triple only). Both sets of transgenic lines had decreased grain hardness, indicating effects on cell wall mechanics. These results, and previously published studies of RNAi suppression of GT43_2 and GT47_2 and of a triple mutant of GT43_2, are consistent with the model of xylan synthase comprising three subunits one of which (GT47_2) is responsible for catalysis with the other two subunits being required for correct functioning but indicate that separate xylan synthase complexes may be responsible for the synthesis of populations of AX which differ in their structure and solubility

    Balancing the double‐edged sword effect of increased resistant starch content and its impact on rice texture: its genetics and molecular physiological mechanisms

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    Resistant starch (RS) is the portion of starch that escapes gastrointestinal digestion and acts as a substrate for fermentation of probiotic bacteria in the gut. Aside from enhancing gut health, RS contributes to a lower glycemic index. A genome‐wide association study coupled with targeted gene association studies was conducted utilizing a diverse panel of 281 resequenced Indica rice lines comprising of ~2.2 million single nucleotide polymorphisms. Low‐to‐intermediate RS phenotypic variations were identified in the rice diversity panel, resulting in novel associations of RS to several genes associated with amylopectin biosynthesis and degradation. Selected rice lines encoding superior alleles of SSIIa with medium RS and inferior alleles with low RS groups were subjected to detailed transcriptomic, metabolomic, non‐starch dietary fibre (DF), starch structural and textural attributes. The gene regulatory networks highlighted the importance of a protein phosphatase alongside multiple genes of starch metabolism. Metabolomics analyses resulted in the identification of several metabolite hubs (carboxylic acid, sugars and polyamines) in the medium RS group. Among DF, mannose and galactose from the water‐insoluble fraction were found to be highly associated with low and medium RS lines, respectively. Starch structural analyses revealed that a moderate increase in RS is also linked to an elevation of amylose 1 and amylose 2 fractions. Although rice lines with medium RS content negatively affected textural and viscosity properties in comparison to low RS, the textural property of medium RS lines was in the same acceptable range as IR64, a rice mega variety popular in Asia