414 research outputs found

    Anesthesia in endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair

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    Introduction: endovascular AAA repair can be done using different anesthetic techniques, such as general anesthesia, regional block, and local anesthesia associated with sedation. For successful anesthetic management, it is important to select the best approach with an understanding of the patient's health status

    Re-Assessing Green Building Performance: A Post Occupancy Evaluation of 22 GSA Buildings

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    2nd report on the performance of GSA's sustainably designed buildings. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of measured whole building performance as it compares to GSA and industry baselines. The PNNL research team found the data analysis illuminated strengths and weaknesses of individual buildings as well as the portfolio of buildings. This section includes summary data, observations that cross multiple performance metrics, discussion of lessons learned from this research, and opportunities for future research. The summary of annual data for each of the performance metrics is provided in Table 25. The data represent 1 year of measurements and are not associated with any specific design features or strategies. Where available, multiple years of data were examined and there were minimal significant differences between the years. Individually focused post occupancy evaluation (POEs) would allow for more detailed analysis of the buildings. Examining building performance over multiple years could potentially offer a useful diagnostic tool for identifying building operations that are in need of operational changes. Investigating what the connection is between the building performance and the design intent would offer potential design guidance and possible insight into building operation strategies. The 'aggregate operating cost' metric used in this study represents the costs that were available for developing a comparative industry baseline for office buildings. The costs include water utilities, energy utilities, general maintenance, grounds maintenance, waste and recycling, and janitorial costs. Three of the buildings that cost more than the baseline in Figure 45 have higher maintenance costs than the baseline, and one has higher energy costs. Given the volume of data collected and analyzed for this study, the inevitable request is for a simple answer with respect to sustainably designed building performance. As previously stated, compiling the individual building values into single metrics is not statistically valid given the small number of buildings, but it has been done to provide a cursory view of this portfolio of sustainably designed buildings. For all metrics except recycling cost per rentable square foot and CBE survey response rate, the averaged building performance was better than the baseline for the GSA buildings in this study

    Increasing Availability of Benzodiazepines Among People Who Inject Drugs in a Canadian Setting

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    Background: Benzodiazepine misuse is associated with mortality and is common among people who inject drugs (PWID). This study aimed to examine the temporal trends in the availability of benzodiazepines among PWID in a Canadian setting, and to identify factors associated with more immediate access to benzodiazepines. Methods: Data were derived from three prospective cohorts of PWID in Vancouver, Canada, between June 2012 and May 2015. The primary outcome was the perceived availability of benzodiazepines, measured in three levels: not available, delayed availability (available in ≥10 min), and immediate availability (available in <10 min). We used multivariable generalized estimating equations to identify factors associated with availability of benzodiazepines. Results: In total, 1641 individuals were included in these analyses. In multivariable analyses, factors associated with immediate benzodiazepine availability included incarceration (adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 1.42, 95% CI1.06, 1.89) and participation in methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) (AOR: 1.35, 95% CI 1.14, 1.60). Factors associated with delayed benzodiazepine availability included incarceration (AOR: 1.45, 95% CI 1.02, 2.07) and MMT (AOR: 1.77, 95% CI 1.48, 2.12). Benzodiazepine availability increased throughout the study period for both immediate (AOR: 1.14, 95% CI 1.10, 1.18 per 6-month follow-up period) and delayed availability (AOR: 1.17, 95% CI 1.12, 1.22 per 6-month follow-up period). Conclusions: Among our sample of PWID, benzodiazepine availability is increasing and was associated with health and criminal justice system characteristics. Our findings indicate a need to examine prescribing practices and educate both PWID and healthcare providers about the risks associated with benzodiazepine use

    A New Species of the Neopterygian Fish Enchodus from the Duwi Formation, Campanian, Late Cretaceous, Western Desert, Central Egypt

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    The neopterygian fish Enchodus was a widespread, speciose genus consisting of approximately 30 recognized species that were temporally distributed from the late Early Cretaceous through the Paleocene. Many Enchodus specimens are fragmentary cranial remains or isolated dental elements, as is the case for previously reported occurrences in Egypt. Here, we present the most complete specimen of Enchodus recovered from the Late Cretaceous of northeast Africa. The specimen was collected from the upper Campanian Duwi Formation, near the village of Tineida (Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt). The new species, Enchodus tineidae sp. nov., consists of right and left dentaries, a partial ectopterygoid, and other cranial bones. The size of the specimen places it into the upper body-size range for the genus. The palatine tooth, an element often useful for diagnosing Enchodus to the species level, is not preserved, but a combination of other cranial characters supports the referral of this specimen to Enchodus. In particular, the dentary preserves three symphysial rostroventral prongs and two tooth rows, the lateral of which consists of small denticles, whereas the medial row comprises large, mediolaterally-compressed teeth. The rostral-most tooth exhibits the highest crown, whereas the rest of the teeth are of lower, variable crown heights. The eight robust, caudal-most medial-row teeth are distributed in a cluster pattern never before observed in Enchodus. Additionally, the dentary and preopercle are both without dermal ornamentation, and the mandibular sensory canal is closed. Phylogenetic analysis recovers this new species as the sister species to E. dirus from North America. Along with previously described materials from Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Italy, Morocco, and Libya, this specimen represents a thirteenth species from the northwestern Tethyan geographic distribution of Enchodus

    Economic evaluation of Health Extension Program packages in Ethiopia

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    Background Ethiopia launched the Health Extension Program (HEP) in 2004, aimed at ensuring equitable community-level healthcare services through Health Extension Workers. Despite the program’s being a flagship initiative, there is limited evidence on whether investment in the program represents good value for money. This study assessed the cost and cost-effectiveness of HEP interventions to inform policy decisions for resource allocation and priority setting in Ethiopia. Methods Twenty-one health care interventions were selected under the hygiene and sanitation, family health services, and disease prevention and control sub-domains. The ingredient bottom-up and top-down costing method was employed. Cost and cost-effectiveness were assessed from the provider perspective. Health outcomes were measured using life years gained (LYG). Incremental cost per LYG in relation to the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of Ethiopia (US852.80)wasusedtoascertainthecosteffectiveness.AllcostswerecollectedinEthiopianbirrandconvertedtoUnitedStatesdollars(US852.80) was used to ascertain the cost-effectiveness. All costs were collected in Ethiopian birr and converted to United States dollars (US) using the average exchange rate for 2018 (US1=27.67birr).Bothcostsandhealthoutcomeswerediscountedby3ResultTheaverageunitcostofprovidingselectedhygieneandsanitation,familyhealth,anddiseasepreventionandcontrolserviceswiththeHEPwasUS1 = 27.67 birr). Both costs and health outcomes were discounted by 3%. Result The average unit cost of providing selected hygiene and sanitation, family health, and disease prevention and control services with the HEP was US0.70, US4.90,andUS4.90, and US7.40, respectively. The major cost driver was drugs and supplies, accounting for 53% and 68%, respectively, of the total cost. The average annual cost of delivering all the selected interventions was US9,897.Allinterventionsfallwithin1timesGDPpercapitaperLYG,indicatingthattheyareverycosteffective(ranges:US9,897. All interventions fall within 1 times GDP per capita per LYG, indicating that they are very cost-effective (ranges: US22–295perLYG).Overall,theHEPiscosteffectivebyinvestingUS295 per LYG). Overall, the HEP is cost-effective by investing US77.40 for every LYG. Conclusion The unit cost estimates of HEP interventions are crucial for priority-setting, resource mobilization, and program planning. This study found that the program is very cost-effective in delivering community health services.publishedVersio

    Male Accessory Gland Protein Reduces Egg Laying in a Simultaneous Hermaphrodite

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    Seminal fluid is an important part of the ejaculate of internally fertilizing animals. This fluid contains substances that nourish and activate sperm for successful fertilization. Additionally, it contains components that influence female physiology to further enhance fertilization success of the sperm donor, possibly beyond the recipient's optimum. Although evidence for such substances abounds, few studies have unraveled their identities, and focus has been exclusively on separate-sex species. We present the first detailed study into the seminal fluid composition of a hermaphrodite (Lymnaea stagnalis). Eight novel peptides and proteins were identified from the seminal-fluid-producing prostate gland and tested for effects on oviposition, hatching and consumption. The gene for the protein found to suppress egg mass production, Ovipostatin, was sequenced, thereby providing the first fully-characterized seminal fluid substance in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Thus, seminal fluid peptides and proteins have evolved and can play a crucial role in sexual selection even when the sexes are combined

    Phenotypic and transcriptional responses associated with multi-generation exposure of Folsomia candida to engineered nanomaterials

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    Sublethal effects of toxicants may cumulate over time and become apparent only when test organisms are exposed for multiple generations. In this study we determined phenotypic effects and transcriptional responses in the parthenogenetic soil invertebrate Folsomia candida over four generations, followed by two generations of recovery. Animals were exposed to two metal-based nanomaterials (NMs): copper oxide (CuO) and tungsten carbide–cobalt (WCCo), both homogenously mixed in with the soil. Survival and reproduction were not affected in any of four consecutive generations of F. candida exposed to CuO-NM at concentrations as high as 6400 mg Cu per kg dry LUFA 2.2 soil. WCCo-NM affected reproduction and survival from the third generation onwards, with EC50 values between 2400 and 5600 mg NM per kg dry soil, but recovery was seen in recovery generations 1 and 2 when kept in clean soil. Histological investigations showed that WCCo-NM (3200 mg kg−1) induced tissue damage and loss of villi from the gut epithelial cells. Expression of four target genes known to be responsive to stress were investigated by quantitative PCR at different exposure levels and in different generations. Expression of all genes was significantly affected by NMs even though exposures were below toxic threshold concentrations. In addition, gene expression did not always return to control levels during consecutive recovery over two generations in clean soil. This shows that gene expression assays can detect physiological alterations cumulating from one generation to the next initially without visible effects on phenotypic variables such as reproduction. The possibility of multi-generation carry-over of sublethal toxicity needs more attention in environmental risk assessment

    Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Novel Nortropane Derivatives as Potential Radiotracers for Muscarinic M2 Receptors

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    Disturbances of the cerebral cholinergic neurotransmitter system are present in neurodegenerative disorders. SPECT or PET imaging, using radiotracers that selectively target muscarinic receptor subtypes, may be of value for in vivo evaluation of such conditions. 6β-acetoxynortropane, a potent muscarinic M2 receptor agonist, has previously demonstrated nanomolar affinity and high selectivity for this receptor. Based on this compound we synthesized four nortropane derivatives that are potentially suitable for SPECT imaging of the M2 receptor. 6β-acetoxynortropane and the novel derivatives were tested in vitro for affinity to the muscarinic M1−3 receptors. The original 6β-acetoxynortropane displayed high affinity (Ki = 70–90 nM) to M2 receptors and showed good selectivity ratios to the M1 (65-fold ratio) and the M3 (70-fold ratio) receptors. All new derivatives showed reduced affinity to the M2 subtype and loss of subtype selectivity. It is therefore concluded that the newly synthesized derivatives are not suitable for human SPECT imaging of M2 receptors

    Food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic among people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada

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    Abstract Objective: To examine prevalence and factors associated with food insecurity among people who use drugs (PWUD) during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic and the overdose crisis. Design: This cross-sectional study employs multivariable logistic regression to identify factors associated with self-reported food insecurity. Participants: PWUD who are part of three community-recruited cohorts. Setting: Interviews conducted in Vancouver, Canada via phone between July-November 2020 in adherence to COVID-19 safety procedures. Results: Among 765 participants, including 433 (56.6%) men, eligible for this study, 146 (19.1%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 16.3%-21.9%) reported food insecurity in the past month. Of the participants reporting food insecurity, 114 (78.1%) reported that their hunger levels had increased since the beginning of the pandemic. In multivariable analyses, factors independently and positively associated with food insecurity included: difficulty accessing health or social services (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=2.59; 95% CI: 1.60-4.17); having mobility difficulties (AOR=1.59; 95% CI: 1.02-2.45); and engaging in street-based income generation (e.g., panhandling and informal recycling) (AOR=2.31; 95% CI: 1.45-3.65). Conclusion: Approximately one in five PWUD reported food insecurity during this time. PWUD with mobility issues, who experienced difficulty accessing services, and/or those engaged in precarious street-based income generation were more likely to report food insecurity. Food security is paramount to the success of interventions to prevent COVID-19 and drug toxicity deaths. These findings suggest a need for a more unified state response to food insecurity that prioritizes and incorporates accessibility and autonomy of the communities they serve