33 research outputs found

    Ultrafast doublon dynamics in photoexcited 1T1T-TaS2{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}

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    Strongly correlated materials exhibit intriguing properties caused by intertwined microscopic interactions that are hard to disentangle in equilibrium. Employing nonequilibrium time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on the quasi-two- dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide 1T-TaS2, we identify a spectroscopic signature of doubly occupied sites (doublons) that reflects fundamental Mott physics. Doublon-hole recombination is estimated to occur on timescales of electronic hopping ℏ/J≈14 fs. Despite strong electron-phonon coupling, the dynamics can be explained by purely electronic effects captured by the single-band Hubbard model under the assumption of weak hole doping, in agreement with our static sample characterization. This sensitive interplay of static doping and vicinity to the metal- insulator transition suggests a way to modify doublon relaxation on the few- femtosecond timescale

    Surface states and Rashba-type spin polarization in antiferromagnetic MnBi2_2Te4_4

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    The layered van der Waals antiferromagnet MnBi2_2Te4_4 has been predicted to combine the band ordering of archetypical topological insulators such as Bi2_2Te3_3 with the magnetism of Mn, making this material a viable candidate for the realization of various magnetic topological states. We have systematically investigated the surface electronic structure of MnBi2_2Te4_4(0001) single crystals by use of spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy experiments. In line with theoretical predictions, the results reveal a surface state in the bulk band gap and they provide evidence for the influence of exchange interaction and spin-orbit coupling on the surface electronic structure.Comment: Revised versio

    Momentum-space signatures of Berry flux monopoles in the Weyl semimetal TaAs

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    Since the early days of Dirac flux quantization, magnetic monopoles have been sought after as a potential corollary of quantized electric charge. As opposed to magnetic monopoles embedded into the theory of electromagnetism, Weyl semimetals (WSM) exhibit Berry flux monopoles in reciprocal parameter space. As a function of crystal momentum, such monopoles locate at the crossing point of spin-polarized bands forming the Weyl cone. Here, we report momentum-resolved spectroscopic signatures of Berry flux monopoles in TaAs as a paradigmatic WSM. We carried out angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at bulk-sensitive soft X-ray energies (SX-ARPES) combined with photoelectron spin detection and circular dichroism. The experiments reveal large spin- and orbital-angular-momentum (SAM and OAM) polarizations of the Weyl-fermion states, resulting from the broken crystalline inversion symmetry in TaAs. Supported by first-principles calculations, our measurements image signatures of a topologically non-trivial winding of the OAM at the Weyl nodes and unveil a chirality-dependent SAM of the Weyl bands. Our results provide directly bulk-sensitive spectroscopic support for the non-trivial band topology in the WSM TaAs, promising to have profound implications for the study of quantum-geometric effects in solids

    Atom sieve for nanometer resolution neutral helium microscopy

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    Neutral helium microscopy is a new tool for imaging fragile and/or insulating structures as well as structures with large aspect ratios. In one configuration of the microscope, neutral helium atoms are focused as de Broglie matter waves using a Fresnel zone plate. The ultimate resolution is determined by the width of the outermost zone. Due to the low-energy beam (typically less than 0.1 eV), the neutral helium atoms do not penetrate solid materials and the Fresnel zone plate therefore has to be a free-standing structure. This creates particular fabrication challenges. The so-called Fresnel photon sieve structure is especially attractive in this context, as it consists merely of holes. Holes are easier to fabricate than the free-standing rings required in a standard Fresnel zone plate for helium microscopy, and the diameter of the outermost holes can be larger than the width of the zone that they cover. Recently, a photon sieve structure was used for the first time, as an atom sieve, to focus a beam of helium atoms down to a few micrometers. The holes were randomly distributed along the Fresnel zones to suppress higher order foci and side lobes. Here, the authors present a new atom sieve design with holes distributed along the Fresnel zones with a fixed gap. This design gives higher transmission and higher intensity in the first order focus. The authors present an alternative electron beam lithography fabrication procedure that can be used for making high transmission atom sieves with a very high resolution, potentially smaller than 10 nm. The atom sieves were patterned on a 35 nm or a 50 nm thick silicon nitride membrane. The smallest hole is 35 nm, and the largest hole is 376 nm. In a separate experiment, patterning micrometer-scale areas with hole sizes down to 15 nm is demonstrated. The smallest gap between neighboring holes in the atom sieves is 40 nm. They have 47011 holes each and are 23.58 Όm in diameter. The opening ratio is 22.60%, and the Fresnel zone coverage of the innermost zones is as high as 0.68. This high-density pattern comes with certain fabrication challenges, which the authors discuss

    Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Benzene-1,2-dithiolate-Coordinated Diiron Complexes with Relevance to Dinitrogen Activation

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    In this work, a benzene-1,2-dithiolate (bdt) pentamethylcyclopentadienyl di-iron complex [Cp*Fe(Ό–η2:η4-bdt)FeCp*] and its [Cp*Fe(bdt)(X)FeCp*] analogues (where X = N2H2, N2H3–, H–, NH2–, NHCH3–, or NO+) were investigated through spectroscopic and computational studies. These complexes are of relevance as model systems for dinitrogen activation in nitrogenase and share with its active site the presence of iron, sulfur ligands, and a very flexible electronic structure. On the basis of a combination of X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), X-ray crystallography, Mössbauer, NMR, and EPR spectroscopy, the geometric and electronic structure of the series has been experimentally elucidated. All iron atoms were found to be in a local low-spin configuration. When no additional X ligand is bound, the bdt ligand is tilted and features a stabilizing π-interaction with one of the iron atoms. The number of lone-pair orbitals provided by the nitrogen-containing species is crucial to the overall electronic structure. When only one lone-pair is present and the iron atoms are bridged by one atom, a three-center bond occurs, and a direct Fe–Fe bond is absent. If the bridging atom provides two lone-pairs, then an Fe–Fe bond is formed. A recurring theme for all ligands is σ-donation into the unoccupied eg manifolds of both iron atoms and back-donation from the t2g manifolds into the ligand π* orbitals. The latter results in a weakening of the double bond of the bound ligand, and in the case of NO+, it results in a weakening of all bonds that comprise triple bond. The electron-rich thiolates further amplify this effect and can also serve as bases for proton binding. While the above observations have been made for the studied di-iron complexes, they may be of relevance for the active site in nitrogenase, where a similar N2 binding mode may occur allowing for the simultaneous weakening of the N2 σ bond and π bonds