364 research outputs found

    Thermodynamical description of interacting entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy

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    To explain the accelerating universe driven by dark energy, a so-called "entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy" (ECNADE), was recently proposed with the help of quantum corrections to the entropy-area relation in the framework of loop quantum cosmology. Using this definition, we study its thermodynamical features including entropy and energy conservation. We discuss the thermodynamical interpretation of the interaction between ECNADE and dark matter in a non-flat universe bounded by the apparent horizon. We obtain a relation between the interaction term of the dark components and thermal fluctuation.Comment: 8 pages, version accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters (2011

    Evaluation of Atmospheric Transmittance for Composite Climate

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    In this paper, an attempt has been made to estimate the cloudiness/haziness factors and atmospheric transmittances for the composite climate of New Delhi (latitude:28.58o N; longitude: 77.02o E; elevation: 216 m above msl). To predict the hourly variation of beam and diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface for any day, atmospheric transmittances for beam and diffuse radiation have been introduced to take into account the uncertain behaviour of atmospheric conditions. For the present study, the hourly data of global and diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface for a period of 11 years (1991–2001) have been used and analyzed using polynomial regression analysis. The data have been obtained from the Indian Meteorological Department, Pune, India. It has been observed that there is about 11% maximum and 01% minimum root mean square error between predicted and observed values of hourly varying beam radiation for clear (blue sky) weather condition

    Design and Development of a Multi-sensor Monitoring Device for Arm Rehabilitation

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    A continuous monitoring process for arm rehabilitation activities are important to provide information of rehabilitation results to be analyzed by therapist. The purpose of monitoring is to help them to improve rehabilitation process. Moreover, a portable and simple home-based rehabilitation device can help patients to improve daily rehabilitation activity. Some previous studies regarding home-based rehabilitation process have shown improvement in promoting human movement recovery. But existing rehabilitation devices are expensive and need to be supervised by physical therapist. Some devices are not so efficient to be used at home due to large size and complex system. In this current work, flex sensor, force sensitive resistors and accelerometer were assessed in order to be implemented as a sensory unit for a portable arm rehabilitation device. Analog signal from the sensors will be conveyed to an Arduino microcontroller for data processing and logging. The results of rehabilitation activity can be used for further monitoring and analysis. Experiments were carried out to determine the feasibility of each sensor towards the design of the new rehabilitation monitoring device. The experiments demonstrate the capabilities of the sensors to produce extended information regarding arm movement activity which can be implemented in the design. A liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor will show to the user the achievement of their exercise activity on daily basis

    Salinity induced changes in cell membrane stability, protein and RNA contents

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    Seedlings of sugar beet (Beta vulgarus L.) were used at salinity levels of 0 (control), 4.7, 9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1 to determine the effect of salt on vegetative growth, relative water content, cell membrane stability, protein and RNA contents in sand culture experiment. Fresh and dry weights of plants, shoots and roots decreased significantly with increasing salt concentration. Salinity significantly reduced leaf area and relative water content while cell membrane injury increased with increasing salt concentration. Leaf protein content decreased significantly and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis showed significant change in protein profiles in salt treated samples, which suggests that NaCl altered protein pattern. Salinity induced RNA degradation with increasing salt level. Cell membrane stability exhibited negative correlation with fresh and dry weight, leaf area, leaf water content and total protein content. There was also a significant positive correlation between cell membrane injury and RNA degradation.Key words: Salt stress, membrane injury, growth, RWC, protein activity, RNA, Beta vulgarus L

    Factor influences selection of Islamic banking: a study on Malaysian customer preferences

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    The emergence of strong Islamic movements in last three decades has generated a renewed interest in Islamic economics, especially in Islamic interest free banking. Currently Islamic bank strategically offering high quality products and services to satisfy their customers due to the strong competition, customer expectation for high quality services and rapidly changes of technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate major factors that are reflecting to customers’ perception and satisfaction on Islamic banking. This study hope to analyze and determine the perception, quality of services, availability of services, confidence in bank and social and religious perspective about Islamic banking system. A Logit model is employed to anticipate the effects of the explanatory variables. The analysis confirms the significant positive relationship of quality of services, availability of services, social and religious perspective and confidence in bank with customers’ perception about Islamic bank. These factors are expected to have great role for influencing customer mind. In conclusion, customers can derive a better understanding of the activities that are undertaken by bank and how the way these activities are being dealt with

    Design and Development of a portable Pulse Oximetry system

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    Heart is the most important part in human body. Thus, it is important to follow-up and monitor its condition. Heart rate (HR) and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) are important indicators directly related to heart-pulmonary system. Monitoring of HR and SpO2 offers us a good indication of heart functionality. Therefore, it is crucial to design and develop a homemade inexpensive device for measuring HR and SpO2. Pulse Oximeter (PO) is an opto-electronic non-invasive medical instrument capable of measuring and recording the changes of HR and SpO2 at the finger tip. In this paper we will demonstrate the overall process involved in the development of a portable (PO) system which can be used for health condition monitoring or for educational and research purposes

    Enumerasi Graf Sederhana dengan Enam Simpul Menggunakan Teorema Polya

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    Salah satu dari dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam matematika adalah masalah enumerasi atau pencacahan objek dari suatu pengaturan. Seperti diketahui, dari beberapa permasalahan matematika yang rumit terkait pada masalah enumerasi tersebut. Hal ini lebih dikarenakan permasalahan konspetual yaitu ketika objek berbeda dapat dipandang sama (isomorfis). Selain grup permutasi, penyelesaian permasalahan enumerasi juga melibatkan Teorema Polya I dan Teorema Polya II. Teorema Polya I digunakan untuk menentukan banyaknya objek yang tidak isomorfis sedangkan Teorema Polya II digunakan untuk menentukan bentuk-bentuk objek yang tidak isomorfis tersebut. Beberapa tahun terakhir dilakukan penelitian terkait permasalahan enumerasi pada graf sederhana. Lebih detailnya, permasalahan mengenai banyaknya graf sederhana dengan empat (lima) simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil sebelas (tiga puluh lima) graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis. Pada Penelitian ini diselidiki banyaknya graf sederhana dengan enam simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil seratus lima puluh enam graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis

    Thermodynamics of interacting entropy-corrected holographic dark energy in a non-flat FRW universe

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    A so-called "entropy-corrected holographic dark energy" (ECHDE), was recently proposed to explain the dark energy-dominated universe with the help of quantum corrections to the entropy-area relation in the setup of loop quantum cosmology. Using this new definition, we investigate its thermodynamical features including entropy and energy conservation. We describe the thermodynamical interpretation of the interaction between ECHDE and dark matter in a non-flat universe. We obtain a relation between the interaction term of the dark components and thermal fluctuation. Our study further generalizes the earlier works [M.R. Setare and E.C. Vagenas, Phys. Lett. B 666 (2008) 111; B. Wang et al., Phys. Lett. B 662 (2008) 1] in this direction.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, accepted by Int. J. Mod. Phys.
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