1,081 research outputs found

    Spectral convergence in tapping and physiological fluctuations: coupling and independence of 1/f noise in the central and autonomic nervous systems.

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    When humans perform a response task or timing task repeatedly, fluctuations in measures of timing from one action to the next exhibit long-range correlations known as 1/f noise. The origins of 1/f noise in timing have been debated for over 20 years, with one common explanation serving as a default: humans are composed of physiological processes throughout the brain and body that operate over a wide range of timescales, and these processes combine to be expressed as a general source of 1/f noise. To test this explanation, the present study investigated the coupling vs. independence of 1/f noise in timing deviations, key-press durations, pupil dilations, and heartbeat intervals while tapping to an audiovisual metronome. All four dependent measures exhibited clear 1/f noise, regardless of whether tapping was synchronized or syncopated. 1/f spectra for timing deviations were found to match those for key-press durations on an individual basis, and 1/f spectra for pupil dilations matched those in heartbeat intervals. Results indicate a complex, multiscale relationship among 1/f noises arising from common sources, such as those arising from timing functions vs. those arising from autonomic nervous system (ANS) functions. Results also provide further evidence against the default hypothesis that 1/f noise in human timing is just the additive combination of processes throughout the brain and body. Our findings are better accommodated by theories of complexity matching that begin to formalize multiscale coordination as a foundation of human behavior

    Admit your weakness: Verifying correctness on TSO architectures

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    ā€œThe final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-15317-9_22 ā€.Linearizability has become the standard correctness criterion for fine-grained non-atomic concurrent algorithms, however, most approaches assume a sequentially consistent memory model, which is not always realised in practice. In this paper we study the correctness of concurrent algorithms on a weak memory model: the TSO (Total Store Order) memory model, which is commonly implemented by multicore architectures. Here, linearizability is often too strict, and hence, we prove a weaker criterion, quiescent consistency instead. Like linearizability, quiescent consistency is compositional making it an ideal correctness criterion in a component-based context. We demonstrate how to model a typical concurrent algorithm, seqlock, and prove it quiescent consistent using a simulation-based approach. Previous approaches to proving correctness on TSO architectures have been based on linearizabilty which makes it necessary to modify the algorithmā€™s high-level requirements. Our approach is the first, to our knowledge, for proving correctness without the need for such a modification

    Pushouts in software architecture design

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    A classical approach to program derivation is to progressively extend a simple specification and then incrementally refine it to an implementation. We claim this approach is hard or impractical when reverse engineering legacy software architectures. We present a case study that shows optimizations and pushouts--in addition to refinements and extensions--are essential for practical stepwise development of complex software architectures.NSF CCF 0724979NSF CNS 0509338NSF CCF 0917167NSF DGE-1110007FCT SFRH/BD/47800/2008FCT UTAustin/CA/0056/200

    Using keystroke logging to understand writersā€™ processes on a reading-into-writing test

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    Background Integrated reading-into-writing tasks are increasingly used in large-scale language proficiency tests. Such tasks are said to possess higher authenticity as they reflect real-life writing conditions better than independent, writing-only tasks. However, to effectively define the reading-into-writing construct, more empirical evidence regarding how writers compose from sources both in real-life and under test conditions is urgently needed. Most previous process studies used think aloud or questionnaire to collect evidence. These methods rely on participantsā€™ perceptions of their processes, as well as their ability to report them. Findings This paper reports on a small-scale experimental study to explore writersā€™ processes on a reading-into-writing test by employing keystroke logging. Two L2 postgraduates completed an argumentative essay on computer. Their text production processes were captured by a keystroke logging programme. Students were also interviewed to provide additional information. Keystroke logging like most computing tools provides a range of measures. The study examined the studentsā€™ reading-into-writing processes by analysing a selection of the keystroke logging measures in conjunction with studentsā€™ final texts and interview protocols. Conclusions The results suggest that the nature of the writersā€™ reading-into-writing processes might have a major influence on the writerā€™s final performance. Recommendations for future process studies are provided

    Quasars: a supermassive rotating toroidal black hole interpretation

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    A supermassive rotating toroidal black hole (TBH) is proposed as the fundamental structure of quasars and other jet-producing active galactic nuclei. Rotating protogalaxies gather matter from the central gaseous region leading to the birth of massive toroidal stars whose internal nuclear reactions proceed very rapidly. Once the nuclear fuel is spent, gravitational collapse produces a slender ring-shaped TBH remnant. These events are typically the first supernovae of the host galaxies. Given time the TBH mass increases through continued accretion by several orders of magnitude, the event horizon swells whilst the central aperture shrinks. The difference in angular velocities between the accreting matter and the TBH induces a magnetic field that is strongest in the region of the central aperture and innermost ergoregion. Due to the presence of negative energy states when such a gravitational vortex is immersed in an electromagnetic field, circumstances are near ideal for energy extraction via non-thermal radiation including the Penrose process and superradiant scattering. This establishes a self-sustaining mechanism whereby the transport of angular momentum away from the quasar by relativistic bi-directional jets reinforces both the modulating magnetic field and the TBH/accretion disk angular velocity differential. Quasar behaviour is extinguished once the BH topology becomes spheroidal. Similar mechanisms may be operating in microquasars, SNe and GRBs when neutron density or BH tori arise. In certain circumstances, long-term TBH stability can be maintained by a negative cosmological constant, otherwise the classical topology theorems must somehow be circumvented. Preliminary evidence is presented that Planck-scale quantum effects may be responsible.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figs, various corrections and enhancements, final versio

    An open extensible tool environment for Event-B

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    Abstract. We consider modelling indispensable for the development of complex systems. Modelling must be carried out in a formal notation to reason and make meaningful conjectures about a model. But formal modelling of complex systems is a difficult task. Even when theorem provers improve further and get more powerful, modelling will remain difficult. The reason for this that modelling is an exploratory activity that requires ingenuity in order to arrive at a meaningful model. We are aware that automated theorem provers can discharge most of the onerous trivial proof obligations that appear when modelling systems. In this article we present a modelling tool that seamlessly integrates modelling and proving similar to what is offered today in modern integrated development environments for programming. The tool is extensible and configurable so that it can be adapted more easily to different application domains and development methods.

    Using domain-independent problems for introducing formal methods

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    The key to the integration of formal methods into engineering practice is education. In teaching, domain-independent problems i.e., not requiring prior engineering background-offer many advantages. Such problems are widely available, but this paper adds two dimensions that are lacking in typical solutions yet are crucial to formal methods: (i) the translation of informal statements into formal expressions; (ii) the role of formal calculation (including proofs) in exposing risks or misunderstandings and in discovering pathways to solutions. A few example problems illustrate this: (a) a small logical one showing the importance of fully capturing informal statements; (b) a combinatorial one showing how, in going from "real-world" formulations to mathematical ones, formal methods can cover more aspects than classical mathematics, and a half-page formal program semantics suitable for beginners is presented as a support; (c) a larger one showing how a single problem can contain enough elements to serve as a Leitmotiv for all notational and reasoning issues in a complete introductory course. An important final observation is that, in teaching formal methods, no approach can be a substitute for an open mind, as extreme mathphobia appears resistant to any motivation

    transML: A Family of Languages to Model Model Transformations

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    Proceedings of: 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2010, Oslo, Norway, October 3-8, 2010Model transformation is one of the pillars of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). The increasing complexity of systems and modelling languages has dramatically raised the complexity and size of model transformations. Even though many transformation languages and tools have been proposed in the last few years, most of them are directed to the implementation phase of transformation development. However, there is a lack of cohesive support for the other phases of the transformation development, like requirements, analysis, design and testing. In this paper, we propose a unified family of languages to cover the life-cycle of transformation development. Moreover, following an MDE approach, we provide tools to partially automate the progressive refinement of models between the different phases and the generation of code for specific transformation implementation languages.Work funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (project TIN2008-02081 and grants JC2009-00015,PR2009-0019), the R&Dprogramme of the Madrid Region (project S2009/TIC-1650), and the European Commissionā€™s 7th Framework programme (grants #218575 (INESS), #248864 (MADES))
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