155 research outputs found

    Adult intervention levels in young children’s free play: an observational study on how Pikler educators combine the instrumental and relational dimensions of their educational activity

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    Studies about child development emphasize the importance of play in children’s early years. However, there is an existing controversy about the role educators should have in young children’s free play. This research work studies the approach to early playful activity from Pikler-Lóczy education. A systematic observation was conducted to deepen in the educational activity of free play accompanying. We studied how an experienced educator combines the instrumental and relational dimensions of her educational activity while children are playing, and the intervention levels they accordingly shape: no intervention, indirect intervention and direct intervention. Two complementary techniques were used in order to discover the relational behaviors that modulate each instrumental action: lag sequential analysis and polar coordinate analysis. Results show that the educator’s focus of attention is adaptive to the instrumental action she is performing; that the relational dimension of her educational activity modulates the instrumental actions; and that specific kinetic behaviors announce the beginning, mediate the developing and mark the closing of each instrumental action. Therefore, we demonstrated that the educator masterly combines the instrumental and relational dimensions of her educational activity, thus, shaping three different intervention levels towards children’s free play. This positioning is beneficial to children’s development given its active attempt to promote their intrinsic motivation and will to autonomously discover and learn.The first author of the paper is a PhD candidate of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and counts with a scholarship to develop her thesis (PIF 18/104).The third author acknowledges the support of a Spanish government subproject Integration ways between qualitative and quantitative data, multiple case development, and synthesis review as main axis for an innovative future in physical activity and sports research [PGC2018-098742-B-C31] (2019-2021) (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades / Agencia Estatal de Investigación / Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional)

    A Systematic Observation of Early Childhood Educators Accompanying Young Children’s Free Play at Emmi Pikler Nursery School: Instrumental Behaviors and Their Relational Value

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    A significant number of literature documents young children's innate interest in discovering their surroundings and gradually developing more complex activities and thoughts. It has been demonstrated that when environments support young children's innate interest and progressive autonomy, they help children acquire a self-determined behavior. However, little is known about the application of this evidence in the daily practice of early childhood educational settings. This study examines Emmi Pikler Nursery School, a center that implements an autonomy-supportive educational approach. We conducted a systematic observation of two experienced Pikler educators while they accompanied young children's free play. Our objective was to assess: if educators' instrumental action follows a systematic behavioral sequence, if specific relational behaviors support each instrumental action, and if educators display differentiated intervention levels concerning children's free play through the adaptation of the relational dimension. We conducted a lag sequential analysis to find behavioral patterns and concurrences between the observed behaviors. Our findings indicate that educators perform systematic action sequences and that each of the instrumental actions of those sequences has a specific relational value. We conclude that educators display three differentiated intervention levels depending on the child and the circumstances of the moment, providing appropriate autonomy support and reinforcing children's self-determination.JS is a Ph.D. candidate from the University of the Basque Country and counts with a scholarship (PIF 18/104) to develop her research work. MTA thanks the Spanish Government grant (PGC2018-098742-B-C31) (2019-2021) (FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion - Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Programa Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Cientifico y Tecnologico del Sistema I CD Ci)

    Discourse and Configurations of Gender

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    My research paper is an investigation of the discourse of gender in relation to the work of Michel Foucault, Susan Bordo, Judith Butler and the artists Louise Bourgeois, Fiona Hall, Jo Spence and Neil Emmerson. I have applied Foucault's notion of the formation, necessity and operations of discourses as the basis from which ideas can be articulated, and the context within which notions of gender are formulated and challenged. I examine the processes in discourses, such as the imposition of disciplines to control the subject, which in turn are inscribed in the body of the subject by the subject, as they begin to perceive and define themselves in terms of the disciplines. I use this theory on the relationship between discourse-power-knowledge to analyse my work and that of the artists mentioned. The work of each artist is discussed in terms of the discourse of gender and the basis from which they critique its power, its effects on bodies and forms of representation through a marginal discourse. For the purposes of my work, the conclusion reached is that to disrupt the discourse of gender entails a continual questioning and awareness of its 'truths,' processes and effects. Description of Studio Work: The three major works examine the power and operations of the discourse of gender on bodies and how marginal discourses subvert these constructions. My works in paper, printmedia and metal, in two dimensions and three, reflect the effects through forms that seek to question limitations and extend our conception of male and female bodies. The wall piece, Out of Order, re-configures symbols and signs from the discourse of gender as a means of disrupting notions that gender is immutable. A swirling red line is woven through a densely layered mass of horizontal broken lines. The addition of symbols, X and Y chromosomes, numbers and other tokens of gender, appear at various points in this marginal discourse on conception of 'bodies.' Mammaphone, which accompanies Out of Order and Bullrushes, consists of an enlarged breast LP playing on a turntable. The 'tracks' are a litany of terms for the breast from slang and maternal discourses. The turntable that 'hosts' the LP sits on top of a stylised 'flight recorder's black box,' which suggests the hidden discourse on gender. Bullrushes, is an arrangement of 20 phallic-like forms each on a flexible metal rod that sways with the passage of air around the work. The work presents male bodies as durable, delicate and vulnerable despite the norms of the masculine discourse. The intention is to put into process an interrogation of the effects of gender on bodies and the possibilities for re-thinking the discourse of gender

    Haurren autonomia goiztiarrari ematen zaion sostenguaren behaketa sistematikoa: janztea, Budapesteko Emmi Pikler haur-eskolan

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    Janztea zaintza errepikakor eta funtsezkoa da haurtxoen eta haur txikien eguneroko bizitzarako. Bi urteen inguruan, norberaren zaintzan parte hartzeak nabarmen egiten du gora, eta, aldi berean, helduaren esku-hartzeak behera egiten du. Hezitzaileak behar bezala babestuz gero, ikaskuntza geldiezina izango da autonomiarako bidean aurrera egiteko. Ikerlan honen helburua da behatzea eta aztertzea Budapesteko Emmi Pikler haur eskolako hezitzaileak nola sostengatzen dituen bere taldeko bi eta hiru urte bitarteko haurrak modu autonomoan jantz daitezen. Ikerlan hau jardueraren testuingurunatural eta ohikoan egin da, behaketa bidezko metodologiak proposatzen duen bezala ad hoc sortutako tresna baten bidez. Emaitzek erakusten dutenez, zaintza honetan haurraren autonomia sostengatzeko berezko ezaugarriak dituzten bi patroi bereizi daude, bata hezitzailearen zuzeneko esku-hartzearekin eta bestea zeharkakoarekin. Biek haurren autonomia goiztiarra uneoro eta egoera guztietan babesten duen eguneroko zaintza hau ulertzeko eta gauzatzeko modu bat islatzen dute.; Dressing is a recurrent and fundamental care for the daily life of infants and toddlers. By the age of two, participation in their own self-care increases significantly as adult intervention decreases,and progress towards autonomy in this learning process is unstoppable if the educator supportsit adequately. The aim of this study is to observe and analyze this issue; how the educator of the Emmi Pikler Nursery School in Budapest supports the two- to three-year-old children in her group to dress themselves autonomously. This study has been carried out in the natural and usual context of the activity, by means of an instrument created ad hoc, as proposed by the observational methodology, which has been the one used. The results show the existence of two different patterns of support forchild autonomy in the care of dressing: with direct intervention and with indirect intervention by theeducator, each with its corresponding essential qualities. Both reflect a way of understanding and executing this daily care that safeguards early child autonomy at all times and in all circumstances

    The Loss of Functional Caspase-12 in Europe Is a Pre-Neolithic Event

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    Contains fulltext : 109878.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Caspase-12 (CASP12) modulates the susceptibility to sepsis. In humans, the "C" allele at CASP12 rs497116 has been associated with an increased risk of sepsis. Instead, the derived "T" allele encodes for an inactive caspase-12. Interestingly, Eurasians are practically fixed for the inactive variant, whereas in Sub-Saharan Africa the active variant is still common (~24%). This marked structure has been explained as a function of the selective advantage that the inactive caspase-12 confers by increasing resistance to infection. As regards to both when positive selection started acting and as to the speed with which fixation was achieved in Eurasia, estimates depend on the method and assumptions used, and can vary substantially. Using experimental evidence, we propose that, least in Eurasia, the increase in the frequency of the T allele might be related to the selective pressure exerted by the increase in zoonotic diseases transmission caused by the interplay between increased human population densities and a closer contact with animals during the Neolithic. METHODOLOG/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We genotyped CASP12 rs497116 in prehistoric individuals from 6 archaeological sites from the North of the Iberian Peninsula that date from Late Upper Paleolithic to Late Neolithic. DNA extraction was done from teeth lacking cavities or breakages using standard anti-contamination procedures, including processing of the samples in a positive pressure, ancient DNA-only chamber, quantitation of DNAs by qPCR, duplication, replication, genotyping of associated animals, or cloning of PCR products. Out of 50, 24 prehistoric individuals could finally be genotyped for rs497116. Only the inactive form of CASP12 was found. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrate that the loss of caspase-12 in Europe predates animal domestication and that consequently CASP12 loss is unlikely to be related to the impact of zoonotic infections transmitted by livestock

    Genetic Continuity in the Franco-Cantabrian Region: New Clues from Autochthonous Mitogenomes

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    Background: The Late Glacial Maximum (LGM),,20 thousand years ago (kya), is thought to have forced the people inhabiting vast areas of northern and central Europe to retreat to southern regions characterized by milder climatic conditions. Archaeological records indicate that Franco-Cantabria might have been the major source for the re-peopling of Europe at the beginning of the Holocene (11.5 kya). However, genetic evidence is still scarce and has been the focus of an intense debate. Methods/Principal Findings: Based on a survey of more than 345,000 partial control region sequences and the analysis of 53 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes, we identified an mtDNA lineage, HV4a1a, which most likely arose in the Franco-Cantabrian area about 5.4 kya and remained confined to northern Iberia. Conclusions/Significance: The HV4a1a lineage and several of its younger branches reveal for the first time genetic continuity in this region and long-term episodes of isolation. This, in turn, could at least in part explain the unique linguistic and cultural features of the Basque region

    Simultaneous purifying selection on the ancestral MC1R allele and positive selection on the melanoma-risk allele V60L in South Europeans

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    In humans, the geographical apportionment of the coding diversity of the pigmentary locus melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) is, unusually, higher in Eurasians than in Africans. This atypical observation has been interpreted as the result of purifying selection due to functional constraint on MC1R in high UV-B radiation environments. By analyzing 3,142 human MC1R alleles from different regions of Spain in the context of additional haplotypic information from the 1000 Genomes (1000G) Project data, we show that purifying selection is also strong in southern Europe, but not so in northern Europe. Furthermore, we show that purifying and positive selection act simultaneously on MC1R. Thus, at least in Spain, regions at opposite ends of the incident UV-B radiation distribution show significantly different frequencies for the melanoma-risk allele V60L (a mutation also associated to red hair and fair skin and even blonde hair), with higher frequency of V60L at those regions of lower incident UV-B radiation. Besides, using the 1000G south European data, we show that the V60L haplogroup is also characterized by an extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH) pattern indicative of positive selection. We, thus, provide evidence for an adaptive value of human skin depigmentation in Europe and illustrate how an adaptive process can simultaneously help to maintain a disease-risk allele. In addition, our data support the hypothesis proposed by Jablonski and Chaplin (Human skin pigmentation as an adaptation to UVB radiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010;107:8962-8968), which posits that habitation of middle latitudes involved the evolution of partially depigmented phenotypes that are still capable of suitable tanning.This works was supported by the former Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, project CGL2008-04066/BOS to S.A.; by the Dpt. Educacion, Universidades e Investigación of the Basque Government, project IT542-10; by program UFI11/09 by the University of the Basque Country, by "Programa de Investigacion Cientifica de la Universidad de La Laguna" (boc-a- 2010-255-7177), and by grants from the Health Institute “Carlos III” (FIS PI08/1383, FIS PI11/00623) to C.F. and co-financed by the European Regional Development Funds, “A way of making Europe” from the European Union. M.P.Y. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from Fundación Ramón Areces. We thank the Spanish Banco Nacional de AND (BNADN) (http://www.bancoadn.org/) for providing us with DNA samples from all over Spain. We also thank the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) (http://www.aemet.es/) for kindly providing us with the UV-B radiation data

    Association of TYR SNP rs1042602 with Melanoma Risk and Prognosis

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    Cutaneous melanoma is the most aggressive of skin tumors. In order to discover new biomarkers that could help us improve prognostic prediction in melanoma patients, we have searched for germline DNA variants associated with melanoma progression. Thus, after exome sequencing of a set of melanoma patients and healthy control individuals, we identified rs1042602, an SNP within TYR, as a good candidate. After genotyping rs1042602 in 1025 patients and 773 healthy donors, we found that the rs1042602-A allele was significantly associated with susceptibility to melanoma (CATT test: p = 0.0035). Interestingly, we also observed significant differences between patients with good and bad prognosis (5 years of follow-up) (n = 664) (CATT test for all samples p = 0.0384 and for men alone p = 0.0054). Disease-free-survival (DFS) analyses also showed that patients with the A allele had shorter DFS periods. In men, the association remained significant even in a multivariate Cox Proportional-hazards model, which was adjusted for age at diagnosis, Breslow thickness, ulceration and melanoma subtype (HR 0.4; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.20–0.83; p = 0.0139). Based on our results, we propose that rs1042602-A is a risk allele for melanoma, which also seems to be responsible for a poorer prognosis of the disease, particularly in men

    Ancient DNA from Hunter-Gatherer and Farmer Groups from Northern Spain Supports a Random Dispersion Model for the Neolithic Expansion into Europe

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    Background/Principal Findings: The phenomenon of Neolithisation refers to the transition of prehistoric populations from a hunter-gatherer to an agro-pastoralist lifestyle. Traditionally, the spread of an agro-pastoralist economy into Europe has been framed within a dichotomy based either on an acculturation phenomenon or on a demic diffusion. However, the nature and speed of this transition is a matter of continuing scientific debate in archaeology, anthropology, and human population genetics. In the present study, we have analyzed the mitochondrial DNA diversity in hunter-gatherers and first farmers from Northern Spain, in relation to the debate surrounding the phenomenon of Neolithisation in Europe. Methodology/Significance: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA was carried out on 54 individuals from Upper Paleolithic and Early Neolithic, which were recovered from nine archaeological sites from Northern Spain (Basque Country, Navarre and Cantabria). In addition, to take all necessary precautions to avoid contamination, different authentication criteria were applied in this study, including: DNA quantification, cloning, duplication (51 % of the samples) and replication of the results (43 % of the samples) by two independent laboratories. Statistical and multivariate analyses of the mitochondrial variability suggest that the genetic influence of Neolithisation did not spread uniformly throughout Europe, producing heterogeneous genetic consequences in different geographical regions, rejecting the traditional models that explain the Neolithisation in Europe