42 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis melalui Pendekatan Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning pada Materi Logika Siswa SMAN 7 Aceh Barat Daya

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    Rendahnya kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa SMA merupakan salah satu masalah utama dalam pendidikan matematika. Untuk itu perlu adanya suatu pendekatan pembelajaran matematika yang tepat dalam meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa, salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan ini adalah pendekatan pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning. Adapun tujuan utama dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa SMA yang diajarkan dengan Pendekatan pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa SMA yang diajarkan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning lebih baik daripada yang diajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Desain penelitian ini eksperimen dengan dua kelompok sampel serta menggunakan pretest dan postest. Kelompok eksprimen memperoleh perlakuan berupa pendekatan pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning sedangkan kelompok kontrol dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Aceh Barat Daya. Sampel yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas X1sebagai kelas eksperimen, dan kelas X2sebagai kelas kontrol dengan jumlah siswa masing-masing kelas sebanyak 30 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini berupa tes bentuk uraian utuk mengukur peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan SPSS. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa SMA yang diajarkan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning lebih baik daripada yang diajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional

    Pengaruh Istri Bekerja Diluar Negeri Dalam Mewujudkan Keluarga Sakinah (Study Kasus TKW di Dusun Ringin Desa Payaman Kecamatan Solokuro Kabupaten Lamongan)

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    Penelitian tentang pengaruh istri bekerja di luar negeri dalam mewujudkan keluarga sakinah dilakukan di dusun ringin desa payaman kecamatan solokuro kabupaten lamongan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peraktek bekerja bagi istri, untuk mengetahui konsep keluarga sakinah, dan juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh istri bekerja di luar negeri dalam mewujudkan keluarga sakinah, study kasus di dusun ringin desa payaman kecamatan solokuro kabupaten lamongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengunakan teknik-teknik pengumpulan data seperti observasi dan juga wawancara. Latar belakang penulis dalam permasalah ini adalah karena penulis melihat kenyataan yang telah terjadi saat ini sangatlah banyak, di kalangan para istri ikut andil dalam mencari nafkah dan dari sini penulis melihat apakah si istri dengan ikut bekerja mampu membentuk keluarga sakinah. Masalah inilah yang kemudian perlu dijadikan permasalahan dan diangkat dalam penelitian, guna mendapatkan pemahaman yang benar mengenai istri pekerja. Penulis mencoba melihat seberapa besar pengaruh istri bekerja terhadap keluarga, anak dan masyarakat di lingkungannya, dengan merujuk dasar-dasar hukum islam. Dari penelitian yang penulis lakukan, di ambil kesimpulan bahwa pengaruh istri bekerja dalam mewujudkan keluarga sakinah tersebut lebih banyak pengaruh negatifnya dari pada pengaruh positifnya. Apalagi Dalam perspektif hukum islam menetapkan untuk memperhitungkan seberapa besar kebutuhan dan kepentingan ketika akan menghindarkan sesuatu yang menimbulkan kerugian sehingga sang ibu dalam menjalankan peran sebagai istri pekerja menjadi TKW tidak sesuai dengan hukum islam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka diharapkan menjadi bahan informasi dan masukan bagi orang tua maupun masyarakat, terutama bagi para istri-istri agar tidak ikut bekerja keluar negeri dan juga bagi para ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang memutuskan ingin berangkat bekerja kesana agar tidak gegabah dalam mengambil keputusan. Kata Kunci: pengaruh, istri bekerja., keluarga sakinah

    The final spawning ground of <i>Tachypleus gigas</i> (Muller, 1785) on the east Peninsular Malaysia is at risk: a call for action

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    Tanjung Selongor and Pantai Balok (State Pahang) are the only two places known for spawning activity of the Malaysian horseshoe crab - Tachypleus gigas (Müller, 1785) on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. While the former beach has been disturbed by several anthropogenic activities that ultimately brought an end to the spawning activity of T. gigas, the status of the latter remains uncertain. In the present study, the spawning behavior of T. gigas at Pantai Balok (Sites I-III) was observed over a period of thirty six months, in three phases, between 2009 and 2013. Every year, the crab’s nesting activity was found to be high during Southwest monsoon (May–September) followed by Northeast (November–March) and Inter monsoon (April and October) periods. In the meantime, the number of female T. gigas in 2009–2010 (Phase-1) was higher (38 crabs) than in 2010–2011 (Phase-2: 7 crabs) and 2012–2013 (Phase-3: 9 crabs) for which both increased overexploitation (for edible and fishmeal preparations) as well as anthropogenic disturbances in the vicinity (sand mining since 2009, land reclamation for wave breaker/parking lot constructions in 2011 and fishing jetty construction in 2013) are responsible. In this context, the physical infrastructure developments have altered the sediment close to nesting sites to be dominated by fine sand (2.5Xφ ) with moderately-well sorted (0.6–0.7σφ), very-coarse skewed (−2.4SKφ), and extremely leptokurtic (12.6Kφ) properties. Also, increased concentrations of Cadmium (from 4.2 to 13.6 mg kg−1) and Selenium (from 11.5 to 23.3 mg kg−1) in the sediment, and Sulphide (from 21 to 28 µg l−1) in the water were observed. In relation to the monsoonal changes affecting sheltered beach topography and sediment flux, the spawning crabs have shown a seasonal nest shifting behaviour in-between Sites I-III during 2009–2011. However, in 2012–2013, the crabs were mostly restricted to the areas (i.e., Sites I and II) with high oxygen (5.5–8.0 mg l−1) and moisture depth (6.2–10.2 cm). In view of the sustained anthropogenic pressure on the coastal habitats on one hand and decreasing horseshoe crabs population on the other, it is crucial to implement both conservation and management measures for T. gigas at Pantai Balok. Failing that may lead to the loss of this final spawning ground on the east coast of P. Malaysia

    Complete Model of Mosque-based ZISWAF Sustainable Management

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    This study was conducted based on the cluster foundations of the ZISWAF Managing Organization, namely governmental organization, religious-based society organization, community-based society, Pashantren-based organization, Sharia-based financial institution, and campus-based organization. This study used qualitative research approach and descriptive analysis to analyze and describe the mosque-based ZISWAF sustainable management model in Jogokariyan mosque more deeply and systematically. The data consisted of primary data sources such as the results of interviews, FGD, and observations, as well as secondary and tertiary data, such as books, journals, and the website of Jogokariyan Mosque. The results showed that the comprehensive ZISWAF sustainable management model is based on the mosque: 1) The management philosophy is based on the practice of QS. 9:18 that the empowerment of Jamaah economy is an attempt to restore the function of the mosque in the apostolic times, namely, as a place of worship, the building of the awareness and spirituality of Jamaah, the economic development and the solution to various problems of society with the community’s jargon. 2) In empowerment, all Jamaah layers (children, adolescents, mosque alumni, young couples, mothers, and parents) are included and their programs are adapted to their respective interests, talents, and tendencies. 3) In ZISWAF’s assembly there are several models namely: (1) infiradi models (individual or institutional) and jama’i (general society), and (2) conventional and creative-innovative models. In terms of empowerment, it was organized by 30 managerial units under the direction of Jogokariyan Mosque in the spiritual, educational, economic, entrepreneurial, health, and other sectors. Keywords: management model, sustainable, productive ZISWAF, mosqu

    Possibility and Effects of Recycling Vinyl-Banner Waste into Fired-Clay Bricks for Home Industry in Lampung

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    Bricks are regarded as important material in building constructions. Basically, brick is processed by mixing clay and water then burnt under high temperature for a certain duration. Previous study in Indonesia shows that mixing local clay with additional materials could improve its characteristic, especially in terms of water absorption potentiality. Lampung has home industries which run brick making business traditionally. Moreover, this year Indonesian government has been organizing regional elections which attract campaigners to produce more vinyl banners as advertising media. As the event has already passed, vinyl banners eventually become environmental issue since they are not yet well managed. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility and effect of red bricks mixtures along with vinyl banner waste. Fired-clay bricks dimensions including length, width, and height are 19 cm, 9.5 cm, and 5 cm respectively. Measurement has done by employing water absorption tests. Waste-added bricks absorb more water than the conventional one, about 11% higher. However, rice-husk-ash-added bricks perform similar to the normal bricks, it has slow rate of water absorption. Absorption rate of waste-added bricks also fast and exceed the conventional and RHA-added bricks. Modified red bricks surfaces are uneven, they show cracks and rough edges

    Possibility and Effects of Recycling Vinyl-Banner Waste Into Fired-Clay Bricks for Home Industry in Lampung

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    Bricks are regarded as important material in building constructions. Basically, brick is processed by mixing clay and water then burnt under high temperature for a certain duration. Previous study in Indonesia shows that mixing local clay with additional materials could improve its characteristic, especially in terms of water absorption potentiality. Lampung has home industries which run brick making business traditionally. Moreover, this year Indonesian government has been organizing regional elections which attract campaigners to produce more vinyl banners as advertising media. As the event has already passed, vinyl banners eventually become environmental issue since they are not yet well managed. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility and effect of red bricks mixtures along with vinyl banner waste. Fired-clay bricks dimensions including length, width, and height are 19 cm, 9.5 cm, and 5 cm respectively. Measurement has done by employing water absorption tests. Waste-added bricks absorb more water than the conventional one, about 11% higher. However, rice-husk-ash-added bricks perform similar to the normal bricks, it has slow rate of water absorption. Absorption rate of waste-added bricks also fast and exceed the conventional and RHA-added bricks. Modified red bricks surfaces are uneven, they show cracks and rough edges


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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been gaining popularity to measure environmental impacts including greenhouse gas emission. LCA employes system and comprehensive approach with static nature for a certaintime limit. This research aimed to design a model greenhouse gas reduction from palm oil biodiesel industry which can simulate greenhouse gas emission until 2020 underapplication with some emission reducing technologies. Dynamic system method which deals with system approach and dynamic over time was employed to improving it. By employing the System Dynamic Life Cycle Model (SDLCM), greenhouse gas emission was simulated until 2020. Pattern of calculation greenhouse gas emission from SDLCM was non-linear pattern over 1990-2020. Also, SDLCM may be employed in calculation of emission reduction from several application of technologies. Keyword: greenhouse gas, palm oil biodiesel, life cycle assessment, system dynami


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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been gaining popularity to measure environmental impacts including greenhouse gas emission. LCA employes system and comprehensive approach with static nature for a certaintime limit. This research aimed to design a model greenhouse gas reduction from palm oil biodiesel industry which can simulate greenhouse gas emission until 2020 underapplication with some emission reducing technologies. Dynamic system method which deals with system approach and dynamic over time was employed to improving it. By employing the System Dynamic Life Cycle Model (SDLCM), greenhouse gas emission was simulated until 2020. Pattern of calculation greenhouse gas emission from SDLCM was non-linear pattern over 1990-2020. Also, SDLCM may be employed in calculation of emission reduction from several application of technologies. Keyword: greenhouse gas, palm oil biodiesel, life cycle assessment, system dynami

    Movement patterns of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus in the Sarawak coastal water, South China Sea

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    A study was carried out to determine the movement patterns of P. pelagicus within the near-shore marine embayment of the Sarawak coastal water, South China Sea. These mark-recapture tagging studies were conducted for about five months from 26th March till 30th August 2005 comprising 48 sampling trips. Out of 976 crabs tagged and released, 212 (21.72%) were recaptured. The mean distances moved by male and female crabs were 7.36 km ± 1.78 and 9.15 km ± 1.87 respectively. The study shows that the female crabs moved significantly (p=0.01; p<0.05) further than males. The percentage of tagged crabs recaptured within the original release site were 50.0% for male and 45.83% for female crabs. The result shows that the male crabs only significantly (p=0.01; p<0.05) moved towards the deeper off-shore areas as compared to the near-shore areas. On the other hand, the female crabs moved significantly more towards both deeper off-shore and shallow near -shore areas. Most of the tagged crabs were recaptured within the sampling site of 2 km radius after a minimum of 30 days at liberty. The movement activities from the study were not necessarily limited because only 21.72% of the tagged-and-released crabs were recaptured. Thus, the main movement activities were attributed to the migration movements associated with reproduction and this can be seen from the tagged crabs which were recaptured at the off-shore deeper water