139 research outputs found

    The size of the marginal cost of public funds. A discussion with special relevance to Norway

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    NOU 1997: 27(Nyttekostnadsanalyser – Prinsipper for lønnsomhetsvurderinger i offentlig sektor) drøftet den aktuelle størrelsen på den marginale skaffefinansieringskostnaden (MCF). Der var anbefalingen at MCF i kost-nytteanalyser bør settes lik 1,2, og dette har vært den anbefalte praksis siden. Denne rapporten ser nærmere på grunnlaget for anbefalingen i NOU 1997: 27 og diskuterer om det er grunn til å endre dagens praksis. Først blir forskjellige konsepter for skattefinansieringskostnaden diskutert og illustrert ved hjelp av numeriske eksempler. Dernest gis en oversikt over estimater av skattefinansieringskostnaden i ulike studier. Vår konklusjon er at vi ikke har solid fundament for å gi et punktestimat på MCF. Rapporten gir isteden en bred oversikt over analyser, som gir forskjellige estimater på MCF. Vi anbefaler at mer forskning bør gjennomføres for å evaluere og kvantifisere uløste aspekter knyttet til estimater av MCF. Konklusjonene er delvis basert på simuleringer med den generelle likevektsmodellen MSG-6. MSG-simuleringene er grundig dokumentert i en egen rapport (Bjertnæs, 2014).Rapporten er utarbeidet med økonomisk støtte fra Finansdepartementet

    Full counting statistics of strongly non-Ohmic transport through single molecules

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    We study analytically the full counting statistics of charge transport through single molecules, strongly coupled to a weakly damped vibrational mode. The specifics of transport in this regime - a hierarchical sequence of avalanches of transferred charges, interrupted by "quiet" periods - make the counting statistics strongly non-Gaussian. We support our findings for the counting statistics as well as for the frequency-dependent noise power by numerical simulations, finding excellent agreement.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures; minor changes, version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Clustering in gravitating N-body systems

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    We study gravitational clustering of mass points in three dimensions with random initial positions and periodic boundary conditions (no expansion) by numerical simulations. Correlation properties are well defined in the system and a sort of thermodynamic limit can be defined for the transient regime of cluste ring. Structure formation proceeds along two paths: (i) fluid-like evolution of density perturbations at large scales and (ii) shift of the granular (non fluid) properties from small to large scales. The latter mechanism finally dominates at all scales and it is responsible for the self-similar characteristics of the clustering.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Europhys. Let

    On the nature of gravitational forces

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    In this paper I show how the statistics of the gravitational field is changed when the system is characterized by a non-uniform distribution of particles. I show how the distribution functions W(dF/dt) giving the joint probability that a test particle is subject to a force F and an associated rate of change of F given by dF/dt, are modified by inhomogeneity. Then I calculate the first moment of dF/dt to study the effects of inhomogenity on dynamical friction. Finally I test, by N-Body simulations, that the theoretical W(F) and dF/dt describes correctly the experimental data and I find that the stochastic force distribution obtained for the evolved system is in good agreement with theory. Moreover, I find that in an inhomogeneous background the friction force is actually enhanced relative to the homogeneous case

    Bioenergy as climate change mitigation option within a 2 °C target—uncertainties and temporal challenges of bioenergy systems

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    Bioenergy is given an important role in reaching national and international climate change targets. However, uncertainties relating to emission reductions and the timeframe for these reductions are increasingly recognised as challenges whether bioenergy can deliver the required reductions. This paper discusses and highlights the challenges and the importance of the real greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of bioenergy systems and its relevance for a global 450 ppm CO2e stabilisation target in terms of uncertainties and temporal aspects. The authors aim to raise awareness and emphasise the need for dynamic and consequential approaches for the evaluation of climate change impacts of bioenergy systems to capture the complexity and challenges of their real emission reduction potential within a 2 °C target. This review does not present new research results. This paper shows the variety of challenges and complexity of the problem of achieving real GHG emission reductions from bioenergy systems. By reflecting on current evaluation methods of emissions and impacts from bioenergy systems, this review points out that a rethinking and going beyond static approaches is required, considering each bioenergy systems according to its own characteristics, context and feedbacks. With the development of knowledge and continuously changing systems, policies should be designed in a way that they provide a balance between flexibility to adapt to new information and planning security for investors. These will then allow considering if a bioenergy system will deliver the required emission saving in the appropriate timeframe or not

    Statistics of the gravitational force in various dimensions of space: from Gaussian to Levy laws

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    We discuss the distribution of the gravitational force created by a Poissonian distribution of field sources (stars, galaxies,...) in different dimensions of space d. In d=3, it is given by a Levy law called the Holtsmark distribution. It presents an algebraic tail for large fluctuations due to the contribution of the nearest neighbor. In d=2, it is given by a marginal Gaussian distribution intermediate between Gaussian and Levy laws. In d=1, it is exactly given by the Bernouilli distribution (for any particle number N) which becomes Gaussian for N>>1. Therefore, the dimension d=2 is critical regarding the statistics of the gravitational force. We generalize these results for inhomogeneous systems with arbitrary power-law density profile and arbitrary power-law force in a d-dimensional universe

    Imagining transitions in old age through the visual matrix method: thinking about what is hard to bear

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    Dominant discourses of ageing are often confined to what is less painful to think about and therefore idealise or denigrate ageing and later life. We present findings from an exploratory psychosocial study, in a Nordic context into three later-life transitions: from working life to retirement, from mental health to dementia, and from life to death. Because, for some, these topics are hard to bear, and therefore defended against and routinely excluded from everyday awareness, we used a method led by imagery and affect - the Visual Matrix - to elicit participants’ free associative personal and collective imagination. Through analysis of data extracts, on the three transitions, we illustrate oscillations between defending against the challenges of ageing and realism in facing the anxieties it can provoke. A recurring theme includes the finality of individual life and the inter-generational continuity, which together link life and death, hope and despair, separation and connectedness
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