1,873 research outputs found

    Stability constants of ternary complexes of Ni(II) with 4-hydroxypicolinic acid N-oxide as a primary ligand & S,O; O,O; N, O & N, N donor ligands as secondary ligands

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    1016-1017The equilibria involved in the formation of ternary chelates of Ni(II) with different ligands in the presence of O,O donating ligand(4-OH picolinic acid N-oxide) have been studied by pH-titration technique at 30°± 1°C and ÎŒ = 0.1 M(KNO3) in aqueous medium. The ligands used are (i) thioglycolic acid (S,O donor); (ii) catechol, oxalic acid, salicylic acid (N,O donors); (iii) glycine, alanine, proline (N,O donors); (iv) ethylenediamine, 1,10-phenanthroline,2,2'- bipyridyl (N, N donor). The overall stability constants of ternary chelates are discussed in the light of basicity of ligands, nature of donor atoms, metal-ligand dπ-pπ, and dπ-dπ interactions, denticity, stereochemical interactions etc

    Interaction of picolinic acid N-oxide and its derivatives with cobalt(II) involving some selected ligands in aqueous medium

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    792-794The formation constants of 1:1 binary chelates (ML of Co(II) with (L) picolinic acid N-oxide (Pico) and its derivatives 4-aminopicolinic acid N-oxide (4-NH2 Pico), 4-chloropicolinic acid N-oxide (4-Cl Pico) and 4-hydroxypicolinic acid N-oxide (4-OH Pico) and the corresponding 1:1:1 ternary chelates (MAL or MLA) involving (A) glycine, proline (N, O- donors); ethylenediamine, 1,10-phenanthroline (N,N donors); catechol, salicylic acid (O-,O- donors) and thioglycolic acid (S, O- donor) have been determined from pHmetric measurements at 30°C and 0.1 M (KNO3) ionic strength in aqueous medium. The stabilities of the binary chelates (ML) follow the order: 4-Cl Pico 2 Pica, while those of ternary complexes show a quite reverse trend. The relative stabilities of the ternary complexes are quantitatively expressed in terms of the statistical parameter, D log K. The results are discussed in the light of statistical and different astatistical factors. The thermodynmic parameters determined for the binary systems are found to be favourable for chelation

    The Effect of Copper and Brass on Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminium Alloy When Used in Thin Sheet Form

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    In recent year’s aluminium and aluminium alloys are most widely used in many applications because of light weight, good formability and malleability, corrosion resistance, moderate strength and low cost. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process is an efficient and cost-effective method for welding aluminium and aluminium alloys. FSW is a solid-state welding process that means the material is not melted during the process. Complete welding process accomplishes below the melting point of materials so it overcomes many welding defects that usually happens with conventional fusion welding technique which was initially used for low melting materials. Though this process is initially developed for low melting materials but now the process is widely used for a variety of other materials including titanium, steel and also for composites. The present butt jointed FSW experimental work has been done in two ways. Initially, a comparison of tensile properties of friction stir (FS) welded similar aluminium alloy (AA6351 with AA6351) and dissimilar aluminium alloy (AA6351 with AA5083) combinations. Later the effect of impurities (copper and brass) in sheet form (0.1 mm thick) when used as an insert in between two dissimilar aluminium (AA6351 with AA5083) alloy plates during FSW. Tensile tests were performed for these combinations and results were compared for with and without using strip material (copper and brass)

    Mid-IR Luminosities and UV/Optical Star Formation Rates at z<1.4

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    UV continuum and mid-IR emission constitute two widely used star formation indicators at intermediate and high redshifts. We study 2430 galaxies with z<1.4 in the Extended Groth Strip with MIPS 24 mic observations from FIDEL, spectroscopy from DEEP2, and UV, optical, and near-IR photometry from AEGIS. The data are coupled with stellar population models and Bayesian SED fitting to estimate dust-corrected SFRs. In order to probe the dust heating from stellar populations of various ages, the derived SFRs were averaged over various timescales--from 100 Myr for "current" SFR to 1--3 Gyr for long-timescale SFRs. These SED-based UV/optical SFRs are compared to total infrared luminosities extrapolated from 24 mic observations. We find that for the blue, actively star forming galaxies the correlation between the IR luminosity and the UV/optical SFR shows a decrease in scatter when going from shorter to longer SFR-averaging timescales. We interpret this as the greater role of intermediate age stellar populations in heating the dust than what is typically assumed. This holds over the entire redshift range. Many so-called green valley galaxies are simply dust-obscured actively star-forming galaxies. However, there exist 24 mic-detected galaxies, some with L>10^11 L_sun, yet with little current star formation. For them a reasonable amount of dust absorption of stellar light is sufficient to produce the observed levels of IR. In our sample optical and X-ray AGNs do not contribute on average more than ~50% to the mid-IR luminosity, and we see no evidence for a large population of "IR excess" galaxies (Abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Content identical to arXiv version 1. No color figure

    A New Class of Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Models in Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation and Late Time Acceleration

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    A new class of a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-I cosmological models of the universe for perfect fluid distribution within the framework of scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. 113:467, 1986) is investigated. To prevail the deterministic solutions we choose the different scale factors which yield time-dependent deceleration parameters (DP) representing models which generate a transition of the universe from the early decelerated phase to the recent accelerating phase. Three different physically viable models of the universe are obtained in which their anisotropic solutions may enter to some isotropic inflationary era. The modified Einstein's field equations are solved exactly and the models are found to be in good concordance with recent observations. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Progress in Classical and Quantum Variational Principles

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    We review the development and practical uses of a generalized Maupertuis least action principle in classical mechanics, in which the action is varied under the constraint of fixed mean energy for the trial trajectory. The original Maupertuis (Euler-Lagrange) principle constrains the energy at every point along the trajectory. The generalized Maupertuis principle is equivalent to Hamilton's principle. Reciprocal principles are also derived for both the generalized Maupertuis and the Hamilton principles. The Reciprocal Maupertuis Principle is the classical limit of Schr\"{o}dinger's variational principle of wave mechanics, and is also very useful to solve practical problems in both classical and semiclassical mechanics, in complete analogy with the quantum Rayleigh-Ritz method. Classical, semiclassical and quantum variational calculations are carried out for a number of systems, and the results are compared. Pedagogical as well as research problems are used as examples, which include nonconservative as well as relativistic systems

    Accelerating Bianchi Type-V Cosmology with Perfect Fluid and Heat Flow in Saez-Ballester Theory

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    In this paper we discuss the law of variation of scale factor a=(tket)1na = (t^{k}e^{t})^{\frac{1}{n}} which yields a time-dependent deceleration parameter (DP) representing a new class of models that generate a transition of universe from the early decelerated phase to the recent accelerating phase. Exact solutions of Einstein's modified field equations with perfect fluid and heat conduction are obtained within the framework of Saez-Ballester scalar-tensor theory of gravitation and the model is found to be in good agreement with recent observations. We find, for n = 3, k = 1, the present value of DP in derived model as q_0 = -0.67 which is very near to the observed value of DP at present epoch. We find that the time-dependent DP is sensible for the present day Universe and give an earmark description of evolution of universe. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Finite element computation of multi-physical micropolar transport phenomena from an inclined moving plate in porous media

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    Non-Newtonian flows arise in numerous industrial transport processes including materials fabrication systems. Micropolar theory offers an excellent mechanism for exploring the fluid dynamics of new non-Newtonian materials which possess internal microstructure. Magnetic fields may also be used for controlling electrically-conducting polymeric flows. To explore numerical simulation of transport in rheological materials processing, in the current paper, a finite element computational solution is presented for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), incompressible, dissipative, radiative and chemically-reacting micropolar fluid flow, heat and mass transfer adjacent to an inclined porous plate embedded in a saturated homogenous porous medium. Heat generation/absorption effects are included. Rosseland’s diffusion approximation is used to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation. A Darcy model is employed to simulate drag effects in the porous medium. The governing transport equations are rendered into non-dimensional form under the assumption of low Reynolds number and also low magnetic Reynolds number. Using a Galerkin formulation with a weighted residual scheme, finite element solutions are presented to the boundary value problem. The influence of plate inclination, Eringen coupling number, radiation-conduction number, heat absorption/generation parameter, chemical reaction parameter, plate moving velocity parameter, magnetic parameter, thermal Grashof number, species (solutal) Grashof number, permeability parameter, Eckert number on linear velocity, micro-rotation, temperature and concentration profiles. Furthermore, the influence of selected thermo-physical parameters on friction factor, surface heat transfer and mass transfer rate is also tabulated. The finite element solutions are verified with solutions from several limiting cases in the literature. Interesting features in the flow are identified and interpreted

    Bianchi Type-II String Cosmological Models in Normal Gauge for Lyra's Manifold with Constant Deceleration Parameter

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    The present study deals with a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi-II cosmological models representing massive strings in normal gauge for Lyra's manifold by applying the variation law for generalized Hubble's parameter that yields a constant value of deceleration parameter. The variation law for Hubble's parameter generates two types of solutions for the average scale factor, one is of power-law type and other is of the exponential form. Using these two forms, Einstein's modified field equations are solved separately that correspond to expanding singular and non-singular models of the universe respectively. The energy-momentum tensor for such string as formulated by Letelier (1983) is used to construct massive string cosmological models for which we assume that the expansion (Ξ\theta) in the model is proportional to the component σ 11\sigma^{1}_{~1} of the shear tensor σij\sigma^{j}_{i}. This condition leads to A=(BC)mA = (BC)^{m}, where A, B and C are the metric coefficients and m is proportionality constant. Our models are in accelerating phase which is consistent to the recent observations. It has been found that the displacement vector ÎČ\beta behaves like cosmological term Λ\Lambda in the normal gauge treatment and the solutions are consistent with recent observations of SNe Ia. It has been found that massive strings dominate in the decelerating universe whereas strings dominate in the accelerating universe. Some physical and geometric behaviour of these models are also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure
