114 research outputs found

    Impact of new synthesized analogues of dehydroacetic acid on growth rate and vomitoxin accumulation by Fusarium graminearum under different temperatures in maize hybrid

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    Previous work indicated that some of the new synthesized analogues of dehydroacetic acid (DHA) were inhibitory to the growth of mycotoxin producing moulds and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and ochratoxin A (OTA). The objective of this study was to determine the specific new synthesized chemical compounds that may be effective against mould growth and vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol) (DON) accumulation by Fusarium graminearum. The effect of the investigated 3-/2-aminophenylamine-(ptoluoyl)- 4-hydroxy-6-(p-tolyl)-2H- pyrane-2-one (Schiff base) and 4-hydroxy-3-(p-toluoyl)-6-(p-tolil)-2Hpyrane- 2-one (DHT) on growth and DON accumulation were studied using a mould F. graminearum ZMPBF 1244 and maize grain hybrid to determine the possible use of these compounds as a mean of controlling DON accumulation. Schiff base was inhibitory at 0.05 and 0.1 μg/g and DHT at 0.5 μg/g of maize grain. The inhibitory effect of these substances was judged to be the inhibition of growth rather than toxin accumulation. When growth occurred after a delay, DON accumulation occurred when the cultures reached secondary metabolism. Given sufficient time, cultures which were inhibited initially, but which subsequently inhibited their growth, produced toxin levels equivalent to the control cultures. Levels of the Schiff base above 0.2 μg/g almost completely inhibited mould growth or permitted only a small amount of growth that never reached secondary metabolism and never produced DON during the time of this study.Key words: Fusarium graminearum, vomitoxin, Schiff base, chitin, Artemia salina

    Changes in Floquet state structure at avoided crossings: delocalization and harmonic generation

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    Avoided crossings are common in the quasienergy spectra of strongly driven nonlinear quantum wells. In this paper we examine the sinusoidally driven particle in a square potential well to show that avoided crossings can alter the structure of Floquet states in this system. Two types of avoided crossings are identified: on type leads only to temporary changes (as a function of driving field strength) in Floquet state structure while the second type can lead to permanent delocalization of the Floquet states. Radiation spectra from these latter states show significant increase in high harmonic generation as the system passes through the avoided crossing.Comment: 8 pages with 10 figures submitted to Physical Review

    Landau damping in thin films irradiated by a strong laser field

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    The rate of linear collisionless damping (Landau damping) in a classical electron gas confined to a heated ionized thin film is calculated. The general expression for the imaginary part of the dielectric tensor in terms of the parameters of the single-particle self-consistent electron potential is obtained. For the case of a deep rectangular well, it is explicitly calculated as a function of the electron temperature in the two limiting cases of specular and diffuse reflection of the electrons from the boundary of the self-consistent potential. For realistic experimental parameters, the contribution of Landau damping to the heating of the electron subsystem is estimated. It is shown that for films with a thickness below about 100 nm and for moderate laser intensities it may be comparable with or even dominate over electron-ion collisions and inner ionization.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Hazard prevention, risk assessment and practical advice/recommendations by experts for educational purpose

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    Dear reader, Food safety is from highest importance in our food consumption and producing system. It poses as an elemental prerequisite for the daily working procedures in every food producing or food processing operation. For this reason within the European Union, the Codex Alimentarius commission developed the well known HACCP concept. Its purpose is to establish safety measures on every step of the food value chain and to guarantees a high level of safety. This handbooks gives advice and provides examples and explanations on several topics of this system-based concept with focus on the implementation of this system within the organic food production. It contains the theoretical background of food safety in organic food production and is part of the SAFE-ORG food-project, funded by the European Union. SAFE-ORG Food is an international project within the Erasmus Plus programme. Five universities are working together in order to combine, research and collect scientific findings regarding the food safety in organic food production. The aim of the project is to improve the availability of good, understandable and helpful educational material on organic food safety. We hope to create an positive impact for the safe production of organic food in Europe and to support the stakeholders of the organic food sector within their daily work.Funded by ERASMUS+Funded by ERASMUS

    Expression of the long non-coding RNA TCL6 is associated with clinical outcome in pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    The authors would like to thank the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung, Inocente Inocente Foundation, the Ministry of Economy of Spain (SAF2015- 67919-R), Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (Pl-0245-2017, CS2016- 3), BBVA Foundation, Francisco-Cobos Foundation, Fero Foundation and AECC Foundation for funding Pedro P. Medinas’s lab. Álvaro Andrades is supported by an FPU17/00067 PhD fellowship, Alberto M. Arenas is supported by an FPU17/01258 PhD fellowship, Paola Peinado is supported by a La Caixa Foundation PhD Fellowship (LCF/BQ/DE15/10360019), Isabel F. Coira was supported by a PhD FPI-fellowship (BES-2013-064596), Daniel J. García is supported by a Fundación Benéfica Anticáncer Santa Cándida y San Francisco Javier PhD fellowship and Juan Carlos Álvarez-Pérez is supported by a Marie Sklodowska Curie action (H2020-MSCA-IF-2018). The funding agencies had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors would also like to thank the Biobanc de l’Hospital Infantil Sant Joan de Déu per a la Investigació, integrated in the Spanish Biobank Network of ISCIII, as well as Asociación Malagueña para la Investigación en Leucemias (AMPILE), for the sample and data procurement

    Modelling the atmospheric dispersion of radiotracers in small-scale, controlled detonations: validation of dispersion models using field test data

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    A series of modelling exercises, based on field tests conducted in the Czech Republic, were carried out by the ‘Urban’ Working Groups as part of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety II, Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessment (MODARIA) I and MODARIA II international data compilation and model validation programmes. In the first two of these programmes, data from a series of field tests involving dispersion of a radiotracer, 99mTc, from small-scale, controlled detonations were used in a comparison of model predictions with field measurements of deposition. In the third programme, data from a similar field test, involving dispersion of 140La instead of 99mTc, were used. Use of longer-lived 140La as a radiotracer allowed a greater number of measurements to be made over a greater distance from the dispersion point and in more directions than was possible for the earlier tests involving shorter-lived 99mTc. The modelling exercises included both intercomparison of model predictions from several participants and comparison of model predictions with the measured data. Several models (HotSpot, LASAIR, ADDAM/CSA-ERM, plus some research models) were used in the comparisons, which demonstrated the challenges of modelling dispersion of radionuclides from detonations and the need for appropriate meteorological measurements

    Compared to conventional, ecological intensive management promotes beneficial proteolytic soil microbial communities for agro-ecosystem functioning under climate change-induced rain regimes

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    Projected climate change and rainfall variability will affect soil microbial communities, biogeochemical cycling and agriculture. Nitrogen (N) is the most limiting nutrient in agroecosystems and its cycling and availability is highly dependent on microbial driven processes. In agroecosystems, hydrolysis of organic nitrogen (N) is an important step in controlling soil N availability. We analyzed the effect of management (ecological intensive vs. conventional intensive) on N-cycling processes and involved microbial communities under climate change-induced rain regimes. Terrestrial model ecosystems originating from agroecosystems across Europe were subjected to four different rain regimes for 263 days. Using structural equation modelling we identified direct impacts of rain regimes on N-cycling processes, whereas N-related microbial communities were more resistant. In addition to rain regimes, management indirectly affected N-cycling processes via modifications of N-related microbial community composition. Ecological intensive management promoted a beneficial N-related microbial community composition involved in N-cycling processes under climate change-induced rain regimes. Exploratory analyses identified phosphorus-associated litter properties as possible drivers for the observed management effects on N-related microbial community composition. This work provides novel insights into mechanisms controlling agro-ecosystem functioning under climate change

    Ohtude ennetamine, riskihindamine ja ekspertide õppeotstarbelised praktilised soovitused

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    Lp. lugeja, Toiduohutus on toidu tootmise, töötlemise ja tarbimise süsteemis kõige olulisem. See on igapäevaste tööprotse põhieeldus igas toidutootmis ja –töötlemistegevuses. Sel põhjusel töötas Codex Alimentarius ́e komisjon Euroopa Liidus välja hästi tuntud HACCP kontseptsiooni, mille eesmärgiks on toidu väärtusahela erinevates etappides kõrgel tasemel toiduohutuse meetmete rakendamine. Käesolev käsiraamat annab nõuandeid ja näiteid ning selgitusi selle süsteemipõhise kontseptsiooni erinevatel teemadel, keskendudes selle süsteemi rakendamisele mahetoidu tootmises. See sisaldab toiduohutuse teoreetilist tausta mahetoidu tootmises ja on osa SAFE-ORG toiduprojektist, mida rahastab Euroopa Liit. SAFE-ORG Food on Erasmus Plus programmi rahvusvaheline projekt.SAFE-ORG Food on Erasmus Plus programmi rahvusvaheline projekt. Viis ülikooli teevad koostööd, et kombineerida, uurida ja koguda toiduohutuse alaste teadusuuringute tulemusi mahetoidu tootmises. Projekti eesmärk on parandada kõrgetasemega, arusaadava ja abistava õppematerjali kättesaadavust tootjatele ja õppejõududele. Loodame avaldada positiivset mõju ohutu mahetoidu tootmisele Euroopas ning toetada mahetoitu tootvaid ettevõtteid nende igapäevatöös.Rahastas ERASMUS+Rahastas ERASMUS