736 research outputs found

    Informed citizen and empowered citizen in health: results from an European survey

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    Background: The knowledge about the relationship between health-related activities on the Internet (i.e. informed citizens) and individuals? control over their own experiences of health or illness (i.e. empowered citizens) is valuable but scarce. In this paper, we investigate the correlation between four ways of using the Internet for information on health or illness and citizens attitudes and behaviours toward health professionals and health systems and establish the profile of empowered eHealth citizens in Europe. Methods: Data was collected during April and May 2007 (N = 7022), through computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). Respondents from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Portugal participated in the survey. The profiles were generated using logistic regressions and are based on: a) socio-demographic and health information, b) the level of use of health-related online services, c) the level of use of the Internet to get health information to decide whether to consult a health professional, prepare for a medical appointment and assess its outcome, and d) the impact of online health information on citizens? attitudes and behavior towards health professionals and health systems. Results: Citizens using the Internet to decide whether to consult a health professional or to get a second opinion are likely to be frequent visitors of health sites, active participants of online health forums and recurrent buyers of medicines and other health related products online, while only infrequent epatients, visiting doctors they have never met face-to-face. Participation in online health communities seems to be related with more inquisitive and autonomous patients. Conclusions: The profiles of empowered eHealth citizens in Europe are situational and country dependent. The number of Europeans using the Internet to get health information to help them deal with a consultation is raising and having access to online health information seems to be associated with growing number of inquisitive and self-reliant patients. Doctors are increasingly likely to experience consultations with knowledgeable and empowered patients, who will challenge them in various ways

    Multiphase quad-inverter system with feedforward synchronous PWM and nonlinear voltage regulation

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    Abstract: This manuscript presents modified scheme of synchronous space-vector modulation allowing providing nonlinear dependences between the fundamental voltage and fundamental frequency of dual three-phase open-winding ac drive with four modulated inverters. Behavior of the system with six control modes (characterized by different dc-voltages and switching frequencies of inverters) and two nonlinear Voltage/Frequency ratios has been analyzed and simulated by the means of MATLAB-software

    Evolving Surgical Approaches to Bicuspid Aortic Valve Associated Aortopathy

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    Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital cardiac pathology which results from the fusion of two adjacent aortic valve cusps. It is associated with dilatation of the aorta, known as bicuspid valve-associated aortopathy or bicuspid aortopathy. Bicuspid aortopathy is progressive and is linked with adverse clinical events. Hence, frequent monitoring and early intervention with prophylactic surgical resection of the proximal aorta is often recommended. Over the past two decades resection strategies and surgical interventions have mainly been directed by surgeon and institution preferences. These practices have ranged from conservative to aggressive approaches based on aortic size and growth criteria. This strategy, however, may not best reflect the risks of important aortic events. A new set of guidelines was proposed for the treatment of bicuspid aortopathy. Herein, we will highlight the most recent findings pertinent to bicuspid aortopathy and its management in the context of a case presentation

    Enhanced fusarium head blight resistance in bread wheat and durum by alien introgressions

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    Fusarium head blight resistance has previously been detected in two accessions of Ae. cylindrica (2n=4x=28, CCDD genome). The resistance was introgressed initially into a semi-dwarf winter wheat, then subsequently into a number of Canadian hard red spring wheat cultivars plus one cultivar from USA. DON contents, determined on field plot-harvested samples are reported for selected lines from three populations.  Of the total of 83 lines tested from the three populations, 18 lines showed DON contents of less than 1ppm. Another 48 lines had 1-5ppm DON in their seed, compared to check cultivars Sumai3 at 1.2ppm and Roblin at 11.0 ppm. It is anticipated that unique FHB resistance QTL will be identified in these populationsУстойчивость к фузариозу колоса/гибберелёзу предварительно выявлена у 2-х образцов Ae.cylindrica (2n = 4 x = 28, ССДД геном). Первоначально эта устойчивость была интрогрессирована в полукарликовую озимую пшеницу, затем впоследствии в ряд канадских сортов твердой краснозерной яровой пшеницы и в один сорт из США. Данные по уровням содержания DON, определявшихся по образцам, собранным с полевой делянки, представлены для селекционных линий от 3-х популяций. Из всех 83 линий, которые испытывались, 18 линий демонстрировали DON-содержание менее 1 части на миллион. Другие 48 линий имели в своих семенах показатель DON 1-5 частей на млн. в сравнении с контрольными сортами Сумаи 3 при показателе 1.2 частей на млн. и Роблин – 11,0 частей на млн. Ожидают, что уникальную стойкость к болезням в локусах количественных признаков идентифицируют в этих популяцияхВиявлено стійкість до фузаріозу колоса/гіберельозу спочатку у 2-х зразків Ae.cylindrica (2n = 4 x = 28, ССДД геном). Вперше ця стійкість була інтегрована у напівкарликову озиму пшеницю, потім у ряд канадських сортів твердої червонозерної ярої пшениці та у один сорт із США. Дані по рівню утримання DON, що визначались по зразках, зібраних з польових ділянок, представлені для селекційних ліній від 3-х популяцій.Із усіх 83 ліній, які випробувались, 18 ліній продемонстрували DON-вміст менше 1 частини на мільйон. Інші 48 ліній мали у своєму насіння DON-показник 1-5 частин на мільйон в порівнянні з контрольними сортами Сумаі 3 при показнику 1.2 частини на мільйон і Роблін – 11,0 частин на мільйон. Чекають, що унікальну стійкість до хвороб у локусах кількісних ознак буде визначено у цих популяція

    Reconstruction Mechanism of FCC Transition-Metal (001) Surfaces

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    The reconstruction mechanism of (001) fcc transition metal surfaces is investigated using a full-potential all-electron electronic structure method within density-functional theory. Total-energy supercell calculations confirm the experimental finding that a close-packed quasi-hexagonal overlayer reconstruction is possible for the late 5dd-metals Ir, Pt, and Au, while it is disfavoured in the isovalent 4dd metals (Rh, Pd, Ag). The reconstructive behaviour is driven by the tensile surface stress of the unreconstructed surfaces; the stress is significantly larger in the 5dd metals than in 4dd ones, and only in the former case it overcomes the substrate resistance to the required geometric rearrangement. It is shown that the surface stress for these systems is due to dd charge depletion from the surface layer, and that the cause of the 4th-to-5th row stress difference is the importance of relativistic effects in the 5dd series.Comment: RevTeX 3.0, 12 pages, 1 PostScript figure available upon request] 23 May 199

    Wheat-barley hybridization – the last forty years

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    Abstract Several useful alien gene transfers have been reported from related species into wheat (Triticum aestivum), but very few publications have dealt with the development of wheat/barley (Hordeum vulgare) introgression lines. An overview is given here of wheat 9 barley hybridization over the last forty years, including the development of wheat 9 barley hybrids, and of addition and translocation lines with various barley cultivars. A short summary is also given of the wheat 9 barley hybrids produced with other Hordeum species. The meiotic pairing behaviour of wheat 9 barley hybrids is presented, with special regard to the detection of wheat– barley homoeologous pairing using the molecular cytogenetic technique GISH. The effect of in vitro multiplication on the genome composition of intergeneric hybrids is discussed, and the production and characterization of the latest wheat/barley translocation lines are presented. An overview of the agronomical traits (b-glucan content, earliness, salt tolerance, sprouting resistance, etc.) of the newly developed introgression lines is given. The exploitation and possible use of wheat/barley introgression lines for the most up-to-date molecular genetic studies (transcriptome analysis, sequencing of flow-sorted chromosomes) are also discussed


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    The results of the study of the influence of Poliske 7 triticale grain for its addition into the standard granulated compound feed to replace cereal ingredients (barley and oats) at the rate of 100; 50; 25 and 12.5%, respectively are highlighted, in the I, II, III and IV research groups on the massometric indicators of the internal organs of young rabbits of the termon breed with the intensive technology of growing them for meat. It was established that feeding triticale grain as a part of a complete ration granulated compound feed in the period from 50 to 100 days of age to experimental groups of rabbits led to an improvement in the relative indicators of internal organs, compared to the control group. It was noted that the addition of triticale grain into the compound feed in the amount of 50 and 12.5% led to changes in the weight of internal organs, the weight of the stomach and the length of the small and large intestine sections compared to the control group, which may indicate a positive effect of triticale grain on young rabbits. The mass of the entire alimentary canal was 3.6% greater in the animals of the II experimental group compared to the control. The use of experimental compound feed in rations contributed to an increase in the weight of the empty stomach by 14.7% in rabbits of III and 11.2% of IV experimental groups, the weight of the small intestine with chyme in animals of II, III and IV experimental groups - by 19.6; 10.7 and 3.9% compared to the control, fat mass – by 7.4, respectively; 3.6 and 1.9%. Тriticale grain in the amount of 50 and 12.5% of the weight of the grain group contributed to the tendency to increase the edible body parts of young rabbits compared to the control. The weight of the cooled carcass of rabbits of all experimental groups increased by 9.6; 10.2; 3.4 and 14.7%. It should be noted that the mass of pulp in the carcasses of animals of the II and IV groups was higher by 11.1 and 1.5%, and the mass of internal fat was lower by 6.3 and 1.6% compared to the analogues, which indicates a positive the effect of feeding triticale grain as part of granulated compound feed. There was a tendency towards an increase in the weight ratio of the liver, lungs and heart of rabbits of all experimental groups compared to the control.Висвітлено результати дослідження впливу зерна тритикале сорту Поліське 7 за уведення його в склад стандартного гранульованого комбікорму на заміну злакових інгредієнтів (ячменю і вівса) з розрахунку 100; 50; 25 і 12,5 % відповідно у І, ІІ, ІІІ і IV дослідних групах на масометричні показники внутрішніх органів молодняку кролів термонської породи при інтенсивній технології їх вирощування на м'ясо. Встановлено, що згодовування зерна тритикале в складі повнораціонного гранульованого комбікорму у період від 50 до 100 добового віку дослідним групам кролів призвело до покращення відносних показників внутрішніх органів, порівняно з контрольною групою. Відзначено, що уведення зерна тритикале до комбікорму у кількості 50 та 12,5 % зумовило зміни маси внутрішніх органів, маси шлунку та довжини тонкого і товстого відділів кишечнику, порівняно з контрольною групою, що може свідчити про позитивний вплив зерна тритикале на організм молодняку кролів. Маса усього травного каналу була на 3,6 % більшою у тварин ІІ дослідної групи порівняно з контролем. Застосування в раціонах дослідного комбікорму сприяло збільшенню маси шлунку без умісту на 14,7 % у кролів ІІІ і на 11,2 % IV дослідних груп, маси тонкого відділу кишечнику з хімусом у тварин ІІ, ІІІ і IV дослідних груп – на 19,6; 10,7 і 3,9 % щодо контролю, маси товстого – відповідно на 7,4; 3,6 і 1,9 %. Застосування зерна тритикале у кількості 50 та 12,5 % від маси зернової групи сприяло тенденції до збільшення їстівних частин тіла молодняку кролів порівняно з контролем. Маса охолодженої тушки кролів усіх дослідних груп зросла на 9,6; 10,2; 3,4 та 14,7 %. Слід зазначити, що маса м’якоті у тушках тварин ІІ і IV групи була вищою на 11,1 і 1,5 %, а маса внутрішнього жиру – меншою на 6,3 і 1,6 %, порівняно з аналогами, що свідчить про позитивний вплив згодовування зерна тритикале у складі гранульованого комбікорму. Відзначено тенденцію до зростання коефіцієнту маси печінки, легень і серця кролів усіх дослідних груп щодо контролю

    Genome Symbols in the Triticeae (Poaceae)

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    A system for the application of nuclear genome symbols in the tribe Triticeae is proposed. It is based mainly on prevailing symbols. In agreement with this, the system uses individual upper case letters as symbols in the first place. Since the number of basic nuclear genomes in the Triticeae exceeds the number of single letters in the Roman alphabet, some basic genomes are designated with an upper case letter followed by a lower case letter, e.g. Ns for the genome of Psathyrostachys. Superscripts in small letters are used when modified versions of a basic genome are referred to, e.g. HP for the genome found in Hordeum pusillum. Unknown or equivocally identified genomes are designated by X followed by a lower case letter, e.g. Xu for Hordeum murinum. Underline of the relevant genome symbol can be used to indicate the origin of the cytoplasm

    Na+ current expression in human atrial myofibroblasts: identity and functional roles

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    In the mammalian heart fibroblasts have important functional roles in both healthy conditions and diseased states. During pathophysiological challenges, a closely related myofibroblast cell population emerges, and can have distinct and significant roles.Recently, it has been reported that human atrial myofibroblasts can express a Na+ current, INa. Some of the biophysical properties and molecular features suggest that this INa is due to expression of Nav 1.5, the same Na+ channel α subunit that generates the predominant INa in myocytes from adult mammalian heart. In principle, expression of Nav 1.5 could give rise to regenerative action potentials in the fibroblasts/myofibroblasts. This would suggest an active as opposed to passive role for fibroblasts/myofibroblasts in both the ‘trigger’ and the ‘substrate’ components of cardiac rhythm disturbances.Our goals in this preliminary study were: (i) to confirm and extend the electrophysiological characterization of INa in a human atrial fibroblast/myofibroblast cell population maintained in conventional 2-D tissue culture; (ii) to identify key molecular properties of the α and β subunits of these Na+ channel(s); (iii) to define the biophysical and pharmacological properties of this INa ; (iv) to integrate the available multi-disciplinary data, and attempt to illustrate its functional consequences, using a mathematical model in which the human atrial myocyte is coupled via connexins to fixed numbers of fibroblasts/myofibroblasts in a syncytial arrangement.Our experimental findings confirm that a significant fraction (~40-50%) of these human atrial myofibroblasts can express INa. However, our results suggest that INa may be generated by Nav 1.9, Nav 1.2, and Nav 1.5. Our findings, when complemented with mathematical modeling, provide a background for re-evaluating pharmacological management of supraventricular rhythm disorders, e.g. persistent atrial fibrillation