515 research outputs found

    Pengaturan Hukum Internasional Tentang Larangan Perdagangan Perempuan Serta Implementasinya Di Indonesia

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    Perdagangan manusia umumnya terjadi pada kelompok rentan, diantaranya adalah perempuan dan salah satu bentuk perbuatan yang melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan hukum intrnasional. Dengan demkian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan hukum Internasional tentang larangan perdagangan perempuan serta implementasi hukum inernasional tentang larangan perdagangan perempuan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dalah menggunakan pendekatan Perundang-undangan dan konsep (approach). Pendekatan Perundang-undangan yaitu melakukan inventarisasi, identifikasi dan pengkajian Perundang-undangan beraitan dengan perdagangan manusia, pendekatan konsep yaitu dengan mencari dan memilih konsep, prinsip yang berhubungan dengan hukum Internasional dalam penanganan perdagangan manusia. Kemudian dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pengaturan hukum Internasional tentang larangan perdagangan perempuan sesungguhnyan telah di atur di dalam CEDAW(convention on Elimination of All Form of Discrimination Againts Women), Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children Supplementing the United Nations Convention againt transnational organied crime. Indonesia juga telah membuat suatu undang-undang untuk memberantas tindak pidana perdagangan orang, yaitu pada undang-undang No 21 tahun 2007 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana perdagangan orang. Namun dari semua peraturan Internasional yang telah di ratifikasi oleh Indonesia terkait dengan perdaganag manusia khususnya pemberantasan perdagangan perempuan merupakan suatu wujud implementasi negara Indonesia dalam memerangi perdagngan perempuan. Namun kurangnya sosialisasi di masyarakat merupakan masalah implementasi dalam melawan praktek perdagangan manusia, sehingga peraturan-peraturan yang telah dibuat pemerintah dirasakan kurang berjalan efekti

    The Study of Implicature Used by the Host and Jaya Suprana in ”Kick Andy Show”;kelirumologiepisode

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    Keywords: implicature, Kick Andy Show, kelirumologi Consciously or not, ideal communication does not always happen in conversation. It may lead to what is called implicature. In this study, the researcher conducted a study about Implicature in Kick Andy Show, specifically on Kelirumologi episode that reveals its occurrence in the interview. The researcher uses Grice's theory which reveals the implicit meaning found in the conversation. There are two problems in the study which need to be unraveled, those are : (1) What are the types of implicatures used in the interview between Andy F. Noya and Jaya Suprana in Kick Andy show? (2) How are the implicatures used in the interview between Andy F. Noya and Jaya Suprana inKick Andy show?This study uses descriptive qualitative method as it describes the phenomena of language that is used in the current interview. It is a qualitative study since the data are in the forms of sentences which are not statistically analyzed and directed toward determining the nature of situation, as it exists at the time of study. Qualitative study assumes that reality is socially constructed through individual or collective definitions of a situation.This study discovers that there are nineteen statements conveying implicature voiced by Andy and Jaya Supranadivided into two categories of conversational implicature; Generalized Conversational Implicature and Particularized Conversational Implicature. On its findings, implicature is often used by Andy F. Noya and Jaya Suprana as a strategy to convey implicit meaning towards audience to explain speaker's intentions, which presents conceivable explanations of how implied meaning can be expressed by the addressee. It can be concluded that to understand particularized conversational implicature is more difficult than generalized conversational implicature. The reasons are because the hearers will (1) understand the meaning of utterance if they know the context, and (2) have background knowledge or prior knowledge.The researcher suggests the next students who intendto continue this studyto use data related to the association of Implicature and Gender by comparingimplicature used by both men and women. Next, for English Study Program toadd more references relating to this topic in order to help the next researchers intheir analysis of their study

    Tindakan Protektif terhadap Kelenjar Tiroid pada Kecelakaan Radiasi

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    Kata-kata ”radiasi” dan ”nuklir” bagi orang awam adalah sesuatu yang menakutkan. Hal ini cukup beralasan karena nuklir pertama kali dikenali karena efek negatifnya. Hal ini juga tidak selamanya benar karena radiasi terbukti merupakan suatu alat dan teknologi yang telah dipergunakan secara meluas untuk membantu kebutuhan manusia seperti dalam hal kesehatan, makanan dan pertanian, industri, energi dan lingkungan. Banyak data dan informasi mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi berbasis radiasi ini, bahkan tidak dapat diperoleh atau dilakukan melalui teknologi lain, dan hasilnya pun dapat diandalkan (impresif). Sebagai contoh lebih dari 25 juta prosedur pencitraan nuklir dilakukan setiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia untuk diagnosa penyakit, dan setiap tahun hampir 10 juta orang memanfaatkan radiofarmasi (obat mengandung zat radioaktif) terutama untuk pengobatan kanker. Pada saat yang sama, teknik molekuler dan radioisotop saat ini sedang digunakan untuk mengembangkan teknologi dan pengukuran yang lebih efektif untuk melawan dan memberantas penyakit infeksi seperti malaria, hepatitis dan tuberkulosis. Teknologi berbasis radiasi yang telah terbukti efektif selama berpuluh-puluh tahun ini digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia pada hampir setiap sektor kehidupan

    Synthesis ,Characterization and invitro evaluation of anticancer activity of new hydroxamicacid basedHDACi containing substituted thaizolesas a cap linking moiety.

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    The present study was undertaken to synthesize, characterize  and evaluate the anticancer activity of  new derivatives of hydroxamate –based HDACi  having S-subistituted-5-amino1,3,4thadiazole as a cap linking moiety ,with suitable aliphatic linker.The structures and purity of the targeted compounds were confirmed by TLC , FTIR ,H-NMR and mass spectroscopy and their anticancer activity were evaluated by comparative cytotoxic study , Using HeLa nuclear extract and normal embryonic fibroblasts cell lines.All the synthesized compounds shows good anticancer activity, represented by their high rate of growth inhibition on Hela cell line and low cytotocic effect on normal cell line .Compound (VAb) show the best safety index(SI) that represented by its  selective cytotoxic activity on HeLa cell linewith  low cytotoxic effect on normal embryonic cell line

    An outpatient department based observational study to review the pattern of utilization of proton pump inhibitors for their co-relation with the indications in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the commonest drugs prescribed for a variety of indications. They are considered remarkably safe and prescribed liberally. However, on long term administration, they can cause a number of adverse effects. In a tertiary care hospital, where the patient numbers are large and many attending super speciality centre, a number of patients were observed to receive PPIs for approved and unapproved indications. It was therefore considered prudent to study the prescribed PPIs for a co-relation with their indications or otherwise so as to formulate corrective interventions.Methods: The observational study was conducted in the dispensary of a tertiary care centre. The prescriptions of the patients were the study material. Prescriptions for a full week were taken in for consideration. A total of 4142 prescriptions were studied. All aspects related to PPIs were noted and analysed. Additionally, a note on prescribed calcium supplements, vitamins and antioxidants was made.Results: Of all the prescriptions studied by us, 33% had PPIs in them. Omeprazole was the commonest PPI followed by pantoprazole. Almost half the patients prescribed PPIs, the duration of administration was over 30 days. 78% patients prescribed PPIs also had some or the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in their prescription. Over one fourth of the total patients also received calcium supplements, vitamins or anti-oxidants.Conclusions: Proton pump inhibitors are very popular drugs and are being prescribed for approved and unapproved indications in the hope of providing relief to the patients. They are being advised quite liberally and more so if any NSAID has been co-prescribed. Even for prescriptions lasting for less than 5 days, PPIs have been included in the presumption to prevent gastritis due to NSAIDs. This practice is contrary to guidelines and also exposes the patients to avoidable adverse drug reactions

    Experimental Design of Electrocoagulation and Magnetic Technology for Enhancing Suspended Solids Removal From Synthetic Wastewater

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    Design of experiments (DOE) is one of the statistical method that is used as a tool to enhance and improve experimental quality. The changes to the variables of a process or system is supposed to give the optimal result (response) and quite satisfactory. Experimental design can defined as a test or series of test series by varying the input variables (factors) of a process that can known to cause changes in output (response). This paper presents the results of experimental design of wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation (EC) technique. A combined magnet and electrocoagulation (EC) technology were designed to increase settling velocity and to enhance suspended solid removal efficiencies from wastewater samples. In this experiment, a synthetic wastewater samples were prepared by mixing 700 mg of the milk powder in one litre of water and treated by using an acidic buffer solution. The monopolar iron (Fe) plate anodes and cathodes were employed as electrodes. Direct current was varied in a range of between 0.5 and 1.1 A, and flowrate in a range of between 1.00 to 3.50 mL/s. One permanent magnets namely AlNiCo with a magnetic strength of 0.16T was used in this experiment. The results show that the magnetic field and the flowrate have major influences on suspended solids removal. The efficiency removals of suspended solids, turbidity and COD removal efficiencies at optimum conditions were found to be more than 85%, 95%, and 75%, respectively

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kasir Berbasis Web pada TB. Kariman Jaya

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    TB. Kariman Jaya is a shop engaged in the sale of building materials and tools. The transaction process carried out still uses conventional methods, starting from recording in books and calculating using a calculator as well as searching for data that is a problem. Based on these problems, a Web-based Cashier Information System was designed using a Visual code application with the PHP programming language. The development method used is the Waterfall method. The purpose of this research is to produce a Web-based Cashier Information System. With the Web-based Cashier Information System, it will be easier for the cashier in terms of transactions, data collection of goods, and sales reports. The results of this study are a Web-based Cashier Information System with the functions of logging in, adding data, editing data, sales transactions and sales reports and logging out. With the Web-based Cashier Information System, it is hoped that it will facilitate data collection and sales reports on TB. Karim jaya

    Impact des lixiviats de la décharge sauvage de la ville de Taza sur les ressources hydriques (Maroc)

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    La population de Taza, estimée à environ 154 496 habitants, produit 18 000 tonnes par jour de déchet solide et ceci malgré la faible activité industrielle de cette région. Ces déchets sont essentiellement domestiques(0,85 kg/ jours/ habitant) et sont réacheminés vers la décharge publique de Taza. Cette dernière est installée sur une plaine alluviale s’étendant sur une superficie de 4 hectares et n’ayant bénéficié, ni d’une étude  préliminaire géologique ni hydrogéologique ni d’impact. De plus, le site de la décharge est à 1,2 Km du centre de l'agglomération et au coeur de l'Oued Larbâa ce qui pourrait générer de sérieux problèmes de pollution.L’objectif du présent travail est l’étude de la qualité des eaux superficielles et souterraines pour évaluer le degré de pollution provenant des lixiviats de la décharge et des cours d’eaux dans lesquels les rejets des eaux usées de la ville sont directement déversés. Les résultats obtenus, sur la base d’analyse des échantillons, ont montré une dégradation plus ou moins forte de la qualité physico-chimique des eaux de la nappe  souterraine et des eaux de surface spécialement en aval de la décharge et la présence d’une contamination bactérienne des eaux de surface et souterraines.Mots-clés : décharge sauvage, lixiviats, pollution, physico-chimie, Taza

    Bioactivity of Torch Ginger Umbut Extract (Etlingera elatior) Against Heal Wounds of Mice (Mus musculus)

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    Torch ginger has a wide range of good antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, larvicidal and repellent activities. Active compounds in Torch ginger that affect pharmacological activities are phenols, polyphenols, flavonoids, and terpenoids. Based on these ingredients Torch ginger can be used to heal wounds. This study aims to observe the effect of Torch ginger Umbut extract on wound healing in mice. This study hopes to add information about the effect of Torch ginger umbut extract on the healing of cuts in mice so that it can be another alternative for wound healing and can be a reference for other researchers. This study used a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. Tests carried out on adult male mice. The results showed that the optimal wound healing in P2 is treatment with 10% Torch ginger umbut extract which requires a range of wound healing 7-8 days. Based on these results, Torch ginger umbut extract can heal wounds
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