1,354 research outputs found

    Theories of practice and geography

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    Recent developments in theories of practice have seen place and space taken explicitly into account. In particular, THEODORE SCHATZKI’s ‘site ontology’ offers distinctive but as yet under-explored means of engaging with human geographies. By giving ontological priority to practices as constitutive of the social, this kind of practice theory provides an integrative conceptual framework that enables the analysis of diverse phenomena in relation to each other, over space and time, as they are constituted through practices. This article develops an outline agenda for bringing theories of practice, and particularly SCHATZKI’s ‘site ontology’, together with geographical inquiry. We elucidate this agenda through consideration of three contemporary preoccupations in human geography, comprising emotion, materiality and knowledge

    Atomic quantum gases in Kagom\'e lattices

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    We demonstrate the possibility of creating and controlling an ideal and \textit{trimerized} optical Kagom\'e lattice, and study the low temperature physics of various atomic gases in such lattices. In the trimerized Kagom\'e lattice, a Bose gas exhibits a Mott transition with fractional filling factors, whereas a spinless interacting Fermi gas at 2/3 filling behaves as a quantum magnet on a triangular lattice. Finally, a Fermi-Fermi mixture at half filling for both components represents a frustrated quantum antiferromagnet with a resonating-valence-bond ground state and quantum spin liquid behavior dominated by continuous spectrum of singlet and triplet excitations. We discuss the method of preparing and observing such quantum spin liquid employing molecular Bose condensates.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Missing affiliations adde

    The Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice: topological excitations

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    We study the topological defects in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet in two dimensions on a triangular lattice (HAFT). While the topological analysis of the order parameter space indicates that the defects are of Z2Z_2 type, consideration of the energy leads us to a description of the low--energy stationary points of the action in terms of ±\pm vortices, as in the planar XY model. Starting with the continuum description of the HAFT, we show analytically that its partition function can be reduced to that of a 2--dimensional Coulomb gas with logarithmic interaction. Thus, at low temperatures, the correlation length is determined by the spinwaves, while at higher temperatures we expect a crossover to a Kosterlitz--Thouless type behaviour. The results of recent Monte Carlo calculations of the correlation length are consistent with such a crossover.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, preprint: ITP-UH 03/9

    Exogenous application of platelet-leukocyte gel during open subacromial decompression contributes to improved patient outcome

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    Background: Platelet-leukocyte gel (PLG) is being used during various surgical procedures in an attempt to enhance the healing process. We studied the effects of PLG on postoperative recovery of patients undergoing open subacromial decompression (OSD). Methods: PLG was produced from platelet-leukocyte-rich plasma (P-LRP), prepared from a unit of whole blood. Forty patients were included in the study. Self-assessed evaluations, using the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons scoring system of activities of daily living (ADL), joint instability, pain levels, pain medications, and clinical evaluations for range of motion were conducted. Results: Platelet and leukocyte counts were significantly increased in the P-LRP compared to baseline counts. Treated patients demonstrated decreased visual analog scales for pain and used significantly less pain medication, had an improved range of motion during passive forward elevation, external rotation, external rotation with arm at 90 degrees abduction, internal rotation, and cross body adduction compared to control patients (p < 0.001). No differences in the instability score were observed between the groups. Furthermore, treated patients performed more ADL (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In the PLG-treated group, recovery was faster and patients returned earlier to daily activities and also took less pain medication than control subjects

    Quelles technologies le CIRAD peut-il proposer pour redynamiser la filière cocotier ?

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    Le CIRAD-CP a été amené récemment à préconiser une réorientation des objectifs de la filière cocotier de plusieurs pays producteurs. Cette stratégie repose essentiellement sur une diversification accrue et une plus grande prise en compte des marché locaux, ce qui implique le développement de petites et moyennes unités de transformation sur les lieux de production. La mise en place de telles unités nécessite de pouvoir disposer de technologies pouvant être exploitées efficacement dans de tels contextes et permettant l'obtention de produits de qualité. Dans cette optique, une équipe pluri-disciplinaire du CIRAD a entrepris l'étude de deux procédés relevant des voies humides ou semi-humides : l'extraction après séchage friture, et l'extraction assistée par les enzymes. Les technologies développées sont décrites en détail, et leur adéquation avec les objectifs assignés fait l'objet d'une discussio

    Atomic Fermi gas in the trimerized Kagom\'e lattice at the filling 2/3

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    We study low temperature properties of an atomic spinless interacting Fermi gas in the trimerized Kagom\'e lattice for the case of two fermions per trimer. The system is described by a quantum spin 1/2 model on the triangular lattice with couplings depending on bonds directions. Using exact diagonalizations we show that the system exhibits non-standard properties of a {\it quantum spin-liquid crystal}, combining a planar antiferromagnetic order with an exceptionally large number of low energy excitations.Comment: 4 pages & 4 figures + 2 tables, better version of Fig.

    Tissue identification with micro-magnetic resonance imaging in a caprine spinal fusion model

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    Nonunion is a major complication of spinal interbody fusion. Currently X-ray and computed tomography (CT) are used for evaluating the spinal fusion process. However, both imaging modalities have limitations in judgment of the early stages of this fusion process, as they only visualize mineralized bone. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could be of great value as it is able to discriminate between different types of tissue. A feasibility study was performed in nine animals from a goat spinal fusion study, to evaluate the detection capacity of different tissues with micro-MRI. In this study bioresorbable polylactic acid cages were used. Six- and 12-months follow-up specimens were scanned in a 6.3 T micro-MRI scanner. After scanning, the specimens were processed for histology. Different types of tissue as well as the degradable cage material were identified in the fusion zone and designated as regions of interest (ROIs). Subsequently, the location of these ROIs was determined on the corresponding micro- MRI image, and average signal intensities of every individual ROI were measured. An excellent match was seen between the histological sections and micro-MRI images. The micro-MRI images showed quantifiable differences in signal intensity between bone with adipose marrow, bone with hematopoietic marrow, fibrocartilage, fibrous tissue, and degradable implant material. In time the signal intensity of bone with adipose marrow, bone with hematopoietic red marrow, and of fibrous tissue remained relatively constant. On the other hand, the signal intensity of the degradable implant material and the fibrocartilage changed significantly in time, indicating change of structure and composition. In conclusion, in our model using bioresorbable cages the MRI provides us with detailed information about the early fusion process and may therefore, allow early diagnosis of non-union

    A partnership in Nebraska with the Humane Society

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    Perhaps service-learning continues to grow as an effective pedagogy in colleges of education because it offers everyone involved an opportunity to put words into action. With the news full of stories of bullying and school shootings, teachers and teacher candidates look for someone to help them make sense of what feels to be a growing trend of cruelty. Perhaps it is a natural reaction for teachers to want to do something positive in the face of brutality. Perhaps our wanting to be proactive corresponds to whatever drew us to education in the first place. Regardless of the cause, four literacy professors used the vehicle of service-learning to challenge their graduate and undergraduate students to consider issues of bullying, brutality and cruelty

    Monte Carlo Simulation of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Triangular Lattice: Topological Excitations

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    We have simulated the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice using a local Monte Carlo algorithm. The behavior of the correlation length ξ\xi, the susceptibility at the ordering wavevector χ(Q)\chi(\bf Q), and the spin stiffness ρ\rho clearly reflects the existence of two temperature regimes -- a high temperature regime T>TthT > T_{th}, in which the disordering effect of vortices is dominant, and a low temperature regime T<TthT < T_{th}, where correlations are controlled by small amplitude spin fluctuations. As has previously been shown, in the last regime, the behavior of the above quantities agrees well with the predictions of a renormalization group treatment of the appropriate nonlinear sigma model. For T>TthT > T_{th}, a satisfactory fit of the data is achieved, if the temperature dependence of ξ\xi and χ(Q)\chi(\bf Q) is assumed to be of the form predicted by the Kosterlitz--Thouless theory. Surprisingly, the crossover between the two regimes appears to happen in a very narrow temperature interval around Tth0.28T_{th} \simeq 0.28.Comment: 13 pages, 8 Postscript figure