137 research outputs found

    Mol·luscs recollits a cavitats subterrànies de Catalunya i Osca

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    La «Præfatio» i els «Versus de Poeta» del Hêliand : traducció i comentari

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    Presentem la traducció de la præfatio en prosa i del poema introductori, tots dos en llatí, que encapçalen el poema en saxó antic Hêliand. Hi afegim un aparat crític de les variants textuals i un altre de les reminiscències d'altres poetes. Finalment, tractem de concretar-ne la datació a partir d'alguns elements, fonètics i lexicals, d'aquests mateixos textos.This paper discusses the prose and verse prologues of the Old Saxon poem Hêliand with the objective of making them accessible to Catalan scholars. The autors of this article have produced a critical edition of both texts together with a translation into Catalan and a study of the classical sources and date of writing

    Resistencia al desgaste de aceros inoxidables austeníticos metaestables

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    Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos metaestables se caracterizan por presentar transformación de fase de austenita a martensita por deformación. Este fenómeno comporta un aumento del límite elástico, de la resistencia mecánica así como de la dureza. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el comportamiento al desgaste de este tipo de aceros, concretamente del acero EN 1.4318, comercialmente conocido como AISI 301LN. Se han estudiado dos condiciones diferentes: en estado recocido, en el que la microestructura está formada por granos austeníticos y laminado en frío, donde el contenido de martensita es del 38%. Los ensayos de desgaste por deslizamiento se han llevado a cabo a temperatura ambiente, sin lubricante a diferentes niveles de carga y distancia de recorrido. Los perfiles de desgaste se han analizado mediante perfilometría, difracción de rayos-X y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que el acero laminado en frío presenta una resistencia al desgaste menor que el acero en estado recocido. La presencia inicial de martensita provoca un incremento de la transformación martensítica durante el ensayo de desgaste así como un menor volumen de los apilamientos y una reducción de la capa endurecida. No existen diferencias significativas entre las dos condiciones del acero estudiadas por lo que refiere a los mecanismos que se desarrollan durante el ensayo de desgaste

    Las fórmulas de imprecación en Cataluña en los siglos IX al XI

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    La tradición notarial medieval se servía de fórmulas heredadas para la redacción de sus documentos, siguiendo tradiciones jurídicas precedentes y adaptándose a las necesidades concretas para dejar constancia jurídica de los actos realizados. La propia estructura de los documentos mantiene un orden en el que se observan determinados apartados de mayor o menor importancia y, por tanto, de aparición más o menos frecuente. Por ser especialmente llamativas estudiamos la formulación que aparece en las cláusulas de imprecación o execración moral, que buscan ratificar a los interesados en la validez y firme permanencia de su contenido.Medieval notarial tradition made use of inherited formulae for editing documents, following previous legal traditions and adapting itself to specific needs, so as to record judicial decisions. The structure of the documents itself includes sections of varying importance and therefore of more or less frequent inclusion. In this paper we have studied the characteristic case of the formulation which appears in clauses of imprecation or moral execration, aimed at securing the adhesion of the interested parties to the clauses recorded

    Development and Genome-Wide Analysis of a Blast-Resistant japonica Rice Variety

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    Rice is one of the most important crops in the world, and its production is severely affected by the rice blast disease caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Several major blast resistance genes and QTLs associated with blast resistance have been described and mostly identified in indica rice varieties. In this work, we report the obtention of a blast-resistant rice breeding line derived from crosses between the resistant indica variety CT13432 and the japonica elite cultivar JSendra (highly susceptible to blast). The breeding line, named COPSEMAR9, was found to exhibit resistance to leaf blast and panicle blast, as demonstrated by disease assays under controlled and field conditions. Furthermore, a high-quality genome sequence of the blast-resistant breeding line was obtained using a strategy that combines short-read sequencing (Illumina sequencing) and long-read sequencing (Pacbio sequencing). The use of a whole-genome approach allowed the fine mapping of DNA regions of indica and japonica origin present in the COPSEMAR9 genome and the identification of parental gene regions potentially contributing to blast resistance in the breeding line. Rice blast resistance genes (including Pi33 derived from the resistant parent) and defense-related genes in the genome of COPSEMAR9 were identified. Whole-genome analyses also revealed the presence of microRNAs (miRNAs) with a known function in the rice response to M. oryzae infection in COPSEMAR9, which might also contribute to its phenotype of blast resistance. From this study, the genomic information and analysis methods provide valuable knowledge that will be useful in breeding programs for blast resistance in japonica rice cultivars.This research was supported by Projects RTI2018-101275-B-I00 and PID2021-128825OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” to B.SS, and PID2019-104099RR-I00 to C.D. We acknowledge financial support from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 through the “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D” (SEV-2015-0533 and CEX2019-000902-S) and the CERCA Programe/“Generalitat de Catalunya”. We also thank support from the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). G.E. was the recipient of Grant PEJ2018-002245-P funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TMAO and Gut Microbial-Derived Metabolites TML and γBB Are Not Associated with Thrombotic Risk in Patients with Venous Thromboembolism

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    Background: The present work evaluates the association between circulating concentrations of Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), gamma butyrobetaine (gamma BB), and trimetyllisine (TML) in controls and patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) with coagulation parameters. Methods: The study involved 54 VTE patients and 57 controls. Platelet function, platelet hyperreactivity, platelet adhesiveness, thrombosis-associated parameters, and thrombin generation parameters were studied. Plasma TMAO, gamma BB, and TML determination was performed using an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography system coupled with mass spectrometry. Results: No differences were found for TMAO, gamma BB, or TML concentrations between controls and VTE patients. In thrombin generation tests, TMAO, gamma BB, and TML showed a positive correlation with lag time and time to peak. TMAO, gamma BB, and TML negatively correlated with peak height. No significant differences were observed regarding TMAO, gamma BB, and TML concentrations between the two blood withdrawals, nor when the control and VTE patients were analyzed separately. No correlation was observed between these gut metabolites and platelet function parameters. Conclusions: No differences were found regarding TMAO, gamma BB, and TML concentrations between the control and VTE groups. Some correlations were found; however, they were mild or went in the opposite direction of what would be expected if TMAO and its derivatives were related to VTE risk

    Actividades para promover la gestión crítica de la información de Internet aplicadas a estudiantes de farmacia

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    Con el fin de promover la adquisición de habilidades y destrezas que permitan al estudiante de Farmacia desarrollar una actitud activa y crítica frente a la información disponible en Internet, así como saber seleccionar las fuentes de información de Internet adecuadas para su formación, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de innovación docente (2008PID-UB/115) cuyo objetivo final es fomentar la gestión crítica de la información. Para ello se han diseñado una serie de ejercicios integrados en una actividad basada en casos clínicos, que forma parte de la evaluación continuada de la asignatura de Fisiopatología de la Licenciatura de Farmacia (UB). Se ha evaluado el proyecto a través de las calificaciones obtenidas en las actividades y las encuestas de opinión de un total de 379 estudiantes. Los resultados evidencian que la mayoría de estudiantes (90%) valoran muy positivamente las actividades planteadas, considerando que favorecen su aprendizaje y formación personal, y les aportan criterios útiles y provechosos para el análisis y selección de información biomédica a través de Internet. Por último, cabe destacar que el proyecto planteado ha demostrado ser aplicable a un grupo numeroso de estudiantes de Grado y constituye una estrategia válida para fomentar competencias transversales relacionadas con la gestión de la información, de gran relevancia para el futuro profesional farmacéutico

    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    The 2014–2016 JET results are reviewed in the light of their significance for optimising the ITER research plan for the active and non-active operation. More than 60 h of plasma operation with ITER first wall materials successfully took place since its installation in 2011. New multi-machine scaling of the type I-ELM divertor energy flux density to ITER is supported by first principle modelling. ITER relevant disruption experiments and first principle modelling are reported with a set of three disruption mitigation valves mimicking the ITER setup. Insights of the L–H power threshold in Deuterium and Hydrogen are given, stressing the importance of the magnetic configurations and the recent measurements of fine-scale structures in the edge radial electric. Dimensionless scans of the core and pedestal confinement provide new information to elucidate the importance of the first wall material on the fusion performance. H-mode plasmas at ITER triangularity (H = 1 at ßN ~ 1.8 and n/nGW ~ 0.6) have been sustained at 2 MA during 5 s. The ITER neutronics codes have been validated on high performance experiments. Prospects for the coming D–T campaign and 14 MeV neutron calibration strategy are reviewed.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No 633053.Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 1.173 autors/es: X. Litaudon35, S. Abduallev39, M. Abhangi46, P. Abreu53, M. Afzal7, K.M. Aggarwal29, T. Ahlgren101, J.H. Ahn8, L. Aho-Mantila112, N. Aiba69, M. Airila112, R. Albanese105, V. Aldred7, D. Alegre93, E. Alessi45, P. Aleynikov55, A. Alfier12, A. Alkseev72, M. Allinson7, B. Alper7, E. Alves53, G. Ambrosino105, R. Ambrosino106, L. Amicucci90, V. Amosov88, E. Andersson Sundén22, M. Angelone90, M. Anghel85, C. Angioni62, L. Appel7, C. Appelbee7, P. Arena30, M. Ariola106, H. Arnichand8, S. Arshad41, A. Ash7, N. Ashikawa68, V. Aslanyan64, O. Asunta1, F. Auriemma12, Y. Austin7, L. Avotina103, M.D. Axton7, C. Ayres7, M. Bacharis24, A. Baciero57, D. Baião53, S. Bailey7, A. Baker7, I. Balboa7, M. Balden62, N. Balshaw7, R. Bament7, J.W. Banks7, Y.F. Baranov7, M.A. Barnard7, D. Barnes7, M. Barnes27, R. Barnsley55, A. Baron Wiechec7, L. Barrera Orte34, M. Baruzzo12, V. Basiuk8, M. Bassan55, R. Bastow7, A. Batista53, P. Batistoni90, R. Baughan7, B. Bauvir55, L. Baylor73, B. Bazylev56, J. Beal110, P.S. Beaumont7, M. Beckers39, B. Beckett7, A. Becoulet8, N. Bekris35, M. Beldishevski7, K. Bell7, F. Belli90, M. Bellinger7, É. Belonohy62, N. Ben Ayed7, N.A. Benterman7, H. Bergsåker42, J. Bernardo53, M. Bernert62, M. Berry7, L. Bertalot55, C. Besliu7, M. Beurskens63, B. Bieg61, J. Bielecki47, T. Biewer73, M. Bigi12, P. Bílková50, F. Binda22, A. Bisoffi31, J.P.S. Bizarro53, C. Björkas101, J. Blackburn7, K. Blackman7, T.R. Blackman7, P. Blanchard33, P. Blatchford7, V. Bobkov62, A. Boboc7, G. Bodnár113, O. Bogar18, I. Bolshakova60, T. Bolzonella12, N. Bonanomi97, F. Bonelli56, J. Boom62, J. Booth7, D. Borba35,53, D. Borodin39, I. Borodkina39, A. Botrugno90, C. Bottereau8, P. Boulting7, C. Bourdelle8, M. Bowden7, C. Bower7, C. Bowman110, T. Boyce7, C. Boyd7, H.J. Boyer7, J.M.A. Bradshaw7, V. Braic87, R. Bravanec40, B. Breizman107, S. Bremond8, P.D. Brennan7, S. Breton8, A. Brett7, S. Brezinsek39, M.D.J. Bright7, M. Brix7, W. Broeckx78, M. Brombin12, A. Brosławski65, D.P.D. Brown7, M. Brown7, E. Bruno55, J. Bucalossi8, J. Buch46, J. Buchanan7, M.A. Buckley7, R. Budny76, H. Bufferand8, M. Bulman7, N. Bulmer7, P. Bunting7, P. Buratti90, A. Burckhart62, A. Buscarino30, A. Busse7, N.K. Butler7, I. Bykov42, J. Byrne7, P. Cahyna50, G. Calabrò90, I. Calvo57, Y. Camenen4, P. Camp7, D.C. Campling7, J. Cane7, B. Cannas17, A.J. Capel7, P.J. Card7, A. Cardinali90, P. Carman7, M. Carr7, D. Carralero62, L. Carraro12, B.B. Carvalho53, I. Carvalho53, P. Carvalho53, F.J. Casson7, C. Castaldo90, N. Catarino53, J. Caumont7, F. Causa90, R. Cavazzana12, K. Cave-Ayland7, M. Cavinato12, M. Cecconello22, S. Ceccuzzi90, E. Cecil76, A. Cenedese12, R. Cesario90, C.D. Challis7, M. Chandler7, D. Chandra46, C.S. Chang76, A. Chankin62, I.T. Chapman7, S.C. Chapman28, M. Chernyshova49, G. Chitarin12, G. Ciraolo8, D. Ciric7, J. Citrin38, F. Clairet8, E. Clark7, M. Clark7, R. Clarkson7, D. Clatworthy7, C. Clements7, M. Cleverly7, J.P. Coad7, P.A. Coates7, A. Cobalt7, V. Coccorese105, V. Cocilovo90, S. Coda33, R. Coelho53, J.W. Coenen39, I. Coffey29, L. Colas8, S. Collins7, D. Conka103, S. Conroy22, N. Conway7, D. Coombs7, D. Cooper7, S.R. Cooper7, C. Corradino30, Y. Corre8, G. Corrigan7, S. Cortes53, D. Coster62, A.S. Couchman7, M.P. Cox7, T. Craciunescu86, S. Cramp7, R. Craven7, F. Crisanti90, G. Croci97, D. Croft7, K. Crombé15, R. Crowe7, N. Cruz53, G. Cseh113, A. Cufar81, A. Cullen7, M. Curuia85, A. Czarnecka49, H. Dabirikhah7, P. Dalgliesh7, S. Dalley7, J. Dankowski47, D. Darrow76, O. Davies7, W. Davis55,76, C. Day56, I.E. Day7, M. De Bock55, A. de Castro57, E. de la Cal57, E. de la Luna57, G. De Masi12, J. L. de Pablos57, G. De Temmerman55, G. De Tommasi105, P. de Vries55, K. Deakin7, J. Deane7, F. Degli Agostini12, R. Dejarnac50, E. Delabie73, N. den Harder38, R.O. Dendy7, J. Denis8, P. Denner39, S. Devaux62,104, P. Devynck8, F. Di Maio55, A. Di Siena62, C. Di Troia90, P. Dinca86, R. D’Inca62, B. Ding51, T. Dittmar39, H. Doerk62, R.P. Doerner9, T. Donné34, S.E. Dorling7, S. Dormido-Canto93, S. Doswon7, D. Douai8, P.T. Doyle7, A. Drenik62,81, P. Drewelow63, P. Drews39, Ph. Duckworth55, R. Dumont8, P. Dumortier58, D. Dunai113, M. Dunne62, I. Ďuran50, F. Durodié58, P. Dutta46, B. P. Duval33, R. Dux62, K. Dylst78, N. Dzysiuk22, P.V. Edappala46, J. Edmond7, A.M. Edwards7, J. Edwards7, Th. Eich62, A. Ekedahl8, R. El-Jorf7, C.G. Elsmore7, M. Enachescu84, G. Ericsson22, F. Eriksson16, J. Eriksson22, L.G. Eriksson36, B. Esposito90, S. Esquembri94, H.G. Esser39, D. Esteve8, B. Evans7, G.E. Evans7, G. Evison7, G.D. Ewart7, D. Fagan7, M. Faitsch62, D. Falie86, A. Fanni17, A. Fasoli33, J. M. Faustin33, N. Fawlk7, L. Fazendeiro53, N. Fedorczak8, R.C. Felton7, K. Fenton7, A. Fernades53, H. Fernandes53, J. Ferreira53, J.A. Fessey7, O. Février8, O. Ficker50, A. Field7, S. Fietz62, A. Figueiredo53, J. Figueiredo53,35, A. Fil8, P. Finburg7, M. Firdaouss8, U. Fischer56, L. Fittill7, M. Fitzgerald7, D. Flammini90, J. Flanagan7, C. Fleming7, K. Flinders7, N. Fonnesu90, J. M. Fontdecaba57, A. Formisano79, L. Forsythe7, L. Fortuna30, E. Fortuna-Zalesna19, M. Fortune7, S. Foster7, T. Franke34, T. Franklin7, M. Frasca30, L. Frassinetti42, M. Freisinger39, R. Fresa98, D. Frigione90, V. Fuchs50, D. Fuller35, S. Futatani6, J. Fyvie7, K. Gál34,62, D. Galassi2, K. Gałązka49, J. Galdon-Quiroga92, J. Gallagher7, D. Gallart6, R. Galvão10, X. Gao51, Y. Gao39, J. Garcia8, A. Garcia-Carrasco42, M. García-Muñoz92, J.-L. Gardarein3, L. Garzotti7, P. Gaudio95, E. Gauthier8, D.F. Gear7, S.J. Gee7, B. Geiger62, M. Gelfusa95, S. Gerasimov7, G. Gervasini45, M. Gethins7, Z. Ghani7, M. Ghate46, M. Gherendi86, J.C. Giacalone8, L. Giacomelli45, C.S. Gibson7, T. Giegerich56, C. Gil8, L. Gil53, S. Gilligan7, D. Gin54, E. Giovannozzi90, J.B. Girardo8, C. Giroud7, G. Giruzzi8, S. Glöggler62, J. Godwin7, J. Goff7, P. Gohil43, V. Goloborod’ko102, R. Gomes53, B. Gonçalves53, M. Goniche8, M. Goodliffe7, A. Goodyear7, G. Gorini97, M. Gosk65, R. Goulding76, A. Goussarov78, R. Gowland7, B. Graham7, M.E. Graham7, J. P. Graves33, N. Grazier7, P. Grazier7, N.R. Green7, H. Greuner62, B. Grierson76, F.S. Griph7, C. Grisolia8, D. Grist7, M. Groth1, R. Grove73, C.N. Grundy7, J. Grzonka19, D. Guard7, C. Guérard34, C. Guillemaut8,53, R. Guirlet8, C. Gurl7, H.H. Utoh69, L.J. Hackett7, S. Hacquin8,35, A. Hagar7, R. Hager76, A. Hakola112, M. Halitovs103, S.J. Hall7, S.P. Hallworth Cook7, C. Hamlyn-Harris7, K. Hammond7, C. Harrington7, J. Harrison7, D. Harting7, F. Hasenbeck39, Y. Hatano108, D.R. Hatch107, T.D.V. Haupt7, J. Hawes7, N.C. Hawkes7, J. Hawkins7, P. Hawkins7, P.W. Haydon7, N. Hayter7, S. Hazel7, P.J.L. Heesterman7, K. Heinola101, C. Hellesen22, T. Hellsten42, W. Helou8, O.N. Hemming7, T.C. Hender7, M. Henderson55, S.S. Henderson21, R. Henriques53, D. Hepple7, G. Hermon7, P. Hertout8, C. Hidalgo57, E.G. Highcock27, M. Hill7, J. Hillairet8, J. Hillesheim7, D. Hillis73, K. Hizanidis70, A. Hjalmarsson22, J. Hobirk62, E. Hodille8, C.H.A. Hogben7, G.M.D. Hogeweij38, A. Hollingsworth7, S. Hollis7, D.A. Homfray7, J. Horáček50, G. Hornung15, A.R. Horton7, L.D. Horton36, L. Horvath110, S.P. Hotchin7, M.R. Hough7, P.J. Howarth7, A. Hubbard64, A. Huber39, V. Huber39, T.M. Huddleston7, M. Hughes7, G.T.A. Huijsmans55, C.L. Hunter7, P. Huynh8, A.M. Hynes7, D. Iglesias7, N. Imazawa69, F. Imbeaux8, M. Imríšek50, M. Incelli109, P. Innocente12, M. Irishkin8, I. Ivanova-Stanik49, S. Jachmich58,35, A.S. Jacobsen83, P. Jacquet7, J. Jansons103, A. Jardin8, A. Järvinen1, F. Jaulmes38, S. Jednoróg49, I. Jenkins7, C. Jeong20, I. Jepu86, E. Joffrin8, R. Johnson7, T. Johnson42, Jane Johnston7, L. Joita7, G. Jones7, T.T.C. Jones7, K.K. Hoshino69, A. Kallenbach62, K. Kamiya69, J. Kaniewski7, A. Kantor7, A. Kappatou62, J. Karhunen1, D. Karkinsky7, I. Karnowska7, M. Kaufman73, G. Kaveney7, Y. Kazakov58, V. Kazantzidis70, D.L. Keeling7, T. Keenan7, J. Keep7, M. Kempenaars7, C. Kennedy7, D. Kenny7, J. Kent7, O.N. Kent7, E. Khilkevich54, H.T. Kim35, H.S. Kim80, A. Kinch7, C. king7, D. King7, R.F. King7, D.J. Kinna7, V. Kiptily7, A. Kirk7, K. Kirov7, A. Kirschner39, G. Kizane103, C. Klepper73, A. Klix56, P. Knight7, S.J. Knipe7, S. Knott96, T. Kobuchi69, F. Köchl111, G. Kocsis113, I. Kodeli81, L. Kogan7, D. Kogut8, S. Koivuranta112, Y. Kominis70, M. Köppen39, B. Kos81, T. Koskela1, H.R. Koslowski39, M. Koubiti4, M. Kovari7, E. Kowalska-Strzęciwilk49, A. Krasilnikov88, V. Krasilnikov88, N. Krawczyk49, M. Kresina8, K. Krieger62, A. Krivska58, U. Kruezi7, I. Książek48, A. Kukushkin72, A. Kundu46, T. Kurki-Suonio1, S. Kwak20, R. Kwiatkowski65, O.J. Kwon13, L. Laguardia45, A. Lahtinen101, A. Laing7, N. Lam7, H.T. Lambertz39, C. Lane7, P.T. Lang62, S. Lanthaler33, J. Lapins103, A. Lasa101, J.R. Last7, E. Łaszyńska49, R. Lawless7, A. Lawson7, K.D. Lawson7, A. Lazaros70, E. Lazzaro45, J. Leddy110, S. Lee66, X. Lefebvre7, H.J. Leggate32, J. Lehmann7, M. Lehnen55, D. Leichtle41, P. Leichuer7, F. Leipold55,83, I. Lengar81, M. Lennholm36, E. Lerche58, A. Lescinskis103, S. Lesnoj7, E. Letellier7, M. Leyland110, W. Leysen78, L. Li39, Y. Liang39, J. Likonen112, J. Linke39, Ch. Linsmeier39, B. Lipschultz110, G. Liu55, Y. Liu51, V.P. Lo Schiavo105, T. Loarer8, A. Loarte55, R.C. Lobel7, B. Lomanowski1, P.J. Lomas7, J. Lönnroth1,35, J. M. López94, J. López-Razola57, R. Lorenzini12, U. Losada57, J.J. Lovell7, A.B. Loving7, C. Lowry36, T. Luce43, R.M.A. Lucock7, A. Lukin74, C. Luna5, M. Lungaroni95, C.P. Lungu86, M. Lungu86, A. Lunniss110, I. Lupelli7, A. Lyssoivan58, N. Macdonald7, P. Macheta7, K. Maczewa7, B. Magesh46, P. Maget8, C. Maggi7, H. Maier62, J. Mailloux7, T. Makkonen1, R. Makwana46, A. Malaquias53, A. Malizia95, P. Manas4, A. Manning7, M.E. Manso53, P. Mantica45, M. Mantsinen6, A. Manzanares91, Ph. Maquet55, Y. Marandet4, N. Marcenko88, C. Marchetto45, O. Marchuk39, M. Marinelli95, M. Marinucci90, T. Markovič50, D. Marocco90, L. Marot26, C.A. Marren7, R. Marshal7, A. Martin7, Y. Martin33, A. Martín de Aguilera57, F.J. Martínez93, J. R. Martín-Solís14, Y. Martynova39, S. Maruyama55, A. Masiello12, M. Maslov7, S. Matejcik18, M. Mattei79, G.F. Matthews7, F. Maviglia11, M. Mayer62, M.L. Mayoral34, T. May-Smith7, D. Mazon8, C. Mazzotta90, R. McAdams7, P.J. McCarthy96, K.G. McClements7, O. McCormack12, P.A. McCullen7, D. McDonald34, S. McIntosh7, R. McKean7, J. McKehon7, R.C. Meadows7, A. Meakins7, F. Medina57, M. Medland7, S. Medley7, S. Meigh7, A.G. Meigs7, G. Meisl62, S. Meitner73, L. Meneses53, S. Menmuir7,42, K. Mergia71, I.R. Merrigan7, Ph. Mertens39, S. Meshchaninov88, A. Messiaen58, H. Meyer7, S. Mianowski65, R. Michling55, D. Middleton-Gear7, J. Miettunen1, F. Militello7, E. Militello-Asp7, G. Miloshevsky77, F. Mink62, S. Minucci105, Y. Miyoshi69, J. Mlynář50, D. Molina8, I. Monakhov7, M. Moneti109, R. Mooney7, S. Moradi37, S. Mordijck43, L. Moreira7, R. Moreno57, F. Moro90, A.W. Morris7, J. Morris7, L. Moser26, S. Mosher73, D. Moulton7,1, A. Murari12,35, A. Muraro45, S. Murphy7, N.N. Asakura69, Y.S. Na80, F. Nabais53, R. Naish7, T. Nakano69, E. Nardon8, V. Naulin83, M.F.F. Nave53, I. Nedzelski53, G. Nemtsev88, F. Nespoli33, A. Neto41, R. Neu62, V.S. Neverov72, M. Newman7, K.J. Nicholls7, T. Nicolas33, A.H. Nielsen83, P. Nielsen12, E. Nilsson8, D. Nishijima99, C. Noble7, M. Nocente97, D. Nodwell7, K. Nordlund101, H. Nordman16, R. Nouailletas8, I. Nunes53, M. Oberkofler62, T. Odupitan7, M.T. Ogawa69, T. O’Gorman7, M. Okabayashi76, R. Olney7, O. Omolayo7, M. O’Mullane21, J. Ongena58, F. Orsitto11, J. Orszagh18, B.I. Oswuigwe7, R. Otin7, A. Owen7, R. Paccagnella12, N. Pace7, D. Pacella90, L.W. Packer7, A. Page7, E. Pajuste103, S. Palazzo30, S. Pamela7, S. Panja46, P. Papp18, R. Paprok50, V. Parail7, M. Park66, F. Parra Diaz27, M. Parsons73, R. Pasqualotto12, A. Patel7, S. Pathak46, D. Paton7, H. Patten33, A. Pau17, E. Pawelec48, C. Paz Soldan43, A. Peackoc36, I.J. Pearson7, S.-P. Pehkonen112, E. Peluso95, C. Penot55, A. Pereira57, R. Pereira53, P.P. Pereira Puglia7, C. Perez von Thun35,39, S. Peruzzo12, S. Peschanyi56, M. Peterka50, P. Petersson42, G. Petravich113, A. Petre84, N. Petrella7, V. Petržilka50, Y. Peysson8, D. Pfefferlé33, V. Philipps39, M. Pillon90, G. Pintsuk39, P. Piovesan12, A. Pires dos Reis52, L. Piron7, A. Pironti105, F. Pisano17, R. Pitts55, F. Pizzo79, V. Plyusnin53, N. Pomaro12, O.G. Pompilian86, P.J. Pool7, S. Popovichev7, M.T. Porfiri90, C. Porosnicu86, M. Porton7, G. Possnert22, S. Potzel62, T. Powell7, J. Pozzi7, V. Prajapati46, R. Prakash46, G. Prestopino95, D. Price7, M. Price7, R. Price7, P. Prior7, R. Proudfoot7, G. Pucella90, P. Puglia52, M.E. Puiatti12, D. Pulley7, K. Purahoo7, Th. Pütterich62, E. Rachlew25, M. Rack39, R. Ragona58, M.S.J. Rainford7, A. Rakha6, G. Ramogida90, S. Ranjan46, C.J. Rapson62, J.J. Rasmussen83, K. Rathod46, G. Rattá57, S. Ratynskaia82, G. Ravera90, C. Rayner7, M. Rebai97, D. Reece7, A. Reed7, D. Réfy113, B. Regan7, J. Regaña34, M. Reich62, N. Reid7, F. Reimold39, M. Reinhart34, M. Reinke110,73, D. Reiser39, D. Rendell7, C. Reux8, S.D.A. Reyes Cortes53, S. Reynolds7, V. Riccardo7, N. Richardson7, K. Riddle7, D. Rigamonti97, F.G. Rimini7, J. Risner73, M. Riva90, C. Roach7, R.J. Robins7, S.A. Robinson7, T. Robinson7, D.W. Robson7, R. Roccella55, R. Rodionov88, P. Rodrigues53, J. Rodriguez7, V. Rohde62, F. Romanelli90, M. Romanelli7, S. Romanelli7, J. Romazanov39, S. Rowe7, M. Rubel42, G. Rubinacci105, G. Rubino12, L. Ruchko52, M. Ruiz94, C. Ruset86, J. Rzadkiewicz65, S. Saarelma7, R. Sabot8, E. Safi101, P. Sagar7, G. Saibene41, F. Saint-Laurent8, M. Salewski83, A. Salmi112, R. Salmon7, F. Salzedas53, D. Samaddar7, U. Samm39, D. Sandiford7, P. Santa46, M.I.K. Santala1, B. Santos53, A. Santucci90, F. Sartori41, R. Sartori41, O. Sauter33, R. Scannell7, T. Schlummer39, K. Schmid62, V. Schmidt12, S. Schmuck7, M. Schneider8, K. Schöpf102, D. Schwörer32, S.D. Scott76, G. Sergienko39, M. Sertoli62, A. Shabbir15, S.E. Sharapov7, A. Shaw7, R. Shaw7, H. Sheikh7, A. Shepherd7, A. Shevelev54, A. Shumack38, G. Sias17, M. Sibbald7, B. Sieglin62, S. Silburn7, A. Silva53, C. Silva53, P.A. Simmons7, J. Simpson7, J. Simpson-Hutchinson7, A. Sinha46, S.K. Sipilä1, A.C.C. Sips36, P. Sirén112, A. Sirinelli55, H. Sjöstrand22, M. Skiba22, R. Skilton7, K. Slabkowska49, B. Slade7, N. Smith7, P.G. Smith7, R. Smith7, T.J. Smith7, M. Smithies110, L. Snoj81, S. Soare85, E. R. Solano35,57, A. Somers32, C. Sommariva8, P. Sonato12, A. Sopplesa12, J. Sousa53, C. Sozzi45, S. Spagnolo12, T. Spelzini7, F. Spineanu86, G. Stables7, I. Stamatelatos71, M.F. Stamp7, P. Staniec7, G. Stankūnas59, C. Stan-Sion84, M.J. Stead7, E. Stefanikova42, I. Stepanov58, A.V. Stephen7, M. Stephen46, A. Stevens7, B.D. Stevens7, J. Strachan76, P. Strand16, H.R. Strauss44, P. Ström42, G. Stubbs7, W. Studholme7, F. Subba75, H.P. Summers21, J. Svensson63, Ł. Świderski65, T. Szabolics113, M. Szawlowski49, G. Szepesi7, T.T. Suzuki69, B. Tál113, T. Tala112, A.R. Talbot7, S. Talebzadeh95, C. Taliercio12, P. Tamain8, C. Tame7, W. Tang76, M. Tardocchi45, L. Taroni12, D. Taylor7, K.A. Taylor7, D. Tegnered16, G. Telesca15, N. Teplova54, D. Terranova12, D. Testa33, E. Tholerus42, J. Thomas7, J.D. Thomas7, P. Thomas55, A. Thompson7, C.-A. Thompson7, V.K. Thompson7, L. Thorne7, A. Thornton7, A.S. Thrysøe83, P.A. Tigwell7, N. Tipton7, I. Tiseanu86, H. Tojo69, M. Tokitani67, P. Tolias82, M. Tomeš50, P. Tonner7, M. Towndrow7, P. Trimble7, M. Tripsky58, M. Tsalas38, P. Tsavalas71, D. Tskhakaya jun102, I. Turner7, M.M. Turner32, M. Turnyanskiy34, G. Tvalashvili7, S.G.J. Tyrrell7, A. Uccello45, Z. Ul-Abidin7, J. Uljanovs1, D. Ulyatt7, H. Urano69, I. Uytdenhouwen78, A.P. Vadgama7, D. Valcarcel7, M. Valentinuzzi8, M. Valisa12, P. Vallejos Olivares42, M. Valovic7, M. Van De Mortel7, D. Van Eester58, W. Van Renterghem78, G.J. van Rooij38, J. Varje1, S. Varoutis56, S. Vartanian8, K. Vasava46, T. Vasilopoulou71, J. Vega57, G. Verdoolaege58, R. Verhoeven7, C. Verona95, G. Verona Rinati95, E. Veshchev55, N. Vianello45, J. Vicente53, E. Viezzer62,92, S. Villari90, F. Villone100, P. Vincenzi12, I. Vinyar74, B. Viola90, A. Vitins103, Z. Vizvary7, M. Vlad86, I. Voitsekhovitch34, P. Vondráček50, N. Vora7, T. Vu8, W.W. Pires de Sa52, B. Wakeling7, C.W.F. Waldon7, N. Walkden7, M. Walker7, R. Walker7, M. Walsh55, E. Wang39, N. Wang39, S. Warder7, R.J. Warren7, J. Waterhouse7, N.W. Watkins28, C. Watts55, T. Wauters58, A. Weckmann42, J. Weiland23, H. Weisen33, M. Weiszflog22, C. Wellstood7, A.T. West7, M.R. Wheatley7, S. Whetham7, A.M. Whitehead7, B.D. Whitehead7, A.M. Widdowson7, S. Wiesen39, J. Wilkinson7, J. Williams7, M. Williams7, A.R. Wilson7, D.J. Wilson7, H.R. Wilson110, J. Wilson7, M. Wischmeier62, G. Withenshaw7, A. Withycombe7, D.M. Witts7, D. Wood7, R. Wood7, C. Woodley7, S. Wray7, J. Wright7, J.C. Wright64, J. Wu89, S. Wukitch64, A. Wynn110, T. Xu7, D. Yadikin16, W. Yanling39, L. Yao89, V. Yavorskij102, M.G. Yoo80, C. Young7, D. Young7, I.D. Young7, R. Young7, J. Zacks7, R. Zagorski49, F.S. Zaitsev18, R. Zanino75, A. Zarins103, K.D. Zastrow7, M. Zerbini90, W. Zhang62, Y. Zhou42, E. Zilli12, V. Zoita86, S. Zoletnik113, I. Zychor65 and JET Contributorsa // EUROfusion Consortium JET, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom / 1 Aalto University, PO Box 14100, FIN-00076 Aalto, Finland / 2 Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, M2P2 UMR 7340, 13451, Marseille, France / 3 Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IUSTI UMR 7343, 13013 Marseille, France / 4 Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM, UMR 7345, 13013 Marseille, France / 5 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States of America / 6 Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain / 7 CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom / 8 CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint Paul Lez Durance, France / 9 Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, United States of America / 10 Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rua Xavier Sigaud, 160, Rio de Janeiro CEP 22290-180, Brazil / 11 Consorzio CREATE, Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy / 12 Consorzio RFX, corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy / 13 Daegu University, Jillyang, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-174, Republic of Korea / 14 Departamento de Física, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain / 15 Department of Applied Physics UG (Ghent University) St-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B-9000 Ghent, Belgium / 16 Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden / 17 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Piazza d’Armi 09123, Cagliari, Italy / 18 Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University Mlynska dolina F2, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia / 19 Department of Materials Science, Warsaw University of Technology, PL-01-152 Warsaw, Poland / 20 Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Korea / 21 Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 ONG, United Kingdom / 22 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden / 23 Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden / 24 Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom / 25 Department of Physics, SCI, KTH, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden / 26 Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland / 27 Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 2JD, United Kingdom / 28 Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom / 29 Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Queens University, Belfast, BT7 1NN, United Kingdom / 30 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy / 31 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, University of Trento, Trento, Italy / 32 Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin, Ireland / 33 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland / 34 EUROfusion Programme Management Unit, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany / 35 EUROfusion Programme Management Unit, Culham Science Centre, Culham, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom / 36 European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium / 37 Fluid and Plasma Dyna