348 research outputs found

    Signaling of layer 1 and whisker-evoked Ca2+ and Na+ action potentials in distal and terminal dendrites of rat neocortical pyramidal neurons in vitro and in vivo

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    Dendritic regenerative potentials play an important role in integrating and amplifying synaptic inputs. To understand how distal synaptic inputs are integrated and amplified, we made multiple simultaneous (double, triple, or quadruple) and sequential (4–12 paired) recordings from different locations of single tufted layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the cortex in vitro and studied the spatial and temporal properties of their dendritic regenerative potential initial zone. Recordings from the soma and from trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary tuft branches of the apical dendrite of these neurons reveal a spatially restricted low-threshold zone ∼550–900 μm from the soma for Ca2+-dependent regenerative potentials. Dendritic regenerative potentials initiated in this zone have a clearly defined threshold and a refractory period, and they can propagate actively along the dendrite before evoking somatic action potentials. The detailed biophysical characterization of this dendritic action potential initiation zone allowed for the further investigation of dendritic potentials in the intact brain and their roles in information processing. By making whole-cell recordings from the soma and varied locations along the apical dendrite of 53 morphologically identified layer 5 pyramidal neurons in anesthetized rats, we found that three of the dendritic potentials characterized in vitro could be induced by spontaneous or whisker inputs in vivo. Thus layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the rat neocortex have a spatially restricted low-threshold zone in the apical dendrite, the activation or interaction of which with the axonal action potential initiation zone is responsible for multiple forms of regenerative potentials critical for integrating and amplifying sensory and modulatory inputs

    The effects of arousal on apical amplification and conscious state

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    Neocortical pyramidal cells can integrate two classes of input separately and use one to modulate response to the other. Their tuft dendrites are electrotonically separated from basal dendrites and soma by the apical dendrite, and apical hyperpolarization-activated currents (Ih) further isolate subthreshold integration of tuft inputs. When apical depolarization exceeds a threshold, however, it can enhance response to the basal inputs that specify the cell’s selective sensitivity. This process is referred to as apical amplification (AA). We review evidence suggesting that, by regulating Ihin the apical compartments, adrenergic arousal controls the coupling between apical and somatic integration zones thus modifying cognitive capabilities closely associated with consciousness. Evidence relating AA to schizophrenia, sleep, and anesthesia is reviewed, and we assess theories that emphasize the relevance of AA to consciousness. Implications for theories of neocortical computation that emphasize context-sensitive modulation are summarized. We conclude that the findings concerning AA and its regulation by arousal offer a new perspective on states of consciousness, the function and evolution of neocortex, and psychopathology. Many issues worthy of closer examination arise

    Substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis of chlorophyll f-containing cyanobacteria in a natural habitat

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    © Kühl et al. Far-red absorbing chlorophylls are constitutively present as chlorophyll (Chl) d in the cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina, or dynamically expressed by synthesis of Chl f, red-shifted phycobiliproteins and minor amounts of Chl d via far-red light photoacclimation in a range of cyanobacteria, which enables them to use near-infrared-radiation (NIR) for oxygenic photosynthesis. While the biochemistry and molecular physiology of Chl f-containing cyanobacteria has been unraveled in culture studies, their ecological significance remains unexplored and no data on their in situ activity exist. With a novel combination of hyperspectral imaging, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and nanoparticle-based O2 imaging, we demonstrate substantial NIR-driven oxygenic photosynthesis by endolithic, Chl f-containing cyanobacteria within natural beachrock biofilms that are widespread on (sub)tropical coastlines. This indicates an important role of NIR-driven oxygenic photosynthesis in primary production of endolithic and other shaded habitats

    NMDA spikes enhance action potential generation during sensory input

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    Recent evidence in vitro suggests that the tuft dendrites of pyramidal neurons are capable of evoking local NMDA receptor–dependent electrogenesis, so-called NMDA spikes. However, it has so far proved difficult to demonstrate their existence in vivo. Moreover, it is not clear whether NMDA spikes are relevant to the output of pyramidal neurons. We found that local NMDA spikes occurred in tuft dendrites of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons both spontaneously and following sensory input, and had a large influence on the number of output action potentials. Using two-photon activation of an intracellular caged NMDA receptor antagonist (tc-MK801), we found that isolated NMDA spikes typically occurred in multiple branches simultaneously and that sensory stimulation substantially increased their probability. Our results demonstrate that NMDA receptors have a vital role in coupling the tuft region of the layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron to the cell body, enhancing the effectiveness of layer 1 input

    An integrative, multiscale view on neural theories of consciousness.

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    How is conscious experience related to material brain processes? A variety of theories aiming to answer this age-old question have emerged from the recent surge in consciousness research, and some are now hotly debated. Although most researchers have so far focused on the development and validation of their preferred theory in relative isolation, this article, written by a group of scientists representing different theories, takes an alternative approach. Noting that various theories often try to explain different aspects or mechanistic levels of consciousness, we argue that the theories do not necessarily contradict each other. Instead, several of them may converge on fundamental neuronal mechanisms and be partly compatible and complementary, so that multiple theories can simultaneously contribute to our understanding. Here, we consider unifying, integration-oriented approaches that have so far been largely neglected, seeking to combine valuable elements from various theories

    Models of Neocortical Layer 5b Pyramidal Cells Capturing a Wide Range of Dendritic and Perisomatic Active Properties

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    The thick-tufted layer 5b pyramidal cell extends its dendritic tree to all six layers of the mammalian neocortex and serves as a major building block for the cortical column. L5b pyramidal cells have been the subject of extensive experimental and modeling studies, yet conductance-based models of these cells that faithfully reproduce both their perisomatic Na+-spiking behavior as well as key dendritic active properties, including Ca2+ spikes and back-propagating action potentials, are still lacking. Based on a large body of experimental recordings from both the soma and dendrites of L5b pyramidal cells in adult rats, we characterized key features of the somatic and dendritic firing and quantified their statistics. We used these features to constrain the density of a set of ion channels over the soma and dendritic surface via multi-objective optimization with an evolutionary algorithm, thus generating a set of detailed conductance-based models that faithfully replicate the back-propagating action potential activated Ca2+ spike firing and the perisomatic firing response to current steps, as well as the experimental variability of the properties. Furthermore, we show a useful way to analyze model parameters with our sets of models, which enabled us to identify some of the mechanisms responsible for the dynamic properties of L5b pyramidal cells as well as mechanisms that are sensitive to morphological changes. This automated framework can be used to develop a database of faithful models for other neuron types. The models we present provide several experimentally-testable predictions and can serve as a powerful tool for theoretical investigations of the contribution of single-cell dynamics to network activity and its computational capabilities

    Dendritic Slow Dynamics Enables Localized Cortical Activity to Switch between Mobile and Immobile Modes with Noisy Background Input

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    Mounting lines of evidence suggest the significant computational ability of a single neuron empowered by active dendritic dynamics. This motivates us to study what functionality can be acquired by a network of such neurons. The present paper studies how such rich single-neuron dendritic dynamics affects the network dynamics, a question which has scarcely been specifically studied to date. We simulate neurons with active dendrites networked locally like cortical pyramidal neurons, and find that naturally arising localized activity – called a bump – can be in two distinct modes, mobile or immobile. The mode can be switched back and forth by transient input to the cortical network. Interestingly, this functionality arises only if each neuron is equipped with the observed slow dendritic dynamics and with in vivo-like noisy background input. If the bump activity is considered to indicate a point of attention in the sensory areas or to indicate a representation of memory in the storage areas of the cortex, this would imply that the flexible mode switching would be of great potential use for the brain as an information processing device. We derive these conclusions using a natural extension of the conventional field model, which is defined by combining two distinct fields, one representing the somatic population and the other representing the dendritic population. With this tool, we analyze the spatial distribution of the degree of after-spike adaptation and explain how we can understand the presence of the two distinct modes and switching between the modes. We also discuss the possible functional impact of this mode-switching ability

    Consequences of converting graded to action potentials upon neural information coding and energy efficiency

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    Information is encoded in neural circuits using both graded and action potentials, converting between them within single neurons and successive processing layers. This conversion is accompanied by information loss and a drop in energy efficiency. We investigate the biophysical causes of this loss of information and efficiency by comparing spiking neuron models, containing stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, with generator potential and graded potential models lacking voltage-gated Na+ channels. We identify three causes of information loss in the generator potential that are the by-product of action potential generation: (1) the voltage-gated Na+ channels necessary for action potential generation increase intrinsic noise and (2) introduce non-linearities, and (3) the finite duration of the action potential creates a ‘footprint’ in the generator potential that obscures incoming signals. These three processes reduce information rates by ~50% in generator potentials, to ~3 times that of spike trains. Both generator potentials and graded potentials consume almost an order of magnitude less energy per second than spike trains. Because of the lower information rates of generator potentials they are substantially less energy efficient than graded potentials. However, both are an order of magnitude more efficient than spike trains due to the higher energy costs and low information content of spikes, emphasizing that there is a two-fold cost of converting analogue to digital; information loss and cost inflation