788 research outputs found

    Spatial displays as a means to increase pilot situational awareness

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    Experiences raise a number of concerns for future spatial-display developers. While the promise of spatial displays is great, the cost of their development will be correspondingly large. The knowledge and skills which must be coordinated to ensure successful results is unprecedent. From the viewpoint of the designer, basic knowledge of how human beings perceive and process complex displays appears fragmented and largely unquantified. Methodologies for display development require prototyping and testing with subject pilots for even small changes. Useful characterizations of the range of differences between individual users is nonexistent or at best poorly understood. The nature, significance, and frequency of interpretation errors associated with complex integrated displays is unexplored and undocumented territory. Graphic displays have intuitive appeal and can achieve face validity much more readily than earlier symbolic displays. The risk of misleading the pilot is correspondingly greater. Thus while some in the research community are developing the tools and techniques necessary for effective spatial-display development, potential users must be educated about the issues so that informed choices can be made. The scope of the task facing all is great. The task is challenging and the potential for meaningful contributions at all levels is high indeed


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    De acordo com proposta de 23 de Janeiro de 2008, relativa aos esforços a realizar pelos Estados-Membros da CE, o Conselho Europeu fixou dois objectivos principais ”reduzir, até 2020, as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa em pelo menos 20%” e “elevar para 20% a parte das energias renováveis no consumo energético da UE até 2020”. Enquadrando estes objectivos na actual legislação Portuguesa para as energias renováveis, em particular para as Unidades de Produção para Autoconsumo (UPAC) e considerando a energia solar que temos disponível ser completamente gratuita, resulta no objetivo deste trabalho, que se propõem contribuir para atualizar, consciencializar e reforçar o compromisso que temos para atingir estas metas assim como assegurar o futuro do nosso Planeta. Estes objectivos traçados pelo Conselho Europeu e legislado pelo governo Português, originou uma elevada procura por licenças de exploração de microprodução, devido às elevadas tarifas de incentivo para venda de eletricidade e o rápido retorno do capital investido. Neste contexto e nomeadamente com a tecnologia solar fotovoltaica, as consecutivas alterações na legislação desta matéria, foram convergindo para o seu autoconsumo através de novas soluções de produção de energia descentralizada e de inovação tecnológica, permitindo ainda a existência de ligação à rede elétrica de serviço público (RESP). Apesar da anterior legislação de Microprodução estabelecida e atualizada pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 363/2007, de 2 de Novembro [1], alterado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 118-A/2010, de 25 de Outubro, [2] e pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 25/2013, de 19 de Fevereiro, [3] referir que o distribuidor era obrigado a comprar toda a energia produzida pelo consumidor, com o atual regime, a pequena produção passa a beneficiar de um enquadramento legal único, de acordo com o Decreto-Lei n.º 153/2014 de 20 de outubro, em que incentiva o autoconsumo da energia necessária para o seu consumo diário, sendo a restante não utilizada, possível de ser injetada na rede eléctrica (RESP)

    Values and candidate evaluation: How voters respond to allegations of sexual harassment

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    How do voters respond to candidates accused of sexual harassment? The literature on political scandals demonstrates that candidate characteristics, scandal type, and voter characteristics matter; as well as party affiliation. However, empirical evidence suggests that not all co-partisans react the same way. Why is this the case? Our study uses Schwartz's (1996) theory of values to hypothesise that voters prioritising ‘universalism’ and ‘benevolence’ are less likely to vote for candidates accused of sexual harassment compared to voters who prioritise ‘self-enhancement’ values. Using an original, mixed methods, online survey experiment (n = 704), we show that American voters do become less favourable towards candidates linked to allegations of sexual harassment; but a sizeable minority would nevertheless vote for a co-partisan candidate accused of sexual harassment. Values are an important mechanism to explain this heterogeneity. Qualitative data corroborates our findings, and helps explain why sexual harassment allegations are not always a barrier to electoral success

    A differential diagnosis of inherited endocrine tumors and their tumor counterparts

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    Inherited endocrine tumors have been increasingly recognized in clinical practice, although some difficulties still exist in differentiating these conditions from their sporadic endocrine tumor counterparts. Here, we list the 12 main topics that could add helpful information and clues for performing an early differential diagnosis to distinguish between these conditions. The early diagnosis of patients with inherited endocrine tumors may be performed either clinically or by mutation analysis in at-risk individuals. Early detection usually has a large impact in tumor management, allowing preventive clinical or surgical therapy in most cases. Advice for the clinical and surgical management of inherited endocrine tumors is also discussed. In addition, recent clinical and genetic advances for 17 different forms of inherited endocrine tumors are briefly reviewed

    Flamingo Vol. III N 4

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    Schmitz. Cover. Picture. 0. Octopus. The Creed of a Frosh. Poem. 4. Widow. Chanson Du Frosh. Poem. 4. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 4. W.M.P. The College Creed. Prose. 4. Anonymous. SHE\u27S GOT THE CLOTHES, THIS FROSH SO FINE, AND HEAVEN KNOWS SHE\u27S GOT THE LINE. SHE\u27S TEETH OF PEARL THAT OFTEN SHOW. HER HAIR WOULD CURL IF IT COULD GROW. WITH ME SHE\u27S IT, GETS BY IMMENSE— BUT I MUST ADMIT SHE\u27S GOT NO SENSE. Picture. 5. Schmitz. SHADES OF THE SUMMER RESORTSOME, ER, KIDD. Picture. 6. Holt, Kilburn. Priest and Levite. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Commentary on a Poem. Prose. 9. Anonymous. Address to an Idle Dream. Poem. 10. Anonymous. Apology. Poem. 10. Uber, D. ONCE MEN LIKED THE GIRLS WHOSE ACQUAINTANCE THEY MADE FOR THE SHY, BASHFUL GLANCES THEY MET. BUT NOW IT\u27S THE HANG OF THE EARRINGS OF JADE, AND THE TILT OF THE CIGARETTE. Picture. 11. K.K.H. Helpful Hints for Foggy Freshmen. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Sonnet in Slang. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Clyde. CAN YOU FIGHT? NOT WITH A WOMAN. COME ON THEN YOU PIE-FACE! . Picture. 11. Anonymous. VITRIOLA RECORDS FOR SEPTEMBER. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. E.B. Chapel Cherubs. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. DO YOU THINK YOU COULD CARE FOR A CHAP LIKE ME? I THINK SO—IF HE WASN\u27T TOO MUCH LIKE YOU. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. BASIC PLOT FOR SOCIETY DRAMA. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Editor. Picture. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. Ubersax. I HAVE BAD NEWS FOE YOU, CLARENCE. SO? YES. I VISITED A FORTUNE TELLER\u27S THIS AFTERNOON, AND SHE TOLD ME THAT I AM GOING TO MARRY A HANDSOME MAN. Picture. 18. Anonymous. The Career of a Good Joke. Prose. 18. W.M.P. Gentle Hints on Curriculum-Synopsis of Popular Courses. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. MAY— WOULD YOU WEAR A RENTED BATHING SUIT? JUNE-\u27TT DEPENDS WHERE THE RENT WAS. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. A READ-LETTER DAY AT THE SEM THIS MONTH. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Famous Greens. Prose. 19. Anonymous. TIE— HOW CAN I THICKEN MY HAIR? CURLS— TRY MOLASSES AND FLOUR. Picture. 19. Anonymous. \u27Twas Ever Thus! Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Schmitz. POPULAR COURSE IN TENNYSON. Picture. 23. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 24. Purple Parrot. Heard After Vacation. Prose. 24. Octopus. The Cost of Custom. Prose. 24. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 24. Chaparral. All That Glitters-. Prose. 24. Jack-0-Lantern. Untitled. Prose. 24. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 24. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 24. Anonymous. Oh Gosh! Prose. 25. Brown Jug. Untitled. Prose. 25. Orange Peel. Try and Laugh This Off. Prose. 25. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 25. Banter. Untitled. Prose. 25. Punch Bowl. Extract From Mythology. Prose. 26. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 26. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 26. Orange Owl. PAGE MUELLER. Prose. 26. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 26. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 26. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 26. The Cougar\u27s Paw. The Devil\u27s Dictionary. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Where Did IO Dine? Prose. 27. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 27. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 27. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 27. Mirror. Untitled. Prose. 28. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 28. Widow. Higher Mathematics. Prose. 28. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 28. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 28. Tiger. This May Be New To Someone. Prose. 28. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 28. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 28. Widow. Page Red Stone. Prose. 28. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 28. Anonymous. Their Idea of Something Funny. Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 29. Garber, Jock. OUR QUESTIONABLE DEPARTMENT. Prose. 30. Brown Jug. Untitled. Prose. 31. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 31. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 32. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Lyon and Sioux Counties, Iowa

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    The combined vascular flora of Lyon and Sioux counties, Iowa, based upon field and herbarium study, is composed of 612 species, of which 454 species (74%) occur in both counties. The Lyon County vascular flora consists of 561 species, including 13 state endangered, 9 state threatened species, and 102 non-native species. The Sioux County vascular flora consists of 506 species, including 2 state threatened species and 106 non-native species. The floras are most notable for the presence of plants with floristic affinities to the Great Plains to the west of Iowa. They also have a very high percentage (18%-20%) of their floras comprised of non-native species, reflecting the intensity of human activities on the landscape

    The implications of autonomy: Viewed in the light of efforts to uphold patients dignity and integrity

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    This article focuses on Danish patients’ experience of autonomy and its interplay with dignity and integrity in their meeting with health professionals. The aim is to chart the meanings and implications of autonomy for persons whose illness places them in a vulnerable life situation. The interplay between autonomy and personal dignity in the meeting with health care staff are central concepts in the framework. Data collection and findings are based on eight qualitative semi-structured interviews with patients. Patients with acute, chronic, and life threatening diseases were represented including surgical as well as medical patients. The values associated with autonomy are in many ways vitalising, but may become so dominant, autonomy seeking, and pervasive that the patient's dignity is affected. Three types of patient behaviour were identified. (1) The proactive patient: Patients feel that they assume responsibility for their own situation, but it may be a responsibility that they find hard to bear. (2) The rejected patient: proactive patients take responsibility on many occasions but very active patients are at risk of being rejected with consequences for their dignity. (3) The knowledgeable patient: when patients are health care professionals, the patient's right of self-determination was managed in a variety of ways, sometimes the patient's right of autonomy was treated in a dignified way but the opposite was also evident. In one way, patients are active and willing to take responsibility for themselves, and at the same time they are “forced” to do so by health care staff. Patients would like health professionals to be more attentive and proactive

    Post-surgical follow-up of primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

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    The bone mineral density increments in patients with sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism after parathyroidectomy have been studied by several investigators, but few have investigated this topic in primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Further, as far as we know, only two studies have consistently evaluated bone mineral density values after parathyroidectomy in cases of primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Here we revised the impact of parathyroidectomy (particularly total parathyroidectomy followed by autologous parathyroid implant into the forearm) on bone mineral density values in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Significant increases in bone mineral density in the lumbar spine and femoral neck values were found, although no short-term (15 months) improvement in bone mineral density at the proximal third of the distal radius was observed. Additionally, short-term and medium-term calcium and parathyroid hormone values after parathyroidectomy in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 are discussed. In most cases, this surgical approach was able to restore normal calcium/parathyroid hormone levels and ultimately lead to discontinuation of calcium and calcitriol supplementation