2,349 research outputs found

    Analysis Performance of Fast Image Encryption

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    Perkembangan teknologi mengakibatkan peningkatan kebutuhan pengiriman data melalui media internet. Banyak pengiriman data yang membutuhkan keamanan dalam pengirimannya untuk berbagai keperluan. Enkripsi data merupakan salah satu topic pengamanan yang banyak dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengamankan data yang dikirimkan melalui media internet. Salah satu data yang banyak digunakan adalah data citra. Citra merupakan data yang memiliki kapasitas besar dan memiliki sifat Perulangan yang tinggi sehingga dibutuhkan metode tertentu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi citra. Permutasi dan difusi merupakan cara yang banyak digunakan untuk melakukan enkripsi citra. Permutasi bertujuan untuk mengacak posisi citra sedangkan difusi merubah nilai citra. Permutasi dan difusi banyak dilakukan sebagai dua tahap yang berbeda sehingga dibutuhkan dua kali pembacaan citra. Sebuah algoritma untuk menggabungkan proses permutasi dan difusi sehingga hanya diperlukan satu kali pembacaan citra untuk melakukan enkripsi telah diajukan. Selain permutasi dan difusi, fungsi chaos juga digunakan dalam algoritma tersebut karena kemampuannya untuk menghasilkan angka random yang sangat sensitif terhadap beberapa parameter. Dengan ide demikian, algoritma akan cepat untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis kinerja algoritma gabungan permutasi dan difusi menggunakan fungsi chaos. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma, mendapatkan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsi serta membandingkannnya dengan algoritma baku yang telah banyak digunakan, Advanced Encryption Standart (AES)

    Empirical Study of Car License Plates Recognition

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    The number of vehicles on the road has increased drastically in recent years. The license plate is an identity card for a vehicle. It can map to the owner and further information about vehicle. License plate information is useful to help traffic management systems. For example, traffic management systems can check for vehicles moving at speeds not permitted by law and can also be installed in parking areas to se-cure the entrance or exit way for vehicles. License plate recognition algorithms have been proposed by many researchers. License plate recognition requires license plate detection, segmentation, and charac-ters recognition. The algorithm detects the position of a license plate and extracts the characters. Various license plate recognition algorithms have been implemented, and each algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses. In this research, I implement three algorithms for detecting license plates, three algorithms for segmenting license plates, and two algorithms for recognizing license plate characters. I evaluate each of these algorithms on the same two datasets, one from Greece and one from Thailand. For detecting li-cense plates, the best result is obtained by a Haar cascade algorithm. After the best result of license plate detection is obtained, for the segmentation part a Laplacian based method has the highest accuracy. Last, the license plate recognition experiment shows that a neural network has better accuracy than other algo-rithm. I summarize and analyze the overall performance of each method for comparison

    AgRISTARS: Foreign commodity production forecasting. Corn/soybean decision logic development and testing

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    The development and testing of an analysis procedure which was developed to improve the consistency and objectively of crop identification using Landsat data is described. The procedure was developed to identify corn and soybean crops in the U.S. corn belt region. The procedure consists of a series of decision points arranged in a tree-like structure, the branches of which lead an analyst to crop labels. The specific decision logic is designed to maximize the objectively of the identification process and to promote the possibility of future automation. Significant results are summarized

    Technical summary of accomplishments made in preparation for the USSR barley exploratory experiment

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    The highlights of the work accomplished under each subcomponent of the U.S.S.R. Barley Pilot Experiment, which is scheduled for completion in 1984, are summarized. A significant amount of developmental system implementation activity was in the final stages of preparation prior to the rescoping of project tasks. Unpublished materials which are significant to this exploratory experiment are incorporated into the appendixes

    Search for transient ultralight dark matter signatures with networks of precision measurement devices using a Bayesian statistics method

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    We analyze the prospects of employing a distributed global network of precision measurement devices as a dark matter and exotic physics observatory. In particular, we consider the atomic clocks of the Global Positioning System (GPS), consisting of a constellation of 32 medium-Earth orbit satellites equipped with either Cs or Rb microwave clocks and a number of Earth-based receiver stations, some of which employ highly-stable H-maser atomic clocks. High-accuracy timing data is available for almost two decades. By analyzing the satellite and terrestrial atomic clock data, it is possible to search for transient signatures of exotic physics, such as "clumpy" dark matter and dark energy, effectively transforming the GPS constellation into a 50,000km aperture sensor array. Here we characterize the noise of the GPS satellite atomic clocks, describe the search method based on Bayesian statistics, and test the method using simulated clock data. We present the projected discovery reach using our method, and demonstrate that it can surpass the existing constrains by several order of magnitude for certain models. Our method is not limited in scope to GPS or atomic clock networks, and can also be applied to other networks of precision measurement devices.Comment: See also Supplementary Information located in ancillary file

    Sibshops: How Effective Are They in Helping Siblings?

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    Having a brother or sister with special health needs not only impacts parents but siblings as well. Support available for these siblings has been found to be limited in the literature. One particular program designed to provide support to these children is a program called Sibshops. This study completed a program evaluation of Sibshops conducted at a Midwest Children’s hospital between 2011- 2012 in order to assess the effectiveness of this program. Qualitative and quantitative data were obtained using parent feedback surveys. Results from the surveys showed that parents felt Sibshops provided their children with a positive experience, allowed them a sense of feeling they were not alone, caused positive attitude changes, increased their child’s knowledge about their brother or sister’s disability, and allowed for their healthy children to feel recognized in a special way. Additionally, the data also suggested that the five goals in the Sibshop curriculum were being met. While this study would suggest that Sibshops may be effective in providing support to siblings, further research including direct feedback from the children themselves may be beneficial in allowing social workers as well as other professionals working with siblings additional knowledge and insight into the benefits and challenges of having a brother or sister with special health needs

    A Novel Resistance Exercise Machine for Use in a Lower Body Negative Pressure Box to Counteract the Effects of Weightlessness

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    Physiological deconditioning is a critical problem in space, especially during long-term missions. Resistance exercise coupled with lower body negative pressure (LBNP) has been shown to be effective in counteracting some of the deconditioning related problems. This thesis describes the development of a compact and effective resistance exercise machine that works within an existing environmentally controlled LBNP Box and is designed to simulate both exercise and sitting, to prevent microgravity-induced deconditioning by simulating physiological and biomechanical features of upright exercise and daily activities. Theoretical calculations are carried out to determine whether kinematics, musculoskeletal loadings, and metabolic rate during supine exercise within the existing LBNP Box are similar to those of an upright posture in Earth gravity (1G). Preliminary results show subjects that use the resistance machine presented in this thesis will be able to elicit loads comparable to exercise on Earth, since the ground reaction forces (GRF) are greater than their body weight (BW). The largest single-leg forces during resistance exercise are 1.16 BW (232lbs) during supine position when Îł, the angle between the horizontal and the ground pivot on the right side of the mechanism, equals 187 degrees and minimal at 0.68 BW (136lbs) when Îł equals 177 degrees. At the lowest setting of the machine, peak resistance of the foot pedal during the outward stroke is 196 lbf. This force, added to the force due to the 50 mmHg of negative differential pressure, gives a total force of 400 lbf, which is 2 BW. The results suggest that this machine can be used to collect and establish a database under both terrestrial conditions and microgravity environments such as the International Space Station to enhance medical researchers\u27 understanding of how LBNP paired with exercise impacts osteoporosis, orthostatic intolerance and cardiovascular health. The combination might also be used to enhance rehabilitation protocols

    The Management of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs)

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    Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) originated to accomplish several objectives: (1) to meet energy efficiency goals mandated by executive orders and energy policies; (2) to improve federal government facilities using funds allocated for utility bills; and (3) to receive repayment of expenditures through energy savings reflected in reduced utility bills. In ESPC\u27s, the contractor guarantees savings to the federal government agency. 10 CFR 436 limits the time necessary for payback. However, this regulation and others were written prior to the deregulation of utility companies. This theory is based on the underlying premise that the contractor payback is a direct result of the energy savings. The population of study is all of the Air Force ESPCs. The sampling frame used will be the ESPCs and their task orders (TO\u27s) listed in the Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency (AFCESA) database. The primary unit of analysis will be the individual task order. Data will be collected from interviews, observations, conferences, archives, and other task order related documents. Using case study methodology, contract financial data, energy rates contract decision memorandums, contract clauses and statements of work, observation, open interviews, and other relevant meetings and materials will be evaluated to determine whether deregulation has an effect on contractor payback and what the effect entails

    High Stakes Testing and School Characteristics: A Comparative Study

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    Problem The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study was to better understand the relationship between the 2016 Grade 10 ISTEP+ English passing rate and 2018 graduation rate amongst 290 Indiana high schools and the following variables: school size, average SAT reading score, percentage of students passing advanced placement (AP) exams, percentage of special education students, percentage of free or reduced lunch students, percentage of English Language Learner students, and percentage of minority ethnic group students.. The results of the research may further evaluate how 2016 school characteristics are related to the Grade 10, 2016 ISTEP+ English which may suggest future revision of the ISTEP+ English to remove bias or how the test is used. Method This study used both regression and correlation to analyze school data. Regression provided an opportunity to predict and explain the relationship amongst multiple variables (Creswell, 2013, p. 358). In this study, a regression analysis was used to identify which 2016 school characteristic variables have the most impact on the 2016 ISTEP+ English passing rate and 2018 graduation rate. Results This study examined the explanatory value of the 2016 ISTEP+ English passing rate in predicting the 2018 graduation rate as it is related to the 2016 school characteristics. The seven school characteristics predicted 57% of the variance in the 2016 ISTEP+ and 40% of the variance in graduation rate. When controlled for the seven school characteristics, the 2016 ISTEP+ English passing rate only accounted for 2.5% of the variance found in the 2018 graduation rate. In all, four of the seven school characteristics were especially strong predictors of ISTEP+ English passing rate and graduation rate: average SAT reading score, percent of free or reduced lunch students, percent of English Language Learner students, and percent of special education students. Conclusions This concludes that the 2016 Grade 10 ISTEP+ English passing rate may not be an appropriate predictor of the 2018 graduation rate because it may be influenced by the 2016 school characteristics and therefore, possibly contaminated by outside variables. suggesting that the ISTEP+ English should be reconsidered as a graduation requirement. This study provided data on the association between the ISTEP+ English and school characteristics. Although this data provided some answers regarding the ISTEP+ iv English and graduation rates, it raised some other questions to further research in this area. Additionally, research on variables which occur inside of the home such has poverty, trauma, abuse and so forth would be interesting to consider alongside their relationship to high stakes testing. The findings particular to this study suggest that more research should be performed on other school characteristics. Additionally, stakeholders should be aware of the characteristics that can increase or can decrease student achievement on tests like the ISTEP+ English like minority ethnic group status, special education student status and students who identify as English Language Learners

    Sibshops: How Effective Are They in Helping Siblings?

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    Having a brother or sister with special health needs not only impacts parents but siblings as well. Support available for these siblings has been found to be limited in the literature. One particular program designed to provide support to these children is a program called Sibshops. This study completed a program evaluation of Sibshops conducted at a Midwest Children’s hospital between 2011- 2012 in order to assess the effectiveness of this program. Qualitative and quantitative data were obtained using parent feedback surveys. Results from the surveys showed that parents felt Sibshops provided their children with a positive experience, allowed them a sense of feeling they were not alone, caused positive attitude changes, increased their child’s knowledge about their brother or sister’s disability, and allowed for their healthy children to feel recognized in a special way. Additionally, the data also suggested that the five goals in the Sibshop curriculum were being met. While this study would suggest that Sibshops may be effective in providing support to siblings, further research including direct feedback from the children themselves may be beneficial in allowing social workers as well as other professionals working with siblings additional knowledge and insight into the benefits and challenges of having a brother or sister with special health needs
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