5,017 research outputs found

    Measuring the muon's anomalous magnetic moment to 0.14 ppm

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    The anomalous magnetic moment (g-2) of the muon was measured with a precision of 0.54 ppm in Experiment 821 at Brookhaven National Laboratory. A difference of 3.2 standard deviations between this experimental value and the prediction of the Standard Model has persisted since 2004; in spite of considerable experimental and theoretical effort, there is no consistent explanation for this difference. This comparison hints at physics beyond the Standard Model, but it also imposes strong constraints on those possibilities, which include supersymmetry and extra dimensions. The collaboration is preparing to relocate the experiment to Fermilab to continue towards a proposed precision of 0.14 ppm. This will require 20 times more recorded decays than in the previous measurement, with corresponding improvements in the systematic uncertainties. We describe the theoretical developments and the experimental upgrades that provide a compelling motivation for the new measurement.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, presented at International Nuclear Physics Conference 2010 (INPC 2010

    Viscoelastic response of sonic band-gap materials

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    A brief report is presented on the effect of viscoelastic losses in a high density contrast sonic band-gap material of close-packed rubber spheres in air. The scattering properties of such a material are computed with an on-shell multiple scattering method, properties which are compared with the lossless case. The existence of an appreciable omnidirectional gap in the transmission spectrum, when losses are present, is also reported.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Solar Carbon Monoxide, Thermal Profiling, and the Abundances of C, O, and their Isotopes

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    A solar photospheric "thermal profiling" analysis is presented, exploiting the infrared rovibrational bands of carbon monoxide (CO) as observed with the McMath-Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) at Kitt Peak, and from above the Earth's atmosphere by the Shuttle-borne ATMOS experiment. Visible continuum intensities and center-limb behavior constrained the temperature profile of the deep photosphere, while CO center-limb behavior defined the thermal structure at higher altitudes. The oxygen abundance was self consistently determined from weak CO absorptions. Our analysis was meant to complement recent studies based on 3-D convection models which, among other things, have revised the historical solar oxygen (and carbon) abundance downward by a factor of nearly two; although in fact our conclusions do not support such a revision. Based on various considerations, an oxygen abundance of 700+/-100 ppm (parts per million relative to hydrogen) is recommended; the large uncertainty reflects the model sensitivity of CO. New solar isotopic ratios also are reported for 13C, 17O, and 18O.Comment: 90 pages, 19 figures (some with parts "a", "b", etc.); to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Regulating Scotland's social landlords: localised resistance to technologies of performance management

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    Influenced by Foucault's later work on governmentality, this paper explores the regulation of social landlords as a 'technology of performance' concerned with governing the conduct of dispersed welfare agencies and the professionals within them. This is a mode of power that is both voluntary and coercive; it seeks to realise its ambitions not through direct acts of intervention, but by promoting the responsible self-governance of autonomous subjects. Through an analysis of the regulatory framework for social landlords in Scotland, this paper highlights the creation of a performance culture that seeks to mobilise housing organisations to reconcile their local management systems and service provision to external standards, whilst simultaneously wielding punitive interventions for non-compliance. However, housing professionals are not passive in all of this, and indeed, actively challenged and resisted these top-down attempts to govern them at arm's-length

    ArgoNeuT, a liquid argon time projection chamber in a low energy neutrino beam

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    ArgoNeuT (Argon Neutrino Test), a NSF/DOE project at Fermilab, is the first LArTPC to go in a low energy neutrino beam and just the second LArTPC to go in a neutrino beam ever. ArgoNeuT sits just upstream of the on-axis MINOS near detector in the NuMI beamline, about 1 km from the target station and 100 m underground. The detector features a 47X40X90 cm (169 L) active volume TPC with a fully contained recirculation and purification system. Among other physics, ArgoNeuT will measure the charged-current quasi-elastic (anti-) neutrino cross section on argon at an energy of ~3 GeV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2009), Rome, Italy, 1-5 July 200

    A far-UV survey of three hot, metal-polluted white dwarf stars: WD0455-282, WD0621-376, and WD2211-495

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    Using newly obtained high-resolution data (R∌1×105R\sim{1\times{10}^{5}}) from the \textit{Hubble Space Telescope}, and archival UV data from the \textit{Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer} we have conducted a detailed UV survey of the three hot, metal-polluted white dwarfs WD0455-282, WD0621-376, and WD2211-495. Using bespoke model atmospheres we measured TeffT_{\mathrm{eff}}, log gg, and photospheric abundances for these stars. In conjunction with data from Gaia we measured masses, radii, and gravitational redshift velocities for our sample of objects. We compared the measured photospheric abundances with those predicted by radiative levitation theory, and found that the observed Si abundances in all three white dwarfs, and the observed Fe abundances in WD0621-376 and WD2211-495, were larger than those predicted by an order of magnitude. These findings imply not only an external origin for the metals, but also ongoing accretion, as the metals not supported by radiative levitation would sink on extremely short timescales. We measured the radial velocities of several absorption features along the line of sight to the three objects in our sample, allowing us to determine the velocities of the photospheric and interstellar components along the line of sight for each star. Interestingly, we made detections of circumstellar absorption along the line of sight to WD0455-282 with three velocity components. To our knowledge, this is the first such detection of multi-component circumstellar absorption along the line of sight to a white dwarf.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Recent atmospheric neutrino results from Soudan 2

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    An updated measurement of the atmospheric nu_mu/nu_e ratio-of-ratios, 0.68+-0.11+-0.06, has been obtained using a 4.6-kty exposure of the Soudan-2 iron tracking calorimeter. The L/E distributions have been analyzed for effects of nu_mu -> nu_x oscillations, and an allowed region in the Delta m^2 vs. sin^2 2 theta plane has been determined.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures; presented at TAUP99, the 6th Int. Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Sept. 6-10, 1999, College de France, Paris, Franc

    Supersymmetric large tan(beta) corrections to DeltaM_(d,s) and B_(d,s) -> mu+mu- revisited

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    We point out that in the minimal supersymmetric standard model terms from the mixing of Higgs and Goldstone bosons which are connected to the renormalization of tan(beta) via Slavnov-Taylor identities give rise to corrections that do not vanish in the limit where the supersymmetric particles are much heavier than the Higgs bosons. These additional contributions have important phenomenological implications as they can lead to potentially large supersymmetric effects in DeltaM_d and to a significant increase of DeltaM_s relative to the standard model prediction for a light pseudoscalar Higgs A0. We calculate all the missing one-loop pieces and combine them with the known effective non-holomorphic terms to obtain improved predictions for the B_(d,s)-anti-B_(d,s) mass differences DeltaM_(d,s) and the branching ratios of B_(d,s) -> mu+mu- in the large tan(beta) regime of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with minimal flavor violation.Comment: 8 pp; few typos corrected; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    NLTE modeling of Stokes vector center-to-limb variations in the CN violet system

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    The solar surface magnetic field is connected with and even controls most of the solar activity phenomena. Zeeman effect diagnostics allow for measuring only a small fraction of the fractal-like structured magnetic field. The remaining hidden magnetic fields can only be accessed with the Hanle effect. Molecular lines are very convenient for applying the Hanle effect diagnostics thanks to the broad range of magnetic sensitivities in a narrow spectral region. With the UV version of the Zurich Imaging Polarimeter ZIMPOL II installed at the 45 cm telescope of the Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL), we simultaneously observed intensity and linear polarization center-to-limb variations in two spectral regions containing the (0,0) and (1,1) bandheads of the CN B 2 {\Sigma} - X 2 {\Sigma} system. Here we present an analysis of these observations. We have implemented coherent scattering in molecular lines into a NLTE radiative transfer code. A two-step approach was used. First, we separately solved the statistical equilibrium equations and compute opacities and intensity while neglecting polariza- tion. Then we used these quantities as input for calculating scattering polarization and the Hanle effect. We have found that it is impossible to fit the intensity and polarization simultaneously at different limb angles in the frame- work of standard 1D modeling. The atmosphere models that provide correct intensity center-to-limb variations fail to fit linear polar- ization center-to-limb variations due to lacking radiation field anisotropy. We had to increase the anisotropy by means of a specially introduced free parameter. This allows us to successfully interpret our observations. We discuss possible reasons for underestimating the anisotropy in the 1D modeling.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic
