4,491 research outputs found

    DISRUPTED CELLULAR BARRIERS IN KIDNEY FAILURE:The endothelium and the peritoneal membrane

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    Beelen, R.H.J. [Promotor]Hordijk, P.L. [Promotor]Vervloet, M.G. [Copromotor

    Proposta 2.0 d’incorporació real de les TIC al currículum

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    Per tal que la incorporació de les TIC a l’ensenyament fóra real, el docent hauria de saber, en primer lloc, què ha d’ensenyar (per tal de poder educar en TIC) i, en segon lloc, com ho ha d’ensenyar (per tal de poder educar amb TIC). Pel que fa al primer punt, és la llei que l’ha d’aclarir i, pel que fa al segon punt, cal que el docent adquirisca/assage noves metodologies. L’article que presentem revisa la legislació vigent sobre la integració de les TIC a les aules de primària i de secundària. Així mateix, presenta els resultats d’una enquesta a professorat i alumnat la finalitat de la qual és esbrinar el grau de coneixement que tenen aquests col·lectius de les TIC i l’ús que en fan.For the incorporation of ICT in education to be real, the teacher should know, first, what should be taught (in order to educate ICT) and, secondly, how it should be taught (to be able to teach by means of ICT). Regarding the first point, the law should be the one to clarify it and, as regards the second point, the teacher must acquire/assage new methodologies. Likewise, the article presents the results of a survey to teachers and students the purpose of which is to know the degree of knowledge of ICT that these collective have and the use that do

    Perfil agrossocioeconĂ´mico dos produtores de coco do MunicĂ­pio de Caucaia-CE.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é que o levantamento de problemas enfrentados pelos cocoicultores possa fornecer subsídios aos órgãos de pesquisa, de fomento, desenvolvimento e de assistência técnica e informações agrossocioeconômicas dos produtores referentes às características de produção, seu perfil tecnológico, estrutura fundiária, disponibilidade e uso de mão-de-obra, grau de capitalização, disponibilidade e qualidade dos recursos naturais, ocupação do espaço agrícola e limitações geoambientais, encontradas no município de Caucaia-CE, mediante aplicação de questionários junto a uma amostra de 50 cocoicultores.bitstream/item/91677/1/CPATC-DOC.-15-00.pd

    How efficient is an integrative approach in archaeological geophysics? Comparative case studies from Neolithic settlements in Thessaly (Central Greece)

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    The geophysical prospection of Neolithic tells imposes specific challenges due to the preservation and nature of the architectural context and the multiple, usually disturbed, soil strata. Contrary to the usual application of a single method, this paper deals with the advantages of using an integrated geophysical approach through the employment of various methodologies to map the Neolithic cul-tural and environmental landscape of Thessalian tells (magoules) in Central Greece. The success and failure of each method in resolving the various features of the magoules are discussed in detail, and as a whole, they demonstrate the benefits of a manifold geophysical prospection of the sites

    Perfil agrossocioeconomico dos produtores de coco do municĂ­pio de barra dos coqueiros.

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    Modified Debye-Huckel Electron Shielding and Penetration Factor

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    Screened potential, modified by non standard electron cloud distributions responsible for the shielding effect on fusion of reacting nuclei in astrophysical plasmas, is derived. The case of clouds with depleted tails in space coordinates is discussed. The modified screened potential is obtained both from statistical mechanics arguments based on fluctuations of the inverse of the Debye-Huckel radius and from the solution of a Bernoulli equation used in generalized statistical mechanics. Plots and tables useful in evaluating penetration probability at any energy are provided.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Torsion of Undescended Testis in a 14-Month-Old Child Refusing to Bear Weight

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    In this report, we discuss a case of a 14-month-old male presenting in the emergency department with refusal to bear weight on his left leg. Plain radiographic studies revealed no evidence of effusion, fracture, or dislocation. Laboratory studies were significant for an elevated white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein. Further studies included unremarkable ultrasound of the left hip and normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both hips. An incidental finding on MRI was a left inguinal mass concerning an incarcerated hernia. Ultrasound of this mass demonstrated a left undescended testis within the inguinal canal and possible incarcerated paratesticular inguinal hernia. The final pathologic diagnosis of a torsed gangrenous left testicle within the inguinal canal was confirmed during surgery
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