78 research outputs found

    Evaluation of bone loss in antibacterial coated dental implants: An experimental study in dogs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo effect of antibacterial modified dental implants in the first stages of peri-implantitis. Thirty dental implants were inserted in the mandibular premolar sites of 5 beagle dogs. Sites were randomly assigned to Ti (untreated implants, 10 units), Ti_Ag (silver electrodeposition treatment, 10 units), and Ti_TSP (silanization treatment, 10 units). Coated implants were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, interferometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Two months after implant insertion, experimental peri-implantitis was initiated by ligature placement. Ligatures were removed 2 months later, and plaque formation was allowed for 2 additional months. Clinical and radiographic analyses were p¬erformed during the study. Implant-tissue samples were prepared for micro computed tomography, backscattered scanning electron microscopy, histomorphometric and histological analyses and ion release measurements. X-ray, SEM and histology images showed that vertical bone resorption in treated implants was lower than in the control group (P < 0.05). This effect is likely due to the capacity of the treatments to reduce bacteria colonization on the implant surface. Histological analysis suggested an increase of peri-implant bone formation on silanized implants. However, the short post-ligature period was not enough to detect differences in clinical parameters among implant groups. Within the limits of this study, antibacterial surface treatments have a positive effect against bone resorption induced by peri-implantitis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Antihypertensive Mechanism of Lactoferrin-Derived Peptides: Angiotensin Receptor Blocking Effect

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    Texto del artículo, no incluye figuras ni tablas.Looking for antihypertensive mechanisms beyond ACE inhibition, we assessed whether lactoferrin (LF)-derived peptides can act as receptor blockers to inhibit vasoconstriction induced by angiotensin II or endothelin-1. The lactoferricin B (LfcinB)-derived peptide LfcinB20–25 (RRWQWR), the low molecular weight LF hydrolysate (LFH < 3 kDa), and two peptides identified in LFH < 3 kDa (LIWKL and RPYL) were tested in ex vivo assays of vasoactive responses. The peptide RPYL was tested in radioligand receptor binding assays. Both LFH < 3 kDa and individual peptides inhibited angiotensin II-induced vasoconstriction. RPYL showed the highest ex vivo inhibitory effect and also inhibited binding of [125I]-(Sar1,Ile8)-angiotensin II to AT1 receptors. By contrast, neither LFH < 3 kDa nor RPYL inhibited endothelin-1 and depolarization-induced vasoconstrictions. In conclusion, LF-derived peptides selectively inhibit angiotensin II-induced vasoconstriction by blocking angiotensin AT1 receptors. Therefore, inhibition of angiotensin II-induced vasocontriction is suggested as a mechanism contributing along with ACE inhibition to the antihypertensive effect of some LF-derived peptides.This work was supported by Grants AGL2010-21009 from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia – FEDER, Consolider Ingenio 2010, Fun-C-Food, CSD2007-00063, and network RETICS INVICTUS – RD12/0014/0004 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. R. Fernández-Musoles is the recipient of a fellowship from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (BES-2008-004472).Peer reviewe

    Effect of drill speed on the strain distribution during drilling of bovine and human bones

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    Drilling is an operation commonly required in orthopaedic surgery for insertion of screws and internal fixation of bone fractures. Induced damage is one of the undesired effects of drilling mainly due to the use of inadequate drilling parameters. During the recent years, scientists have been trying to describe the relationship between drilling parameters and bone injury. However, no studies have examined the level of strain generated in the bone during the drilling process. This paper focuses on the analysis of different drill speeds during drilling of fresh bovine femora and human cadaveric tibiae. The main contribution of this work is to determine how differences in applied drill speeds affect the strain of cortical tissue near the drilling site and the drill bit temperature. Strains were measured in ex-vivo material during the osteotomy preparation with three drill speeds (520, 900 and 1370 r.p.m.). Additionally, a thermographic camera was used to measure the drill bit temperature. As the drilling operations are blind in nature with unknown depth, the osteotomies were performed using a drill press machine without control of the feed rate or depth. Drill bit geometry was kept constant with 4 mm of diameter, point angle 120⁰ and helix angle 30⁰. The tests were conducted at room temperature without applying cooling at the drilling zone. Bone strains near to the drilling sites were recorded with high accuracy using linear strain gages mounted around the diaphyseal cortex. It was noted that the bone strain and drill bit temperature increased with an increasing drill speed. Human and bovine bone samples presented significantly different levels of strain and temperature. Both strain and temperature were higher when drilling bovine femora than when drilling human cadaveric tibiae

    La ética ¿competencia transversal olvidada en las titulaciones de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Barcelona?

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524El compromiso ético es una competencia transversal propuesta por la Universidad de Barcelona. El profesorado diseña escenarios docentes facilitadores de su adquisición que son analizados en 72 asignaturas de 5 titulaciones del área de Salud (26 en Farmacia, 12 en Medicina y Odontología y 11 en Enfermería y Psicología), mediante cuestionarios. Se determina la importancia concedida a la ética profesional, se conoce la modalidad de docencia en que es desarrollada (presencial, semipresencial o no presencial), así como las actividades y/o metodologías docentes en las que es trabajada la competencia y se determina si es evaluada o no. La competencia es trabajada en 45 asignaturas (11 en Odontología, 10 en Medicina, 9 en Farmacia, 8 en Psicología y 7 en Enfermería), siendo prioritario el formato semipresencial en Odontología, Farmacia, Psicología y Enfermería y el presencial en Medicina. Las asignaturas analizadas incluyen hasta 26 actividades docentes en las que se trabaja la ética. Las clases magistrales son el marco en el que esta competencia es trabajada con mayor frecuencia. Las prácticas de laboratorio en sus distintas modalidades y la resolución de casos y problemas, son escenarios que el profesorado considera también adecuados. La competencia es evaluada en 27 asignaturas (9 en Odontología, 6 en Medicina, 5 en Farmacia y 7 en Psicología y Enfermería). Los resultados indican que el profesorado considera importante trabajar la ética en el contexto del grado. Este esfuerzo debería ser normalizado y tener proyección en estudios de máster y doctorado de forma transversal y coherente, en continuidad con los resultados obtenidos en los grados. Trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto 2009MQD0018

    A fast synthesis route of boron-carbon-nitrogen ultrathin layers towards highly mixed ternary B-C-N phases

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    We report a direct and fast synthesis route to grow boron-carbon-nitrogen layers based on microwave-assisted plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) by using methylamine borane as a single source molecular precursor. This easy and inexpensive method allows controlled and reproducible growth of B-C-N layers onto thin Cu foils. Their morphological, structural, chemical, optical and transport properties have been thoroughly characterized by a number of different microscopies, transport and spectroscopic techniques. Though disorder and segregation into C-rich and h-BN-rich domains have been observed in ultrathin flat few layers, high doping levels have been reached, inducing strong modifications of the electronic, optical and transport properties of C-rich and h-BN-rich phases. This synthesis procedure can open new routes towards the achievement of homogeneous highly mixed ternary B-C-N phase

    MoS2 photoelectrodes for hydrogen production: Tuning the S-vacancy content in highly homogeneous ultrathin nanocrystals

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    Tuning the electrocatalytic properties of MoS2 layers can be achieved through different paths, such as reducing their thickness, creating edges in the MoS2 flakes, and introducing S-vacancies. We combine these three approaches by growing MoS2 electrodes by using a special salt-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. This procedure allows the growth of ultrathin MoS2 nanocrystals (1-3 layers thick and a few nanometers wide), as evidenced by atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. This morphology of the MoS2 layers at the nanoscale induces some specific features in the Raman and photoluminescence spectra compared to exfoliated or microcrystalline MoS2 layers. Moreover, the S-vacancy content in the layers can be tuned during CVD growth by using Ar/H2 mixtures as a carrier gas. Detailed optical microtransmittance and microreflectance spectroscopies, micro-Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements with sub-millimeter spatial resolution show that the obtained samples present an excellent homogeneity over areas in the cm2 range. The electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of these MoS2 layers were investigated using electrodes with relatively large areas (0.8 cm2). The prepared MoS2 cathodes show outstanding Faradaic efficiencies as well as long-term stability in acidic solutions. In addition, we demonstrate that there is an optimal number of S-vacancies to improve the electrochemical and photoelectrochemical performances of MoS2PID2021-126098OB-I00, PID2020-116619GA-C22, TED2021-131788A-I00, SI3/PJI/2021-0050

    Predictors of clinically significant quality of life impairment in Parkinson's disease.

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    Quality of life (QOL) plays an important role in independent living in Parkinson?s disease (PD) patients, being crucial to know what factors impact QoL throughout the course of the disease. Here we identified predictors of QoL impairment in PD patients from a Spanish cohort. PD patients recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016, to November 2017, were followed up during 2 years. Health-related QoL (HRQoL) and global QoL (GQoL) were assessed with the 39-item Parkinson?s disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) and the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (EUROHIS-QOL8), respectively, at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Clinically significant QoL impairment was defined as presenting an increase (PDQ-39SI) or decrement (EUROHIS-QOL8) at V2 ? 10% of the score at baseline (V0). A comparison with a control group was conducted for GQoL. GQoL did not change significantly in PD patients (N = 507; p = 0.686) or in the control group (N = 119; p = 0.192). The mean PDQ-39SI was significantly increased in PD patients (62.7 ± 8.5 years old; 58.8% males; N = 500) by 21.6% (from 16.7 ± 13 to 20.3 ± 16.4; p < 0.0001) at V2. Ninety-three patients (18.6%) presented a clinically significant HRQoL impairment at V2. To be younger (OR = 0.896; 95% CI 0.829?0.968; p = 0.006), to be a female (OR = 4.181; 95% CI 1.422?12.290; p = 0.009), and to have a greater increase in BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory-II) (OR = 1.139; 95% CI 1.053?1.231; p = 0.001) and NMSS (Non-Motor Symptoms Scale) (OR = 1.052; 95% CI 1.027?1.113; p < 0.0001) total scores from V0 to V2 were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment at the 2-year follow-up (Hosmer?Lemeshow test, p = 0.665; R2 = 0.655). An increase in ?5 and ?10 points of BDI-II and NMSS total score at V2 multiplied the probability of presenting clinically significant HRQoL impairment by 5 (OR = 5.453; 95% CI 1.663?17.876; p = 0.005) and 8 (OR = 8.217; 95% CI, 2.975?22.696; p = 0.002), respectively. In conclusion, age, gender, mood, and non-motor impairment were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment after the 2-year follow-up in PD patient

    Regular insulin added to total parenteral nutrition vs subcutaneous glargine in non-critically ill diabetic inpatients, a multicenter randomized clinical trial: INSUPAR trial

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    Background: There is no established insulin regimen in T2DM patients receiving parenteral nutrition. Aims: To compare the effectiveness (metabolic control) and safety of two insulin regimens in patients with diabetes receiving TPN. Design: Prospective, open-label, multicenter, clinical trial on adult inpatients with type 2 diabetes on a non-critical setting with indication for TPN. Patients were randomized on one of these two regimens: 100% of RI on TPN or 50% of Regular insulin added to TPN bag and 50% subcutaneous Gl. Data were analyzed according to intention-to-treat principle. Results: 81 patients were on RI and 80 on GI. No differences were observed in neither average total daily dose of insulin, programmed or correction, nor in capillary mean blood glucose during TPN infusion (165.3 +/- 35.4 in RI vs 172.5 +/- 43.6 mg/dL in GI; p = 0.25). Mean capillary glucose was significantly lower in the GI group within two days after TPN interruption (160.3 +/- 45.1 in RI vs 141.7 +/- 43.8 mg/dL in GI; p = 0.024). The percentage of capillary glucose above 180 mg/dL was similar in both groups. The rate of capillary glucose <= 70 mg/dL, the number of hypoglycemic episodes per 100 days of TPN, and the percentage of patients with non-severe hypoglycemia were significantly higher on GI group. No severe hypoglycemia was detected. No differences were observed in length of stay, infectious complications, or hospital mortality. Conclusion: Effectiveness of both regimens was similar. GI group achieved better metabolic control after TPN interruption but non-severe hypoglycemia rate was higher in the GI group. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Anatomy of the ankle ligaments: a pictorial essay

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    Understanding the anatomy of the ankle ligaments is important for correct diagnosis and treatment. Ankle ligament injury is the most frequent cause of acute ankle pain. Chronic ankle pain often finds its cause in laxity of one of the ankle ligaments. In this pictorial essay, the ligaments around the ankle are grouped, depending on their anatomic orientation, and each of the ankle ligaments is discussed in detail

    Predictors of Global Non-Motor Symptoms Burden Progression in Parkinson’s Disease. Results from the COPPADIS Cohort at 2-Year Follow-Up

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    COPPADIS Study Group.[Background and Objective] Non-motor symptoms (NMS) progress in different ways between Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. The aim of the present study was to (1) analyze the change in global NMS burden in a PD cohort after a 2-year follow-up, (2) to compare the changes with a control group, and (3) to identify predictors of global NMS burden progression in the PD group.[Material and Methods] PD patients and controls, recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016 to November 2017, were followed-up with after 2 years. The Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS) was administered at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Linear regression models were used for determining predictive factors of global NMS burden progression (NMSS total score change from V0 to V2 as dependent variable).[Results] After the 2-year follow-up, the mean NMS burden (NMSS total score) significantly increased in PD patients by 18.8% (from 45.08 ± 37.62 to 53.55 ± 42.28; p < 0.0001; N = 501; 60.2% males, mean age 62.59 ± 8.91) compared to no change observed in controls (from 14.74 ± 18.72 to 14.65 ± 21.82; p = 0.428; N = 122; 49.5% males, mean age 60.99 ± 8.32) (p < 0.0001). NMSS total score at baseline (β = −0.52), change from V0 to V2 in PDSS (Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale) (β = −0.34), and change from V0 to V2 in NPI (Neuropsychiatric Inventory) (β = 0.25) provided the highest contributions to the model (adjusted R-squared 0.41; Durbin-Watson test = 1.865).[Conclusions] Global NMS burden demonstrates short-term progression in PD patients but not in controls and identifies worsening sleep problems and neuropsychiatric symptoms as significant independent predictors of this NMS progression.This research was funded by Fundación Española de Ayuda a la Investigación en Parkinson y otras Enfermedades Neuro-degenerativas (Curemos el Parkinson; www.curemoselparkinson.org).Peer reviewe