591 research outputs found

    skeletal muscle expression analysis of fat metabolism genes in pig

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    Fat content and backfat thickness are important polygenic parameters influencing meat quality and carcass traits in pigs. Up to now, there is a lack of knowledge on the expression level of the genes encoding for enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism in porcine skeletal muscle. In the present study we analysed, by quantitative real time PCR, the expression of three genes, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACACA), ATP citrate lyase (ACL) and fatty acid synthase (FASN) in skeletal muscle tissue samples of Italian Large White and Italian Duroc pigs with divergent breeding values for backfat thickness or visible intramuscular fat. Significant differences of the expression level for ACACA gene (P=0.04) and for ACL gene (P=0.02) were observed between the two breeds, comparing the samples selected for backfat thickness trait. The expression analysis of FASN gene in the samples with different genotype at the SNP c.265C>T showed that the TT genotype presented the lowest values in both breeds. The differences observed between breeds should be further considered to investigate the putative involvement of these genes on fat deposition traits. - Ricerca e analisi di espressione di geni candidati per la deposizione di grasso nella carne suina in razze con diversa attitudine alla deposizione di grasso intramuscolare

    UC-274 RESTful Robots

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    The UXA-90 Robots have been sitting idle at Kennesaw State University for years. The only documentation provided were factory manuals, and there was nothing additional found online. The first step was to conduct a risk assessment and report the results to Professor Perry and Dr. Pei. The objective of the risk assessment was to determine the viability of the robots and the feasibility of three different senior project teams using them for a project. Once the risk assessment was completed and reported it was determined that all three teams could proceed with their senior projects. However, it was recommended that this team, SP-1 RED, develop a robot handling and training program and conduct training and certification of all other members of the other teams. The training and certification was conducted from September 14th through September 15th and documented online with a documentation website for all teams to reference. The robots have the ability to move, walk, see (through a webcam), hear and speak (using built in speakers and microphones). The robots consist of: * An internal mini-PC running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS * Serial-over-USB communication ports * SAM interface motor control boards * RF remote control * USB HD webcam * Internal microphone and speakers The goal of this team, SP-1 RED is to increase the accessibility and usability of the UXA-90 robot including a REST API, documentation and training

    Multiparametric advanced research tool for meteo satellites data interfacing with space observation of ultra high energy cosmic rays

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    To approach the study of the cosmic rays in the energy range E > 1020 eV, the upper end of the spectrum observed to date, with a large statistical significance (103 events/year), and hence address the solution of several astrophysical and cosmological problems related to their existence and behaviour, a new generation of experiments will probably have to be conceived and realised. They will be based on the observation and measurements of cosmic rays from space. The extremely low rate of these events (∼ 1 event/(century × km2 × sr)) imposes a very large effective area to be monitored, of the order of 105 km2, as an observational requirement to meet the target statistics. The Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO)mission has been proposed as the precursor of this new generation of experiments. Its approach consists in fact in looking downwards to the Earth atmosphere by means of a large field-of-view telescope accommodated aboard an orbiting satellite. The fluorescence strike produced by a cosmic ray through the atmosphere will be recorded by the detector, which will reconstruct the kinematical and dynamical features of the primary cosmic ray. The atmosphere acts therefore as an active target for the detectable event. A strategic tool for the success of EUSO as well as for all the experiments of its category will be a correct and detailed atmospheric sounding system, in order to monitor the atmospheric parameters within the field-of-view of the telescope. Beside an on-board measurement by means of dedicated devices such an infrared camera (IR)and possibly a LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging)coupled to the main instrument, the Atmosphere Sounding will take advantage from the continuous observation of the atmospheric parameters given by the orbiting meteorological satellites. Their databases have thus to be interfaced to the experimental data and used picking-up the relevant data according to the space and time coordinates corresponding to each triggered event. The present work outlines a software module (MARVIN-Multiparametric Advanced Research tool for Visualisation In the Network) able to build-up such an interface, and shows a preliminary implementation of it, using a sample of existing satellites and ISCCP meteorological data collection. It has been developed during the phase A study of the EUSO mission but is general enough to be adapted to different missions observing the Earth atmosphere from space

    Apoptosis y cáncer

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    A weekly regimen of cisplatin, paclitaxel and topotecan with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor support for patients with extensive disease small cell lung cancer: a phase II study

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    The present study was aimed at defining the antitumour activity of the cisplatin-paclitaxel-topotecan (CPT) weekly administration with G-CSF support in chemo-naive SCLC patients with extensive disease (ED-SCLC). Chemonaive ED-SCLC patients received cisplatin 40 mg/m2, paclitaxel 85 mg/m2, and topotecan 2.25 mg/m2weekly, with G-CSF (5 μg/kg days 3–5) support, for a maximum of 12 weeks. 37 patients were treated, for a total of 348 cycles delivered. 8 complete responses (22%) and 22 partial responses (59%) were recorded, giving an 81% [95% CI = 65–92%] ORR. At a 13-month (range, 4–26) median follow-up, median progression-free and overall survival were 8 months and 12.5 months, with 1-year and 2-year projected survivals of 55% and 21%, respectively. No toxic deaths occurred. Grade 4 neutropenia and thrombocytopenia occurred in 6 and 3 patients, respectively. Only one case of neutropenic sepsis was recorded, while haemorrhagic thrombocytopenia was never observed. Diarrhoea, paraesthesias and fatigue were the main nonhaematologic toxicities being severe in 6, 2 and 10 patients, respectively. The weekly CPT combination with G-CSF support represents a well tolerated therapeutic approach in chemo-naive ED-SCLC patients. The activity rate seems at least similar to that achievable with the standard front-line approaches. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Life Science on the International Space Station Using the Next Generation of Cargo Vehicles

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    With the retirement of the Space Shuttle and the transition of the International Space Station (ISS) from assembly to full laboratory capabilities, the opportunity to perform life science research in space has increased dramatically, while the operational considerations associated with transportation of the experiments has changed dramatically. US researchers have allocations on the European Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) and Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV). In addition, the International Space Station (ISS) Cargo Resupply Services (CRS) contract will provide consumables and payloads to and from the ISS via the unmanned SpaceX (offers launch and return capabilities) and Orbital (offers only launch capabilities) resupply vehicles. Early requirements drove the capabilities of the vehicle providers; however, many other engineering considerations affect the actual design and operations plans. To better enable the use of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory, ground and on-orbit facility development can augment the vehicle capabilities to better support needs for cell biology, animal research, and conditioned sample return. NASA Life scientists with experience launching research on the space shuttle can find the trades between the capabilities of the many different vehicles to be confusing. In this presentation we will summarize vehicle and associated ground processing capabilities as well as key concepts of operations for different types of life sciences research being launched in the cargo vehicles. We will provide the latest status of vehicle capabilities and support hardware and facilities development being made to enable the broadest implementation of life sciences research on the ISS

    Esport extraescolar i la utilització de les TIC i els jocs electrònics modifiquen la força de prensió de la mà?

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    L'objectiu del nostre estudi va ser conèixer si l'esport extraescolar i el temps dedicat setmanalment a les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) i jocs electrònics, tenen influència en el desenvolupament de la força de prensió de la mà i avantbraç en nens entre els 14 i 16 anys. Es va realitzar un estudi observacional de disseny transversal. La població objecte d'estudi van ser 39 nens de segon cicle de l'ESO. L'activitat física extraescolar i el temps dedicat setmanalment a les TIC i als jocs electrònics es van recollir mitjançant qüestionaris. Es va utilitzar el test d'handgrip per a la valoració de la força màxima voluntària de la mà i avantbraç del costat dominant. L'edat i la força de la mà dominant estan associades de forma estadísticament significativa, la força màxima voluntària (F=5,86; p=0,006) i el valor mig de la força sostinguda per sobre del 60% (F=4,5; p=0,02). A l'analitzar el grau d'activitat física (Kcal/setmana) respecte a la força màxima voluntària (r= 0,07; p= 0,716) i força sostinguda per sobre del 60% (r= 0,30; p= 0,09) observem una associació feble positiva i no estadísticament significativa. Si analitzem les hores setmanes TIC en relació a la força màxima voluntària observem una associació molt feble i no estadísticament significativa. La força de prensió de la mà en escolars està relacionada de forma positiva i estadísticament significativa amb l'edat i el pes corporal. No es relaciona amb el nivell d'activitat física i les hores dedicades a les TIC.The aim of our study was to determine if the extracurricular sport and the time spent weekly on information technology and communication (ICT) and electronic games, has an influence in the development of grip strength of the hand and forearm in school boys between 14 and 16 years. We performed an observational study design cross. The population under study were 39 children from second cycle of ESO. The extracurricular physical activity and the weekly time spent on ICT and electronic games were collected through a questionnaire. We used the test handgrip for assessing the maximum force voluntarily by the hand and forearm, the dominant side. The age and strength of the dominant hand are associated are statistically significant, the voluntary maximum force (F = 5.86, p = 0006) and the average value of force sustained above 60% (F = 4.5 , p= 0.02). Analyzing the bodyweight regarding the maximum force (r = 0552, p = 0001) and the sustained strength above 60% (r = 0582, p <0.0001) observed an association moderately positive and statistically significant. When analyzing the degree of physical activity (kcal / week) regarding the voluntary maximum force (r = 0.07, p = 0716) and sustained strength above 60% (r = 0.30, p = 0.09) we see a weak positive association and not statistically significant. Looking hours ICT week regarding the voluntary maximum force observed an association very weak and not statistically significant. The grip strength of the hands of schoolchildren is linked in a positive and statistically significant with age and body weight. Not relates to the level of physical activity and hours devoted to ICT

    Patients with aortic stenosis exhibit early improved endothelial function following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: The eFAST study

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) exhibit systemic endothelial dysfunction, which can be associated with myocardial ischaemia in absence of obstructive coronary disease. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is used to treat severe AS in patients with high or prohibitive surgical risk. However, it remains unknown whether endothelial function recovers post-TAVR. We therefore sought to assess the early and late changes in flow-mediated dilation (FMD), a measure of endothelial function, following TAVR. METHODS: Patients undergoing TAVR for severe AS had ultrasound assessment of brachial endothelial-independent and -dependent FMD. Measurements were performed pre-TAVR, at early follow-up (<48 h post-TAVR) and late follow-up (4-6 weeks post-TAVR). RESULTS: 27 patients (mean age 82.0 ± 7.0; 33.3% female) were recruited; 37.0% had diabetes mellitus and 59.3% had hypertension. Brachial artery FMD increased from 4.2 ± 1.6% (pre-TAVR) to 9.7 ± 3.5% at early follow-up (p < 0.0001). At late follow-up, improvement compared with early follow-up was sustained (8.7 ± 1.9%, p = 0.27). Resting brachial arterial flow velocities decreased significantly at late follow-up (11.24 ± 5.16 vs. 7.73 ± 2.79 cm/s, p = 0.003). Concordantly, at late follow-up, there was decrease in resting wall shear stress (WSS; 14.8 ± 7.8 vs. 10.6 ± 4.8dyne/cm2, p = 0.01), peak WSS (73.1 ± 34.1 vs. 58.8 ± 27.8dyne/cm2, p = 0.03) and cumulative WSS (3543 ± 1852 vs. 2504 ± 1089dyne·s/cm2, p = 0.002). Additionally, a favourable inverse correlation between cumulative WSS and FMD was restored at late follow-up (r = -0.21 vs. r = 0.49). CONCLUSION: Endothelial function in patients with AS improves early post-TAVR and this improvement is sustained. This likely occurs as a result of improved arterial haemodynamics, leading to lower localised WSS and release of vasoactive mediators that may also alleviate myocardial ischaemia

    Concomitant MPZ and MFN2 Gene Variants and Charcot Marie Tooth Disease in a Boy: Clinical and Genetic Analysis-Literature Review

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    : Charcot- Marie- Tooth (CMT) disease includes a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous neuropathic disorders with an estimated frequency of 1 on 2.500 individuals. CMTs are differently classified according to the age of onset, type of inheritance, and type of inheritance plus clinical features. For these disorders, more than 100 genes have been implicated as causal factors, with mutations in the PMP22 being one of the most common. The demyelinating type (CMT1) affects more than 30% of the CMTs patients and manifests with motor and sensory dysfunctions of the peripheral nervous system mainly starting with slow progressive weakness of the lower extremities. We report here a 12 year- old boy presenting with typical features of CMT1 type, hearing impairment, and inguinal hernia who at the next-generation sequence analysis displayed a concomitant presence of two variants: the c.233 C&gt;T p.Ser 78Leu of the MPZ gene (NM_000530.6) characterized as pathogenetic and the c.1403 G&gt;A p.Arg 468His of the MFN2 gene (NM_014874.3) characterized as VUS. Concomitant variant mutations in CMTs have been uncommonly reported. The role of these gene mutations on the clinical expression and a literature review on this topic is discussed
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