384 research outputs found

    Cesare Lievi, Un teatro da fare, a cura di Lucia Mor, Morcelliana, Brescia 2017

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    A critical review of the book "Cesare Lievi, Un teatro da fare, a cura di Lucia Mor, Morcelliana, Brescia 2017"

    Peter Utz: «Nachreife des fremden Wortes». Hölderlins «Hälfte des Lebens» und die Poetik des Übersetzens. Paderborn: Fink 2017. 124pp. ISBN 978-3-7705-6177-3

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    Review of Peter Utz\u2019s book \uabNachreife des fremden Wortes\ubb. H\uf6lderlins \uabH\ue4lfte des Lebens\ubb und die Poetik des cbersetzens (2017


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    Sofocle, Hölderlin, Hofmannsthal : la Grecia come "specchio magico" e il teatro contemporaneo di lingua tedesca

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    Il saggio parte dal dittico tragico contemporaneo di Werner Schroeter ANTIGONE//ELEKTRA (2009, Berlino, Volksb\ufchne) e ricostruisce le premesse storiche e critiche di questo inusitato accostamento drammaturgico e scenico della traduzione da Sofocle di Friedrich H\uf6lderlin ("Antigon\ue4", 1804) e della tragedia \u201cliberamente tratta da Sofocle\u201d di Hugo von Hofmannsthal ("Elektra", 1903). Il filo rosso di una rivivificazione dell\u2019antico nella dialettica fra proprio ed estraneo, fra distanza e attualizzazione, permette di gettare nuova luce su capitoli fondamentali del dramma e del teatro di lingua tedesca d\u2019ispirazione antica.Starting from Werner Schroeter\u2019s production ANTIGONE//ELEKTRA (2009, Berlin, Volksb\ufchne), the paper traces back the unique dramaturgic and scenic connection of Friedrich H\uf6lderlin\u2019s translation of Sophocles\u2019 "Antigon\ue4" (1804) and Hugo von Hofmannsthal\u2019s rewriting of Sophocles "Elektra" (1903) to some parallels between the two poets\u2019 anticlassicist positions around 1800 and 1900 and the Berlin contemporary project. Thus, a central issue of German speaking drama and theatre in modern times is looked at from an original perspective

    Lo specchio magico : Hofmannsthal e la Grecia

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    The section "The Magic Mirror. Hofmannsthal and Greece" contains papers partly deriving from a conference held in Milan in 2015

    Generazioni. Memoria, identità e scrittura in Grete Weil

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    After a brief discussion of Grete Weil\u2019s liminal position in the context of Twentieth-Century German-Jewish Women\u2019s Literature, the present contribution outlines the key issues of her prose works between 1949 and 1999 and focuses then on her third novel, \u201cGenerations\u201d (1983). As a matter of fact, this often neglected work proves to be a metafiction exploring the possibilities, frustrations and success of German-Jewish Women\u2019s writing in post-war West Germany. Thus, a new interpretation of this audacious novel is put forward. Whereas both the deconstruction of cultural taboos and the construction of a dialogue between three generations of women fail in the fictional \u201cexperiment\u201d, they are actually achieved in the literary act of writing

    Fame, teatro e memoria : "I Cannibali" di George Tabori

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    Starting from the representation of the hunger motif in Primo Levi\u2019s "If This Is a Man" (It. 1947, Engl. 1959) and its variation in George Tabori\u2019s "black mass" "The Cannibals" (Engl. 1968, Germ. 1969), the contribution aims to re-interpret the complex relationship of autobiographical, historical and fictional elements in the celebrated drama of the Jewish romancier and dramatist (1914-2007), who famously had "a mother tongue, Hungarian, a father tongue, English, and an uncle tongue, German". The metadramatic structure, combined with the focus on emotional, active memory, is thus related to the intertextual medley of the play as a sign for Tabori\u2019s search of a "third way" in representing the Holocaust on the stage, moving away both from documentarian realism and sentimental celebration of the victims

    Preliminary studies on the effect of Oidium tuckeri on the phenolic composition of grapes and wines

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    Research NoteA study of the influence of Oidium tuckeri on anthocyanins and the hydroxycinnamic tartaric esters of grapes and red wines was carried out during the 1993 harvest. After infection the level of anthocyanins in the skins of berries and in wines was lower than in healthy grapes and their wines. It is of particular interest that two bisubstituted anthocyanins reacted less sensitive to the pathogen. Wines from infected grapes contained more hydroxycinnamic tartaric esters
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