1,169 research outputs found

    Distribución biogeográfica de las especies de hidrozoos tecados bentónicos recogidas durante la campaña “Antártida 8611”

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    The biogeographical distribution of the benthic hydroid species collected during the Spanish Antarctic expedition Antártida 8611 has been studied. An inventory of the Antarctic and Magellan benthic thecate hydroid faunas, along with a comparison between the two, have been also carried out. 104 and 126 species of thecate hydroids have been considered in the Antarctic and Magellan areas, respectively. 72 species (69%) of the Antarctic species and 49 (39%) of the Magellan species are endemic. 23 species are present both in the Antarctic Region and in the Magellan area, representing 22% and 18% respectively, and indicating an important relationship between both faunas.Se ha estudiado la distribución biogeográfica de las especies de hidrozoos bentónicos recogidos durante la campaña de prospección científico-pesquera “Antártida 8611”. Asimismo, se ha realizado un inventario de la fauna de hidrozoos tecados bentónicos antárticos y magallánicos, habiéndose llevado a cabo una comparación entre ambas faunas. 104 y 126 especies de hidrozoos tecados se han considerado en las áreas antártica y magallánica respectivamente. 72 especies (69%) de las especies antárticas y 49 (39%) de las magallánicas son endémicas. 23 especies están presentes en ambas regiones, representando un 22% y un 18% respectivamente e indicando una importante relación entre ambas faunas

    Biological applications of ferroelectric materials

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    The study and applications of ferroelectric materials in the biomedical and biotechnological fields is a novel and very promising scientific area that spans roughly one decade. However, some groups have already provided experimental proof of very interesting biological modulation when living systems are exposed to different ferroelectrics and excitation mechanisms. These materials should offer several advantages in the field of bioelectricity, such as no need of an external electric power source or circuits, scalable size of the electroactive regions, flexible and reconfigurable “virtual electrodes,” or fully proved biocompatibility. In this focused review, we provide the underlying physics of ferroelectric activity and a recount of the research reports already published, along with some tentative biophysical mechanisms that can explain the observed results. More specifically, we focus on the biological actions of domain ferroelectrics and ferroelectrics excited by the bulk photovoltaic effect or the pyroelectric effect. It is our goal to provide a comprehensive account of the published material so far and to set the stage for a vigorous expansion of the field, with envisioned applications that span from cell biology and signaling to cell and tissue regeneration, antitumoral action, or cell bioengineering to name a fe

    Compuesto bactericida contra Campylobacter jejuni

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    Compuesto bactericida contra Campylobacter jejuni. Uso de algunos compuestos fenólicos como agentes antibacterianos contra C jejuni. Además de sus usos para conservación de alimentos, suplemento alimenticio para animales y para la elaboración de una composición farmacéutica para el tratamiento de enfermedades causadas por C. jejuni, debido a su actividad frente a este microorganismos.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B1 Patente con informe sobre el estado de la ténic

    Listado taxonómico comentado de los Capitélidos (Annelida, Polychaeta) de la península Iberica, islas Chafarinas, Baleares y Canarias

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    The present annotated checklist has been elaborated after revision of preserved materials (from the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid and the reference collection of the Marine Biology Laboratory of the University of Valencia) and published literature related to capitellids from the Iberian Peninsula, Chafarinas, Balearic and Canary Islands. Twenty-four species and subspecies belonging to thirteen genera are recognized as valid taxa. With this checklist we include some taxonomic details and information on distribution at both global and regional levels. This work includes the setal formula and diagrammatic representation of capitellid taxa treated in this study.Se ha elaborado un listado taxonómico comentado de los capitélidos de la Península Ibérica, Islas Chafarinas, Baleares y Canarias a partir de la revisión de materiales (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid y colección de referencia del Laboratorio de Biología Marina de la Universidad de Valencia) y de la bibliografía publicada referente a este grupo. Se reconocen como taxones válidos 24 especies y subespecies pertenecientes a 13 géneros. En esta lista se incluyen para cada especie algunos detalles taxonómicos e información sobre su distribución geográfica tanto a nivel mundial como regional. Asimismo, se aporta la fórmula setal y el diagrama gráfico para los taxones contemplados en este estudio

    Trapping and patterning of biological objects using photovoltaic tweezers

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    Photovoltaic tweezers are a recently proposed technique for manipulation and patterning of micro- and nano-objects. It is based in the dielectrophoretic forces associated to the electric fields induced by illumination of certain ferroelectrics due to the bulk photovoltaic effect. The technique has been applied to the patterning of dielectric and metal micro- and nano-particles. In this work, we report the use of photovoltaic tweezers to pattern biological objects on LiNbO3:Fe. Specifically, spores and pollen grains and their nanometric fragments have been trapped and patterned. 1D and 2D arrangements have been achieved by deposition in air or from a hexane suspension. The quality of patterns obtained with nanometric fragments is even better than previous results using photovoltaic tweezers with inorganic micro- and nano-particles. In fact, 1D patterns with a period of 2 μm, almost half of the minimum reported period achieved with photovoltaic tweezers, have been obtained with pollen fragmentsThis work was supported by Spanish projects MAT2011-28379-C03 and MAT2014-57704-C0

    Unlocking room-temperature bistable spin transition at the nanoscale: the synthesis of core@shell [Fe(NH 2 trz) 3 (NO 3 ) 2 ]@SiO 2 nanoparticles †

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    In this work, we address the synthesis of stable spin-crossover nanoparticles capable of undergoing a hysteretic spin transition at room temperature. For this purpose, we use the reverse-micelle protocol to prepare naked [Fe(NH2trz)3](NO3)2 and core@shell [Fe(NH2trz)3](NO3)2@SiO2 nanoparticles. Through meticulous adjustment of synthetic parameters, we achieved nanoparticle sizes ranging from approximately 40 nm to 60 nm. Our findings highlight that [Fe(NH2trz)3](NO3)2 presents a modest thermal hysteresis of 7 K, which decreases by downsizing. Conversely, silica-coated nanoparticles with sizes of ca. 60 and 40 nm demonstrate a remarkable hysteretic response of approximately 30 K, switching their spin state around room temperature. Moreover, the presence of a SiO2 shell substantially enhances the nanoparticles’ stability against oxidation. In this context, the larger 60 nm [Fe(NH2trz)3](NO3)2@SiO2 hybrid remains stable in water for up to two hours, enabling the observation of an unreported water-induced spin transition after 30 min. Therefore, this work also introduces an intriguing avenue for inducing spin transitions through solvent exchange, underscoring the versatility and potential of these nanoparticles

    I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me. Measuring Online Behavioural Advertising

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    Online Behavioural targeted Advertising (OBA) has risen in prominence as a method to increase the effectiveness of online advertising. OBA operates by associating tags or labels to users based on their online activity and then using these labels to target them. This rise has been accompanied by privacy concerns from researchers, regulators and the press. In this paper, we present a novel methodology for measuring and understanding OBA in the online advertising market. We rely on training artificial online personas representing behavioural traits like 'cooking', 'movies', 'motor sports', etc. and build a measurement system that is automated, scalable and supports testing of multiple configurations. We observe that OBA is a frequent practice and notice that categories valued more by advertisers are more intensely targeted. In addition, we provide evidences showing that the advertising market targets sensitive topics (e.g, religion or health) despite the existence of regulation that bans such practices. We also compare the volume of OBA advertising for our personas in two different geographical locations (US and Spain) and see little geographic bias in terms of intensity of OBA targeting. Finally, we check for targeting with do-not-track (DNT) enabled and discovered that DNT is not yet enforced in the web.Comment: To appear in ACM CoNEXT 2015, Heidelberg, Germany. Please cite the conference version of this pape

    El debate competitivo como herramienta dinamizadora de la docencia en Ciencias de la Salud. Experiencia en la impartición de la asignatura "Dermofarmacia" (optativa del grado de Farmacia, Universidad de Barcelona)

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524El “debate competitivo” de temas del plan docente de una asignatura permite dinamizar su docencia (facilita su impartición, permite profundizar más y mejor que la docencia basada en la lección magistral). Su empleo como herramienta docente en Ciencias de la Salud no siempre es viable (contenidos no siempre susceptibles de ser planteados como discusión “a favor o en contra”, necesidad de trabajar en grupos reducidos [<30estudiantes])… En el presente trabajo se expone y valora la experiencia realizada el presente curso académico en “Dermofarmacia” [asignatura optativa del Grado de Farmacia (mención Farmacia asistencial). Universidad de Barcelona]. La participación en el debate es voluntaria, si bien la asistencia al mismo de los no participantes constituye una actividad presencial obligatoria descrita en el plan docente de la asignatura. En esta ocasión participó el 100% de los matriculados (31). El profesor propone el tema de debate via campus virtual 3 semanas antes de la sesión. En esta ocasión: “Internet, redes sociales, app,... brindan a la cosmetologia y a la dermofarmacia múltiples herramientas para potenciar la venta de cosméticos y su correcto empleo”. Se proporciona bibliografia y se anima a los estudiantes, agrupados en 3 equipos diferentes, a trabajar el tema y complementar la documentación facilitada). El dia del debate se sortean 3 “rols