4,701 research outputs found

    Automatic learning of gait signatures for people identification

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    This work targets people identification in video based on the way they walk (i.e. gait). While classical methods typically derive gait signatures from sequences of binary silhouettes, in this work we explore the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for learning high-level descriptors from low-level motion features (i.e. optical flow components). We carry out a thorough experimental evaluation of the proposed CNN architecture on the challenging TUM-GAID dataset. The experimental results indicate that using spatio-temporal cuboids of optical flow as input data for CNN allows to obtain state-of-the-art results on the gait task with an image resolution eight times lower than the previously reported results (i.e. 80x60 pixels).Comment: Proof of concept paper. Technical report on the use of ConvNets (CNN) for gait recognition. Data and code: http://www.uco.es/~in1majim/research/cnngaitof.htm

    Latinas in Small Cities in Upstate New York: Health and Mental Health Issues

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    The study presented in this report explored the health and mental health of Latinas in small cities in upstate New York focusing on specific health and mental health indicators. The specific research questions addressed by this study were:1. What are some of the key health issues among Latinas in small cities?2. What are some of the most important mental health issues among Latinas in small cities? The study presented in this report offers legislators, public agencies, community organizations, and the media some baseline, preliminary information for strategic discussions of the health and mental health needs of Latinas in small cities in Upstate New York. Indeed, it underscores the urgent need to address the historically invisible status of Latinas in the health policy arena

    Experiences Using Health Care among Latinas in the Capital Region of New York State

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    This report presents data from a quantitative study carried out in 2007 among Latino women living in Albany, Schenectady, Montgomery, and Rensselaer Counties. A community-based convenience sampling strategy was employed because of the difficulty in identifying a sample of Latinas in the Capital District region. Latinos make up a much smaller proportion, albeit growing proportion, of the population in the Capital Region compared to New York City. Unlike major cities or areas of high concentration of Latinos, there are no large regions or neighborhoods in the Capital Region known to have a concentration of Latinos. This study’s sample was recruited through churches, Latino organizations, and work sites known to be frequented by Latino women. Although this is not a representative sample, this report will present an up-to-date and more comprehensive look at the demographics of Latino women in the Capital Region, where there is a growing Latino population

    Evaluation of CNN architectures for gait recognition based on optical flow maps

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    This work targets people identification in video based on the way they walk (\ie gait) by using deep learning architectures. We explore the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for learning high-level descriptors from low-level motion features (\ie optical flow components). The low number of training samples for each subject and the use of a test set containing subjects different from the training ones makes the search of a good CNN architecture a challenging task.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    DNA/RNA sequencing using germanene nanoribbons via two dimensional molecular electronic spectroscopy: an ab initio study

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    Developing fast, reliable, and cost effective, yet practical DNA/RNA sequencing methods and devices is a must. In this regard, motivated by the recently introduced two-dimensional electronic molecular spectroscopy (2DMES) technique for molecular recognition, and the compatibility of 2D layers of group IV elements with the current technology of manufacturing electronic devices, we investigate the capability of germanene nanoribbons (GeNRs) as a feasible, accurate, and ultra-fast sequencing device under the application of 2DMES. We show that by employing 2DMES, not only can GeNRs unambiguously distinguish different nucleobases to sequence DNA/RNA, they are also capable of recognizing methylated nucleobases that could be related to cancerous cell growth. Our calculations indicate that, compared to frequently used graphene layers, germanene provides more distinct adsorption energies for different nucleobases which implies its better ability to recognize various molecules unambiguously. By calculating the conductance sensitivity of the system for experimental purposes, we also show that the introduced sequencing device possesses a high sensitivity and selectivity characteristic. Thus, our proposed system would be a promising device for next-generation DNA sequencing technologies and would be realizable using the current protocols of fabricating electronic devices.H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 841673European Commission MAT2017-88258-RPrograma Operativo FEDER of Andalucia 2014-2020 B-FQM-272-UGR20 AEI MAT2017-88258-

    Políticas de vivienda e integración socio-espacial en Barcelona

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    Análisis florístico de las sierras de María y Orce (provincias de Almería y Granada, España)

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    11 páginas, 4 tablas y 3 figuras[EN]We carried out a floristic analysis of the María and Orce mountain ranges, situated in the north of Almería and Granada provinces, respectively, in a región of continentalized climate with a climatic irregularity of 37.5%. The biological spectrum was compared with other peninsular and north african áreas. Being a montane zone, the dominant biotype is hemicryptophytic, but a relatively high proportion of therophytes is also present, which indicates a southeast semiarid peninsular influence. Data obtained from analysis of floristic elements present (mediterranean, 51 %; iberian, 18.5 %; ibero-northafrican, 10.3 %; etc.) allow these mountain ranges to be characterized as an área of conjunction between diverse floras, specifically betic (central and eastern andalusian), eastern peninsular (taxa of the southeastern and eastern peninsular regions which may also be present in the central or southern peninsular regions), and Murcia-Almerian (southeast semiarid). The área possesses 6 local endemics: Brassica repanda (Willd.) DC. subsp. almeriensis Gómez-Campo, Nepeta hispanica Boiss. & Reuter in Boiss, subsp. hispanica, Sideritis stachydioidesV/iWk., Sideritis x sagredoi O. Socorro, J. Molero, M. Casares & F. Pérez Raya, Centaurea mariana Nyman and Centaurea Xpüfontiana Fernández Casas & Susanna. The distribution of taxa in bioclimatic belts was also studied. There was a predominance of those taxa which occur in both the mesomediterranean and the supramediterranean. Analysis of the degree of conservation of the flora according to the categories of the IUCN (25.7 % of the flora was found to be threatened to a certain degree) indicates that 85.7 % of threatened taxa are present in the supra- and oromediterranean. Lastly, we give the distribution of floristic elements according to the bioclimatic belts, noting that the endemics of most limited range are present in the summit zones, with the exception of the Almenan endemics, whose área of distribution is the basal belt of the semiarid Murcia-Almerian región.[ES]La idea de evaluar la importancia de las áreas naturales, bien sea para su conservación o para otros fines, ha evolucionado en época reciente y ha encontrado una amplia aplicación (MARGULES & USHER, 1981; GOLDSMITH, 1983). La evaluación de áreas naturales implica factores subjetivos y objetivos que, a menudo, no pueden separarse fácilmente (ROOME, 1984). SMITH & THEBERGE (1986) analizaron los criterios usados en 22 sistemas de evaluación, encontrando que los más utilizados son los de rareza y singularidad, seguidos del de diversidad. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis florístico de las sierras de María y Orce, tomando como base el estudio de CUETO (1989). Dichas sierras están situadas al norte de las provincias de Almería y Granada, respectivamente; constituyen un núcleo montano con una altura media de 1326 m, que alcanza los 2045 m de altitud en el pico María. Ocupan un área virtual sobre el plano de 202,14 km2. Por su situación geográfica, presentan un clima continental, que se suaviza algo en las vertientes sur, como consecuencia de la influencia del Mediterráneo. La irregularidad climática es del 37,5% (MONTERO & GONZÁLEZ REBOLLAR, 1983); esto favorece la existencia de una flora rica y variada, puesto que los cambios de clima propician la presencia de táxones que se desarrollan dentro de límites climáticos muy diversos. Las precipitaciones anuales en la zona oscilan entre los 340 y los 640 mm; las mínimas se presentan en el extremo noroccidental del área, lo cual indica la influencia de la depresión de Orce, mientras que las máximas se recogen en las cotas superiores de la Sierra de María. Las temperaturas medias anuales se sitúan entre los 7 °C de las cumbres de la Sierra de Maria y los 12 °C que se alcanzan en el extremo noroccidental y en las zonas bajas de la vertiente sur de ambas sierras.Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas, C.S.I.C. General Segura, 1.04001 Almería. Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias. Fuentenueva, s/n. 18001 Granada. Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, C.S.I.C. Serrano, 115 duplicado. 28006 Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Notes on and lectotypification of Augusto Weberbauer’s collections of Peruvian Ericaceae

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    Se documenta las 108 colecciones de Ericaceae realizadas por Augusto Weberbauer en el Perú, 48 de las cuales están depositadas en MOL. Del total de estas Ericaceae recolectadas por Weberbauer, se designan aquí como lectotipos 18 colecciones en MOL, 7 en NY, 2 en G, 2 en US y 1 en F.The Ericaceae collections of Augusto Weberbauer from Peru are documented as 108 in number, of which 48 are currently located at MOL. Of these Weberbauer Ericaceae collections, 18 at MOL, 7 at NY, 2 at G, 2 at US, and 1 at F are herein newly designated as lectotypes

    Bancos de tempo e creación de capital social: unha análise de datos de transaccións

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    This article uses transaction data from three time banks located in Barcelona to analyze their otential to generate bonding and bridging social capital for their members. Regarding bonding social capital, the findings are in line with the related literature in terms of the average number of trading partners and the ego-network density. However, reciprocity is a more frequent form of behavior in our data than in other time banks from other countries. Concerning bridging social capital and considering different age groups, the results show slight evidence of homophilic behavior, although intergenerational transactions are also present, being more frequent between more similar age groups. Finally, we explore the influence of age on the time it takes for members to engage in transactions, which could somehow be related to their potential motivations behind joining a time bank.Este artigo utiliza datos de transaccións de tres bancos do tempo situados en Barcelona para analizar o seu potencial para xerar capital social entre os seus membros. En canto aos vínculos do capital social, os resultados están en consonancia coa literatura relacionada en canto ao número medio de socios de intercambio e a densidade da ego-network. Non obstante, a reciprocidade é máis frecuente nos nosos datos que noutros bancos doutros países. En canto á xeración do capital social entre diferentes grupos de individuos e considerando a idade, os resultados mostran lixeiras evidencias de comportamento homofílico, aínda que tamén están presentes transaccións interxeracionais, sendo máis frecuentes entre grupos de idade máis próximos. Finalmente, exploramos a influencia da idade no tempo que tardan os membros en realizar transaccións, o que podería estar relacionado coas súas posibles motivacións detrás de unirse a un banco de tempo.Authors acknowledge financial support from Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grants PID2021-124860NB-I00 (Ángeles Carnero), Grants PID2022-139458NB-I00 and PID2022-138706NB-I00 (Blanca Martinez), Grant PID2022-139614NB-C21 (Rocío Sánchez Mangas); and from Generalitat Valenciana, Grant CIPROM/2021/060 (Ángeles Carnero)