540 research outputs found

    Acute stress selectively impairs learning to act

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    Stress interferes with instrumental learning. However, choice is also influenced by non-instrumental factors, most strikingly by biases arising from Pavlovian associations that facilitate action in pursuit of rewards and inaction in the face of punishment. Whether stress impacts on instrumental learning via these Pavlovian associations is unknown. Here, in a task where valence (reward or punishment) and action (go or no-go) were orthogonalised, we asked whether the impact of stress on learning was action or valence specific. We exposed 60 human participants either to stress (socially-evaluated cold pressor test) or a control condition (room temperature water). We contrasted two hypotheses: that stress would lead to a non-selective increase in the expression of Pavlovian biases; or that stress, as an aversive state, might specifically impact action production due to the Pavlovian linkage between inaction and aversive states. We found support for the second of these hypotheses. Stress specifically impaired learning to produce an action, irrespective of the valence of the outcome, an effect consistent with a Pavlovian linkage between punishment and inaction. This deficit in action-learning was also reflected in pupillary responses; stressed individuals showed attenuated pupillary responses to action, hinting at a noradrenergic contribution to impaired action-learning under stress

    tDCS changes in motor excitability are specific to orientation of current flow

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    BACKGROUND: Measurements and models of current flow in the brain during transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) indicate stimulation of regions in-between electrodes. Moreover, the folded cortex results in local fluctuations in current flow intensity and direction, and animal studies suggest current flow direction relative to cortical columns determines response to tDCS. METHODS: Here we test this idea by using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Motor Evoked Potentials (TMS-MEP) to measure changes in corticospinal excitability following tDCS applied with electrodes aligned orthogonal (across) or parallel to M1 in the central sulcus. RESULTS: Current flow models predicted that the orthogonal electrode montage produces consistently oriented current across the hand region of M1 that flows along cortical columns, while the parallel electrode montage produces non-uniform current directions across the M1 cortical surface. We find that orthogonal, but not parallel, orientated tDCS modulates TMS-MEPs. We also show modulation is sensitive to the orientation of the TMS coil (PA or AP), which is thought to select different afferent pathways to M1. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are consistent with tDCS producing directionally specific neuromodulation in brain regions in-between electrodes, but shows nuanced changes in excitability that are presumably current direction relative to column and axon pathway specific. We suggest that the direction of current flow through cortical target regions should be considered for targeting and dose-control of tDCS

    Crystallographic control and texture inheritance during mylonitization of coarse grained quartz veins

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    Quartz veins within Rieserferner pluton underwent deformation during post-magmatic cooling at temperature around 450 \ub0C. Different crystallographic orientations of cm-sized quartz vein crystals conditioned the evolution of microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) during vein-parallel simple shear up to high shear strains (\u3b3 48 10). For \u3b3 b 2, crystals stretched to ribbons of variable aspect ratios. The highest aspect ratios resulted from {m}baN glide in ribbons with c-axis sub-parallel to the shear zone vorticity Y-axis. Ribbons with c-axis orthogonal to Y (XZ-type ribbons) were stronger and hardened more quickly: they show lower aspect ratios and \ufb01ne (grain size ~10\u201320 \u3bcm) recrystallization along sets of microshear zones (\u3bcSZs) exploiting crystallographic planes. Distortion of XZ-type ribbons and recrystallization preferentially exploited the slip systems with misorientation axis close to Y. New grains of \u3bcSZs initiated by subgrain rotation recrystallization (SGR) and thereupon achieved high angle misorientations by a concurrent process of heterogeneous rigid grain rotation around Y associated with the con\ufb01ned shear within the \u3bcSZ. Dauphin\ue9 twinning occurred pervasively, but did not play a dominant role on \u3bcSZ nucleation. Recrystallization became widespread at \u3b3 N 2 and pervasive at \u3b3 48 10. Ultramylonitic quartz veins are \ufb01ne grained (~10 \u3bcm, similar to new grains of \u3bcSZ) and show a CPO banding resulting in a bulk c-axis CPO with a Y-maximum, as part of a single girdle about orthogonal to the foliation, and orientations at the pole \ufb01gure periphery at moderate to high angle to the foliation. This bulk CPO derives from steady-state SGR associated with preferential activity, in the different CPO bands, of slip systems generating subgrain boundaries with misorientation axes close to Y. The CPO of individual recrystallized bands is largely inherited from the original crystallographic orientation of the ribbons (and therefore vein crystals) from which they derived. High strain and pervasive recrystallization were not enough to reset the initial crystallographic heterogeneity and this CPO memory is explained by the dominance of SGR. This contrast with experimental observation of a rapid erasure of a pristine CPO by cannibalism from grains with the most favourably oriented slip system under dominant grain boundary migration recrystallization

    Preconditioning with sevoflurane decreases PECAM-1 expression and improves one-year cardiovascular outcome in coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    Background. Cardiac preconditioning is thought to be involved in the observed decreased coronary artery reocclusion rate in patients with angina preceding myocardial infarction. We prospectively examined whether preconditioning by sevoflurane would decrease late cardiac events in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Methods. Seventy-two patients scheduled for elective CABG surgery were randomized to preconditioning by sevoflurane (10 min at 4 vol%) or placebo. For all patients, follow-up of adverse cardiac events was obtained 6 and 12 months after surgery. Transcript levels for platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1/CD31), catalase and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) were determined in atrial biopsies after sevoflurane preconditioning. Results. Pharmacological preconditioning by sevoflurane reduced the incidence of late cardiac events during the first year after CABG surgery (sevoflurane 3% vs 17% in the placebo group, log-rank test, P=0.038). One patient in the sevoflurane group and three patients in the placebo group experienced new episodes of congestive heart failure and three additional patients had coronary artery reocclusion. Perioperative peak concentrations for myocardial injury markers were higher in patients with subsequent late cardiac events [NTproBNP, 9031 (4125) vs 3049 (1906) ng litre−1, P<0.001; cTnT, 1.31 (0.88) vs 0.46 (0.29) µg litre−1, P<0.001]. Transcript levels were reduced for PECAM-1 and increased for catalase but unchanged for Hsp70 in atrial biopsies after sevoflurane preconditioning. Conclusions. This prospective randomized clinical study provides evidence of a protective role for pharmacological preconditioning by sevoflurane in late cardiac events in CABG patients, which may be related to favourable transcriptional changes in pro- and antiprotective protein

    A novel coil array for combined TMS/fMRI experiments at 3 T

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    PURPOSE: To overcome current limitations in combined transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies by employing a dedicated coil array design for 3 Tesla. METHODS: The state-of-the-art setup for concurrent TMS/fMRI is to use a large birdcage head coil, with the TMS between the subject's head and the MR coil. This setup has drawbacks in sensitivity, positioning, and available imaging techniques. In this study, an ultraslim 7-channel receive-only coil array for 3 T, which can be placed between the subject's head and the TMS, is presented. Interactions between the devices are investigated and the performance of the new setup is evaluated in comparison to the state-of-the-art setup. RESULTS: MR sensitivity obtained at the depth of the TMS stimulation is increased by a factor of five. Parallel imaging with an acceleration factor of two is feasible with low g-factors. Possible interactions between TMS and the novel hardware were investigated and were found negligible. CONCLUSION: The novel coil array is safe, strongly improves signal-to-noise ratio in concurrent TMS/fMRI experiments, enables parallel imaging, and allows for flexible positioning of the TMS on the head while ensuring efficient TMS stimulation due to its ultraslim design

    Adaptive deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease demonstrates reduced speech side effects compared to conventional stimulation in the acute setting.

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease (PD) is currently limited by costs, partial efficacy and surgical and stimulation-related side effects. This has motivated the development of adaptive DBS (aDBS) whereby stimulation is automatically adjusted according to a neurophysiological biomarker of clinical state, such as β oscillatory activity (12–30 Hz). aDBS has been studied in parkinsonian primates and patients and has been reported to be more energy efficient and effective in alleviating motor symptoms than conventional DBS (cDBS) at matched amplitudes

    Relationship between physiological measures of excitability and levels of glutamate and GABA in the human motor cortex

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    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) allows measurement of neurotransmitter concentrations within a region of interest in the brain. Inter-individual variation in MRS-measured GABA levels have been related to variation in task performance in a number of regions. However, it is not clear how MRS-assessed measures of GABA relate to cortical excitability or GABAergic synaptic activity. We therefore performed two studies investigating the relationship between neurotransmitter levels as assessed by MRS and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures of cortical excitability and GABA synaptic activity in the primary motor cortex. We present uncorrected correlations, where the P value should therefore be considered with caution. We demonstrated a correlation between cortical excitability, as assessed by the slope of the TMS input-output curve and MRS-assessed glutamate levels (r = 0.803, P = 0.015) but no clear relationship between MRS-assessed GABA levels and TMS-assessed synaptic GABA(A) activity (2.5 ms inter-stimulus interval (ISI) short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI); Experiment 1: r = 0.33, P = 0.31; Experiment 2: r = -0.23, P = 0.46) or GABA(B) activity (long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI); Experiment 1: r = -0.47, P = 0.51; Experiment 2: r = 0.23, P = 0.47). We demonstrated a significant correlation between MRS-assessed GABA levels and an inhibitory TMS protocol (1 ms ISI SICI) with distinct physiological underpinnings from the 2.5 ms ISI SICI (r = -0.79, P = 0.018). Interpretation of this finding is challenging as the mechanisms of 1 ms ISI SICI are not well understood, but we speculate that our results support the possibility that 1 ms ISI SICI reflects a distinct GABAergic inhibitory process, possibly that of extrasynaptic GABA tone

    Punishment-induced behavioral and neurophysiological variability reveals dopamine-dependent selection of kinematic movement parameters

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    Action selection describes the high-level process that selects between competing movements. In animals, behavioral variability is critical for the motor exploration required to select the action that optimizes reward and minimizes cost/punishment and is guided by dopamine (DA). The aim of this study was to test in humans whether low-level movement parameters are affected by punishment and reward in ways similar to high-level action selection. Moreover, we addressed the proposed dependence of behavioral and neurophysiological variability on DA and whether this may underpin the exploration of kinematic parameters. Participants performed an out-and-back index finger movement and were instructed that monetary reward and punishment were based on its maximal acceleration (MA). In fact, the feedback was not contingent on the participant's behavior but predetermined. Blocks highly biased toward punishment were associated with increased MA variability relative to blocks either with reward or without feedback. This increase in behavioral variability was positively correlated with neurophysiological variability, as measured by changes in corticospinal excitability with transcranial magnetic stimulation over the primary motor cortex. Following the administration of a DA antagonist, the variability associated with punishment diminished and the correlation between behavioral and neurophysiological variability no longer existed. Similar changes in variability were not observed when participants executed a predetermined MA, nor did DA influence resting neurophysiological variability. Thus, under conditions of punishment, DA-dependent processes influence the selection of low-level movement parameters. We propose that the enhanced behavioral variability reflects the exploration of kinematic parameters for less punishing, or conversely more rewarding, outcome

    Using optically-pumped magnetometers to measure magnetoencephalographic signals in the human cerebellum

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    KEY POINTS: The application of conventional cryogenic magnetoencephalography (MEG) to the study of cerebellar functions is highly limited because typical cryogenic sensor arrays are far away from the cerebellum and naturalistic movement is not allowed in the recording. A new generation of MEG using optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) that can be worn on the head during movement has opened up an opportunity to image the cerebellar electrophysiological activity non-invasively. We use OPMs to record human cerebellar MEG signals elicited by air-puff stimulation to the eye. We demonstrate robust responses in the cerebellum. OPMs pave the way for studying the neurophysiology of the human cerebellum. ABSTRACT: We test the feasibility of an optically pumped magnetometer-based magnetoencephalographic (OP-MEG) system for the measurement of human cerebellar activity. This is to our knowledge the first study investigating the human cerebellar electrophysiology using optically pumped magnetometers. As a proof of principle, we use an air-puff stimulus to the eyeball in order to elicit cerebellar activity that is well characterized in non-human models. In three subjects, we observe an evoked component at approx. 50 ms post-stimulus, followed by a second component at approx. 85-115 ms post-stimulus. Source inversion localizes both components in the cerebellum, while control experiments exclude potential sources elsewhere. We also assess the induced oscillations, with time-frequency decompositions, and identify additional sources in the occipital lobe, a region expected to be active in our paradigm, and in the neck muscles. Neither of these contributes to the stimulus-evoked responses at 50-115 ms. We conclude that OP-MEG technology offers a promising way to advance the understanding of the information processing mechanisms in the human cerebellum