45 research outputs found

    An intense source for cold cluster ions of a specific composition

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by EFRE (K-Regio project FAENOMENAL, Grant No. EFRE 2016-4) and the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Project No. P31149, I4130). This work was also supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES), Radiation Biology and Biophysics Doctoral Training Programme (RaBBiT, PD/00193/2012); Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit - UCIBIO (UIDB/04378/2020) and CEFITEC Unit (UIDB/00068/2020); and scholarship Grant No. PD/BD/114447/2016 to J.A., F. Zappa acknowledges support from the Brazilian agency CNPq. K.v.H. kindly acknowledges the award of a LFUI guest professorship.The demand for nanoscale materials of ultra-high purity and narrow size distribution is addressed. Clusters of Au, C60, H2O, and serine are produced inside helium nanodroplets using a combination of ionization, mass filtering, collisions with atomic or molecular vapor, and electrostatic extraction, in a specific and novel sequence. The helium droplets are produced in an expansion of cold helium gas through a nozzle into vacuum. The droplets are ionized by electron bombardment and subjected to a mass filter. The ionic and mass-selected helium droplets are then guided through a vacuum chamber filled with atomic or molecular vapor where they collide and "pick up" the vapor. The dopants then agglomerate inside the helium droplets around charge centers to singly charged clusters. Evaporation of the helium droplets is induced by collisions in a helium-filled radio frequency (RF)-hexapole, which liberates the cluster ions from the host droplets. The clusters are analyzed with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. It is demonstrated that using this sequence, the size distribution of the dopant cluster ions is distinctly narrower compared to ionization after pickup. Likewise, the ion cluster beam is more intense. The mass spectra show, as well, that ion clusters of the dopants can be produced with only few helium atoms attached, which will be important for messenger spectroscopy. All these findings are important for the scientific research of clusters and nanoscale materials in general.publishersversionpublishe

    A review of the renal system and diurnal variations of renal activity in livestock

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    Kidneys are the main organs regulating water-electrolyte homeostasis in the body. They are responsible for maintaining the total volume of water and its distribution in particular water spaces, for electrolyte composition of systemic fluids and also for maintaining acid-base balance. These functions are performed by the plasma filtration process in renal glomeruli and the processes of active absorption and secretion in renal tubules, all adjusted to an 'activity-rest' rhythm. These diurnal changes are influenced by a 24-hour cycle of activity of hormones engaged in the regulation of renal activity. Studies on spontaneous rhythms of renal activity have been carried out mainly on humans and laboratory animals, but few studies have been carried out on livestock animals. Moreover, those results cover only some aspects of renal physiology. This review gives an overview of current knowledge concerning renal function and diurnal variations of some renal activity parameters in livestock, providing greater understanding of general chronobiological processes in mammals. Detailed knowledge of these rhythms is useful for clinical, practical and pharmacological purposes, as well as studies on their physical performance

    Long-term follow-up of IPEX syndrome patients after different therapeutic strategies : an international multicenter retrospective study

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    Background: Immunodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy x-linked(IPEX) syndrome is a monogenic autoimmune disease caused by FOXP3 mutations. Because it is a rare disease, the natural history and response to treatments, including allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and immunosuppression (IS), have not been thoroughly examined. Objective: This analysis sought to evaluate disease onset, progression, and long-term outcome of the 2 main treatments in long-term IPEX survivors. Methods: Clinical histories of 96 patients with a genetically proven IPEX syndrome were collected from 38 institutions worldwide and retrospectively analyzed. To investigate possible factors suitable to predict the outcome, an organ involvement (OI) scoring system was developed. Results: We confirm neonatal onset with enteropathy, type 1 diabetes, and eczema. In addition, we found less common manifestations in delayed onset patients or during disease evolution. There is no correlation between the site of mutation and the disease course or outcome, and the same genotype can present with variable phenotypes. HSCT patients (n = 58) had a median follow-up of 2.7 years (range, 1 week-15 years). Patients receiving chronic IS (n 5 34) had a median follow-up of 4 years (range, 2 months-25 years). The overall survival after HSCT was 73.2% (95% CI, 59.4-83.0) and after IS was 65.1% (95% CI, 62.8-95.8). The pretreatment OI score was the only significant predictor of overall survival after transplant (P = .035) but not under IS. Conclusions: Patients receiving chronic IS were hampered by disease recurrence or complications, impacting long-term.disease-free survival. When performed in patients with a low OI score, HSCT resulted in disease resolution with better quality of life, independent of age, donor source, or conditioning regimen

    Load Alleviation for Large Aeroplanes by Active Mode Control of the Coplanar Motion of the Horizontal Tailplane

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    A standard FE-analysis of large aeroplanes reveals one or several 2-4 Hz modes of the horizontal tailplane (HTP), termed coplanar modes. They describe a coplanar or a fore / aft motion of the HTP. Due to their low eigenfrequencies, these modes can be easily excited by lateral gust, in particular by continuous turbulence on the fin. As the aerodyamic damping of these modes is small, strong resonance phenomena occur, yielding high loads at the HTP root. Via a mode control system, consisting of a dynamic feedback of the x-acceleration at the HTP-tip to the rudder, active damping and thereby a loads reduction of more than 20 % is demonstrated. The system is termed HTP-contol(ler)

    Lastenreduktion an Großflugzeugen durch aktive Bedämpfung der Koplanarbewegung des Höhenleitwerks

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    Die Finite-Element-Analyse der Struktur von Großflugzeugen zeigt eine oder mehrere Eigenmoden des Höhenleitwerks im Frequenzbereich von 2-4 Hz, die Koplanar-Mode(n) genannt werden. Die zugehörigen Eigenformen beschreiben eine antimetrische, koplanare, vorwärts-rückwärts Bewegung des Höhenleitwerks. In Folge der niedrigen Eigenfrequenzen können diese Schwingungen leicht durch seitliche Böeneinwirkung angeregt werden, insbesondere durch Einwirkung von Turbulenzen am Seitenleitwerk. Bedingt durch die geringe aerodynamische Dämpfung dieser Schwingungen entstehen starke Resonanzen, die hohe Strukturlasten im Bereich des Anschlusses des Höhenleitwerks verursachen. Mit einem System zur aktiven Bedämpfung der Schwingungen durch eine Rückführung der Beschleunigung in x-Richtung an der Spitze des Höhenleitwerks auf den Seitenruderausschlag kann eine Reduktion der Strukturlasten um mehr als 20% erzielt werden

    Loesliche, kettensteife Polyester aus Kohlenhydratbausteinen Schlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(26,43) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman