1,224 research outputs found

    Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan

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    Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan. Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident. Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion. Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents. Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану. Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ). Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки. Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій. Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана. Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО). Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт. Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий. Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time

    Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan

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    Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan. Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident. Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion. Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents. Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану. Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ). Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки. Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій. Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана. Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО). Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт. Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий. Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time

    The use of intra aortic baloon pump in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi

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    Objective: To review the experience in the use of Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) in patietits undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) at a tertiary care hospital with a new Open Heart surgery program. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. Patients: Medical records of all patients undergoing CABG between November 1994 and July 1997 were reviewed and those in whom IABP device was used, were included in this study. Results: A total of 15 patients had IABP suppOrt during the study period. Four surgeries were done urgently while two were emergencies. There were three mortalities. Ejection fractions in all hut one patient were impaired. Among the surviving patients, the average pre-IABP Cardiac Index was 2.6 litres/mm/meter2 which registered an average increase of 21.15% after the initiation of the IABP. The Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure also showed an average reduction of 29.11% from the pre IABP levels reflecting an increase in the cardiac output with the use of the IABP. Conclusion: This series represents the early experience of a new cardiac surgery center in Pakistan in the use of IABP. Although the numbers in this study are too small to derive any conclusions, the overall morbidity and mortality in this short series are within acceptable limits in the high risk patients include

    The effects of fiber inclusion on pet food sensory characteristics and palatability

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    Citation: Koppel, K., Monti, M., Gibson, M., Alavi, S., Di Donfrancesco, B., & Carciofi, A. C. (2015). The effects of fiber inclusion on pet food sensory characteristics and palatability. Animals, 5(1), 110-125. doi:10.3390/ani5010110The objectives of this study were to determine (a) the influence of fiber on the sensory characteristics of dry dog foods; (b) differences of coated and uncoated kibbles for aroma and flavor characteristics; (c) palatability of these dry dog foods; and (d) potential associations between palatability and sensory attributes. A total of eight fiber treatments were manufactured: a control (no fiber addition), guava fiber (3%, 6%, and 12%), sugar cane fiber (9%; large and small particle size), and wheat bran fiber (32%; large and small particle size). The results indicated significant effects of fibers on both flavor and texture properties of the samples. Bitter taste and iron and stale aftertaste were examples of flavor attributes that differed with treatment, with highest intensity observed for 12% guava fiber and small particle size sugar cane fiber treatments. Fracturability and initial crispness attributes were lowest for the sugar cane fiber treatments. Flavor of all treatments changed after coating with a palatant, increasing in toasted, brothy, and grainy attributes. The coating also had a masking effect on aroma attributes such as stale, flavor attributes such as iron and bitter taste, and appearance attributes such as porosity. Palatability testing results indicated that the control treatment was preferred over the sugar cane or the wheat bran treatment. The treatment with large sugarcane fiber particles was preferred over the treatment with small particles, while both of the wheat bran treatments were eaten at a similar level. Descriptive sensory analysis data, especially textural attributes, were useful in pinpointing the underlying characteristics and were considered to be reasons that may influence palatability of dog foods manufactured with inclusion of different fibers. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Energy conservation and climate change mitigation potential of improving efficiency of room air conditioners in Pakistan

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    The present study predicts the energy savings, carbon emissions reduction and economic benefits for Pakistan through energy efficiency improvements for room air conditioners under different policy scenarios. The simulation model assumes that room air conditioner stock will increase from 2.7 million for year 2020 to 4.9 million for year 2030. A market average energy efficiency ratio of 2.95 is assumed for year 2020. The impact of improvement in energy efficiency ratio is analyzed for business as usual and four other different scenarios: continuous improvement (5-years and 2-years cycles) and accelerated improvement (5-years and 2-years cycles). The model dynamically incorporates the retiring of old stock and addition of new stock every year. Our results show that annual national electricity consumption for this sector is projected to increase from 7.3 TWh in 2020 to 12.6 TWh in 2030 under the business as usual scenario. The cumulative energy consumption and carbon emissions are 103.5 TWh and 63.1 MtCO 2. However, implementing energy efficiency policies can result in electricity savings of 11.6 TWh over the ten years or savings nearly 7 million barrels of oil import. Policy recommendations aimed at promoting energy labeling, minimum energy performance standards, regulatory policies, and further country-specific studies for variety of appliances are provided. © 2022 The Author(s

    Newly formulated, protein quality-enhanced, extruded sorghum-, cowpea-, corn-, soya-, sugar- and oil-containing fortified-blended foods lead to adequate vitamin A and iron outcomes and improved growth compared with non-extruded CSB+ in rats

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    Citation: Delimont, N. M., Fiorentino, N. M., Opoku-Acheampong, A. B., Joseph, M. V., Guo, Q., Alavi, S., & Lindshield, B. L. (2017). Newly formulated, protein quality-enhanced, extruded sorghum-, cowpea-, corn-, soya-, sugar- and oil-containing fortified-blended foods lead to adequate vitamin A and iron outcomes and improved growth compared with non-extruded CSB+ in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science. doi:10.1017/jns.2017.15Corn and soyabean micronutrient-fortified-blended foods (FBF) are commonly used for food aid. Sorghum and cowpeas have been suggested as alternative commodities because they are drought tolerant, can be grown in many localities, and are not genetically modified. Change in formulation of blends may improve protein quality, vitamin A and Fe availability of FBF. The primary objective of this study was to compare protein efficiency, Fe and vitamin A availability of newly formulated extruded sorghum-, cowpea-, soya- and corn-based FBF, along with a current, non-extruded United States Agency for International Development (USAID) corn and soya blend FBF (CSB+). A second objective was to compare protein efficiency of whey protein concentrate (WPC) and soya protein isolate (SPI) containing FBF to determine whether WPC inclusion improved outcomes. Eight groups of growing rats (n 10) consumed two white and one red sorghum–cowpea (WSC1 + WPC, WSC2 + WPC, RSC + WPC), white sorghum–soya (WSS + WPC) and corn–soya (CSB14 + WPC) extruded WPC-containing FBF, an extruded white sorghum–cowpea with SPI (WSC1 + SPI), non-extruded CSB+, and American Institute of Nutrition (AIN)-93G, a weanling rat diet, for 4 weeks. There were no significant differences in protein efficiency, Fe or vitamin A outcomes between WPC FBF groups. The CSB+ group consumed significantly less food, gained significantly less weight, and had significantly lower energy efficiency, protein efficiency and length, compared with all other groups. Compared with WSC1 + WPC, the WSC1 + SPI FBF group had significantly lower energy efficiency, protein efficiency and weight gain. These results suggest that a variety of commodities can be used in the formulation of FBF, and that newly formulated extruded FBF are of better nutritional quality than non-extruded CSB+. Copyright © The Author(s) 2017 This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    A systematic review of community-to-facility neonatal referral completion rates in Africa and Asia

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    Background An estimated 2.8 million neonatal deaths occur annually worldwide. The vulnerability of newborns makes the timeliness of seeking and receiving care critical for neonatal survival and prevention of long-term sequelae. To better understand the role active referrals by community health workers play in neonatal careseeking, we synthesize data on referral completion rates for neonates with danger signs predictive of mortality or major morbidity in low- and middle-income countries. Methods A systematic review was conducted in May 2014 of the following databases: Medline-PubMed, Embase, and WHO databases. We also searched grey literature. In addition, an investigator group was established to identify unpublished data on newborn referral and completion rates. Inquiries were made to the network of research groups supported by Save the Children’s Saving Newborn Lives project and other relevant research groups. Results Three Sub-Saharan African and five South Asian studies reported data on community-to-facility referral completion rates. The studies varied on factors such as referral rates, the assessed danger signs, frequency of home visits in the neonatal period, and what was done to facilitate referrals. Neonatal referral completion rates ranged from 34 to 97 %, with the median rate of 74 %. Four studies reported data on the early neonatal period; early neonatal completion rates ranged from 46 to 97 %, with a median of 70 %. The definition of referral completion differed by studies, in aspects such as where the newborns were referred to and what was considered timely completion. Conclusions Existing literature reports a wide range of neonatal referral completion rates in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia following active illness surveillance. Interpreting these referral completion rates is challenging due to the great variation in study design and context. Often, what qualifies as referral and/or referral completion is poorly defined, which makes it difficult to aggregate existing data to draw appropriate conclusions that can inform programs. Further research is necessary to continue highlighting ways for programs, governments, and policymakers to best aid families in low-resource settings in protecting their newborns from major health consequences

    Numerical Analysis of Mixed Convective Peristaltic Flow in a Vertical Channel in Presence of Heat Generation without using Lubrication Theory

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    In this paper, heat transfer analysis of peristaltic mixed convection flow through a vertical channel is presented in addition, effects of heat generation are also investigated. The mathematical model is represented by the system of non-linear partial differential equations. The analysis is made in the presence of non-zero wave and Reynolds numbers. The results of the long wavelength assumption in a creeping flow can be deduced. These results thus predict new features in the peristaltic transport in the absence of the approximation of long wave length and low Reynolds number. The moderate finite elements based technique has been used to compute the highly accurate solution of the governing problem. To ensure the accuracy of the computed solution, the results obtained are validated against the available results in the literature and found good agreement. The obtained result are presented through graphs and the influence of involved pertinent parameters is analyzed

    Avulsion fracture of the anterior superior iliac spine: misdiagnosis of a bone tumour

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    Avulsion fractures of the anterior superior iliac spine are rare. This injury is usually seen in adolescents, as an avulsion fracture of the apophyses, a result of sudden vigorous contraction or repetitive contraction of the sartorius and tensor fasciae latae muscles. Treatment for this injury is usually conservative; however, surgical management has been reported in those with significant displacement. We present a 14 year old male patient who was referred to our unit for biopsy of a possible pathological fracture of his right ilium. The authors feel it is essential to understand the importance of ruling out a bone tumour, if the possibility has been raised, before managing a suspected fracture. If there is any doubt, the case should be referred to an appropriate sarcoma unit for review prior to any intervention

    Novel C8orf37 mutations cause retinitis pigmentosa in consanguineous families of Pakistani origin

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    Purpose: To investigate the molecular basis of retinitis pigmentosa in two consanguineous families of Pakistani origin with multiple affected members. Methods: Homozygosity mapping and Sanger sequencing of candidate genes were performed in one family while the other was analyzed with whole exome next-generation sequencing. A minigene splicing assay was used to confirm the splicing defects. Results: In family MA48, a novel homozygous nucleotide substitution in C8orf37, c.244–2A>C, that disrupted the consensus splice acceptor site of exon 3 was found. The minigene splicing assay revealed that this mutation activated a cryptic splice site within exon 3, causing a 22 bp deletion in the transcript that is predicted to lead to a frameshift followed by premature protein truncation. In family MA13, a novel homozygous null mutation in C8orf37, c.555G>A, p.W185*, was identified. Both mutations segregated with the disease phenotype as expected in a recessive manner and were absent in 8,244 unrelated individuals of South Asian origin. Conclusions: In this report, we describe C8orf37 mutations that cause retinal dystrophy in two families of Pakistani origin, contributing further data on the phenotype and the spectrum of mutations in this form of retinitis pigmentosa