33 research outputs found


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    The development of the Digital Economy in the last decade has become increasingly prominent and significant. The dynamics and transactions of the Digital Economy span from the corporate to household levels, from local to global scales. The use of advanced information technology in the internet field paved the way for the Digital Economy, especially in the financial or financial realm. This reality is directly correlated with the current of financialization of contemporary capitalism which has strengthened as one of the main features of Neoliberal capitalism since the 1980s.This study seeks to analyze the operation of the Digital Economy in the financial sector such as Venture Capital or Financial Technology within the framework of Political-Economy, particularly through the study of International Political Economy. The author believes that the birth and development of the Digital Economy can be understood in two aspects, namely, first, it is directly correlated with the financialization of global capitalism, especially since the current of Neoliberalism emerged in the decade of the 80s. Financial liberalization and deregulation that started in the United States became the starting point for international economic financialization. Changes to the model of transactions and financial products are a direct derivation of financial deregulation initiated by developed countries and global capitalists.Second, technological development is a reflection of the historical development of capitalism. This means that technology in the Digital Economy has a social character and aims to optimize the accumulation of contemporary capitalism. Digital Economy Technology is not independent of social and economic-political formations or entirely as a result of the inherent creativity of the natural impetus of scientific progress

    Development of the State Defense Curriculum to Realize the Vision of UPN Veterans, Jakarta as a State Defense Campus

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    The current threats the nations across the world are facing today are no longer limited to the traditional forms such as the military threats. As a result, a country in addition to physical strength must also acquire relevant instruments, one of which is education. The UPN Veteran Jakarta acts as a pioneer of educational institutions that instills values of national defense in its curriculum and has built a state defense campus. State defense education is crucial for a nation as it helps in spreading awareness about the nontraditional threats the nation is currently facing. To achieve this goal, nine subjects as part of the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) at UPN Veterans Jakarta were selected. Keywords: UPN “Veteran” Jakarta, state defense, education, nontraditiona


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    In dealing with the conflict in Papua, the Indonesian government has made various efforts, one of which is changing the status of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) which was originally defined as an armed criminal group, then changed to a terrorist group. The focus of this research is the change in the status of the OPM to the terrorist organization. This research is analytical with an explanatory approach that explains the reasons behind the policy taken by the Indonesian government to change the status of OPM to a terrorist organization. In collecting data to build arguments in this study using a literature study approach, where data is obtained from various literature sources such as books, journals, documents or reports, and also from internet sources that are considered relevant. The findings of this study can be illustrated that the Indonesian government's policy to change the status of the OPM to a terrorist organization has been motivated by several reasons, including: OPM has met the definitive requirements as a terrorist; expanding the space for the Indonesian government to deal with the OPM, including facilitating the tracking and blocking of funding for the OPM movement; To gain legitimacy from any efforts or steps taken to confront OPM; Using the "war on terror" norm to reduce the perception of human rights violations committed by the Indonesian government

    Respon ASEAN Terhadap Mundurnya India Dari Kerja Sama Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)

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    Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN and 6 strategic partner countries and is the first proposal in ASEAN history to discuss comprehensive economic cooperation. RCEP is ASEAN's effort to strengthen its position as regional aktor in the Southeast Asian.  RCEP negotiations underwent changes during India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations, which prompted ASEAN to respond to these developments. This study fokuses on response taken by ASEAN to India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations. The concept used is soft regionalism which emphasizes geographic proximity, historical relations and the comparative advantage of the region. Soft regionalism is driven by not only by economic and business interests, but also market interests that become the energy of soft regionalism in Asia. This concept is functioning well because it conforms to the pragmatic Asian political conditions. The findings of this study is that ASEAN cannot be separated from the concept of soft regionalism in which it has been running, and still sees all changes through static point of view. ASEAN needs to make new breakthroughs in realizing comprehensive cooperation in the region.Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN and 6 strategic partner countries and is the first proposal in ASEAN history to discuss comprehensive economic cooperation. RCEP is ASEAN's effort to strengthen its position as regional aktor in the Southeast Asian.  RCEP negotiations underwent changes during India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations, which prompted ASEAN to respond to these developments. This study fokuses on response taken by ASEAN to India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations. The concept used is soft regionalism which emphasizes geographic proximity, historical relations and the comparative advantage of the region. Soft regionalism is driven by not only by economic and business interests, but also market interests that become the energy of soft regionalism in Asia. This concept is functioning well because it conforms to the pragmatic Asian political conditions. The findings of this study is that ASEAN cannot be separated from the concept of soft regionalism in which it has been running, and still sees all changes through static point of view. ASEAN needs to make new breakthroughs in realizing comprehensive cooperation in the region


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    Tarung derajat adalah seni bela diri yang berasal dari Indonesia diciptakan oleh Achmad Dradjat. Beliau mengembangkan teknik bela diri melalui pengalamannya bertarung dijalanan pada tahun 1960-an dibandung. Berbicara tentang fisik, petarung harus memiliki kondisi fisik yang baik untuk melaksanakanpertarungan yang di instruksikan oleh pelatih.Komponen kondisi fisik seperti kekuatan, power, daya tahan, kecepatan dan kelincahan merupakan suatu komponen yang harus dimiliki petarung. Pada Penelitian ini terdapat rumusan masalah yaitu berapakah persentase kondisi fisik yang dimiliki atlet puslatkot kediri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan tes dan pengukuran. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: profil kondisi fisik 9 atlet puslatkot Kediri sebagaian besar berada pada kategori cukup sebanyak 6 atlet dengan presentase sebesar (67%), kategori baik sebanyak 2 atlet dengan presentase sebesar (22%), kategori sangat kurang 1 atlet dengan presentase sebesar (11%), kategori sangat baik sebanyak 0 atlet dengan presentase sebesar (0%) dan kategori kurang 0 atlet dengan presentase sebesar (0%). Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah kondisi fisik atlet Tarung Derajat kota Kediri dikategorikan Cukup. Saran kedepannya dapat terus meningkatkan intensitas latihan fisiknya agar dapat meningkatkan prestasi di bidang olahraga Tarung Derajat

    Palm oil cultivation (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) and economic analysis for Indonesia

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    Palm oil is an important industrial plant and this commodity has an important and strategic role. First, oil palm (oil) is the main raw material in cooking oil. Second, oil palm is one of the mainstay agricultural commodities of non-oil exports, and Thirdly, in processing production and processing it is also capable of creating employment opportunities and at the same time being able to improve people's welfare. The prospect of the development of the palm oil industry is currently very rapid, where there is an increase in the amount of palm oil production along with the increasing needs of the community. The oil palm industry / plantation is one of Indonesia's leading sectors and its contribution to national non-oil and gas exports is quite large and tends to increase every year. The purpose of this paper is to find out the contribution of oil palm to the Indonesian economy and to know Indonesia's role in the world trade in palm oil. The results of this paper are that the growth of Indonesia's palm oil production has the highest value so that it influences the trade in palm oil. Indonesia's opportunity to grow is relatively higher compared to other countries thanks to the support of land availability and production technology. The highest export of Indonesian palm oil reached 3.5 million tons, while the lowest was only 700 thousand tons. Indonesia has experienced a sharp and consistent increase in the portion of palm oil exports in the last five years because Indonesia has export destinations for other palm oil products


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    Korupsi merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan transnasional. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Article 8 UNTOC tentang Criminalization of Corruption. Selain itu, korupsi menjadi masalah krusial yang belum bisa teratasi dengan baik di Indonesia. Tingkat korupsi di Indonesia telah mencapai level sistemik dan berdampak besar di berbagai bidang. Salah satu permasalahan yang terdapat dalam percepatan penanganan pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia adalah para pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang kerap kali melarikan diri ke luar negeri untuk menghindari proses hukum. Upaya untuk menangkap pelaku korupsi yang melarikan diri dan menjalankan proses hukum tetap dilakukan oleh Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah ekstradisi. Lazimnya ekstradisi dilakukan dengan prosedur formal atau didasari perjanjian ekstradisi antara kedua negara. Salah satu kasus pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang melarikan diri ke luar negeri dan berhasil diekstradisi melalui prosedur non formal adalah Maria Pauline Lumowa. Maria Pauline Lumowa adalah pelaku pembobolan Bank BNI Cabang Kebayoran Baru Tahun 2003 dan mengakibatkan kerugian sebesar 1,7 triliun rupiah. Maria Pauline Lumowa berhasil ditangkap di Bandara Nikola Tesla, Serbia tahun 2019 lalu. Walaupun Indonesia dan Serbia belum memiliki perjanjian ekstradisi, namun ekstradisi tetap dapat dilakukan dan berhasil. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai diplomasi Indonesia sehingga Indonesia dapat berhasil mengekstradisi Maria Pauline Lumowa setelah 17 tahun masa pelarianny